== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
The pattern of yesterday's lull in bitcoin has touched 56,500 lines – the bottom of the line has rebounded at 53300 lines, just a little bit or so, with a sharp backlash of 1,500 punctuated needles, estimated to be a much dryer of currency, so let's not redo the drying and reasonable control of the warehouse. More than 54200-54500 items were given in the real disk last night, and so far over 1,000 blades of profit space have been taken out of the profit space to keep up with this wave that our friends can eat.
Technically, looking at the Japanese line shows signs of growth in the shadow of K. Once the physical part of the Kline is larger than that of the former vaginal entity, the movement within the day is consistent with the prejudicing of the circle and will continue to test the pressure. Four hours looking at the current pressure on the middle track, once on the middle track, will test the position of the gold cut-off line, and the quick and slow line of the MACD has gained momentum in gold forks and multiple signs of counterattack, but the pressure above is not weak.
The recommended hours for short-line operations are 57,500-579000 to be empty above, 58000 to be abandoned, and 59500 to enter again. The recommended hours are 55,000-55200 to enter the field, 54200 to be consulted.
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
Empty list strategy:
(It is recommended for information only that investments are risky and market entry is prudent!)
Multiple strategies:
(It is recommended for information only that investments are risky and market entry is prudent!)
本周操作的朋友记住严格带好止损。近期突发消息众多,行情延续性差,多空反复,投资者切勿盲目追涨杀跌,做单切勿重仓,控制风险。 对行情把握不准的可以来问我,不要自己盲目操作以防被套。想跟上操作的朋友请以彭光哲(HDLJ1688)实时指导为主!
Friends who operate this week remember to be strict enough to stop damage. There's a lot of breaking news, bad continuity, and a lot of red tape.
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
Yesterday, at around 5 a.m., the line reached 2220 – the line retrenched, the bottom of which bounced around 2050, and now it appears that the movement of the district broke the downward trend line at 19 p.m., it is stronger than Bitcoin, it has now broken the pressure position ahead, and it is blocked on the first-hour line. Once it breaks down, it tests the pressure of the gold split.
The solar line is so strong that the actual yang K has swallowed the previous catalog K and has broken through the mid-track and 14-day average pressure. The short-line operating schedule suggests that it can be empty up to 2320-2340, and that it can be opened up to 2380-2390. The lower side gives up to 2250-2230, where it can be re-entered around 2170-2150.
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
Empty list strategy:
Etheria is empty (buy-down) in the vicinity of Takahashi $2320-2340, with a cut-off of $2360, and targets 2300-2280, with 2060 line cut-off; (It is recommended for information only, investments are risky, and market entry is prudent!)
Multiple strategies:
The sum of $2230-2250 below the Tai Evening is more than a ten-threshold, with a cut of $2210, close to target 2280-2300, on line 2320; (It is recommended that for information purposes only, investments are risky and market entry is prudent!)
本周操作的朋友记住严格带好止损。近期突发消息众多,行情延续性差,多空反复,投资者切勿盲目追涨杀跌,做单切勿重仓,控制风险。 对行情把握不准的可以来问我,不要自己盲目操作以防被套。想跟上操作的朋友请以彭光哲实时指导为主!
Friends who operate this week remember to be strict enough to stop damage. There's a lot of breaking news, bad continuity, and a lot of red tape.
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