
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:72 评论:0
  8月14日,“2018|首届海峡两岸区块链产业论坛”在平潭正式落幕,与会领导、两岸嘉宾等与会人员逾200人。On 14 August, the First Cross-Strait Block...



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On 14 August, the First Cross-Strait Block Chain Industry Forum, 2018, was officially inaugurated in the plain with over 200 participants, including leaders and guests from both sides of the Strait.


The forum was co-sponsored by the China International Trade Promotion Committee (hereinafter referred to as the China Trade Promotion Committee), the Hong Kong and Australasia Business Service Centre in Taiwan, the Beijing Interactive Network Science and Technology Ltd., and the China International Trade Promotion Association (CIETAC), the Preparatory Committee for the China Trade Promotion Centre for the Trade Zone and the Cross-Strait Block Chain Industry Association, with the nodal economics and the financial block chain as the lead media for cooperation.


14 The Conference was officially opened at 9 a.m. by the guest host, Mr. Sun Yuji, the one-stop-shop service provider of BHOP.


Mr. Chen Zhichuan (right 1); Ms. Jiang Yung (right 2), President of the Taiwan Sorority Association of compatriots of Fujian Province; Mr. Yuan Yuo, Deputy Director-General of the Taiwan State Office (right 3); Mr. Ho Chang Ming (right 4), Director of the Taiwan Branch of the Taiwan Business Office of Fujian Province; Mr. Liu Dynasty, Vice-Rector of the Taiwan University of Science and Technology (right 6); and Mr. Su Mu Xian, Engineer of the Web-based Office (right 7) (single above in order of order according to the middle of the film)


Mr. Lin Soon-jae (left 1); Mr. Chen Jie, Chairman of the Fujian Province Trade Promotion Council (left 2); Ms. Yu Haiyan, Deputy Ombudsman of the China Trade Promotion Association (left 3); Ms. Kaori Kori, Director of the Ministry of Commerce (left 4); Mr. Yu Hongbo, Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Ao Business Service Centre of the China Trade Promotion Conference (left 5); Chairman of the Interact Board of Directors and initiator of the Peach Flower Chain Investment Fund; Mr. Zhang Ping, Chairman of the Preparatory Committee of the Association for the Application of Block Chains in the Province of Fujian (right 6); and Mr. Tsang Liang, President of the IDC International Foundation for Digital Assets (right 7) (the above order follows the middle order of the film)


Mr. Chen Chixuan, Director, Centre for Business Services, Taiwan and Ao, China Trade Promotion Centre, began his presentation: “The purpose of the first Cross-Strait Block Industry Forum, held in Pingguang, was to build bridges for deepening cross-Straits trade and trade cooperation, to contribute to the development of the Trans-Strait Trade Zone, to share opportunities for development and to make the career more accessible.”


“According to the further technological development of the cross-Strait Block Chain through deep exchange and cooperation between block chain enterprises on both sides of the Strait, the deployment of block chain technologies can also accelerate the transformational upgrading of traditional industries and provide a new impetus for the development of smooth free trade pilot zones.” (


Mr. Lin Soon-jai, Deputy Director of the PIGC, took the floor to make a statement: “This forum brings together the elite and top technical talent of the industry of the bi-Strait Block Chain to exchange experiences and share results on the theme “Multicipation of the Future of the Chain”, to jointly explore the application and future development of the Block Chain and to promote the effective application of the Block Chain Technology in all walks of life and to lead the economic development of the Straits on both sides.”


“We hope, through this forum, to hear the voices of the cutting edge of technology in the area of the close contact block chain from both sides of the Straits chain, and we hope that guests will contribute their ideas and wisdom to the building of the flat block chain industry and the joint home on both sides of the Straits.”


Ms. RYU Haiyan, Deputy Inspector of the China Trade Promotion Association, took the floor: “The China Trade Promotion Association will use the Fuzhou Xiamen Centre for Self-Trade Services as a new platform to continue to strengthen its research work, to deepen its understanding of the needs of enterprises and the Administrative Committee of the Free Trade Test Zone, to contribute channels and client resources, and to make a new contribution to the further reform of the Fujian Self-Trade Trial Zone and to the creation of a new height for open foreign cooperation.”


Mr. Yang Cheonan, Deputy Director General of the Financial Office of the Integrated Experimental District Council, presented the participants with an introduction to the system of Open and Preferential Policies.


“In the general outline approved by the State Council, 28 articles were given in seven areas of the Ping Poon Experiment Zone, better than in the Special Economic Zone, and more specific policies, including tax deductions, bonds, refunds and selective taxation, such as the reduction of enterprises from 25 per cent to 15 per cent in the list of income tax preferences.”


“The financial sector is the backbone of our quagmire, and we have studied the block chain for many years, and we hope that the so-called promotion of our financial sector through science and technology finance will be achieved, and that the quagmire will be built into a single capital on both sides of the Strait.”


Mr. Zhang Peng, President of the Preparatory Committee of the Association for the Application of Block Chains in the Fuchan Straits, President of the Interactive Board of Directors and founder of the Peach Flower Chain Fund, gave a presentation on the future Association for the Application of Block Chains in the Fuchan Straits and its preparatory work, explaining to leaders, guests, the aims of the Association, the focus of its future work, etc.


“The unique geographical advantage of the quagmire, tax policy, regulatory policy, as a strategic node of the country, is an important factor for future alignment with the development of the block chain.”


“It will become a block-chain technology in China's areas of greatest financial value, attracting more high-tech enterprises and talent, leading China's economic development, and leading to greater prosperity in all walks of life, making it the capital of the world's high-profile block-chain.”


Several guests joined forces to launch the preparatory work for the Association for the Application of the Block Chain in Fujian Province, which marked a solid first step on the road to the development of the block chain industry.


Mr. Kim Chi, Taiwan Far East Aviation, gave a keynote address on " Block chains as the next driving force for business model development ".


"Many people experienced the bubble of the Internet in 2000, and many companies may have just been formed, valued at 1 billion or even 2 billion. After the bubble, the Internet is still in our lives, like tether, Alibaba. I'm sure the development of the block chain will be similar."


“Twenty years of changes in business patterns that have turned manufacturing into a network platform economy, and blocks chains will be the next driving force behind this development.”


The President of the IDC International Digital Assets Charitable Foundation, Mr. Tsang Liang, delivered a keynote address on the theme " Value investment and public good in block chain 3.0 ", sharing with leaders, guests the idea of investing in their own value, how to invest in value in block chain 3.0 and how to do it in the public good.


“Summary five articles: competent to focus on teams, ecosystems, not strong enough to think about what is needed to select the most affordable items. Together, these five items are the logic of the 3.0-value investment in the block chain.”


“We are China's first officially recognized Charitable Fund for Digital Assets, which has been launched through cooperation with the Chinese Red Cross Foundation. This work has been fully completed, so that it is reasonable, legal and appropriate. Here we are particularly grateful to the China International Trade Promotion Committee, which, together with the Trade and Promotion Council, has launched the first shot of the charity, and the joint donation of good money will be given to the Poverty Reduction Unit of the Trade Promotion Council.” (b/ > )


Ms. Ping Ping, Managing Partner, Eagle Foundation, was the first speaker on the General Assembly's afternoon agenda, in which she shared the rules for Eagles to invest in block chains.


"To speak of classical investment, angel investment, I would like to say that our faith is value investment, which is the longest moat, and that we saw two things at the earliest, first person, second direction. People are right, the way is right, and then we basically support him in realizing his dream, so from millions of millions, tens of millions of dollars, good things go to the market, we generally have a higher return on our investment."


“The block chain is expected to generate a trillion-dollar value globally over the next decade, which is a consensus among many of the larger forecasts and more authoritative institutions in official finance. The technology of the block chain will trigger a major change in the various sectors of finance, energy, supply chains, insurance, real estate, law, etc., and the transformation of digital identity will have a number of destabilizing effects, mainly on its productivity and labour relations, as well as on decentralization.”


The keynote address by Mr. Xiaoray, President of the Foundation for the Industrial Block Chain (DIPPNET) was “The upgrading of traditional enterprises with the technological backbone of the block chain”.


"Don't think about using this technology all the time. A lot of people ask me how I use the block chain in the industry, and I tell him I can't tell you about it because I don't know what your industry is. Don't think about the block chain technology, because we're supposed to create conditions for the block chain technology."


“I don't think it makes any sense today when many companies think about how to use block chain technology... It's my basic logic that today, when we think about the application of block chain technology, we think about the direction of the upgrading of the transition, and then think about whether the block chain can be used in it.”


The keynote address by Mr. Sun Jian, founder of JLAB, was entitled " The Revolution of Block Chains to Financial Markets ".


“What is more popular or very dominant in countries around the world is the gold reserve, which is accepted as a matter of government authority, for a few years, or perhaps a hundred years. Each country is running gold reserves, which are the first to fluctuate, and the second to have largely completed its historic mission.”


“There will be a growing number of digital money-based and block-link companies in the world in the future. We catch up with this opportunity ourselves, and we want to work with you to make the world a better place for digital money as a whole.”


A keynote address was given by Mr. Tsing Dong-ming, founder of the Central Korean block chain community, on the theme " Block chains and practical applications ".


"The block chain is a transition from the physical world to the digital world, and the essence of the block chain is a map of the traditional world with numbers. In the future, many things have to be digitized, moving from the physical world to the digital world. The block chain is also a technological revolution in productive relationships. Traditional companies no longer need directors, assistants, and affiliations, but rather a kind of human cooperation, benefit-sharing and goal-sharing."


At the end of the conference, 30 members of the elite of the cross-Strait Block Chain industry, led by the Commission, held a closed private meeting at which people were able to communicate at zero distance and exchange views on the focal issues of the block chain industry for the development of the quagmire.


The head of the Commission briefed the guests on the future development plan of the flathouse and on a deeper and more detailed policy interpretation, and the guests also provided their respective views and recommendations from a professional perspective on the development of the block chain industry.




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