
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:142 评论:0
文章目录 背景上报的存证系统设计备选方案***总体...



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The starting point is the Supreme People's Court Regulation of 2018 on Certain Questions of Internet Court Cases, which was drafted under the leadership of the Hangzhou Internet Court. I was working at the Hangzhou Institute of Research xff0c; the judicial record was one of the directions of the Institute xff0c; the Hangzhou Internet Court sought extensive technical advice on the sector xff0c; I had the honour to be selected as one of the company's technical representatives xff0c; and this technical blog was developed in conjunction with business representatives from the company's colleagues, Ali and Hangzhou Communion, etc.


第十一条 当事人提交的电子数据,通过电子签名、可信时间戳、哈希值校验、区块链等证据收集、固定和防篡改的技术手段或者通过电子取证存证平台认证,能够证明其真实性的,互联网法院应当确认。

Article 11 Electronic data submitted by the parties & #xff0c; technical means of gathering, fixed and anti- tampering through evidence such as electronic signature, credible time stamp, Hashi value check, block chain or authentication xff0c through electronic forensic record platform; xff0c capable of proving its authenticity; Internet court to confirm.


  • 合法合规原则:符合国家相关法律法规和行业监管要求,为数据存证提供基于区块链的底层技术支持
  • 安全保障原则:采取严格的安全保障措施,确保链上数据资产和链上交易行为的安全,避免遭受攻击
  • 隐私保护原则:采取租户隔离、安全认证和授权等方式,确保链上数据隐私,防止泄露重要用户信息
  • 数据一致原则:链下和链上数据应该尽可能保持一致性,链的各个节点之间的数据,也要保障最终一致
  • 自主可控原则:应采取必要的技术手段,确保存证联盟链处于可控状态,防止出现违反法律的不可控事件
  • 数据可追溯原则:利用区块链不可篡改的特性,确保链上所有业务活动均有相关记录,可追溯、可审计
  • 业务导向原则:根据具体需求来分析是否适合存证链来承载,设计和开发时优先考虑使用的业务场景



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  • 计算:提供区块链系统运行过程中的计算能力支持,包括但不仅限于物理机、云主机、容器等技术
  • 存储:提供区块链系统运行过程中产生的各类数据,包括:账本、交易信息、备份数据等
  • 网络:提供区块链系统运行过程中分布式网络系统的网络节点功能,节点之间能够高效安全通信


  • 共识机制:采用PBFT共识,联合行业和国家权威机构共同参与出块确认,有效避免恶意和非恶意错误
  • 分布式账本:所有节点共同维护,实现防篡改可信任的机制,确保账本能够做到完整性、一致性、真实性
  • 隐私保护:通过严格的授权机制,确保区块链应用中的应用信息和业务处理等敏感信息不被泄露和非法获取
  • 数据签名:数据签名功能能有效避免数据单元的完整性和不可伪造性,一般基于非对称加密来实现
  • 智能合约:是一套以计算机代码形式定义的承诺,可广泛应用于版权存证和交易场景


  • 业务范围:实现"文本存证,图片存证,文件存证,版权交易,侵权检测"等核心功能
  • 业务流程:见末尾描述


  • Web接入:平台接入方通过Web实现存证功能,此外,Web端还实现了用户注册登录,支付,以及若干增值服务
  • API接入:平台接入方通过API调用存证服务,API接口定义见《网易存证服务平台API接口》文档


  • 平台运营:

    Platform operation xff1a;

    • 运营策略:包括业务、技术、安全、隐私和认证等策略

      Operational strategy & #xff1a; including business, technology, security, privacy and certification strategies

    • 平台监控:监控平台整体运行状态,包括:区块链网络中节点的网络通信、共识算法、存储空间等

      Platform monitoring xff1a; monitoring the platform's overall operational status xff0c; including xff1a; network communications, consensus algorithms, storage space for nodes in the block chain network, etc.

    • 外部对接:存证服务平台与外部其他平台的对接事宜,包括:支付系统、业务管理系统等

      External interface & #xff1a; interface between the Documentary Services platform and other external platforms & #xff0c; including & #xff1a; payment system, business management system, etc.

  • 平台安全:

    Platform security #xff1a;

    • 实名认证:根据国家相关规定,严格执行实名认证机制,同时确保用户信息的隐私保护

      Real name authentication xff1a; in accordance with national regulations xff0c; strict enforcement of the real name certification mechanism xff0c; and ensuring privacy protection of user information

    • 权限管理:基于不同角色指定相应的权限管理策略,执行最小化开放原则

      Permission management & #xff1a; designation of corresponding competency management strategies based on different roles & #xff0c; implementation of minimum open principle

    • 系统安全:提供节点间通信加密和节点数据加密存储,定期进行安全扫描,执行节点主机安全加固

      System security xff1a; encryption of inter-node communications and node data storage xff0c; security scanning xff0c on a regular basis; security enhancement of the host of the executed node

    • 反垃圾:外部数据(文字、图片、视频等)均需通过网易易盾安全审核,确保业务合规安全

      Anti-waste #xff1a; external data (text, pictures, videos, etc.) are subject to web-friendly shield security clearance xff0c; ensure business compliance security

  • 监管审计:

    Supervising audit #xff1a;

    • 监管支持:实现事前准入控制、事中权限控制、事后追溯等技术手段实现监管目标,保证记录可追溯可稽核

      Regulatory support xff1a; achievement of regulatory objectives by technical means such as ex ante access control, in-situ rights control, ex post retroactivity etc. xff0c; guarantee of retroactive auditability of records

    • 审计功能:允许审计单位作为区块链的一个节点加入进行实时审计

      Audit function xff1a; audit units allowed to be added as a node in the block chain for real-time audits



Full map of documentation, evidence-gathering on violations and judicial processes


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  • 对原创内容进行hash计算,计算得到该内容对应的hash值,称为内容hash值(和互联网法院hash算法兼容)

    (a) Hash calculation of original content & #xff0c; calculation of the corresponding hash value & #xff0c; known as content hash value & #xff08; and Internet Court hash algorithm compatibility & #xff09;

  • 将原创内容保存到云存储。

    Saves original content for cloud storage.

  • 以内容hash值,存入,区块链会将其纳入某个特定区块,该区块有区块hash值。

    xff0c in content; deposited in xff0c; the block chain is incorporated into a particular block xff0c; the block has a block ash value.

  • 批量形式锚定司法链,见如下描述

    Bulk form anchoring the judicial chain & #xff0c; see description below

  • 调用取证接口,这个接口是经过公证处认证的可信环境,获取侵权相关信息的取证。

    Access to the evidence interface & #xff0c; this interface is a credible environment certified by the notary office & #xff0c; access to evidence related to violations.

  • 侵权相关信息的取证结果及过程(形成的录屏信息),计算得到侵权取证hash值。

    Results and proceedings of information relating to the violation & #xff08; resulting video information & #xff09; & #xff0c; calculation of the evidence of the violation hash value.

  • 将取证内容保存到云存储。

    Saves the evidence to cloud storage.

  • 以侵权取证hash值,存入,区块链会将其纳入某个特定区块,该区块有区块hash值。

    Tort evidence hash & #xff0c; deposited & #xff0c; the block chain is incorporated into a particular block & #xff0c; the block has a hash value.

  • 批量形式锚定司法链,见如下描述

    Bulk form anchoring the judicial chain & #xff0c; see description below


< >.


before formal filing

  • 调用互联网法院接口诉讼申请接口。

    Call the Internet Court Interface Application Interface.

  • 诉讼状中写明当事人身份,事实和理由写明原创内容、内容hash、司法链hash凭证、侵权证据、侵权取证hash等内容。

    The statement of claim stated the identity of the person concerned & #xff0c; the facts and reasons stated the original content, the content of the hash, the evidence of the judicial chain hash, the evidence of the tort, the evidence of the torts and the evidence of the tort hash, etc.

  • 若受理成功,返回案件编号。

    If accepted successfully xff0c; return case number.

  • 诉讼阶段发起核验,由互联网法院可信网络环境内发起。

    Verification initiated at the litigation stage xff0c; initiated within a credible Internet environment in the Internet Court.

  • 核验内容hash在司法链hash凭证对应的区块的交易中,并核验原创内容和内容hash匹配

    xff0c ; check original content and content hash matches in transactions with blocks corresponding to the Hash certificate in the judicial chain

  • 杭州互法和公证机关现有的公证证据链路,通过内容hash、侵权取证hash调用证据保全,核验是否有相关的公证证书。

    The existing notarized evidence link of the Hangzhou Interlaw and Notarized Authority xff0c; the preservation of evidence via content hash, tort evidence hash call xff0c; verification of the existence of the relevant notarized certificate.

  • 司法链hash凭证对应有区块时间,可作为原创内容存储的时间证据;(可选)原创公证证书中有原创存储的可信时间戳,也作为原创内容存储的时间证据

    The judicial chain hash certificate should have block time xff0c; time evidence that can be stored as original content xff1b; xff08; optional xff09; credible time stamp for original notarized certificate xff0c; and time evidence that can also be stored as original content

  • 核验成功,即证明了原创内容、固证内容的有效性,以及对应的存储时间。

    Successful verification xff0c; i.e. proof of original content, validity of solid content xff0c; and appropriate storage time.


It appears to be based on ant chain xff0c; performance xff0c; safety xff0c; reliability requirements xff1a;

  • 性能:自主共识算法,吞吐量达到每秒2.5万笔;交易确认时间秒级;动态扩容,存储横向扩展

    Performance xff1a; autonomous consensus algorithm xff0c; up to 25,000 xff1b per second; transaction confirmation time sec xff1b; dynamic expansion xff0c; storage lateral expansion

  • 安全性:所有参与者身份认证和授权管理;全链路端到端加密传输;;可插拔的密码算法;支持国密算法和硬件加密设备;提供一次一密,多方签名等不同层级的隐私保护手段;共识协议防节点恶意攻击

    Security xff1a; identification and authorization management of xff1b for all participants; full-link end-to-end encryption transfer xff1b; xff1b; plug-in cryptographic algorithms xff1b; support to national secret algorithms and hardware encryption devices xff1b; provision of a single secret xff0c; different levels of privacy protection such as multiple signatures xff1b; consensus agreement node for malicious attack

  • 可靠性:网络延迟自动适配;节点的共识状态自动恢复;节点的区块数据自动恢复;节点服务自动路由

    Reliability xff1a; network delay automatic fit xff1b; node consensus restoration xff1b; node data recovery xff1b; node service automatic route


block chains: a peer-to-peer network environment xff0c; adoption of transparent and credible rules xff0c; construction of non-false, non-frozen and retraceable segmental data structures xff0c; modalities for the implementation and management of transactional processing.


Hang County Internet Court Litigation Platform & #xff08 ; hereinafter referred to as “Procedure Platforms” & #xff09; xff1a; Hangzhou Internet Court Professional Platform for Online Hearing of Network-related Disputes xff0c; electronic evidence that can be used to store, access, exchange, authenticate the formation of proceedings.


( hereinafter referred to as “Judicial Block Chain Platform” & #xff09; xff1a; xff0c; to address the issue of the credibility of the entire chain of electronic evidence generation, storage, transmission, extraction; and to develop the built-up public evidence chain using block chain technology.


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The anchoring method and our assumptions are different xff1a; a chain of entry xff0c; and evidence in the same case xff0c; although it is a discrete chain of entry xff0c; but logically linked xff0c; relevant evidence has a consistent token
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而且还不能用zip rar等压缩包的形式存 除固定业务数据外,还需固定业务数据的处理流程数据、物理电子设备标识和其他信息。

And it can't be stored in the form of compressed packages such as zip rr, in addition to fixed business data xff0c; fixed business data processing process data, physical electronic device identification and other information.
and others xff1b; technology understanding is more consistent

传输数据格式包含HTTPS+JSON文本格式和 HTTPS+二进制数据包形式

Transfer data formats include HTTPS+ JSON text formats and HTTPS+ binary data packages


The data packs are divided into two categories: a documented data package and a forensic data package.


Data submitted to the judicial block chain is Hash & #xff0c; specified relevant content is to be stored on its own or through a third-party platform


& #xff08; ixff09; parties and their legal representatives upload evidence xff0c on the platform of the proceedings; enter the shah value of the evidence in the notes and the shash value of the block chain in which the content is located xff1b;


& #xff08; IIxff09; the verification system initiates evidence retrieval operations xff0c; the litigation platform transmits evidentiary documents to the verification system xff1b;


& #xff08; IIIxff09; Verification system & #xff0c for calculation of electronic data received & #xff0c; Automation of interface & #xff0c by judicial chain & & & #xff0c & & & & & & #xff0c & & & & & & & & & & & & & #xff09 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Query & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Xff09 & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Q & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &,, & & &,, & &,,,,,,,,,,, & &,,,,,,,.


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