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The concept of the strong's contemporary block chain has only emerged for more than 10 years, but similar attempts have been documented in the long past. And since the beginning, such mechanisms have been linked to the monetary economy. Perhaps you will find the shell to be primitive, but its history as a currency has prevailed in many parts of the world until the nineteenth century. Even today, when mobile payments are popular on the Internet, there are countries that use it as an accepted legal currency.


original distributed billing



But before human society enters metal coins, the shell is full of people from five continents. In times of inexplicable intercontinental movement, the shell has such a powerful pay-as-you-go influence that it has great value and a sense of existence in the original human mind.


Since early humans have no transport technology such as wheels and horses, ships are the best choice for movement and transport. And the river and lake seas are rich in water and easily attract large numbers of people to fish. Among them, shellfish are more likely to become a ready-made food for hunger because they have no escape capacity. The early works of art based on shells are popular. The initial necklaces, bracelets, earrings, or hangs, are used as raw materials, and are increasingly of value in exchange.

新石器时代的经济发展 催生了交易介质需求

Economic development in the New Stone Age has created demand for trade media


With the increase in the number of human communities, early agricultural and pastoral developments have led to a large number of surplus products. As a result, trade-offs have begun to occur in different geographical areas. But most agricultural output has a short shelf life and is not easily carried by traders, forcing humanity to seek a relatively stable and rich trading medium.


goes beyond many people's intuitive knowledge, and shell money has since its inception a later distributional accounting feature. , although many will compare today's national currency, shell trading does not actually have a clear concept of centralization. Each coastal or riverside tribe can go to the waterside and then process itself in a relatively neat form. The only industry criterion is the need for shell shells as mediums, not as remains of other organisms.

在河边寻觅贝壳 就是一种原始“挖矿”

"Strong" searching for shells by the river is a kind of original "mining"


depends entirely on the outcome of the negotiations between the parties to the transaction. means that not only does the purchasing power of the shell fluctuate with the amount of material, but the price itself varies in the course of the flow. A resident living in the interior may exchange a lot of shells for speculation.


This is mainly due to the lack of shell as a currency, and the lack of a system of reserves needed for near modern financial products. The production of shellfish is likely to be expected to be high and low due to natural factors. No reliable products of stable value can be produced as endorsements of their own shell money. is therefore a typical barbarous growth phase, with many similarities to the earlier chains of future generations.

贝壳作为货币的价值 上下浮动非常剧烈

The value of the shell as a currency is very strong up and down


faces the metal challenge


> early Minos coins from Crete


As soon as human society enters the copper age, the limits of shell money are exposed. The birth of the bulk merchandise trade, which makes merchants and managers more vulnerable to unendorsed shells. So the initial precious metal money was born. Initially, copper, as an important strategic resource, was a very valuable means of payment. Archaeologists found original copper coins made by Minos civilization on the island of Crete.


Of course, the introduction of precious metals does not mean the end of the history of shellfish as a currency. When people trade on a wide scale across regions, it is natural to choose high-net silver and silver iron, increasing purchasing power and transportation. But, within a particular community, shells are still a customary means of daily payment. , especially in the non-coastal zone, the value of shells rises reverses with the reduction in the number of miners in the sea. So, until horse breeding technology develops, the circulation of seashells is further compressed.



However, as the distance between transport technology and international trade increases, shellfish is gradually phased out in several regions. is first in the eastern Mediterranean region, where the commodity economy is most advanced, and then in Syria, the two river basins, and Egypt, with which it is closely linked.


In the seventh to sixth centuries B.C., the Ludians in the western part of the sub-Asian peninsula created a revolutionary circle of silver and silver currency. In 200 years, this form was unanimously recognized and rapidly spread among the Greek and Phoenician population. By their way, the Mediterranean world, Egypt, the Black Sea basin, and Mesopotamia were spread across the Mediterranean.


Ludian gold in the 7th-6th century B.C.



The Persian Empire silver coin of the sixth century B.C.


Even where there is little circulation of gold and silver, the low value of copper alone is enough to universalize the metal currency. , for example, in the Indian region, at least during the time of King Ah Yu’s Peacock Empire, square silver coins were issued with local characteristics. But shells continue to be used as small groups of values in areas with weak imperial control.


The early copper coins of , due to their high value, need not be carried too much. But, as copper mines increase with a small amount of gold and silver imports, the coins shrink and crowd out the shell market. Owing to narrow external communication lines, and the preference given to a large number of coppers for weapons manufacture, the use of the shell continues to be very late.


"Strong" 4th Century B.C., peacock Empire silver coin



秦始皇选择了圆形方孔钱 但也没能淘汰贝壳

Qin Emperor Qin chose round square-hole money but failed to eliminate the shell


At the end of the mid-century, the limited production of precious metals was faced with the need to support the growth of the economy as a whole. The original driving force of the Great Seafaring era was the joint treasure-seeking activities of the European royal family, the aristocracy, and the business community.


The Portuguese who landed in West Africa realized that the clans along the Gulf of Guinea used shells as a means of payment. Even the most economically advanced sub-Saharan Kingdom, would agree to receive shells from the Arabs. Although gold, weapons, and salt had circulation properties, the weight and prevalence were not as widespread as shells. So, in the early forts of the commercial stations, a professional employee would be assigned to clean the shells.


葡萄牙人用贝壳等手段 换来不少西非金

The Portuguese trade a lot of West African gold for shells and so on.


The Western Nordic colonists of the 17th century also found that North American Indians like to use shellfish as a currency. , although isolated for almost 10,000 years, formed a special economy similar to that of distributional bookkeeping. As for South America, which was previously conquered by the Spaniards, shell payments were eliminated in the first place as a result of large-scale mining of Peruvian silver mines.


But the shell economy of North America lasted at least the 18th century. Until the members of the Indian Economic Circle recognized the European Gold and Silver, they were strictly protecting their shell money system and thus contributing a lot of expensive fur.




西非等地的贝壳货币 坚持到了19世纪

The shell currency of West Africa and the rest of the world lasted until the 19th century.


Readers of the strong see here that the shell money may feel very strong. Throughout history,


During the 15-19 century, the economic strategy of the local black kingdom was limited access, the export of irreplaceable commodities, and a strict boycott of the European Chamber of Commerce’s entry into the hinterland market. Of course, they did not have enough white imports of arms and other commodities, but they were largely able to maintain that balance.


West Africa has become an integral part of transatlantic multilateral trade

英国人只要愿意 随时可以运来大量贝壳



When the British gained advantage in the Atlantic region, they continued to influence West Africa, including through Ghana's gold coast. The great power of Britain's maritime rights allowed them to transport a few tons of shells whenever they wished. This weight is no doubt far beyond the medieval Arab camels and the early adventurers' fleet.


In North America, the collapse of shellfish is even more unsuspecting. , long after the British and French colonies, a large number of natives abandoned their previous traditions and tried to integrate into the international world. That is, shellfish disappears from the coast in a short time and is degraded into a reservation project for inter-tribal trade.

黑奴贸易的废止 让西非本地失去了优势商品

The abolition of the slave trade has deprived West Africa of its local advantage.

贝壳加工业 终究从货币变成工艺品

the shell processing industry turned from currency to craft.



Since then, the gold-based global monetary system has spread, while the value of precious metals has been weakened and the shell at the bottom has no chance of turning. However, in Papua New Guinea today, the shell remains the legal currency of eastern New Britain.


It's more than 5,000 years old to see the history of the block chain. The high-net barbarous growth phase carries a lot of risks than the benefits. Decentralizing thinking is the core competitiveness that always attracts attention. But any currency is worth writing, which is the most important reason for countries to have central banks today.




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