币圈社群必读60术语 保证让你对NFT行话了如指掌

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:75 评论:0
以下内容或许有些艰涩,请小心服用。(附注:在例句中使用「金蜗牛」、「银蜗牛」词汇造句,应可视为某种 NFT 的代称。)The following may be diff...



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以下内容或许有些艰涩,请小心服用。(附注:在例句中使用「金蜗牛」、「银蜗牛」词汇造句,应可视为某种 NFT 的代称。)

The following may be difficult, and take it carefully. (Note: The use of the terms "gold snails" and "snail silver" in the sentence should be regarded as some kind of NFT alias.)


Good Morning 的缩写,「早安」的意思。我们互相说早安,因为我们是一个友善、快乐且乐观的全球社群。向朋友说早安来开启美好的一天是相当愉快的:)

Good Morning's acronym, "Good Morning." We say "Good Morning" to each other, because we are a friendly, happy and optimistic global community. It's a good day to tell our friends.


相信大家都猜到了,Good Night 的缩写,「晚安」的意思。我们互相说晚安,因为我们是一个友善、快乐且乐观的全球社群。向朋友说晚安来结束美好的一天是相当愉快的:)

I'm sure everybody guessed, Good Night's acronym, "Goodnight." We said good night to each other, because we're a friendly, happy and optimistic global community. It's good to say good night to friends to finish a good day:)


Ser 意指 Sir,「阁下」的意思。这是一种恭敬地介绍某人或分享另一种观点的方式。

Ser means Sir, "Your Excellency." This is a way to introduce someone respectfully or share another point of view.


Ma’am 的缩写,「女士」的意思。跟 Ser 一样的概念。

Ma’am's acronym, "ma'am" means. Same concept as Ser.


Usage: Mam, I prefer my golden snail.


Fren 意指 Friend,「朋友」的意思。在社群里大家都是朋友,一起快乐地追求使命。

Fren means "friends" in Friend. We are all friends in the community, together in a happy pursuit of our mission.


GMI 为 Gonna Make It 的缩写,「会成功的」的意思,WAGMI 为 We All Gonna Make It 的缩写,「我们都会成功的」的意思。当每个人都能理解我们为何要购买这些 JPG 档时所呈现的幸福状态。

GMI's initials for Gonna Make It, and WAGMI's acronym for We All Gonna Make It, mean "We're gonna make it." Everyone can understand why we're buying these JPG files.

用法:纽约的现代艺术博物馆刚买了一个 CryptoPunk,WAGMI!

Usage: The Museum of Modern Art in New York just bought a CryptoPunk, WAGMI!


Not Going To Make It 的缩写,「不会成功的」的意思。用自我贬低的方式描述自己的错误决定。

Not Going To Make It's acronym, "can't succeed." Describes your wrong decisions in a self-defeating way.

用法:用 5 ETH 卖了一个 Fidenza,NGMI。

Usage: Selled a Fidenza, NGMI with 5 ETH.

驻:Fidenza 是由 Art Block 推出的一系列艺术作品,目前在 OpenSea 上最低价格为 170 ETH。

Location: Fidenza is a series of works of art launched by Art Block and currently has a lowest price of 170 ETH on OpenSea.


众所皆知的麦当劳。意指若在 NFT 的世界中混不下去了可以去麦当劳打工。

The well-known McDonald's. It means you can go to McDonald's if you can't make it in the NFT world.

用法:用 5 ETH 卖了一个 Fidenza,准备去应征 McDonald’s 了。

Usage: A Fidenza was sold with 5 ETH for recruitment to McDonald’ s.


Larvalabs 的缩写。Larvalabs 创办了许多知名 NFT 项目,像是 CryptoPunks、Autoglyphs 及 Meebits。

Larvalabs. Larvalabs founded many famous NFT projects, like CryptoPunks, Autoglyphs and Meebits.

用法:LL 很少发推文

Usage: LL rarely sends tweets


ArtBlocks 的缩写。世界上最重要生成 NFT 艺术品的平台,包含三个系列 Curated (ABC)、 Playground 及 Factory。

Abbreviation for ArtBlocks. The most important platform for generating NFT works of art in the world, with three series of Curate (ABC), Playgroup and Factory.

用法:他的 ABC 收藏在市场上超级火热!

Usage: His ABC collection is super hot on the market!

11.Generative Art


It means an artistic work generated through algorithms, the ideal state being produced in real time at the time of casting.

用法:她是 Generative Art 界里的明日之星。

Usage: She is the star of tomorrow in the General Art world.


Profile picture 的缩写,「个人头像」的意思。在 twitter 或 Discord 上使用的头像,像是 CryptoPunks、Bored Ape、猫、狗及骷髅等等。

The acronym "personal header" means "personal header". The header used on twitter or Discord, like CryptoPunks, Bored Ape, cats, dogs, skulls, etc.

用法:那个金蜗牛 PFP 真是太酷了!

Use: The Golden Snail PFP is so cool!

13.Looks rare

「看起来很稀有」的意思。在 NFT 宇宙里稀有度通常能导致价值上升,但这是反讽意味的用法。

"Looks rare" means. The rareness in the NFT universe usually leads to an increase in value, but it's a counterintuitive use.

用法:(当有人发布了一个非常普通的图片时) Looks rare。

Looks rare.


The Fear of Missing Out 的缩写,「害怕错过」的意思。当你购买了一个 NFT 只是因为你害怕错过下一波市场的大行情。

The Fear of Missing Out, for example. When you buy a NFT, it's because you're afraid to miss the next wave of the market.

用法:我因为 FOMO 而购买了一个金蜗牛的 NFT,但我不知道为什么。

Usage: I bought a gold snail NFT for FOMO, but I don't know why.


跟 FOMO 相反的意思。因为之前没能在价格上涨前趁自己 FOMO 之际及早买入导致后悔不已,不想再购买 NFT。

Contrary to FOMO. Because you didn't buy yourself early before the price rises, you regret not buying NFT.



A:我知道金蜗牛系列 NFT 已经上涨 50 倍,而且将在佳士得拍卖会上拍卖,但我不喜欢这次发布会,所以没有参加。

A: I know that the Golden Snail Series NFT has increased 50 times and will be auctioned at the Jasty auction, but I don't like the launch, so I didn't attend.


B: All right, laugh to death, Cooper.


Szn 意指 Season,「季节」的意思,也代表市场周期。加密货币的市场周期比真实世界的市场周期还快,而 NFT 的市场周期比加密货币的市场周期还要更快,通常只维持 1 ~ 4 周。

Szn means "season" means "season" and represents the market cycle. The market cycle for encrypted money is faster than the market cycle for the real world, while the market cycle for NFT is faster than the market cycle for encrypted money, usually only one to four weeks.

17.1:1 Art

每件艺术作品都是独一无二的 (1:1),PFP 及 Generative Art 类型的 NFT 就是使用此种智能合约,作品数量通常在 200 ~ 10,000 之间。

Each work of art is unique (1:1) and the PFP and General Art-type NFTs use this intelligent contract, usually in the range of 200 to 10,000.

用法:1:1 szn 即将到来!

Usage 1:1 szn is coming!


In real life 的缩写,「真实世界」的意思。也就是 OpenSea、Twitter 及 Discord 以外的世界。

In real life, the acronym "real world" means a world other than OpenSea, Twitter and Discord.

19.Probably Nothing

这个术语比较特别,意指 Probably something,「可能有什么」的意思。这是 FOMO 比较有礼貌的版本,当几乎没有合理怀疑可否认市场会上涨时可使用。

This term is more specific, meaning Probably something, "maybe something." This is a more polite version of FOMO, which can be used when there is little reasonable doubt that the market will rise.

用法:Visa 买了一个 CryptoPunk!Probably Nothing。

Usage: Visa bought a CryptoPunk!Probably Nothing.


Few understand 的缩写。跟 Probably Nothing 一样的概念。

Few understand. Same concept as Probably Nothing.

用法:纽约的现代艺术博物馆刚买了一个 CryptoPunk,Few。

Usage: The Museum of Modern Art in New York just bought a CryptoPunk, Few.


If you know, you know 的缩写。跟 Few 一样的概念。

If you know, you know initials. Same concept as Few.

用法:纽约的现代艺术博物馆刚买了一个 CryptoPunk,IYKYK。

Usage: The Museum of Modern Art in New York just bought a CryptoPunk, IYKYK.

22.Up Only

「只会上涨」的意思。最初流行于今年年初的 ETH 市场,这是每个人都希望的 NFT 价格走向。Down Only (只会下跌) 当然也是一种用法,只不过没这么受欢迎。

The ETH market, which was first popular at the beginning of this year, is where everyone wants the NFT price to go. DownOnly, of course, is a way of doing it, but it's not so popular.


「流动性」的意思。但这是一种不可能存在的状态,因为任何可用的 ETH 都会立即转换为 JPG,因此每个人都处于永久缺乏流动性 (illiquidity) 的状态。

"Liability" means. But this is an impossible state, because any available ETH will immediately be converted to JPG, so everyone is in a state of permanent lack of mobility.



The act of an artist or collector to distribute art on a block chain.

用法:Wow,好漂亮的图片,Mint 它!

Usage: Wow, what a beautiful picture, Mint!


在 Tezo 链上发行的 NFT 艺术品交易市场,有许多有趣但廉价的 NFT 以及极度糟糕的使用者介面,使用起来绝对令人感到愤怒!

The NFT trade market, published on Tezo's chain, has a lot of interesting but cheap NFTs and extremely bad user interfaces, which are absolutely outraged!

26.1/1 of X

思考 PFP 和 Generative Art 的方式。每一件艺术收藏都是独一无二的,但与 1:1 艺术相比,它们属于整体收藏系列的一部份。

Think of the ways in which PFP and General Art are used. Each art collection is unique, but they are part of the whole collection as compared to 1:1.

用法:CryptoPunks 是 1/1 of 10,000, Fidenzas 是 1/1 of 999。

Usage: CryptoPunks is 1/1 of 10,000, Fidenzas is 1/1 of 999.

27.Right Click Save As

「右键储存」的意思。每个非 NFT 人在学习 NFT 时会做的第一个愚蠢举动 ── 展现他们从浏览器下载图片的强大技术能力。

"Right Key Storage" means the first stupid move that every non-NFT person would do when learning NFT -- demonstrating their powerful technical ability to download pictures from a browser.



老百姓:我 Right Click Save CryptoPunk#6529,现在他是我的 PFP。

People: I'm Right Click Save CryptoPunk#6529, and now he's my PFP.

CryptoPunk#6529 持有人:你真棒。

CryptoPunk#6529 Holder: You're awesome.

28.This is the way


It means "do it." It's a way of praising positive behaviour in society.




A: He never used a project to trick him.

B:This is the way.

29.Floor Price

意指 NFT 在 OpenSea、Larvalabs 或其他交易平台的「最低要价」,可指整个系列或是该系列中的单一收藏。

This means the "minimum price" of NFT in OpenSea, Larvalabs or other trading platforms, which may refer to the entire series or a single collection in the series.

用法:金蜗牛 NFT 已达到 3 ETH Floor Price,但金蜗牛书呆子眼镜 NFT 在今早已达到 12 ETH Floor Price。

Usage: Gold snail NFT has reached 3 ETH Floor Price, but Gold snail book nerd glasses NFT has reached 12 ETH Floor Price this morning.


Original gangster 的缩写,原意为「最初的黑帮」的意思。最初透过 1990 年代的 hiphop 流行起来,并在各社区广为流传。在 NFT 的世界里指很早就进入这个圈子并获得尊敬的元老级人物。

The acronym of the Origanal Gangster, originally meant "the original gang." It was first popular through the hiphop of the 1990s and was widely disseminated in communities. In NFT's world, it refers to people who entered the circle and gained respect for their elders at an early age.

用法:他是一个 OG CryptoPunks 持有者。

Usage: He is an OG CryptoPunks holder.


Alpha 本身其实是投资或避险基金社群的一个术语,与 beta(市场表现)相对,代表透过资产经理的技所产生的优异表现。

Alpha is in itself a term for the community of investment or hedge funds, as opposed to beta (market performance), representing excellence through the skills of asset managers.

用法:他的 Alpha 今天严重下滑。

Usage: His Alpha is seriously down today.

32.Its Money Laundering

「洗钱」的意思。在 NFT 社群被引申为价格不是真实的,因为常有有人在使用 NFT 进行洗钱。IRL 或加密产业 twitter 上常使用这特定用法来形容 NFT 产业。

Money-laundering means that the price quoted in the NFT community is not true, because it is often used to launder money. IRL or encryption industry twitter often uses this particular term to describe the NFT industry.


JPGs 意指我们的 NFT,可能是 JPGs、GIFs、PNGs、音频、影片或电脑游戏。

JPGs mean our NFT, probably JPGs, GIFs, PNGs, audio, video or computer games.



A:但你只是在购买一个 JPGs,你疯了吗?

A: But you're just buying a JPGs. Are you crazy?

B:没有人可以偷走我们的 JPGs。

B: No one can steal our JPGs.


「下架」的意思。从 Opensea 上下架您的 NFT(不再提供出售),因为价格正迅速上涨导致 NFT 可能被出售,市场对该 NFT 的预期价值已经发生变化。

" Lower shelf" means that your NFT (no longer available for sale) is mounted from Opensea, as prices are rising rapidly, leading to the possibility that NFT may be sold and the market's expected value for NFT has changed.

用法:金蜗牛 NFT 已达到 5 ETH floor price!Delist!把你的 JPGs 藏起来。

Use: Golden Snail NFT has reached 5 ETH floor price! Delist! Hide your JPGs.


NFT 社群常用的讯息传播平台。

A common information dissemination platform for NFT communities.

Discord 的特色:实用、人满为患、一堆骗子、使你的 CPU 使用率达到 100%、系统设定的通知声可以惹恼数英里内的所有人。

Discord features: utility, overcrowding, a bunch of liars, making your CPU 100% use, system-set alerts can upset everyone within miles.


「路线图」的意思。NFT 项目(通常是 PFP)计划为社群增加价值而进行的一系列活动,路线图在 PFP 项目中通常是需要的,但在艺术项目中要求路线图则是具有污辱意思的。需要小心不要意外违反证券法。

The NFT project (usually PFP) plans a series of activities to add value to the community. The road map is usually needed in the PFP project, but it is insulting to ask for it in the art project. Care needs to be taken not to accidentally violate the securities law.


Let’s fucking go 的缩写,「马的冲呀」的意思。当你对某事感到兴奋时使用。建议与火箭表情符号搭配使用。

Let’s fucking go, means "horse rush." Use it when you're excited about something. Use it in combination with rocket emoticons.

用法:新铸造的金蜗牛 NFT!LFG

Usage: Newly Casted Golden Snail NFT!

38.Gas or Gas Wars

「Gas 战争」的意思。当所有 NFT twitter 试图同时铸造同一个项目时,随之而来的混乱状态,推高了整个以太坊网络的 Gas 价格。电脑科学中最难解的问题,解决这问题的人将得到诺贝尔奖。

"Gas War" means. When all NFT twitters try to create the same project at the same time, the ensuing chaos pushes up the price of Gas across the Etherm network. The most difficult problem in computer science, and the person who solves it will get a Nobel Prize.


意指 Dead,「不想活了」的意思。也可以写成 deceased。

It means Dead, "Don't want to live." It can also be written as deceased.

用法:用 5 ETH 卖了一个 Fidenza,我已经 deceased。

Usage: Selled a Fidenza with 5 ETH, I've been deceased.


Rug pull 的缩写,原意为拉地毯,延伸意为加密产业中常见的卷款遣逃事件,好发于 Defi 协议中。

Rug bull's acronym, which was meant to pull carpets, was extended to cover the typical roll escape in the encryption industry, so that it could be sent to the Defi agreement.


「衍生物」的意思。指从原有的 NFT 项目衍生的新项目,最先流行于 Punk 系列。衍生品可以提升原有品牌的价值,在评断这类型项目时应保持客观。

" Derivatives" means new projects derived from old NFT projects, which are first popular in the Punk series. Derivatives can enhance the value of the original brand and should be objective when judging projects of this type.


Newbie 及 Plebeian 的缩写,「菜鸡」及「平民」的意思。OG 的相反,若想礼貌的使用这些术语,最好只用在自己身上。

The acronyms Newbie and Plebeian mean "cooky" and "civilian". On the contrary, if you want to use these terms politely, it is best to use them on your own.

用法:6529 真是个 Noob,我不敢相信我竟然忘记铸造金蜗牛。

Usage: 6529 is such a Noob, I can't believe I forgot to make a golden snail.

43.Seems legit

Seems legitimate 的另一种说法,意指该项目看起来很认真,并且可能具有良好的前景。除了字面上的意思外,有时也有反讽的意味。

Seems legitimate, in another way, means that the project looks serious and may have good prospects. In addition to the literal meanings, sometimes it's counterproductive.



A:我将在 Solana 上推出婴儿速食金蜗牛。

A: I'm going to launch a baby snail fast on Solana.

B:Seems legit.


「肉体空间」的意思,也就是现实世界的意思,IRL 的另一种说法。

The meaning of "physical space" is what the real world means, another version of IRL.

45.Buying on secondary

「在二级市场购买」的意思。当你未能铸造某 NFT,导致必须在像是 OpenSea 的二级市场购买。

"Buy in a secondary market" means. When you fail to create a NFT, you have to buy it in a secondary market like OpenSea.

用法:错过了 Mint,必须 buy on secondary。

Usage: Miss Mint, must buy on secondary.

46.Schelling Point

「聚焦点」的意思。人们认为适用于 NFT 及 BTC 的博弈论术语,原始的概念为「每个人期望的聚焦点是他人期望他本人期望被期望做出的选择。」,被认为是聚焦点的 NFT 项目通常具有价值储存的性质,价格也会不断上升。

"Focus" means. It is thought that the game theory terminology applied to NFT and BTC is based on the original concept that "the focus of everyone's expectations is the choice he expects to make." The NFT project, which is considered the focus, is usually of a value-storage nature, and prices are rising.

47.Wen moon?

来自 twitter 上加密货币社群的用法,指 NFT 价格已经「To the moon」了。

The usage of the encrypted currency community on twitter means that the NFT price is "To the moon".



A:6529 x 金蜗牛联名款。

A:6529 x Golden Snail Consortium.

B:Wen moon, ser?


「瓦尔哈拉」的意思。北欧神话中的天堂,也是 NFT 世界中的天堂。在那里,死去的维京人与拥有珍贵 NFT 的人会一起开趴。

Valhalla. A Nordic mythological paradise is also a paradise in the NFT world. There, the dead Vikings party with the precious NFT.

用法:6529 要么登上 Valhalla,要么去 McDonald’s 打工。

Usage: 6529 either boarding Valhalla or going to McDonald’ s working.


Do Your Own Research 的缩写,「做好你该做的研究」的意思。一种免责声明,不对别人对 NFT 的观点负责。

Do Your Owen Research's acronym, "Do what you need to do." A disclaimer is not responsible for people's views on NFT.


来自 twitter 上加密货币社群的用法,意指在自己的投资组合中对某 NFT 持有较大规模的部位。Apes 在 NFT 世界中有着久远的历史,像是最一开始的 24 个 ape 造型的 CryptoPunks,还有后来的 Bored Ape Yacht Club。

Apes has a long history in the NFT world, like the first 24 ape-style CryptoPunks, and later Bored Ape Yacht Club.

用法:我 Aped 金蜗牛了,但是 DYOR。

Usage: I Aped Gold Snail, but DYOR.


Not Financial Advice 的缩写,「非财务建议」的意思。和 DYOR 的用法类似。再次重申,有人分享了一个想法,但你的要做的是决定它是否适合你。

Not Financial Advice's acronym, "Non-Financial Recommendations". Similar to DYOR's usage. Again, someone shared an idea, but what you have to do is decide if it suits you.

用法:我 Aped 金蜗牛了,NFA。

Usage: I Aped Gold Snail, NFA.


Degenerate 的缩写,在 NFT 世界里意指承担不合理且极高的交易风险。

The acronym Degenerate, in the NFT world, means assuming unreasonable and extremely high transaction risks.

用法:所有非 Degen 交易将在 Up Only 1:1 szn 被惩罚。Few. LFG. NFA. DYOR.

Usage: All non-Degen transactions will be punished at UpOnly 1:1 szn.


源自于比特币极简主义者,坚信自己所在的公链就是最好的公链。可套用在 NFT 项目上。

It's a bitcoin radicalist who believes that his public chain is the best. It can be applied to NFT projects.

用法:他是 CryptoPunks Maxi。错过了 Bored Ape Yacht Club,极度 Coping。

Usage: He's CrystalPunks Maxi. Brored Ape Yacht Club, Extreme Coping.


意指不断推销别人购买某 NFT 并使人感到烦躁,或者试图在社群中产生 FOMO。但没有人喜欢这样,别这么做。

It means selling people to buy an NFT and making people nervous, or trying to create FOMOs in the community. Nobody likes it, don't do it.

用法:又来了,他又在 Shilling 银色蜗牛 NFT。

Usage: Again, he's in Shilling Silver Snail NFT.


「盐巴」的意思。盐巴是咸的,如同你在 Cope 状态时流下的眼泪。

"Saline" means. Salt is salty, like the tears you shed when you're in Cape's state.



A:金蜗牛就是个 rug,6529 却整天 Shilling。

A: Golden snail is a rug, 6529, but all day long, Shilling.

B:怎么满地都是 Salt。

B: It's full of Salt.

55. Love to See it/Hate to See It


"I'm glad to see this" and "I hate to see this" meaning. Sometimes it's purely literal, but sometimes it's negative. DYOR!



1.纽约的现代艺术博物馆展示了他的 NFT,Love to See it。

His NFT, Love to See it at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

2.那个名人用来敛财的 NFT 项目卖得超烂,Hate to See It。

The NFT project that the celebrity used to make a fortune sells super bad, Hate to See It.


wrecked 的缩写,意指当你的投资组合绩效看起来像被车撞过,没人想要这样,但有时这无法避免。

The initials of wrecked mean that when you have portfolio performance that looks like you've been hit by a car, no one wants it, but sometimes it's inevitable.

用法:我试图做空金蜗牛却搞得很 Rekt,NGMI。

Usage: I'm trying to be an empty snail, and I'm doing it real good. Rekt, NGMI.


Decentralized Autonomous Organization 的缩写,「去中心化自治组织」的意思。拥有无限潜力,但要小心 SEC 的监管问题。

Abbreviated by Decentralized Autonomous Organization, "decentralized self-government" means that you have unlimited potential, but be careful of the regulatory problems of the SEC.

用法:我将在下周推出我的帽 T 书呆子眼镜 DAO

Usage: I'm going to launch my hat, T. Nerd Glasses DAO next week.

58.OK Boomer

可以理解为,「好了啦,老头。」的意思。可以对任何 22 岁以上但意见不合的人这么说。

It's understood to mean, "Okay, old man." You can say that to anyone over the age of 22 who disagrees.




A: Gold snail is not a real work of art.

B:OK Boomer, NGMI.



"They" means that. You can use it when you interact with a role that doesn't know gender.

用法:我很喜欢 coolcat5434,They 是一个很棒的艺术家。

Usage: I like coolcat 5434, and they're a great artist.

60.I see what you did there


"I see what you're doing over there." You can say that when you see a friend, a competitor or a partner who's doing something in the Woncosmos.

61.Your Bags

「你的背包」的意思,意指 NFT 钱包地址。

"Your backpack" means the address of the NFT wallet.

用法:Bag 装满了银蜗牛!LFG!!!

Use: Bag full of silver snail!

62.Sweep the Floor

「扫地」的意思,意指将某 NFT 项目所有最低价格的 NFT 全部搜刮,但之后通常会发现背包太重了。

The meaning of " sweeping the floor " means scratching all NFTs for all the lowest prices of a NFT project, but then it is usually found that the backpack is too heavy.

用法:我刚 Sweep the Floor 银蜗牛!

Use: Sweep the Silver Snail!


Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt 的缩写,「恐惧、未知及怀疑」的缩写。在 NFT 的世界里被用来抱怨价格太低,需要重新调整价格预测。

Fear, Unknown, and Doubt. The NFT world is used to complain that prices are too low and that price forecasts need to be adjusted.

用法:说 Fidenzas 在 2025 的最低价格为 2500 ETH 根本就是个 FUD。

Usage: The lowest price for Fidenzas in 2025 is 2,500 ETH, which is essentially a FUD.


Greatest of All Time 的缩写,「有史以来最伟大」的意思。纯粹用来表达尊重及敬意,通常用山羊图案来表示。

Greatest of All Time, "greatest ever" meaning. It's a simple expression of respect and respect, usually expressed in goat patterns.

用法:在金蜗牛的交易上,他是个 GOAT。

Usage: In the gold snail deal, he's a GOAT.



The meaning of "on the chain" and "under the chain" is that the relevant steps in any given process occur on or under the chain before they are carried out on the block chain.

用法:我们的设计在生成时 100% On-Chain。

Usage: Our design is 100% On-Chain at the time of generation.


「销毁」的意思。透过将 NFT 发送到某地址并失去对它的控制权,以获得其他奖励。

Destruction means that you get other rewards by sending NFT to an address and losing control over it.

用法:他 Burn 了他的金蜗牛 NFT,为了得到金蜗牛 DAO 的 NFT。

Usage: He Burned his Golden Snail NFT to get the Golden Snail DAO's NFT.


「质押」的意思。跟在 Defi 项目中相同的概念,将 NFT 锁在交易所的智能合约中以获得其他奖励。

The same concept as in the Defi project, locks NFT in an exchange's smart contract for other rewards.

用法:他在交易所质押了 10 个金蜗牛,为了每天获得 10 个金蜗牛币。

Usage: He pledged 10 golden snail on the exchange to get 10 gold snail coins a day.

以上就是币圈社群必读60术语 保证让你对NFT行话了如指掌的详细内容,更多关于NFT术语介绍及用法的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!

This is the 60 terms that the currency community has to read to make sure you know the details of the NFT line. More information about the description and use of the NFT term, please pay attention to other relevant articles in the Script House!

Tag:NFT   术语  



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