全球前十区块链 区块链交易平台排行盘点

资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:76 评论:0
文章来源:互联网作者:欧意交易所app官方下载发布时间:2023-06-01 08:00:00Source of articles: Internet author: OIE app official download...



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文章来源:互联网作者:欧意交易所app官方下载发布时间:2023-06-01 08:00:00

Source of articles: Internet author: OIE app official download release time: 2023-06-01 08:00



The currency circle is risky, and investment is more reassuring. Today, the top 10 blocks of the world’s chain exchange, the block chain trading platform, is counted: OKX, 8V, HKEx, CoinUp, ZT, Luno, PKEX, Krpbit, BitGlobal, Bizex.


Block chain trading platform queue count


1. Ok Exchange OKX

ok交易所OKX是一家诚信、安全、快速、共赢的全球区块链数字资产托管及交易平台。平台建立了完整的数字资产交易生态体系,包括现货交易、杠杆交易、合约交易、理财、借贷、PoS 矿池、数字资产天使平台ok交易所OKX等,为用户提供全品类、一站式的数字资产相关服务。ok交易所OKX是一家注册于荷兰的全球加密货币交易所,在俄罗斯、巴西、越南、塞舌尔、新加坡、日本和印度尼西亚设有运营中心,同时还开展区块链技术解决方案、营销和投资等其他业务和功能。

Ok Exchange OKX is a trusted, secure, fast, win-win global block chain digital asset hosting and trading platform. The platform has a complete system of digital asset trading eco-systems, including spot transactions, leverage transactions, contract transactions, treasury management, borrowing, PoS ponds, Digital Asset Angel Platform Ok Exchange OKX, etc., providing full package, one-stop digital asset-related services to users. Ok Exchange OKX is a global encrypted currency exchange registered in the Netherlands, with operations centres in Russia, Brazil, Viet Nam, Seychelles, Singapore, Japan and Indonesia, as well as other operations and functions such as block chain technology solutions, marketing and investment.



8V is the leading global block chain technical service provider. In 2019, it was based in Canada. It was built to create a meta-cosm? module. There are mature product lines, such as digital asset trading systems, wallets, and the construction of a technology service-flow-commercial industrial cycle. Team members are here? Top international? Melting institutions, computer appliance? in Asia, Europe, and America.



HKEx, a comprehensive digital asset service platform, was established in March 2018 and is based in Singapore. HKEx provides digital asset management and transaction services to global clients, focusing on and supporting ecological development and development in vertical areas of block-chain games. Over 1.2 million users are registered, 400,000 active users are active, and $20 million in Japanese-based management funds. Multi-national languages such as Chinese, English, and Japanese are supported. The platform has a strong technical and operational team that works to provide the most secure, stable, efficient and derivatives trading and asset management services to global users. The HKEx platform is committed to providing efficient and stable digital asset services to global digital asset users, while also providing currency and game derivatives trading services to 2.2 billion game players for block-chain digital assets.


CoinUp2021年9月在美国硅谷成立,注册于开曼群岛,在新加坡、加拿大、瑞士、香港、澳洲、日本设有运营中心。用户遍布于全球200多个国家与地区,是一家全球化的数字资产衍生品交易平台。其为用户及专业机构提供一流的流动性服务,旨在打造最安全、高效、稳定的交易服务平台。 CoinUp专注于交易本身,将加密资产与传统金融科学融合,致力于打造一个一站式,跨资产,多结构的交易平台。

CoinUp, founded in September 2021 in Silicon Valley, United States of America, and registered in the Cayman Islands, has operations centres in Singapore, Canada, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Australia, and Japan. Users are located in more than 200 countries and regions around the world, and serve as a global platform for digital asset derivatives trading.



ZT is a platform for the highest-quality digital asset transaction services for users worldwide; it provides the safest, most reliable, high-quality digital asset transactions and derivatives services for millions of users in more than 150 countries and regions around the world. ZT has over 100 safety and bank-level wind control measures, 130,000 coupling efficiencies per second, easy access to fast OTC services, and gives you five-star trading experiences. The mission is to “user at the core, make transactions easier” and, with the “user above all” service concept, is to provide secure, professional, honest, high-quality digital asset financial services to users worldwide. ZT exchanges support Bitcoin, Ethereu, Liecoin, EOS, AE, and other high-quality global assets, 7x24h transactions.


Luno是世界领先的数字货币公司之一,拥有超过40名技术和金融专家的团队,在多个国家和大陆经营,在伦敦,新加坡,开普敦设有办公场所。我们的产品和服务使人们和企业能够安全,轻松地存储,购买,使用和学习像比特币这样的数字货币。 Luno的愿景是通过将Bitcoin推向所有人,为数十亿人增添力量。

Luno is one of the world’s leading digital money companies, with a team of over 40 technical and financial experts operating in a number of countries and continents, with offices in London, Singapore, and Cape Town. Our products and services enable people and businesses to store, buy, use, and learn digital money like Bitcoin.



PKEX, registered in Singapore in 2017, provides digital asset trading services to more than 3 million users worldwide, with multi-end coverage: PC web end, H5 mobile end, iOS/Android mobile phone client, 7*24 online client service. PKEX serves nearly 100 countries and territories through decentralized self-organization, an innovative service platform focused on block-chain asset trading. The core team consists of global professional elites in various fields such as financial investment, cryptology, security, etc., with a wealth of industry resources and top-level technical capacity to create the safe, stable, efficient and encrypted digital money investment environment for global users. PKEX supports 10 international languages, English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, German, Russian, Spanish, etc., that serve nearly 100 countries and territories, with more than a million users worldwide, providing industry with the depth of transactions and safe, fast operating experiences, while mobile end-to-end and multilingual switching to make it easier for global users to operate at any time.



Krpbit started preparations in 2020 and went online in 2021. Our goal is to provide the client with a first-class contractual transaction experience. We have offices in Asia and the Americas to ensure that user transactions are smooth, 7 x 24 hours for customers at all times, and technologies to deal with sudden-onset problems. We've accumulated 100,000 faithful registered users, with a cumulative volume of transactions of $1 billion since we officially got online. Teams are made up of world-class financial operators, and we want to build the world's most professional and safe one-stop platform for digital transactions. With your presence, we are bound to go far and far.



As a compliance-based financial institution, BitGlobal has financial operations in more than a dozen countries and territories, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Hong Kong, and plans to gradually establish regional distributed international stations. With the support of order-sharing and mobility-sharing technologies, BitGlobal will provide users with a range of services such as digital currency transactions, digital asset distribution, block chain projects hatching, and decentralized finance.



Bizex (the Currency Exchange) is the leading global platform for digital monetary asset trading, committed to providing users with safe, professional, and easy digital money trading services. Bizex (the Currency Exchange) is a practical user-friendly group that selects high-quality currencies for global users, leading the technology stream of block chains, based in Seychelles, with its headquarters in Budapest, with independent teams in Germany, Estonia, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, etc. The core team brings together senior technical engineers, global cluster research specialists, internationalized business teams, and world-class wind control experts, using global leading encryption techniques, autonomous cluster memory mapping systems developed, multi-currency pooling, and supporting multi-language efforts to deliver safer, more stable, and more easy digital asset transactions to global users.


What are the characteristics of the block chain?

n1、匿名性/ Anonymous 由于区块链各节点之间的数据交换遵循固定且预知的算法,因此区块链网络是无须信任的,可以基于地址而非个人身份进行数据交换。

n1. Anonymous/Anonymous, since data exchange between nodes of the block chain follows a fixed and predictable algorithm, the block chain network is untrustworthy and allows for data exchange based on address rather than personal identity.

n2、自治性/ Autonomous 区块链采用基于协商一致的机制,使整个系统中的所有节点能在去信任的环境自由安全地交换数据、记录数据、更新数据,任何人为的干预都不起作用。

n2. The autonomous/Autonomous block chain uses consensus-based mechanisms that enable all nodes throughout the system to freely and securely exchange data, record data and update data in a trusted environment, without any interference.

n3、开放性/ Openess 区块链系统是开放的,任何节点都能够拥有全网的总账本,除了数据直接相关各方的私有信息通过非对称加密技术被加密外,区块链的数据对所有节点公开,因此整个系统信息高度透明。

n3. The open/ Openness block chain system is open, any node has access to a web-wide ledger, and the data in the block chain are made publicly available to all nodes, except for private information of the parties directly concerned by the data, which is encrypted through asymmetric encryption technology, and hence the system's information is highly transparent.

n4、可编程/ Programmable 分布式账本的数字性质意味着区块链交易可以关联到计算逻辑,并且本质上是可编程的。因此,用户可以设置自动触发节点之间交易的算法和规则。

n4. The digital nature of programmable/ Programmemable distributed books means that block chain transactions can be linked to computational logic and are programmed in essence. Users can therefore set algorithms and rules for automatically triggering transactions between nodes.

n5、可追溯/ Traceability 区块链通过区块数据结构存储了创世区块后的所有历史数据,区块链上的任一一条数据皆可通过链式结构追溯其本源。

n5. Reciprocity/ Traceability Block Chains store all historical data from the creation block through the block data structure, and any data on the block chain can be traced back to its source through a chain structure.

n6、不可篡改/ Tamper Proof 区块链的信息通过共识并添加至区块链后,就被所有节点共同记录,并通过密码学保证前后互相关联,篡改的难度与成本非常高。

n6. Once information that cannot be tampered with/ Tamper Proof is agreed upon and added to the block chain, it is recorded together by all nodes and is linked to each other through cryptographic guarantees, which are very difficult and costly to tamper with.

n7、集体维护/ Collectively Maintain 区块链系统是由其中所有具有维护功能的节点共同维护,所有节点都可以通过公开的接口查询区块链数据和开发相关应用。

n7. Group maintenance/Collectively Maintain block chain systems are jointly maintained by all of the nodes with maintenance functions, all of which can search for block chain data and develop related applications through open interfaces.

n8、无需许可/ Permissionless 无需许可表示所有节点都可以请求将任何交易添加到区块链中,但只有在所有用户都认为合法的情况下才可进行交易。

n8. No permission/Permissionless need not be allowed to indicate that all nodes can request that any transaction be added to the block chain, but only if all users consider it to be legal.



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