
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:70 评论:0
加密移动挖矿可以通过单独、矿池或云挖矿服务在 iOS 和 Android 系统上进行。 encrypted mobile mining can be done on iOS and A...



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加密移动挖矿可以通过单独、矿池或云挖矿服务在 iOS 和 Android 系统上进行。

encrypted mobile mining can be done on iOS and Android systems through separate, pond or cloud mining services.

比特币等加密货币是使用称为挖掘的分布式计算过程创建的。矿工(网络参与者)进行挖矿以验证区块链上交易的合法性,并通过防止双花来确保网络安全。作为他们努力的回报,矿工将获得一定数量的 BTC 奖励。

encrypted currency such as bitcoin is created using a distributed process called excavation. Miners (network participants) dig to verify the legitimacy of transactions in the block chain and to ensure network security by preventing double flowers. In return for their efforts, miners will receive a certain amount of BTC awards.


There are many ways to excavate encrypted currency, and this paper will discuss how to start moving encryption at home comfortably.



mining is a resource-intensive activity that usually requires a great computing capacity to solve computational problems and to add the next active block to the block chain, which is an important component of encrypted currency.

通常,图形处理单元 (GPU) 或高性能硬件用于加密货币挖掘。考虑到采矿过程中的电力消耗所产生的电费,即使是专用集成电路 (ASIC) 也是产生经济采矿产出的必要条件。

the graphic processing unit (GPU) or high-performance hardware is usually used for encryption currency excavation. Taking into account the electricity costs associated with electricity consumption during mining, even dedicated integrated circuits (ASIC) are necessary to produce economic mining output.

然而,采矿可能同时分散在众多功能较弱的设备中。或者,矿工经常链接到所谓的矿池以集中他们的计算能力并增加挖矿结果的可预测性。但是你能在手机上挖掘加密货币吗?工作量证明 (PoW)加密货币可以使用智能手机进行挖掘,以下部分将对此进行详细说明。

, however, mining may be dispersed simultaneously in many less functional equipments. Or, miners often link to so-called pits to centralize their computing power and increase the predictability of the results of mining. But can you dig encrypted currency on a mobile phone?


what's mobile encryption digging and how does it work?

使用支持 iOS 和 Android 系统的智能手机挖掘加密货币称为移动加密挖掘。值得注意的是,奖励将基于加密矿工使用智能手机提供的计算能力。在移动设备上,可以利用适用于 iOS 和 Android 操作系统的应用程序来挖掘加密货币。

Use smartphones that support iOS and Android systems to excavate encrypted currency called mobile encryption. It is worth noting that the reward will be based on encryption miners using the computing capabilities provided by smartphones. On mobile devices, applications that apply to iOS and Android operating systems can be used to dig encryption currency.

然而,大多数应用程序只能在第三方加密挖掘网站上使用,使用前必须仔细调查其合法性。iOS 应用程序或 Google Play 商店中不提供加密货币挖掘应用程序,因为提供此类应用程序的公司有规定禁止应用程序在设备上使用过多的处理能力或存储空间。例如,2018 年,谷歌出于未知原因禁止加密货币矿工进入 Play 商店。

, however, most applications can only be used on third-party encryption sites, and their legitimacy must be carefully investigated before being used. iOS applications or Google Play stores do not provide encrypted currency mining applications because the providers of such applications have provisions prohibiting applications from using too much processing capacity or storage space on equipment. For example, Google banned encrypted money miners from the Play shop for unknown reasons in 2018.

尽管移动加密货币挖矿的成本很低,但矿工加入加密货币矿池以组合他们的计算资源并通过减少延迟或投资 GPU 或 ASIC 来加速发现过程以产生有利可图的挖矿产出。

Despite the low cost of mobile encrypted currency mining, miners join an encrypted currency pool to combine their calculated resources and accelerate the discovery process to generate profitable mining by reducing delays or investing in GPU or ASIC.

如何在 Android 智能手机上挖掘加密货币

要了解如何在移动设备上挖掘比特币,您需要了解可以选择的挖掘类型。作为一名矿工,你可以去安卓单独挖矿,也可以加入蚂蚁矿池、矿池、BTC.com、F2Pool 和 ViaBTC 等矿池。由于单人采矿由于回报低而利润较低,矿工更喜欢加密货币采矿池来产生足够的计算处理能力和回报,这些将与贡献的利益相关者共享。

to understand how to dig bitcoin on mobile devices, you need to know the type of excavation you can choose. As a miner, you can dig alone in Andre, or you can join a pool of ants, ponds, BTC.com, F2Pool and ViaBTC. Because single-person mining is less profitable because of low returns, miners prefer to encrypt currency mining pools to generate sufficient computing capacity and returns, which will be shared with contributing stakeholders.

需要加密货币挖掘应用程序才能加入您选择的矿池。可以下载比特币矿工或 MinerGate 移动矿工应用程序来开采 BTC 或其他山寨币。然而,矿工的薪酬、支付频率和激励选项取决于矿池的规模。另外,请注意,每个矿池遵循不同的支付系统,奖励可能会有所不同。

requires an encrypted currency excavator application to join the pond of your choice. You can download bitcoin miners or MinerGate mobile miners applications to extract BTC or other bounties. However, the remuneration, payment frequency and incentive options for miners depend on the size of the pits. Also, note that each pond follows a different payment system, and the incentives may vary.


For example, in a stock-paying system, each share of which is successfully mined by a miner receives a specific payment rate, each of which is worth a certain amount of encryptable currency. Conversely, block incentives and mining services are settled on the basis of theoretical returns.


Smallphone mining is another way to dig encrypted currency, in addition to separate mines and ponds. In cloud mining, third parties lease computing capacity to miners, eliminating the need for miners to upgrade and maintain their expensive equipment.

像 Bitdeer 这样的云挖矿应用程序可在 Android 和 iPhone 上使用。矿工通过云挖矿合约获取计算能力,或通过商户合约将其哈希率出售给感兴趣的买家。

cloud mining applications like Bitdeer can be used on Android and iPhone. Miners acquire computing power through cloud mining contracts, or sell their Hashi rate to interested buyers through commercial contracts.

如何在 iPhone 上挖掘加密货币

iOS 设备还支持 CryptoTab、Robomine 等加密货币挖掘应用程序。 CryptoTab 应用程序需要矿工在 iPhone 上挖掘 BTC 之前打开比特币挖掘。同样,Robomine 支持挖掘 BTC,但在此过程中消耗的电池电量更少。

iOS devices also support encrypted currency excavation applications such as CryptoTab, Robomine. CryptoTab applications require miners to open bitcoin excavations before iPhone digs BTC. Similarly, Robomine supports digging BTC but consumes less battery power in the process.

无论您使用哪种挖矿应用程序,请记住,移动加密货币挖矿可能不是获得高收益的理想媒介,而更像是一种学习体验。此外,需要诸如 ASIC 之类的高性能和大容量设备来合理地奖励您的时间、努力和资源。

Whatever mining application you use, remember that mobile encrypted money mining may not be the ideal medium for high returns, but more like a learning experience. In addition, high-performance and high-capacity equipment such as ASIC are required to give you reasonable rewards for your time, effort and resources.

在 iPhone 上挖掘加密货币的另一个缺点是设备性能低下,因为需要过多的计算能力并且需要不断为手机充电。因此,只有在适合您的挖矿目标时才选择移动加密货币挖矿。

An additional disadvantage of digging encrypt currency on iPhone is the low equipment performance, because it requires too much computing power and constant charging for cell phones. Therefore, mobile encrypt currency mining is chosen only when it is suitable for your target.


strong> digs encryption money on your cell phone for free?


The encrypted money mining on the cell phone requires investment in smartphones, downloading encrypted money mining applications and obtaining stable Internet connections. Some people use mobile phones for mining because they use less computing power and less energy than traditional mining equipment.


, however, the incentive for encryption miners is much smaller and may not cover the cost of electricity for mining. In addition, your smartphone will be under severe pressure from mining, shortening its useful life and possibly damaging its hardware, thereby allowing you to buy new smart phones with extra pennies.


strong's mobile encrypted currency mining is profitable?


the profitability of mining depends on the equipment used to encrypt the mining process. That is, the more advanced a person's machine to dig encryption money, the more likely it is to earn more than those who use smart phones. But is mobile mining legal?

在智能手机、ASIC 或任何挖矿设备上挖矿的合法性取决于一个人的居住地,因为一些国家限制加密货币。尽管如此,加密矿工执行成本效益分析(选择或行动的优势减去与该选择或活动相关的费用)以确定采矿盈利能力。

The legality of mining on smartphones, ASICs or any mining equipment depends on a person's place of residence, as some countries restrict encrypted currency. Nevertheless, encryption miners carry out cost-benefit analyses (the advantage of choice or action less costs associated with the choice or activity) to determine the profitability of mining.


The most important thing is that, before selecting any mining equipment, they should first identify their mining targets and prepare their budgets. Furthermore, before any investment is made, consideration should be given to environmental aspects of encryption mining.


尽管加密货币挖矿的普及率激增,但它被批评为对经济和环境有害,导致以太坊等 PoW 加密货币转向权益证明共识机制。

In spite of the surge in the prevalence of encrypt currency mining, it has been criticized as economically and environmentally harmful, leading to a shift to a consensus mechanism for the proof of rights in a PoW-encrypted currency such as Taiku.


Furthermore, the legal status of encrypting currency is unclear, preventing mobile service providers from moving. These restrictions further call into question the feasibility of a mining monetization strategy. However, mobile users can use cloud mining to dig encrypted currency more effectively and sustainably.




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