
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:91 评论:0
文|锌财经Wen Zinc Finance /span ˃ 在全世界的注视下,世界第二大虚拟货币以太坊(ETH)本月正式从PoW转为PoS机制,完成了业界革命的“The Merge”合并升级。The merger of the “T...



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Wen Zinc Finance /span >

在全世界的注视下,世界第二大虚拟货币以太坊(ETH)本月正式从PoW转为PoS机制,完成了业界革命的“The Merge”合并升级。

The merger of the “The Merge” of the industry revolution was completed this month with the official conversion of the world's second largest virtual currency from the PoW to the PoS mechanism in the eyes of the world.


Prior to the completion of the Etherm merger, a large number of investors holding the Etherms had begun to dump, and the price of the Taiteng single currency had gone down from a high of $1777 this week to about $1650 at the time of the merger, and had eventually fallen to the current $1333 and, by the same token, tow the old rival Bitcoin, which had now fallen back to $19,000.


This is an unprecedented upgrade since the birth of the block chain, which directly overthrew all previous games, declared a complete end to the era of mining using the GPU, affecting nearly 100 million ring players. A large number of miners, dedicated to mining, have to start thinking about where to go in the future.


The mining nightmare, which began in 2008, has reached the end of the countdown.



The so-called mining is not a manual labour, such as traditional coal or gold mines, but a word for currency circles.


At the time of the creation of Bitcoin, Benz of Bitcoin’s inventor had developed the PoW Workload Certification Mechanism, which encouraged all currency circle players around the world to download software using their own computers, solve very difficult math questions through specific algorithms, and whoever succeeds first gets the Bitcoin reward for the block.


Under the PoW mechanism, the amount of numeracy invested, i.e. the strength of hardware performance, becomes the key to a virtual currency reward. So, the process of obtaining encrypted money through the PoW mechanism is called “mining”, while the currency-circle players who manipulate computers are called “miners” and the computer equipment used to dig mines is called “miners”.


In the early years of 2008-2012, mining was based solely on a side business, with the purchase of one or more high-level card-assembly machines to enrich the mine. After 2012, however, as the number of miners increased, Bitcoin prices continued to rise, hardware performance requirements increased, and “mining” gradually moved towards professionalization and factoryization.


High profits attract countless people who want to be rich to the mining industry. According to data released by the Cambridge University’s Emerging Financial Center (CCAF) in 2021, Chinese miners account for 65.08% of total global mining capacity.


A large number of amateur-digging coin-coopers began to quit their jobs and move to provinces with abundant and cheap electricity, such as Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and Sichuan and Yunnan, with abundant hydropower resources. Another mine was built on the edge of the city, running hundreds of mine equipment day and night.


Not only did the miners start to insider rolls, but the tools also began to be upgraded and more specialized mine machine equipment began to emerge.

从刚开始的CPU挖矿开始,因算力过低,逐渐转型到GPU显卡挖矿,紧接着又开发出Application Specific Integrated Circuit专门为某种特定用途设计的电子电路 ( 芯片 ),也就是俗称的ASIC矿机,为挖矿而生,除此之外无任何其他功能和作用。

Starting with the start of the CPU mining, the gradual transition to GPU card mining due to too low arithmetic, followed by the development of an electronic circuit (chips) specifically designed for a specific use by the application Specialized Circuit, commonly known as the ASIC miner, which was produced for mining purposes, without any other function or function.


Virtual currency is becoming increasingly difficult to calculate, and there is a need to purchase more calculator-powered mine equipment, with less than 300 machines being considered small-scale mines. At the same time, the amount of electricity used by daily miners, coupled with the maintenance of equipment, is an astronomical figure.


Virtual money “mining” requires a lot of power support, energy consumption and carbon emissions. According to Xinhua, some “mines” consume millions of degrees of electricity a day; one “mine” in a western province “eats” 45 million degrees of electricity a month; and one “mine” in a south-west part of the country consumes the equivalent of one year of electricity consumption in three cities.


At the end of April this year, the Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia closed down 35 large mining enterprises, which are expected to consume up to 5.2 billion degrees per year, or more than 1.6 million tons of standard coal.


However, with the advent of a wave of industrial reform in Etheria, which transformed PoW into a PoS mechanism, the former mining boom began to come to an end, and the miners were destined to become tears of the times.


这次以太坊升级转型的PoS机制,是完全不同运算逻辑,简单来说就是不再依赖于显卡, 而是凭借“币龄”和持有货币的数量来充当“算力”,从而杜绝能源高消耗的情况。

The PoS mechanism, which was upgraded and transformed by Taiwan, is completely different from the logic of calculation, simply because it no longer relies on visible cards, but rather uses “currency age” and the amount of money held as “calculus” to eliminate high energy consumption.


In this way, the greatest impact is the accumulation of visible cards in the hands of miners.

显卡作为挖矿的第一生产力工具,价格也在狂热的挖矿浪潮中一度疯涨。2021年底,英伟达发布RTX 30系显卡,原本是游戏玩家刚需的显卡设备,还没等玩家下单,矿工们就开始溢价疯抢,把市面上的RTX 30系显卡全部买下,再无一例外地投入到挖矿行列当中。

As the first productive tool for mining, the price also rose sharply in a feverish wave of mining. At the end of 2021, British Weida released a RTX 30 card, which was needed by game players, before waiting for the player to pay the bill, the miners started to surrogate, buying all of the market's RTX 30 cards and investing them in mining without exception.

原本定位中端的RTX 3060Ti显卡,官方定价2999元,在最高峰时价格暴涨近乎破万,其它高端卡更不用说了,都是溢价三倍起步。最新的显卡买不到,矿工又盯上了“过时”的设备,上一代的RTX 20系显卡都迎来不同程度的疯涨。

The original RTX 3060 Ti card at the center of the location, the official price of $2999, was at its peak, and the other high-end cards, let alone the premium, were three times the price. The latest card could not be bought, the miners were looking at “outmoded” equipment, and the previous generation of RTX 20 were at a different height.

甚至一些使用两三年的RTX 10系显卡,都能在二手市场以原价卖出,可见挖矿浪潮对显卡的影响。

Even the use of two or three years'RTX 10 cards, which can be sold at the original price in the second-hand market, can be seen in the impact of the mining wave on the cards.


There is no difficulty in understanding the logic of the high price, premium, and purchase of a card by the absentee. According to the 2021 blast by a miner on a social platform, eight 3060 cards cost about $60,000, and the full power of fire will make more than three hundred dollars a day, and the equipment will be recovered for almost six months, and it will be a net profit after six months.


This creates a vicious circle in which visible cards will never be needed, as long as virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Etheria exist.

除了虚拟货币企业以外,背后的最大赢家莫过于英伟达。研究机构Wedbush Securities数据显示:在此前挖矿大热的6个季度里,英伟达平均每个季度从矿卡中获得约8亿美元收入,6个季度下来至少48亿美元,约合人民币330亿元。

With the exception of virtual money companies, the biggest winner is Weida. Researcher Wedbush Securities shows that, over the past six quarters of the mining boom, Weyda received an average of about $800 million per quarter from the mine card, and at least $4.8 billion by six quarters, or about $33 billion.


With so much money made from mining, it was natural for Yvetteta to bear the “reburst” when the mine was in trouble.


♪Em ♪ 2022 Q2 Q2 ♪/em ♪


In the 2022 Q2 quarterly British Weida report, revenue from Camp 2 was $6.7 billion, a 19 per cent decline in the ring; net profit was $656 million, a 72 per cent drop from the previous year's $2.374 billion; the profit-side data fell across the line in recent years, and the game business performed poorly; and the stock price of British Weida has fallen by more than 40 per cent cumulatively since this year.

目前英伟达为了重振股市,发布了RTX 40系显卡,但比起上一代RTX 30系显卡一问世就被疯抢、翻倍溢价,RTX 40系显卡有些不温不火,价格也回落至正常零售价格。

At present, in an attempt to revive the stock market, Yvesta has released a RTX 40 card, but it has been robbed and doubled since the birth of the previous generation of RTX 30 card, which has been somewhat tempered and has fallen to normal retail prices.


As a result, the six-quarter wave of card surges finally reached a break.



Whether it is a storm swept by numerous “miners” or a stock price drop of more than 40%, virtual currency has a direct impact on the fate of more than 100 million people around the world. Then why is it too risky for Ether to be in a hurry to change?

上文提到,如果想“开采”出加密货币 ,就需要“矿工”借助高性能显卡的大算力来进行日夜不停的计算,所需要的电力就是个天文数字。

As mentioned above, if an encoded currency is to be “exploited”, it will be necessary for a “miner” to use the power of a high-performance card for round-the-clock computing, and the electricity required is an astronomical number.


According to Etheria official sources, if the PoW mechanism continues to be used for mining, the amount of electricity spent on each of these items is equivalent to the amount of energy consumed by a household for 2.8 days, while Bitcoin is higher, requiring the consumption of up to 38 days of energy by a household.


European Central Bank data show that Bitcoin consumes the same amount of energy as Spain, Austria, and other countries every year. Europe’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions over the years have been offset by the consumption of carbon from Bitcoin + the tavern.


In contrast, the Etherm, which replaced the PoW mechanism with the PoS mechanism, officially increased energy efficiency by about 2,000 times, saving 99.95 per cent of total energy use.


At present, the market value of Bitcoin is over $400 billion, twice the value of over $200 billion. Competition between the two has never stopped.


Converting the PoW to a PoS mechanism would be a necessary option for virtual currency. Compared to the old rival Bitcoin, the Taipan has already taken a step ahead in its transformation, and European countries and others will take on their “wasted energy” as well.


But the capital giants who make money are already full of wine and food, leaving the miners who lost their jobs alone to bear the pain of the end of the era.




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