
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:67 评论:0
ETH,全称为以太币(Ethereum),是一种基于区块链技术的加密货币,同时也是以太坊网络(Ethereum Network)的原生货币。以太坊网络是一个去中心化的计算机平台,允许开发者在其上构建智能合约和去中心化应用程序(DApps)...



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ETH,全称为以太币(Ethereum),是一种基于区块链技术的加密货币,同时也是以太坊网络(Ethereum Network)的原生货币。以太坊网络是一个去中心化的计算机平台,允许开发者在其上构建智能合约和去中心化应用程序(DApps)。

The Etherium network is a decentralised computer platform that allows developers to build smart contracts and decentralised applications.


Its realization is based on block chain technology, whose main features are distributed, non-manufacturing, open transparency, decentralisation and security. It achieves a variety of functions through smart contracts, a process that automatically enforces the terms of the contract, which are encoded in the block chain in which users of the network can create, deploy and operate smart contracts.

以太坊网络的节点包括全节点、轻节点和挖矿节点。全节点保存了完整的区块链数据,轻节点只保存区块头,而挖矿节点则通过计算来创建新的区块并获得以太币作为奖励。以太坊网络的共识算法是工作量证明(Proof of Work,PoW),其中挖矿节点需要通过计算来解决一道数学难题,以验证新区块的合法性。

The nodes of the Taiwan network include the full nodes, light nodes, and excavated nodes. The full nodes contain complete block chain data, the light nodes only save blocks, and the dig nodes are calculated to create new blocks and be rewarded with tautoni. The consensus algorithm of the Tai Fu network is proof of workload, in which excavated nodes need to be calculated to solve a mathematical problem to verify the legitimacy of the new nodes.


Ethernet provides extensive support and functionality for decentralizing applications through smart contracts and the development of Dapps. Ethernet is not just a digital currency; it is also a new platform for decentralizing applications, and its open intellectual contract system allows Ethernet to support a wider range of applications and applications.


Ethash requires a higher degree of ability to calculate these cards. The task of calculating mining nodes is to solve a problem that is a large number of computing-intensive Hash functions that verify the legitimacy of new blocks through this Hash function.

ETH挖矿需要大量显卡的原因是因为以太坊采用了工作量证明(Proof of Work)的共识算法。这种算法需要矿工通过算力的竞争来解决数学难题,获得记账权和一定数量的ETH奖励。

The reason for the large number of cards required for ETH mining is that Etheria has adopted the Proof of Work consensus algorithm. This algorithm requires miners to solve mathematical problems through arithmetic competition, with rights to bookkeeping and a certain amount of ETH reward.


In the Etheria network, the main task of mining is to verify new transactions and pack them into blocks, while trying to find a random number that meets certain requirements, which is called “nonce”. Each mining union uses its own calculations to try to find this random number that meets the requirements, and to find it and then broadcast it to other nodes on the network for confirmation and validation.


The cards play a very important role in the mining process. The cards are quick enough to perform high-intensity calculations, and they can also process a large amount of data, which makes them very suitable for mining. Specifically, the ETH digs require the use of GPUs, which handle large numbers of parallel calculations at the same time, and have a high capacity to calculate and validate transactions, as well as a faster attempt at random numbers, thereby increasing access to rights and incentives.


As a result, ETH mining requires substantial card support, and the quality and arithmetic of the cards can also have a direct impact on mining efficiency and returns.

以太坊网络的历史可以追溯到2013年,由Vitalik Buterin提出的以太坊白皮书(Ethereum White Paper)开创了以太坊网络的创新思路,随后在2014年推出了第一版以太坊网络。以太坊网络的分支主要是由于不同的开发团队和社区对于以太坊网络的发展方向和理念的不同所导致的。其中最著名的分支是以太坊经典(Ethereum Classic,ETC),它是在2016年由一部分以太坊社区成员不同意在以太坊网络上发生的DAO攻击而创建的。在DAO攻击中,黑客攻击了以太坊网络上的一个智能合约,窃取了大量以太币,以太坊社区成员在不同意进行硬分叉的情况下,最终导致了以太坊网络的分裂。

As far back as 2013, the Etherium White Paper, presented by Vitalik Buterin, created innovative ideas for Etherium’s network, followed in 2014 by the launch of the first edition of Ethernet’s network. The branch of Ethernet’s network is largely due to differences in direction and philosophy between different development teams and communities over Ether’s network. The most famous of these are the Etherium Classic (Etheum Classic, EtC), which was created in 2016 by a group of Tether community members who did not agree to the Dao attack on Etheria’s network. During the DAO attack, hackers attacked an intelligent contract on Etheria’s network, stealing a large amount of talons, eventually dividing the Teth Community’s network by refusing to agree to a hard split.


In addition to ETC, there are a number of other Etheria branches, such as EOS, Tron, NEO, which are based on the technology and ideas of Ethernet to expand and upgrade the functionality and performance of Ethernet through improvements and innovations.


In general, the Ethernet is a decentralised computer platform based on block chain technology, characterized by distributional, non-frozen, open transparency, decentralization and high security, providing extensive support and functionality for decentralised applications through smart contracts and Dapps development. The Ethernet mining needs to be calculated using visible cards, which have historically been divided, but which remains one of the most important and innovative projects in the area of block chain technology.


The following is a detailed historical timetable for the Tai family:

  • 2013年:以太坊概念首次提出,由维塔利克·布特林(Vitalik Buterin)提出。

    2013: For the first time, it was introduced by Vitalik Buterin.

  • 2014年1月:以太坊白皮书发布,阐述了以太坊的基本设计和理念。

    January 2014: The Etherm White Paper was published, setting out the basic design and philosophy of Etherm.

  • 2014年7月:以太坊基金会成立,旨在支持以太坊的开发和推广。

    July 2014: The Etherm Foundation was established to support the development and promotion of Etherm.

  • 2014年8月:以太坊众筹活动开始,共筹集了超过1.8万比特币和6万多个预售以太币。

    August 2014: As a result, more than 18,000 bitcoins and more than 60,000 pre-sales in taks began to be raised.

  • 2015年7月:以太坊测试网络“Frontier”发布,第一批开发者开始使用以太坊。

    July 2015: The Ether test network “Frontier” was launched and the first developers started using Ether.

  • 2016年3月:以太坊的第一个稳定版本“Homestead”发布,以太坊进入正式运营阶段。

    March 2016: The first stable version of “Homestead” was released in Tai Ho, which entered the formal operational phase.

  • 2016年6月:以太坊网络上发生了DAO攻击,导致以太坊分裂成了以太坊和以太坊经典两个版本。

    June 2016: A DAO attack on the Etheria network led to the break-up of Etheria into two versions of the Ether and Etherian classics.

  • 2017年4月:以太坊“Metropolis”升级的第一个版本“Byzantium”发布,增加了难度炸弹和zk-SNARKs隐私协议等功能。

    April 2017: The first version of the “Byzantium” upgrade of the Etherm “Metropolis” was released, adding features such as difficulty bombs and zk-Snarks privacy agreements.

  • 2017年10月:以太坊“Metropolis”升级的第二个版本“Constantinople”发布,增加了新的智能合约机制和更高效的网络验证。

    October 2017: The second version of the “Constantinople”, upgraded by the Etheria “Metropolis”, was released, adding new smart contract mechanisms and more efficient network validation.

  • 2018年2月:以太坊创始人维塔利克·布特林宣布以太坊2.0的研发计划,旨在通过实现共识机制的升级、拆分区块链网络等手段来提高以太坊的性能和可扩展性。

    February 2018: The founder of the Tai shop, Vitalik Butterlin, announced the Tai shop's 2.0 research and development plan, which aims to improve the performance and expansion of the district by upgrading the consensus mechanism and dismantling the network of zoning blocks.

  • 2019年12月:以太坊“Istanbul”升级发布,增加了更多的隐私保护机制和安全性协议。

    December 2019: Ishaan Istanbul upgraded, adding more privacy protection mechanisms and security protocols.

  • 2020年12月:以太坊2.0的第一阶段“Beacon Chain”上线,实现了共识机制的升级,采用了基于Proof of Stake的共识算法,同时还推出了新的以太坊2.0测试网络。

    December 2020: The first phase of “Beacon Chain” in Etheria 2.0 was launched, upgrading the consensus mechanism with a consensus algorithm based on Proof of Starke, and a new Ether 2.0 testing network was launched.

  • 2021年8月:以太坊“London”升级发布,引入了EIP-1559协议,旨在提高以太坊网络的交易效率和稳定性。

    August 2021: The Etheria “London” was upgraded and the EIP-1559 agreement was introduced to improve the efficiency and stability of Ethernet transactions.


The following is an example of a simple Solidity smart contract code to achieve a simple e-money transfer function:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract SimpleToken {
    string public name;
    string public symbol;
    uint256 public decimals;
    uint256 public totalSupply;

    mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;

    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);

    constructor(string memory _name, string memory _symbol, uint256 _decimals, uint256 _totalSupply) {
        name = _name;
        symbol = _symbol;
        decimals = _decimals;
        totalSupply = _totalSupply;
        balanceOf[msg.sender] = _totalSupply;

    function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
        require(_to !=address(0), "Invalid address");
        require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >=_value, "Insufficient balance");

        balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value;
        balanceOf[_to] += _value;

        emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
        return true;


In this example, we have defined a smart contract called SimpleToken, which has four public variables: name, symbol, decimals and totalSpply. These variables represent the basic properties of the NT, such as names, symbols, decimals and total supply.


We have also defined a map called balanceof, which is used to store the balance of each account in tata currency. When we call the Transfer function, the contract will check whether the transfer address is valid and the balance of the sender is sufficient for the transfer. If the transfer is successful, the contract will update the balance map and trigger the Transfer event.


It's just a very simple example of an E-Ten contract, which actually has a very complex logic and functionality. But it helps us understand the principles of E-Ten and E-Ten.

Proof of Work(PoW)是一种在区块链网络中用来验证交易并创建新区块的机制。以下是一个简单的用Python代码解释PoW机制的例子:

Proof of Work (PoW) is a mechanism used in block chain networks to verify transactions and create new blocks. The following is a simple example of a Python-code interpretation of the PoW mechanism:

import hashlib

# 难度目标

# 模拟区块
transactions =["transaction1", "transaction2", "transaction3"]
prev_hash ="0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
nonce = 0

# 创建区块的头部信息
block_header=str(block_number) + prev_hash + str(transactions) + str(nonce)

# 尝试找到符合难度目标的哈希值
while True:
    nonce +=1
    block_header =str(block_number) + prev_hash + str(transactions) + str(nonce)
    hash_value = hashlib.sha256(block_header.encode()).hexdigest()
    if hash_value < target:
        print("成功创建区块!nonce值为:", nonce)

在这个例子中,我们首先定义了一个难度目标 ,这是一个十六进制字符串,它表示哈希值必须小于该字符串才能算作有效的工作量证明。

In this example, we first define a difficult target, a hexadecimal string, which means that the Hashi value must be smaller than that string in order to be valid as proof of workload.


Then we define the basic information of a block, including the number of blocks, the transaction, the Hashi and the nonce values of the previous block. We put it together and used it as the head of the block.


Next, we begin to try to find a Hashi value that meets the challenge. We change the information on the block by adding the value of nónce, then turn it into a new value and check whether it is smaller than the target. If so, we find a valid proof of workload, or we continue to increase the value of nónce until we find a Hashi value that meets the requirements.


This example, although simple, shows the basic idea of the PoW mechanism. In practical application, encrypted currencies such as bitcoins use more sophisticated algorithms to calculate workload proofs to ensure that they are hard enough to be tampered with by the attacker.





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