BitMEX、OKEx、Huobi ——合约交易市场深度横向对比

资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:75 评论:0



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Discussions on digital currency contract transactions have long been under way, with the successive roll-out of digital currency contract transactions from BitMEX and OKCoin in 2014 almost six years old, with contract transactions permanently maintained on the two main exchanges of BitMEX and OKEx; late last year, during the period of diplomatic hardship in Huobi [[i], contractual products were chosen to rush online to outsource workers, creating new profit growth points to transfer pressing operating cash flow pressures.

根据福布斯近期发布的长篇报道,该报道转载了Alameda Research于2019年7月初发布的《数字货币交易所真实交易量报告》【[ii]】,报告中提及OKEx、BitMEX、Huobi的真实交易量调查,其数据显示OKEx、Huobi、BitMEX真实交易量为100%,在现货与期货交易量上,OKEx、Huobi、BitMEX交易所分列前三。

According to a long story recently published by Forbes, which reproduces the Report on Real Transactions on Digital Currency Exchanges, published by Alameda Research in early July 2019[ii], the report refers to the real volume surveys of OKEx, BitMEX, Huobi, which show that the true volume of transactions is 100 per cent, with the top three breakdowns of spot and future transactions.

Alameda 是数字货币二级市场中最大的流动性提供商之一,曾帮助Binance在全球各主要交易所完成7500枚BTC出售的大宗交易【[iii]】,Alameda依据手中庞大的交易数据,通过6个不同的维度检测数十家交易所的交易量真实性。

Alameda, one of the largest liquidity providers in the secondary market for digital money, has helped Binance complete 7,500 BTC sales in major global exchanges[iii]. Alameda has tested the trueness of dozens of exchanges in six different dimensions, based on the vast amount of transaction data available.


We consider Alameda's data to be more objective than those of the domestic media and therefore analysed as one of the leading data in this article, mainly through the availability of third-party data on the market, as well as feedback from users, and through four dimensions of user size, contract turnover, K-line processing, needle-pluging, etc., to explain the depth of the markets of the three contracting exchanges and their impact and to compare them horizontally.


In the course of the analysis, we found that the Huobi contract transaction had two problems: K-line processing and K-line modification, which made it easier to mislead users about the depth of the market for the contract transaction, and we would like to note this.

(一). 用户规模:BitMEX=OKEx>Huobi

(i) User size: BitMEX=OKEx> Huobi


In terms of the size of the users of contractual transactions, BitMEX and OKEx, as old-fashioned providers of contractual services, experienced intense competition from the digital currency contract exchange from 2014 to 2016, with no distinction as to the overall volume of transactions and the size of the users, which is also reflected in the fact that the two exchanges have accounted for more than 80 per cent of the global volume of contractual transactions for a long period of time.


In terms of the professionalism of the users of the overall transaction, BitMEX is dealing primarily with B-end institutional traders, providing a better trading mix engine and API experience, and taking a streamlined approach to the optimization of the interface; OKEx and B-side agency traders are also dealing with C-end bulk investors, providing easy and fast trading services; due to the short entry time, Huobi is currently the main user of C-end bulk traders.


As a follow-up to the contract transaction, Huobi's entry into the company had achieved better market performance for less than eight months, but the overall number of users, investment agencies, quantitative hedge funds still lags far behind BitMEX and OKEx, and we believe that this development can be changed in the long run by transferring the users of the hot currency spot deal to the contract transaction.

(二). 合约交易量:BitMEX=OKEx>>Huobi

(ii) Contract volume: BitMEX=OKEx> > Huobi


With regard to the volume of market transactions in contractual transactions, it is very unlikely that BitMEX will occur because it will mainly serve non-United States, Canadian and European overseas users, especially in Europe, and thus be much better regulated and compliant than domestic exchanges, and because the cost risks associated with trade data counterfeiting are too high.


OKEx, for its part, has demonstrated sufficient transparency in the market through the recent online large-scale contract data products, including overall transaction volumes, multi-empt comparisons, contract base spreads, stock holdings, voluntary buy-in/sales, elite trend indicators, and the true proportion of elite stockholdings. Transparency has led to very high costs of forgery, safeguarding the authenticity of its data.


Huobi is registered in the loosely legal Seychelles and does not provide sufficient market data or transparency, and has limited external access to real information; furthermore, since Huobi calculates the volume of contractual transactions in a way that differs from that of other trade exchanges, purchases and silos are used to calculate the volume of transactions for one transaction, which is not reflected in the report provided by Alameda[iv].


As a result, we adjusted the volume of contractual transactions according to conventional market calculations, dividing Huobi's contract volume by two, with the following results: the contract volume of OKEx and BitMEX was approximately 2.2 times that of Huobi.

图表1 BitMEX、OKEx、Huobi现货、期货真实交易量

Figure 1 BitMEX, OKEx, Huobi spot, futures real transactions

(三). K线处理:BitMEX=OKEx>>>Huobi

(iii) K-line handling: BitMEX=OKEx> > > Huobi


In the case of contract transactions, the problems of silos and needle plugs are often associated with the fact that when overall liquidity is depleted as a result of large market shocks, and when single-direction listings increase significantly in an instant, a large number of counter-directional contracts will explode, which also signals a reversal of the market, thus providing an accurate picture of the overall market depth of the various contract trading platforms by comparing the needle plugs of various exchanges and the silos.


On the basis of this, we looked at the point of injection of the three BitMEX, OKEx, Huobi Exchanges and the Blast Mechanism, and we found a very interesting phenomenon, namely, the “K-line treatment of the Huobi contract deal” situation; according to Huobi's description of the Blast Mechanism [[v], it can be said that “since the takeover price will not be shown on the K-line, since there is no sorting system for the compulsory silo takeover process, and the taking over price does not amount to a physical salvation of the price”.

图表2 Huobi合约的K线价格计算方式

Figure 2 K-line price calculation for the Huobi contract


We compare BitMEX and OKEx's contract deal with the scheme, which, as shown in the figure below, resulted in the final secondary market line K by entrusting the warehouse bill to the secondary market, and Huobi's direct matching through the internal system, which resulted in neither the terminal price nor the average transaction price on the K line, which also led to the Huobi contract being able to significantly optimize the presence of its needles on the K line.

图表3 OKEx、BitMEX以及正常K线价格的计算方式

Figure 3 Calculation of OKEx, BitMEX and normal K-line prices

如上图所示,一名用户在搜狐网发文称【[vi]】,其LTC合约交易在2019年2月13日23点05分被强制平仓,该质疑在Huobi交易所存在“暗箱操作”、“定点爆仓”的情况,我们研究了该篇文章,了解Huobi合约交易存在“K线处理”的情况,体现在爆仓成交均价为39.903元,而在Huobi K线图显示的时点最低价格为40.000。

As shown in the figure above, one user, in a search for Foxnet, stated [vi] that its LTC contract deal was compulsorily levelled at 2305 hours on 13 February 2019, questioning the existence of “black box operations” on the Huobi exchange and “scrambled silos”, and we studied the article on the “K-line processing” of Huobi's contract transaction, as evidenced by the average price of $39.903 on the blowout and the minimum price of 40,000 at the time indicated in the Huobi K map.

图表4 HuobiLTC合约强平成交均价

Figure 4. HuobiLTC contract is a good deal.


Huobi’s apparent K-charting behaviour led to a miscalculation by users of its market depth. We also compare the trading rules of BitMEX and OKEx with the practice of entrusting a warehouse bill to a secondary market and being reflected on the K-line when the user explodes. In the case of a warehouse, Huobi’s contract deal clearly and deliberately misleads users’ perception of the “light” of its contract market.

图表5 Huobi合约K线图存在“优化”行为

Figure 5 Operation "optimal" in the K-line map of the Huobi contract

(四). 插针问题:BitMEX=OKEx>>Huobi

(iv) The needle problem: BitMEX=OKEx> > Huobi


Nevertheless, we compare as much as possible with the K-line data of the secondary market, and with the sampling of the market price for the contract transactions of different markets, different mainstream digital currencies and the inclusion of the main currency BTC and other digital currencies over a period of time in which the K-line price of Huobi is experiencing a gradual increase in its impact on the K-line optimization, so we compare the data for an earlier period of time, as follows:


In the case of the main currency BTC contracts, the number of OKEx plug points is 7001.00, the number of Huobi plugs is 6791.71 and the number of BitMEX plugs is 630.000.


BitMEX inserted the needle on the same day because the BTC prices on the contract index collection exchange fell sharply, leading to a large explosion in contract transactions; in fact, BitMEX’s overall market depth was close to OKEx, and BitMEX’s total volume was nearly 90% on BTC transactions. Therefore, BitMEX’s BTC trading depth should be better than that of OKEx’s contracts.

图表6 OKEx BTC合约最低点7001.00(2019年5月17日)

Figure 6 OKEx BTC contract lowest point 7001.00 (17 May 2019)

图表7 Huobi BTC合约最低点6791.71(2019年5月17日)

Figure 7 Huobi BTC Contract Minimum Point 6791.71 (17 May 2019)

图表8 BitMEX BTC合约最低点6380.00(2019年5月17日)

Figure 8 BitMEX BTC minimum contract 6380.00 (17 May 2019)


In other currencies, the overall transaction volume of OKEx is better than that of BitMEX, such as ETH, EOS, etc., which also indicates that the users of OKEx are more inclined to invest in assets at higher risk.


Compared to BitMEX and OKEx, we are unable to compare the depth of the trade in Huobi because the Huobi coin has a K-line optimization, and there is also a modification of the K-line map; according to an article in a self-chained finance book[vii]: “On May 24, the tender ETH spot levers inbound the needles, and according to the sign K line, the ETH spot is at a minimum price of $100 and at a maximum price of $1,400 instantaneously.”


The Huobi contract, which occurred on 24 May 2019, gave rise to much discussion within the community at the time, but we did not search the trading data on the Hoobi spot leverage and the contract deal K-line, given that the allegation was spread through photographs rather than screens; we therefore suspect that the tender was removed from the K-line in some way during the follow-up operation.

图表9 火币ETH现货杠杆天地针(2019年5月24日)

Figure 9 Sign currency ETH spot-leveraging needles (24 May 2019)

图表10 火币ETH现货杠杆天地针(2019年5月24日)

Figure 10 Sign currency ETH spot-leveraging needles (24 May 2019)

(五). 结语

(v) Concluding remarks


As a result of the above analysis, it is surprising that there is still a very large gap between the tender contract and the current market leader, BitMEX, and OKEx, at the various dimensions of the market depth, especially those that are easily ambiguous, such as the optimisation of the K-line, modification, and the design of the silo mechanism.


With the overall improvement in the digital currency market as a whole, the back-to-back contract deal will lead to a more healthy development of the digital currency. We believe that the contract market will inevitably undergo major changes and that new competitors may emerge as important market forces, but this trend may not be the case now, given the near-user fraud of the tender.


[i] “Intra-Diplomatic Distress, the Great Falls”,


[ii] Digital Currency Volume Real Time Accounting,

[iii]《Alameda Research Trading the 7.5K BTC Sell Wall on Binance Today》,

[iv]根据Alameda Research发布的论文,Alameda仅确认各大交易所是否对数据进行造假,不检验其“计算方式”的有效性。因此严格来说,火币交易所的双向计算并不是一种数据造假,而是一种取巧的计算方式。

[iv] According to a paper published by Alameda Research, Alameda merely confirms whether the data are falsified by the major exchanges and does not test the validity of their “calculations”. Thus, strictly speaking, the two-way calculation of the currency exchange is not a data fabrication, but rather a convenient calculation.


[v] [Compulsory Statement of the Coercive Tilt Contract,]


[vi] The Black Curtain of Gunn Contract Transactions,


[vii] " How many users are pre-empted by problems with the tender contract? ",




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