
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:59 评论:0
海外金融市场经历了波涛汹涌的一夜。 The offshore financial markets have been through a rough night. 当地时间5月19日,欧洲主要股指集体大跌,德国DAX指数...



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The offshore financial markets have been through a rough night.


On May 19, local time, Europe’s main share was a collective drop, with the German DAX index and the French CAC 40 index falling by more than 2%. As of the end of the round, the German DAX index, the French CAC 40 index and the British Fough Time 100 index fell by 1.77%, 1.43%, and 1.19%, respectively.


At the same time, the opening of the United States dollar fell by more than 1 per cent on each of the three indices, and then the fall was narrowed. By the end of the round, the Dow Jones Industry Index fell by 0.48 per cent, the P5 500 Index by 0.29 per cent and the NASDAQ Index by 0.03 per cent.


Behind this is the spread of panic following the “Holocaust” in virtual currency.


It's a 24-hour tragedy in the currency ring!


The virtual currency fell sharply on the night of May 19. That evening, Bitcoin once fell by $31,000, with a 30 per cent drop in 24 hours, reaching a new low since the end of January this year and a 200-day average; Ethel fell by more than 40 per cent; and dogcoats lost 0.3 dollars per metre, fell by more than 40 per cent per day and fell by 50 days.


After that, however, the encrypt currency market counter-attacked and the decline narrowed, with the price of bitcoin rebounding to around $39,000 and the 24-hour fall to 8 per cent as of the date of the release; the decline was reduced to 22 per cent at the rate of $2640 for the Taiku; and the dog coins were back above $0.3.


In spite of the rebound of the encrypted currency, the explosion data are still alarming. Bitcoin home data show that there have been more than 570,000 explosions in the encrypted currency market in the last 24 hours, amounting to $44.3 billion.


Someone's got a screenshot of the blast. It's pretty rough.


Sun Woo Friar, Mask "Call"


The encrypt currency market has collapsed and the sound of the frigates has begun to appear.


On May 20, Sun Woo, founder of the encrypted monetary platform Tron, bought it in the morning at a time when Bitcoin prices had fallen. He claimed to have bought it in large amounts of $153 million through social media and purchased a total of 4145 bitcoins at an average price of $36,868.

另外,在市场暴跌之际,特斯拉CEO马斯克在个人社交媒体账号上发布了“特斯拉有钻石手(Diamond Hand)”的消息。按通常的意思,有“钻石手”的意思是不畏市场波动,持有仓位直到目标。市场观点将其解读为特斯拉不会抛售手中已有的比特币。

In addition, when the market collapsed, Tesla CEOmask published the news of “Diamund Hand” on his personal social media account. As usual, the word “diamond” meant that there was no fear of market fluctuations, holding a warehouse until the target. Market views interpreted it as Tesla would not sell the bitcoins already in its hands.


It should be noted that, despite a sharp fall in bitcoin, the purchase cost of bitcoin in Tesla’s hands is still lower than the market price. According to the financial statements, Tesla held Bitcoin at a fair market value of $2.48 billion as at 31 March, which means that the company could potentially profit about $1 billion if it cashed that digital currency. Considering also that the price of bitcoin on 31 March was approximately $59,000, the above data mean that Tesla’s Bitco had an average warehouse unit price of less than $25,000, and that more than 50 per cent of the profit is still available at the current market price.


However, as Bitcoin plunged, Tesla's share price was also affected, with a fall of over 5 per cent last night, followed by a contraction, with a final fall of 2.49 per cent and a evaporation of the market value of $13.9 billion a night.

同时,“牛市女皇”、ARK基金创始人Cathie Wood(“木头姐”)表示,比特币在溃败之后处于“抛售”状态,但不一定处于底部。而在目标价方面,她仍然坚持了此前的观点,认为比特币将涨至50万美元。

At the same time, Cathi Wood, the Queen of the Cow City and founder of the ARK Fund (“The Wood”) said that Bitcoin was “saled” after the collapse, but not necessarily at the bottom. In terms of the target price, she maintained her previous argument that Bitcoin would rise to $500,000.


Exchange once “extracted”



It was reported that the biggest digitally encrypted currency exchange in the United States, Coinbase, had experienced a crash in 19 with the fall in the full price of digitally encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin.

对此,Coinbase在一份声明中称:“我们发现Coinbase和Coinbase Pro出现一些问题,一些功能可能不能完全正常运行。我们目前正在调查这些问题,并将尽快提供最新情况。”

In response, Coinbase stated in a statement: “We find that Coinbase and Coinbase Pro have problems and that some functions may not be fully functional. We are currently investigating these issues and will provide updates as soon as possible.”


For Coinbase and Apple, some users have expressed frustration on social networks because they want to buy it at a time when the price of digitally encrypted money has fallen. As a result, Coinbase’s share price fell by 10% on the 19th of the morning trade.


In addition to Coinbase, another trading platform, “Binance”, which was welcomed by bulk investors, also announced in the morning that some encrypted digital currency withdrawals would be suspended.

全球最大的加密货币交易所币安以网络拥堵为由暂时禁止以太币提取。币安网发布通告称,已暂停 BTCUP、BTCDOWN、ETHUP、ETHDOWN、BNBUP、BNBDOWN 之外的所有杠杆代币的交易,并暂停所有杠杆代币的申购和赎回功能。交易、申购和赎回恢复时间将另行通知。

The currency of the world’s largest crypto-currency exchange is temporarily prohibited from being withdrawn on the grounds of cyber congestion. The Network has issued a circular stating that all transactions in foreign currency other than BTCUP, BTCDOWN, BNBP, BNBDOWN have been suspended, as well as all requisitions and foreclosures of the leveraged currency.


According to the latest news, after a market shock triggered a “crash”, the crypto-currency exchange Coinbase has now resumed its services, and the currency has also indicated that withdrawals in Taiwan and ERC20 have resumed.


Coinbase, the first share of encrypt assets, was also not optimistic. On April 14, US-East time, the trading platform landed in NASDAQ, with an opening price of US$ 381 and an increase of up to 52%, followed by a rapid surge in Coinbase’s share price to $429.54, with a 72% increase and a market value of more than $100 billion.


The collection as at 19 May amounted to $224.8, a decline of 5.94 per cent on the same day, which was close to one half of the previous highest share price.


was sent late at night by the Central Bank


three associations joined forces to “close” the virtual currency


The sudden decline in the prices of Bitcoin, other virtual currencies and trading platforms was due, on the one hand, to regulatory and, on the other hand, to market factors.


“In the recent past, virtual currency prices have soared and fell, and virtual currency transactions have rebounded, seriously undermining the security of people's property and disrupting the normal economic and financial order.”


On 18 May, the China Internet Finance Association, the China Banking Association and the China Payment Settlement Association jointly issued a bulletin on protection against the risks of virtual currency transactions.


The bulletin emphasizes that financial institutions, payment agencies, etc., are not allowed to use virtual currency for the pricing of products and services and to conduct business related directly or indirectly to virtual currency.


is the same day that Mongolia is also involved in “mining”. According to the bulletin issued by the Office of the Energy Explosion Double Control Emergency Command of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the establishment of a virtual currency “mining” business reporting platform, the bulletin states that the deployment of several safeguards in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to ensure the fulfilment of the 14th Five Energy Exploitation Target requires the complete clean-up of the virtual currency “mining” project, the full use of the mass monitoring and security role, the improvement of information channels on the virtual currency “mining” business issues, and the establishment of a virtual currency “mining” business reporting platform by the Office of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Region Ability Two Control Emergency Command to receive and receive comprehensive information on the virtual currency “mining” business issues.


For example, on April 22, the Bank announced that:


“In order to protect the property rights and interests of the public, preserve the legal monetary position of the renminbi and protect against the risk of money-laundering, from that date no institution or individual may use my bank account for activities such as the replenishment of transactions in Bitcoin, Latcoin, etc., and the withdrawal, purchase and sale of transactions in connection with them, or transfer the funds of the transactions in question through our bank account.


Mask has recognized virtual currency as a fraud


In view of the market situation, there was also a reversal of the attitude of Tesla Ceomask, which had previously been the station of Bitcoin.


In the early morning hours of 17 May in the United States, a social media user named “cryptowhale” left a message to Mask: “If Tesla is found to have sold the remaining bitcoin warehouse, a bitcoiner (the holder) will probably slap himself in the face in the next quarter (after the quarterly report is published.” Mask responded to the tweet with the word “indeed”.


The comments of


, however, on the morning of May 17th, Mask again stated in social media that Tesla did not sell any bitcoin.


Mask's attitude towards virtual coins has been bleak.

今年3月24日,特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克在社交媒体上表示:“现在你可以用比特币买特斯拉了。” 他还在下面补充称,特斯拉使用内部及开源软件,直接运营比特币节点,支付给特斯拉的比特币会继续以比特币的形式保留,而不是转换成法币。

On 24 March this year, Tesla CEOEELON Mask said on social media: “Now you can buy Tesla with Bitcoin.” He adds below that Tesla uses internal and open source software to directly operate Bitcoin nodes, and that Bitcoin, which is paid to Tesla, will continue to be retained in bitcoin rather than converted into French.

他还称:“今年晚些时候在美国以外地区也提供比特币支付功能。” 受到利好消息影响,当天比特币短线大涨近2000美元,报价为5.56万美元。

He also stated that “the Bitcoin payment function was also provided outside the United States later this year.” Subject to the good news, Bitcoin’s short line increased by nearly US$ 2,000 that day, with an offer of US$ 556 million.


But then Musk wrote that bitcoin excavations were not environmental in themselves, contrary to Tesla’s purpose, so Tesla decided to use bitcoin temporarily to pay for new car purchases. After this push, Bitcoin’s prices fell by more than 10% in an instant, and other virtual currencies by 10 to 100%.


But Mask insisted: “Texra will not sell any bitcoin, and we intend to trade it for more sustainable energy once the mine is mined. We are also looking for other encrypted currency with less than 1% of Bitcoin.”

而此前,他曾经将自己的社交账户身份认证为“狗狗币前CEO”,却在当地时间5月8日首秀《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live)中对“狗狗币”及其背后的原理展开“大众普及”,可在主持人“那这是不是一场骗局?”的反问后,前者突然承认,“是的,我认为这是一场骗局。” 一度冲至每枚价格0.7376美元的狗狗币急转而走下,跌幅一路扩大,由日内最高点0.72美元跌至0.41美元,24小时内跌幅达24.85%。马斯克的明星效应导致虚拟币市场跌宕起伏。

Previously, he had certified his social account identity as “the former CEO of the dog price”, but he “broadcasted” the “dog money” and the principles behind it in the Sunday Night Live show on 8 May local time. After the moderator's counter-question, “Is that a fraud?”, the former suddenly admitted, “Yes, I think it is a fraud.” & nbsp; a dog price of 0.7376 per dog coin stubbled and expanded from a high of $0.72 to 0.41 per day and a 24-85 per cent fall in 24 hours. Mask’s star effect caused a fall in the virtual currency market.


The Fed's loose monetary policy has also had an impact


William, a leading researcher at the well-known Digital Assets Trading Platform, OKEx, noted that the market for encrypted assets, represented by bitcoin, had fallen since the end of the rebound on 9 May. Japan had seen signs of a fall yesterday, but the voices of the three major financial-sector associations had allowed the market to fall again, and the decline had intensified again.


He noted that recently Bitcoin had been in a vulnerable situation for a number of reasons:


First, the largest increase in Bitcoin since March of last year has exceeded 1,600 per cent, the market has accumulated large profits, institutions have become more profitable and pressure has increased to realize them.


Second, while the Federal Reserve continues to maintain its current ultra-flexible monetary policy, investors fear that inflation may out of control and increase investor risk avoidance.


Third, the voices of the relevant national and international agencies about preventing the use of bitcoin for money-laundering and financial risk are growing.

来   源丨公开信息、21世纪经济报道(记者:周炎炎)、每日经济新闻、中国基金报、中国证券报

Come & nbsp; & nbsp; source public information, 21st Century economic report (journalist: Cho Inflammation), Daily Economic News, China Foundation, China Securities

本期编辑 黎雨桐

This issue is edited by Li Yuyun.




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