币圈最大“印钞机” Tether风波不断 USDT究竟还埋着多少雷?

资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:56 评论:0
王永菲Wang Yongfei...br...人各有心,心各有见,没有哪种加密货币能达成100%的共识。作为链接法币与加密世界市值最大的美元替代品Tether,其锚定美元1:1的代币USDT一直备受...



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Wang Yongfei...br...


There is a 100% consensus on the type of encrypted currency. As Tether, the largest dollar alternative to the world’s link to French currency and encryption, one-to-one dollar monetarily USDT has been controversial, with an increase in circulation, a premium, and a “bankmarker” being the most popular label for USDT.

近几年,Tether不但有来自加密行业内部USDC、BUSD竞争的以及来自DeFi的冲击,还有来自外部的监管压力。风波不断的Tether问题暴露的愈发明显。2021年2月,刚以1850万美元罚款结束了长达两年来自纽约州总检察长办公室的调查风波,又收到来自不明黑客表示要将其数据外泄的勒索通知单,截至发文,该事件还没有公布进展。作为币圈最大印钞机 Tether近来的经历,给加密世界带来什么样的警示呢?

In recent years, Tether has had shocks not only from the USDC, BUSD, and DeFi inside the encryption industry, but also from outside regulatory pressure. The windwaves have exposed more and more.


The risk behind Teather

锚定美元的稳定币USDT发行方Tether与加密货币交易所Bitfinex的母公司iFinex,在整个加密体系中是不可忽视的。据加密货币行情网站Coinmarketcap显示,目前Tether总市值排名第五,达到362.76亿美元。此前Tether达到350亿美元市值时其官方曾表示,Tether仅用了7年就完成了Paypal 23年的才达成的市值。

The anchoring dollar-based stable currency, Tether, and the firm iFinex, the parent company of the encrypted currency exchange Bitfinex, are not negligible throughout the encryption system. According to the encoded currency portal Coinmarketcap, the total market value of Tether is currently ranked fifth, amounting to $36.276 billion.


However, Tether had never conducted a full audit of its dollar reserves, and the market was not clear whether there was a hidden risk behind the higher market value of Tether.

2月23日,美国纽约总检察长办公室发文声明,纽约总检察长Letitia James要求加密货币交易平台Bitfinex和Tether停止在纽约州的交易活动,以保护投资者免受欺诈性的虚拟或加密货币交易平台的影响。两家公司需要支付1850万美元的罚款,此外还需要每个季度向监管机构报告企业的储备金情况以及Bitfinex和Tether实体之间资产转移的强制性报告。

On 23 February, the United States Attorney General's Office in New York issued a statement that New York Attorney General Letitia James had requested that the encrypted currency trading platform Bitfinex and Tether stop trading in New York State to protect investors from fraudulent virtual or encrypted currency trading platforms. Both companies were required to pay $18.5 million in fines, in addition to quarterly reports to regulators on business reserves and mandatory reports on asset transfers between Bitfinex and Tether entities.

纽约司法部长Letitia James在声明中表示,Bitfinex和Tether不顾一切的向客户和市场隐瞒其巨额亏损的真相。Tether并没有将客户资金安全地储存在银行帐户中,而是定期将客户资金转移到各种风险资产上。

In a statement, the New York Attorney General, Letitia James, stated that Bitfinex and Tether were desperate to conceal the truth from their clients and markets about their huge losses. Instead of safely storing their funds in bank accounts, Tether regularly transferred their funds to various risk-based assets.


The New York State investigation of iFinex dates back to April 2019, when Bitfinex was charged by the New York State Attorney General's Office with illegally using $850 million in loans from Tether to cover the loss, and in the process Tether's reserve was “forced” to decrease, thereby failing to meet its commitment to the dollar of 1:1 anchor, thus posing a risk of unpayable market exposure.


In response to the investigation and challenge, on 10 February 2021, Tether sent an official letter stating that in January it had repaid the $550 million outstanding from Bitfinex and that all interest due on the loan had been paid and the credit line cancelled.


With respect to the stability of currency and the French currency system, I believe that the existence of the USDT will weaken the effectiveness of the dollar’s hegemonic power, and that the strict control of regulation is unexpected. Of course, intense regulation is not the only way to deal with the impact of a stable currency on monetary policy and payment systems, and the US is still exemplary in the construction of a global regulatory framework in terms of flexibility and compatibility in the regulation of cryptography.


The dollar’s stable currency has grown to a relatively mature market with a total market value of $37 billion, and the USDT stock has actually grown while market shares have actually declined, and alternatives to Tether’s products and operations have been prepared to absorb market shares when they have accumulated sufficient risk against regulatory practices. The encryption field is a high-speed, self-evolved market of open, open, fully competitive, and largely adequate information, and it is believed that the industry’s impact on the single-point issue of Tether will be less and less.


The risks behind the increase in the “note-printer” are also clear, and QIAN.finance, founder of Chemix, Ray Woo, believes that the USDT increase may not correspond to its dollar reserve of 1:1 and there is a risk of repayment of the shortfall reserve.


Once Bitfinex and Tether have reconciled with NYAG and paid fines, the dominant view within the industry is still optimistic and positive. Or at least Tether’s mines have been removed.


And, as the entire stable currency ecologic progresses, other stable currencies have begun to encroach on the USDT market. Compliance stabilizers, including the USDC, have actually outpaced the USDT growth rate since this year.

勒索500 BTC或为一场闹剧


On March 1, Tether, who had just completed the investigation, received extortion mail. On March 1, Tether's official Twitter post, “PSA: online forged documents claimed to be between @teth_to and Deltec Bank and trust representatives, among others. These documents are false.”

bc1qa9f60pved3w3w0p7snpxlnh5t4uj95vxn797a7发送500 BTC的要求。发件人表示,除非他们在明天之前收到BTC,否则他们将向公众泄露文件,从而达到‘损害比特币生态系统’的目的。但我们是不会付钱的。”“我们已经向执法部门报告了伪造的通信和相关的赎金要求。”

bc1qa9f60pved 3w3w0p7snpxllnh5t4uj95vxn797a7 sends 500 BTC requests. The sender states that unless they receive BTC by tomorrow, they will disclose documents to the public for the purpose of `harming the Bitcoin ecosystem'.

截至Tether被勒索支付500 BTC赎金的最后期限已经过去了,但是并没有关于Tether的敏感文件在网络上进一步流出,这场勒索或为一场闹剧。

The deadline of 500 BTC ransom payments for Tether has passed, but there are no sensitive documents on Tether that have been released further online, either as extortion or as a farce.

王海峰表示,Tether官方3月1日在推特表示不会支付赎金,网上流传的相关文件是伪造的,且已经向执法部门报告了这一事件,同时也公开了勒索地址:bc1qa9f60pved3w3w0p7snpxlnh5t4uj95vxn797a7,我们可以通过OKLink区块浏览器看到该地址的所有交易记录。目前来看,该地址只发生过一笔交易,且交易金额只有0.00001488 BTC,交易时间为2021年3月1日 20:57:42,实际上并没有收到其要求的500枚比特币。

Wang Haifung indicated that Tether’s official tweet of 1 March indicated that no ransom would be paid, that the relevant documents circulated online were false and that the incident had been reported to the law enforcement authorities, and that the extortion address was made public: bc1qa9f60pved 3w3w0p7snpxllnh5t4uj95vxn797a7, which we can see through the OKLink block browser.


He's a researcher at the Warsaw Times Financial Research Institute.

责任编辑:孟俊莲 主编:冉学东

Responsible Editor: Mon Jun-Lian, Editor-in-Chief: Peng Xiaodong


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