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什么将有助于催化更多的区块链项目?更多实际的区块链的例子正在运行。更多的好处是区块链以某种形式提供了可衡量业务价值的例子,无论是降低成本、新的业务模式,还是其他容易引起CEO注意的有形好处。但是大多数组织还没有看到这些例子。Devbridge Group的合规总监埃德·普莱斯(Ed Price)表示,该公司正在内部和客户的各种概念验证项目中对轮胎进行打孔,该公司认为:区块链就是解决方案,而不是一种可能的解决方案。

What will help catalyse more block chain projects? More examples of physical block chains are running. More benefits are that block chains provide some form of measurable business value, be it cost reduction, new business models, or other tangible benefits that can easily attract the attention of the CEO. But most organizations have not seen them.


“We've been looking for the most appropriate solution to this problem, and we haven't found an alternative solution to the block chain,” Price says. “We will also continue to look for a good application as a candidate, taking into account the excitement and the interest of our customers.”

正如Red Hat科技传播者戈登·哈夫(Gordon Haff)最近写道的那样,作为航运业高管,他看到了他所在行业的巨大潜力,但并不是普遍采用,部分原因是行业面临的一些关键挑战区块链也不一定能解决 。

As Gordon Haff, the technology distributor of Red Hat, recently wrote, as a shipping executive, sees great potential in his industry, but it is not universally used, in part because some of the key challenges facing the industry are not necessarily addressed.


Of course, this does not mean that the potential of the block chain is not significant. As Price, Haff and other experts continue to pursue the value of the physical business, there is an increasing number of real and potential cases of the use of the block chain.


As Haff recently told us: “It would be helpful to consider whether its unique characteristics provide business value when deciding whether to use a block chain. For example, a block chain may be a good option if an industry does not have a credible broker system, or if the existing broker is expensive.”


Let's see some of the most interesting examples of block chains.


Caution: We do not report on examples from financial services, banking, financial science and technology or related industries; rather, we turn our focus to other industries and applications in which block chains may offer great potential or have provided some interesting case studies.

德勤董事总经理戴维德(David Schatsky)表示:“区块链不只是关于数字货币和金融的,在每个行业的早期探索阶段中,都有一些应用程序是与之相关的。”

David Schatsky, Managing Director of Deloitte, said: “The block chain is not just about digital money and finance, but there are applications associated with it at the early stages of exploration in each industry.”

1. 供应链管理

1. Supply chain management


By definition, supply chains are almost all intermediaries. International trade, in particular, is accompanied by a series of confusing and complex logistics.


Several tests and concepts have proved successful, including some of the major names of global shipping and logistics. For example, the recent block chain trials on land and maritime trade routes between Australia and China were declared successful, and an important conceptual validation, supported by PricewaterhouseCoopers Australia, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the port of Brisbane, was recently launched.


It is hoped that more support for block chains will be seen and heard in supply chain management, shipping, logistics and related industries.


Schatsky stated that “supply chain management is an important area of growth in block chains, as supply chains are a network phenomenon with global and complex dimensions that, at their core, can promote better connectivity, trust and communication in such a network environment”.

2. 粮食分配和安全

2. Food distribution and security


As a specific subset of large supply chain categories, block chain technology has considerable potential for food distribution and security.

金融科技公司区块链创业公司9 thGear的创始人兼首席执行官Maryanne Morrow,与沃尔玛、IBM和北京清华大学建立合作伙伴关系,合作开发 “apilot”项目,该项目正在测试区块链在中国庞大的猪肉、食品分销和安全供应链中的有效性。

Maryanne Morrow, founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Financial Science and Technology Corporation, 9 thGear Block Chain Enterprise, in partnership with Wal-Mart, IBM and Qinghua University in Beijing, is developing the “apilot” project, which is testing the effectiveness of block chains in China's vast pork, food distribution and secure supply chains.

正如Haff和 Schatsky 都注意到的,区块链可能是一个最适合解决信任问题的技术。-这是一个巨大的问题, 在食品供应方面要验证你的食物来自哪里, 它是如何养殖或生产, 标签索赔的真实性, 等等都至关重要。

As Haff and Shatsky have noted, block chains may be the best technology to solve trust problems. - This is a huge problem, in terms of food supply, to verify where your food comes from, how it grows or produces, the authenticity of label claims, etc.


3. Contracts and law

据风险投资公司VC的管理合伙人Christian Kameir,说“除了在金融领域的区块链工作之外,所谓的“智能合约”可以说是迄今为止最大的创新” 。

According to Christian Kameir, the managing partner of the venture capital company VC, “aside from working in the financial sector, so-called “smart contracts” can be described as the largest innovation to date”.

Kameir 解释说: "智能合约是一种区块链功能, 旨在对合同的谈判或履行进行数字化、验证或强制执行。

Kameir explained that " an intelligent contract is a block chain function designed to digitize, validate or enforce the negotiation or performance of the contract ".

许多实际使用的智能合约迄今已直接连接到最初的代币发行, 或 ICO中, 并创建新加密货币;Kameir 指出, 在过去几年中, 已经创建了数以千计的这种数字货币资产。他补充说, 新的加密货币或代币的创建并不一定能让商界领袖相信区块链和智能合约的价值, 但他仍然认为潜力在那里。他指出其奖励和忠诚计划是一个很好的例子。

Many of the smart contracts actually in use have so far been linked directly to the original token issue, or to the ICO, and create new encrypted currencies; Kameir noted that in the last few years, thousands of such digital monetary assets have been created. He added that the creation of new encrypted money or tokens did not necessarily convince business leaders of the value of block chains and smart contracts, but he still believed that there was potential. He noted that his reward and loyalty scheme was a good example.


“Many companies have a system of loyalty that encourages customers to prefer their products or services when making purchase decisions.” Kameir, for example, notes that the points procedure (which is usually provided by credit card issuers and other loyal plans) and the airline mileage scheme are common examples of customers accumulating some sort of virtual asset for future use.” In this case, a token created on the existing block chain can replace an unwieldy system and not be offered to issuers in return.”

4. 房地产和财产法

4. Real estate and property law


The Devbridge Group price shows an interesting test, carried out by the Compact Recorder in Cook County, Illinois, to track and manage property rights.
CCRD concluded in its final report on the project that, like other block chain applications, it has enormous potential and some challenges. But the latter may be a reason to continue to promote wider adoption: “Although block chains can make it easier, safer, more accurate and easier to understand, their adoption also faces challenges. In many cases, these challenges are the reason for this new structure and can therefore be seen as an opportunity.”


5. Health care


From the point of view of the vertical sector, the health sector has recently come close to the widespread chain of blocks reserved for financial services. Consider the huge shift to electronic health records as an indicator in the industry. Here, too, trust is an important requirement.


“In the medical industry, block chain technology is being used for medical records to enhance security and privacy through the establishment of a secure distributed medical record system”.

“在卫生保健领域,可重复使用的处方、共享医疗记录和支付,”Hyperledger生态系统主任Marta Piekarska说。她指出,使用去中心化的健康或医疗数据就是一个例子。

“In the area of health care, reusable prescriptions, shared medical records and payments”, said Marta Piekarska, Director of Hyperledger Ecosystems. She pointed out that the use of decentralised health or medical data was an example.

正如以色列女执事医疗中心的CIO John Halamka在一篇HBR的文章中详细描述的那样,他的同事们已经测试了区块链对追踪和处理药物数据的可行性。

His colleagues have tested the feasibility of block chains for tracking and processing drug data, as detailed by CIO John Haramka at the Deacon Medical Centre in Israel in an article on HBR.


So maybe you shouldn't be pursuing a block chain project just because you can. But the real example above shows that we may be close to some golden eggs. Those applications that show the value of a tangible business, they can promote wider adoption. At the same time, there are many opportunities for testing and learning.



Electronics and Technology (www.diankeji.com) is a leading information medium focused on the global TMT industry.

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