
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:58 评论:0
“OK说”是由OKCoin币行发起,面向数字货币爱好者的在线学习社群,我们邀请了国内最优秀的从事区块链及数字货币领域的大咖,为大家深度分析区块链及数字货币的故事和发展现状、数字货币交易流程中的技术难题。Launched by the O...



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Launched by the OKCoin Bank, an online learning community for digital money fans, we have invited the country's best performers in the area of block chains and digital money to analyse in depth the story and development of block chains and digital money, technical difficulties in the digital currency transaction process.


In the first 19 years, we invited Big Cafés to share bitcoin, Lightcoin, Etheria, block chains, mining, Kline, etc. We invited Zhang Bo, Senior Product Advisor at OKCoin, Mr. Zhang Bo's multi-year experience in block chains, a wealth of block chain expertise and his involvement in several financial institutions and the operational applications of block chains.


The main part of this talk is the following:


1, the birth of the Ether Classic and some basic concepts
2, the difference between the Ether Classical and Ether Chamber and the comparison of the investment value of the Ether Classic Etc.


Before we introduce the Etheric, let's look back at what is called Tai Tai. Ether is an open-source public block-chain platform with smart contracts that provides a decentralised platform for processing point-to-point contracts through its built-in original intergenerational currency. It can be used to program, spread, secure and trade anything: votes, domain names, financial transactions, crowds, company management, contracts and most agreements, intellectual property rights, and intellectual assets that benefit from hardware integration.


If Bitcoin is supposed to be a decentralised payment system, it is a distribution platform for decentralised and uncensored applications. In short, it is a block chain technology plus smart contracts.


Let's talk about it as a talisman. The ether is the only native infusion in the Taiku to support the operation of a smart contract. The concept is easier to understand, because if a smart contract is run at no cost, there will be a lot of junk contracts or garbage on this block chain, and the sector chain will be attacked. So every time you run a smart contract, you have to pay it to ensure the security and stability of the chain.


All right, so let's get to this point with the basic knowledge of Tai Ho, where we're going to tell you how the ETC was born. Last June, The DAO, the hottest project in Tai Ho, was hacked by hackers, using the loopholes of smart contracts, and transferred the $50 million in NT. In order to save investors' assets, in the end, the Tai Ho community voted, most of the participants agreed to change the Ethio family code and hope to recover the funds. To that end, the Etherayats made a hard break and made a later incompatible change so that all the TTs – including those possessed by hackers – would return to their original places.


Here it is necessary to describe what is a hard fork. The block chain is not a static program, it also upgrades the rules of the system and changes some codes. In the process of upgrading the system, if certain nodes do not accept the upgrade, the entire network will not be able to reach a unified consensus, there will be two blocks, that is, a hard fork. The same will be true of the bitcoin hard fork that is about to take place on 8.1, and we will not discuss it.


In the case of the hard fork, some members of the Taipan disagree with this approach, arguing that the essence of the block chain is decentralisation, openness and immutable, which is its value, and refusing to change the record of the transaction. It is written on the classic website: “The way that the Taiwan Foundation responded may be the worst, we believe that the original version of the Inta House, which, as a world computer, is not going down, runs an irreversible intellectual contract.” By remaining in the unchanged version of the Teepan, these people protect these values in their own way.


As this hard fork was publicly conducted through the block chain, despite objections, it was successful on 21 July 2016 with increasing support for hard fork.


Currently, the `official' version of ETH is maintained by its original developer; and the ETC is maintained by a completely new team. This is the first time that the mainstream block chain changes transaction records through a fork to compensate investors. Before the split, those who hold the ETH and the ETC hold both after the split, and there is an exchange or an online wallet. The two markets derived from the split have a total value of more than $1.2 billion.


Currently, more and more of the miners are investing heavily in this classic block chain, and the ETC trade has increased, not only because of conceptual consistency, but also because they see the value of protecting the security of the trade and winning the relevant incentive to dig. With the most impressive data for the next day or two, its network is 544 GH/s, accounting for 13% of Ether Harshi’s total.


The network is the first exchange to receive the ETC currency, and most of the exchanges that support ETC have since begun to support ETC.


with too classic investment value


So what's the value of the classic investment? Don't worry, let's look at the basics of the ETC together in three ways.


The first is values.


First, centralization or centralization


This is the essence of the difference between ETC and ETH, and the biggest difference in values. It was the challenge to the centralization system that led to the creation of a “code, the law” that people did not need to rely on trust for value transfer. The market value of more than 300 billion yuan in bitcoins and the fact of eight years of steady and seamless operation have proven to be a purely technical solution to the feasibility of decentralizing trust. The ETC, by refusing to take back funds from the DAO attackers, created a genuinely unreversible chain of transactions. It was precisely because of the purity of its dominant ideology that provided a dynamic for the continuous development of ETC. The rise of ETC also demonstrated the power of the decentralized, unsupervised sector chain system, and the fact that traders and other major sector chain participants were attracted by the feature of ETC.



In the area of encrypted digital money, miners and ponds are decentralized, wallet services are decentralized, and smart contracts are decentralized, but the operation and maintenance of core codes are now centralized. Power leads to corruption, absolute power leads to absolute corruption, and here I do not mean corruption, but rather that the centralization mechanism is the soil that feeds corruption. Therefore, adherence to centralized ETCs can make corruption invisible.



The monetary policy of ETH and ETC has also reached a fork in the road since the hard fork occurred. The ETH has no upper limit and is in a sustained build-up. The ETC has returned to the tradition of the Austrian economics, where production cuts have been planned in the way of bitcoins, with no final distribution of more than 230 million. If there is no scarcity, what is the difference between the digital currency and the French currency of the real world?


Fourth, Pow or POS


At the heart of the
block chain is the consensus mechanism, the Pow-based mechanism has now proved to be the best in the market, and the top 10 eight of the total market value of digital crypto-currency is based on the Pow mechanism. The point money that was first proposed for the POS mechanism has almost disappeared. The money-owning set-up itself has the effect of causing a serious Matthew effect, making the rich richer and the poor poorer poorer. If we fail to achieve a fair outcome, we can at least be fair. For Pow, the miners can choose to dig or not to dig some kind of mine, while for POS, the late entrants simply lose the opportunity to participate.


Fifth, anonymous or public


Anonymous is very important for encrypted digital money users, but there is currently very little mainstream encryption digital money to provide anonymity. The recent ETC community ECIP-1025 proposal, hoping that ETC will join the zk-SNARK validation. Once the proposal is activated, ETC users will benefit from the transaction log anonymity service. After all, enhancing the privacy and anonymity of the transaction is not a bad thing. The current ETC developers community is very interested in this proposal. foresees that in the near future the ETC will become a combination of BTC, ETH, and Zash.


The five points above are a value-based reading of ETC, and then we look at the economics.


with a classic economic face


first, price different from code


Current ETC and ETH codes are almost identical, but prices are far apart, which is a peculiar phenomenon, and it is no wonder that a lot of people in the Ether community shouted to sell the Ether to buy the EtC slogans. For the Etheraya community, when a hard split happens, everyone has the same amount of EtC and Eth, and the chips are equal once it unfolds.


Technically speaking, at present, ETC is even less risky, ETH has recently experienced repeated code modifications and splits, and even system design problems have led to difficulties in drawing coins, and the up-line ETH exchanges are often blocked. represents at least seven times as much market space for ETC if ETC can reach the market value of ETH. For investors, there is a possibility of high returns at very low prices.


Second, quantitative deficit


/strang> is currently set at 210 million, up to a maximum of 230 million. And the total number of ETHs remains undetermined, and if the consensus mechanism fails to move to POS, the ETH will not have a ceiling, and the total will ultimately be more than ten times that of ETC. Then another interesting thing happens, when the numbers and prices of ETCs and ETHs double. What does that mean?


Assuming that the total market value of ETC = the total market value of ETH, the price of a single ETC should theoretically be 10 times the price of ETH , which is a reasonable market price. If the current price of ETC and ETH are rounded up, the ETC itself could contain 70 times the price of .


third point, Trust Fund participation


The current increase in support of Bitcoin from the Trust Fund is largely due to the involvement of large trust funds, the first of which was established by Barry Silbert of DCG. The Trust Fund is now on the market in NASDAQ, coded as GBTC, and the Fund has more than 200,000 bitcoins in storage. By 2016, a growing number of digital encrypted currency trust funds have been established, and these trust funds constitute a continuous cash flow for purchases. BarrySilbert has made it clear on Twitter that DCG supports ETC and will not sell ETC until ETC prices counter-ETH prices.


In addition, Barry Silbert, in the ETC Slack Group, indicated that when ETC’s monetary policy was locked in, an ETC-like trust fund would be established, with DCG as the leader of the current industry, which would undoubtedly inject a strong needle into the current ETC market.


with too classic productivity


is, first and foremost, the backlash of the foreign community .

经过了最初的蛮荒时期,ETC的核心代码建设正在快马加鞭进行中。目前具有提交ETC代码权限的开发者已经达到34名,要知道最初只有1名开发者。ETC最近还诞生了一个新的开发团队,该团队leader为ETH项目前CEO Charlie。不同于ETH的非主流语言,新开发团队选择了Java作为开发语言。目前整个程序员社区使用Java的人超过了80%,此举将会带来人才库的一个质的飞跃。同时ETC社区的各项指标和关注人数均持续上升。最近,ETC成为登录彭博终端的首个数字加密货币,已经载入史册。

After the initial barbarous period, ETC core code construction is under way. The number of developers with access to the ETC code has reached 34, knowing that there was only one developer at first. ETC has recently given birth to a new development team, Leader for the former CEO Charlie of the ETH project. Unlike the non-mainstream language of ETH, the new development team has chosen Java as a development language. More than 80% of the people in the entire programmer community are currently using Java, which will lead to a qualitative leap in the talent pool. At the same time, the indicators and the number of people of concern in the ETC community continue to rise.


The Bloomberg terminal is a computer system that allows professionals to access the Bloomberg Professional Service.


II, the rise of domestic communities


/strang> is different from the involvement of the ETH community, where the first ETC ICO project was born in China. The largest single-body miners in the Chinese community launched the ETCWIN campaign and successfully collected more than 1 million ETCs. China’s first FinTechConnect hacker, Etcathon, used the ETC block chain as a tool for development.


iii, support of large miners


/strang> is increasingly supported by miners because of the stability of the code and the clarity of monetary policy. Miners are the actual defenders of the block chain network and do not want to be used as temporary stepping stones. Just as BitcoinCore is arrogant of the miners’ community, it is ultimately their own credibility.


combines the analysis of these three directions, the prices of ETC are expected to exceed those of ETH in the future, and the prices of ETC now have significant value-added space. , as an investor, is the most important thing to judge trends and insist on value realization.


Since its inception, the OKCoin Bank has been engaged in continuous technological and product innovation to serve a wide range of users with a professional attitude. Over the past few years, many people have recommended multiple digital assets for the OKCoin Upline. As a comprehensive digital asset trading platform that serves millions of users around the world, and out of a sense of accountability to each user, we have been cautious about adding new currencies and not easily recommending any kind of untested digital asset to our users.


Since the online ETH service, we have found that more and more users are following the Ether Classic dynamic, and look forward to seeing OKCoin go online for ETC transactions. Based on our tracking of ETH, EtC over the last two years, we are officially going online on July 15 at OKCoin, considering technological maturity, continuous innovation in the development team, market liquidity, compliance, etc. I promise that we will continue to provide you with better products and better services.


Thank you very much for Mr. Zhang Bo's wonderful sharing. Thank you all for your enthusiasm. I'll see you next time!




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