众咖云集,论道区块链:新加坡世界区块链峰会DAY 1精彩内容回顾

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The Global Mobile Game Alliance's Global Block Chain Summit and Second International Block Chain Games Forum, hosted by the World Block Chain Council WBC, was held at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Singapore from 17 to 18 July 2018. On July 17, high-profile industry guests from around the world were able to share and engage in a dialogue on a number of topical topics, such as the status of the block chain industry in Asia and the future of the block chain. The following is a brief review of the highlights of the first day of the General Assembly:


世界区块链理事会创始人、GMGC创始人宋炜,代表主办方汇报了本届峰会的各项参会数据,以及启动WBC世界区块链峰会全球城市站合伙人计划等,并分享了“区块链与初心”的演讲。世界区块链组织总干事郑晓军、新加坡金融科技协会会长Chia Hock Lai、WITSA世界资讯科技与服务联盟主席Yvonne Chiu等发表了热情洋溢的开幕式致辞。

The founder of the World Block Chain Council and founder of the GMGC, Song Bao, reported on behalf of the organizers of the Summit's participation and the launch of the WBC World Block Chain Summit Global Urban Station Partnership, and shared a lecture on "The Block Chains and Hearts". The Director-General of the World Block Chain Organization, Chung Xiaojun, the President of the Singapore Financial Science and Technology Association, Chia Hock Lai, and the President of the WITSA World Alliance for Information Technology and Services, Yvonne Chiu, made warm opening remarks.



keynote address: scene-driven technology evolution


Chai Jingo, General Manager of Tsing Block Chain Operations


Three cases of block-chain applications were shared: electronic invoice for block-chains, grid-links plus game scenes, and supply chain finance. The current challenge in block-chain applications is a breakthrough from 0 to 1. Several suggestions were made: models require light entry, legal compliance guarantees, business needs wiping across the business chain, technology requires co-location and privacy protection.



keynote address: block chain competition, from marketing to product


Aurora Aurora Auroral Chain Founder and CEO Zhao U.S. Army

拿白皮书ICO的时代即将成为过去,EOS的中心化机制并不被认可,因为拥堵,越来越多的项目会抛弃以太坊,实际上,其他行业最需要Token和模式,但不一定需要发链。Aurora极光链第二阶段主链即将上线:2000 TPS,多资产同步上线,智能应用隔离,正在对接100个DAPP,Aurora社区APP已上线,已完成美国、欧洲、东南亚、日韩等地的布局。

The era of the white paper ICO is about to become a thing of the past, and the centralization mechanism of EOS is not recognized, because of congestion, more and more projects will be abandoned, and indeed, other industries need the Token and mode most, but not necessarily the chain of hair. The second stage of Aurora's polar chain is about to be lined up: 2000 TPS, multi-asset synchronization, intellectual application isolation, docking 100 DAPs, Aurora community APPs, and completing the layout of the United States, Europe, South-East Asia, Japan, etc.



Keynote address: Regulation of financial science and technology


Dr. Shih Yong, Dean, Lee Bai Finance College


Regulation needs to be “in place” and “in place” to coordinate development and contribute to the development of this technology. Singapore’s cases in financial regulation include shared QR codes and harmonized payment procedures.



Keynote address (b) : Cross-block chain clouds

TokenBacon公共关系主管Johnny Lee

Johnny Lee, Director of Public Relations, TokenBacon


The disadvantage of block chains is that they require a lot of resources, talent and money, excessive transaction costs, and slower transactions. The bacon chain is the world’s first cross-sectional chain cloud service, allowing each firm to easily build its own block chain ecosystem, enabling it to monetize assets, build its own trading chain, and release asset values more easily and efficiently.



keynote address: Rethinking Block Chains - Application of the Five Principles in Block Chains


Li Fong, head of the chain of blocks


Principle I: Block chains are not all-embracing. Principle II: Always put security and privacy first. Principle III: Decentralization is not as important as thought for business. Principle IV: In practical application, the chain of trust institutions can be a powerful complement to the block chain technology. Principle V: The current block chain is more suitable for use in a definitive setting. In the future, the block chain will go through four phases: an improved B2B cooperation model, a value network and a digital asset infrastructure, the trust base of the distributed network era, and Dapp will be widely used.



Keynote address: Encrypted Money and ICO: Evolving Regulation

新加坡金融管理局市场行为政策司前副司长兼主管Nizam Ismail

Nizam Ismail, former Deputy Director and Officer-in-Charge, Market Conduct Policy Division, Singapore Financial Authority


Regulation cannot go beyond innovation, but goes hand in hand. Jean-Daman once said: “There is no reason to ban encrypted currencies because they are useful.” Securities-type encrypted currencies are regulated by existing laws, while other currencies currently have no clear laws. Different countries have different regulatory laws: prohibitions, proper regulation, and too much accommodation. With regard to ICO regulation, users’ interests must be protected; and, if successful, small businesses can be adequately funded and invested.



The President of WITSA's World Alliance for Information Technology and Services, Quizumi, gave a presentation on the current state of development of Taiwan's block chain industry and the Government's increasing openness to block chains, and welcomed the large number of block chain operators to Taiwan to negotiate cooperation.



keynote address: International off-site trading markets

Asian Capital CEO James Smith

以前,大型OTC公司的最低定购量非常高。现在,开始小量的OTC交易,让更多人使用;此外也包括国际化OTC交易。Asian Capital OTC框架提供客户可靠的系统和服务,希望大家能用乐观的心态接受含加密货币。“我们相信,为更多人带来财富的最有效方式在于,通过高质量服务、全球化监管和公认汇款,提供一种值得信任的全球化加密货币场外交易服务”。

The Asian Capital OTC framework provides reliable customer systems and services, hoping that people will accept encrypted currency with optimism. “We believe that the most effective way to bring wealth to more people is through high-quality services, global regulation and recognized remittances, which provide a trusted, global, encrypted, off-site currency trading service.”



Keynote address : thoroughly decentralised P2P public accounts

Gruut Networks?CTO DaeHun Nyang教授

Professor Gruut Networks?


The solution to the difficulties lies in Gruut’s network, where each person has only one chance to vote, because it is not anonymous; the development of the chain of blocks in each region, and its extension to other countries and the world.



Keynote address: Cross-link Communication - The Future of Block Chains in the Connected World

Achain 商务总监Dane Elliott

Achain, head of business, Dane Elliott.


The development of Achain has been divided into three phases: the Wonder Network (Singularity), Galaxy and Cosmos (Cosmos). The Focal Point Network is a network based on smart contracts, which is represented by modularization and smart sandboxes; the Galaxy Network, which is based on side-chains and cross-chain communication technologies, which is represented by BaaS and expandable networks; and the Cosmos Network, which is truly network-connected, with an event-driven feature. Now Achain is in its second phase, dedicated to helping more projects and platforms, teams, and building more parallel chain networks.



round-table forum: block chains in Asia: applications, communities, policies

金色财经合伙人安鑫鑫(主持人),香港国际区块链金融总会主席Simon Je,新加坡区块链学院院长Alvin Chua,嘉楠耘智区块链事业部总经理邵建良,牛顿基石投资人&新加坡社群负责人董天翼

Simon Je, President of the Hong Kong International Block Chain Finance Association; Alvin Chua, Director, Singapore Block Chain College; Xian Jian Jian Jian, General Manager of the Kanaji Block Enterprise; Newton Keystone Investor & Chief of the Singapore Community, Dong Tianqing


The discussion on regulation and compliance: in business, there is a common understanding of the legal framework; Hong Kong's regulatory mechanisms are slow and there is a “share box” that allows for innovation in science and technology; “Synchronous regulation and development of block chains is important.” The discussion on training and education: Singapore needs territorial chain developers to train more matchrs, qualified people to use science and technology procedures and effectively market them to its customers; the Asian University's block chain course is just beginning and has more scope for development.



keynote address: Application of block chains in decentralised health participation systems

ecarecoin创始人Tony Zhang博士

Dr. Tony Zhang, founder of ecarecoin


The main reasons are: data-sharing deficiencies and the inability to motivate patients to take care of their illness as prescribed by a doctor. Ecarecoin is characterized by: the use of block chains; decentralized information-sharing; the ability to allow third-party companies to collect information and return profits to information providers; and contact information to provide medical services to patients.



Keynote address: Trends in international investment in block chains


Yang Ning, founder partner of Lebo Capital.


The current Internet advertising market is based on access to individual and consumer data, but users do not get any value from it; they provide high-value personal consumption data for the industry, but only low-value returns. The CDC project uses block-chain procedures to decentralize finance; allows everyone access to customer information; and treats individual entrepreneurs more equitably.


主题演讲 : 欢迎来到Ico-Llywood的神奇世界

Welcome to Ico-Llywood's Wonder World /strong>.

VOX.sg?CEO Stefano Virgilli


Now, it is becoming easier to run an ICO, but many ICO projects have limited reliability, and how can the success rate of the ICO be properly assessed? It can be done in terms of the value of money, how much money is needed, the situation of investors, how the project intends to allocate resources, profit targets and planning. Most people buy encrypted money for entertainment.



Keynote address (b) : An inspiration for human resources and future work from block chains

STORM Technologies PH 创始人兼CEO Peter Paul Cauton

STORM Technologies PH Founder and CEO Peter Paul Courton


Work trends continue to change, leading to the emergence of more freelancers in society today. Block chains are compatible with existing labour markets, such as the provision of smart contracts to pay freelancers more equitably.


圆桌论坛:Next In Blockchain

Round table forum: /strong> Next In Blockchain

Kommunity Ventures CEO Gerald Tock(主持人),腾讯区块链业务总经理蔡弋戈,GSX Group亚太地区首席策略官Andrew Pal,Sandos Hotels & Resorts CTO Michele Ruberl,以太坊基金会总法律顾问Tju Liang

KommunityVentures CEO Gerald Tock (Moderator), Chai Jingo, General Manager, Tseng Block Chain Operations, Andrew Pal, Chief Strategic Officer, GSX Group Asia Pacific, Sandos Hotels & Resorts CTO Michele Ruberl, General Legal Adviser, Ethio Foundation, Tju Liang

腾讯用“open network”网络平台助力实现区块链落地应用。如果能快速解决问题,就能保留客户的信任。怎样把中心化系统转换成区块链——这是一个困难,不同的行业需要不同的过渡计划。虽然现在对于加密数字货币还没有完善的监管,这并不代表加密数字货币不可靠,所以鼓励更多人参与区块链市场。 监管方法可以跟区块链同步修改,更改,来符合每个阶段的需求。“区块链改变人与人之间互动的方式”;去中心化、可得到反馈。

This does not mean that encryption digital money is unreliable, so more people are encouraged to participate in block chain markets. Regulatory methods can be synchronized with block chains, modified to meet the needs of each stage. "The block chain changes the way people interact with each other"; decentralized, with feedback.


本届峰会以“Next in Blockchain”为主题,在全球范围内邀请近30多个国家,1000多名政商领袖、专家学者、区块链企业、投资机构、技术社群等嘉宾代表,共同探讨全球区块链技术与应用的未来趋势,定义下一代区块链发展方向。

With the theme “Next in Blockchain”, the Summit invited more than 1,000 guests from over 30 countries worldwide, including political and business leaders, expert scholars, block-chain enterprises, investment agencies and the technology community, to explore future trends in technology and applications in the global block chain and to define the direction of the next generation of block-chain development.


Electronics and Technology (www.diankeji.com) is a leading information medium focused on the global TMT industry.

作为今日头条青云计划、百家号百+计划获得者,2019百度数码年度作者、百家号科技领域最具人气作者、2019搜狗科技文化作者、2021百家号季度影响力创作者,曾荣获2013搜狐最佳行业媒体人、2015中国新媒体创业大赛北京赛季军、 2015年度光芒体验大奖、2015中国新媒体创业大赛总决赛季军、2018百度动态年度实力红人等诸多大奖。

As the winner of today’s leading Qingyun Project, the 100+ Project, the digital annual authors of 2019, the 100th most popular in science and technology, the 2019 dog-searchers, the 2021st quarterly influence creators, the best industry media promoter of the 2013 search, the Beijing Quakers of the 2015 China New Media Entrepreneurship Competition, the 2015 luminous experience award, the 2015 China New Media Entrepreneurship final season, the 2018-degree dynamic year Red Man, and many other prizes.






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