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The virtual currency most likely to surge in 2023 is Bitcoin.


1, Bitcoin, with a market value of $8,83189 million, a lull volume of $18,638.78 million and a 24-hour transaction of $31,266 million. Bitcoin (BTC) is the most widely used digital currency.

2、与大少数货币不同,比特币不是由特定的货币机构发行的。它是依据特定算法经过少量计算生成的。比特币经济运用整个 P2P 网络中许多节点组成的散布式数据库来确认和记载一切的买卖行为,并运用密码学的想象来保证货币凝滞各个环节的平安。 P2P的去中心化特性和算法能够保证货币价值不会被少量制造比特币人为布置。

Unlike a large minority of currencies, Bitcoins are not issued by a specific monetary institution. It is generated by a small number of calculations based on a particular algorithm. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database consisting of many nodes in the entire P2P network to identify and document all purchases and purchases, as well as a cryptological imagination to ensure that the money is sequestered.


Outreach materials:

1)虚拟货币是指非真实货币。知名虚拟货币,如百度公司的百度币、腾讯公司的Q币、浩荡公司的Q点券、新浪推出的微币(微游戏、新浪阅读等)、侠客元宝(侠客道游戏),刺青银(用于bixue爱情日游戏)。 2013年流行的数字货币包括比特币、莱特币、有限币、夸克币、zeta币、烧烤币和便利币(互联网)、隐形金条、红币和素币。全球发行了数百种数字货币。“比特金、莱特银、有限铜、便士铝”的传说在圈内流行。

Virtual currency means non-real currency. Prominent virtual currencies, such as 100-degree coins, Q-dollars from Tent Corporation, Q-rolls from Hudo Corporation, microcosms (micro games, new wave readings, etc.), Mardi Gras, silver tattoos (for the Bixue Love Day game). The digital currencies popular in 2013 include Bitcoin, Leitco, limited currency, Quarco, zetaco, grilled currency and convenience currency (Internet), hidden gold, red coins, and vinyl. Hundreds of digital currencies have been distributed around the world.


There are various types of virtual currency. Virtual currencies with a higher degree of acceptance abroad are Facebook F, second-life linden, etc., representing four types of virtual currency, namely, Q RMB, Q RMB, Centuries, and Monroe. Virtual money on the market: game money, developed by game operators and used by players as a buying and selling medium in online games; and special virtual currency for the operation of cyberspace, issued by portals or instant communication tools.


3) In addition to direct cash, the implementation of virtual currency offers a variety of ways, such as cellular text messages, network transfers, fixed phone charges, etc., which not only facilitate users, but also present a number of risks. For example, the misappropriation of telephone charges, the acquisition of minors, etc. There are no clear legal rules to suspend them, nor are there virtual merchandise items in the context of commercial write-offs. But, when virtual wealth transactions are introduced, location activities, interest on transactions are clear, and there are substantial operational effects, they may reach second place and tax effects.


The most promising currency in 2023.


The four currencies most likely to increase in 2023, BCH, EOS, Alkaline, GRIN, were the four currencies with BCH reaching a maximum of 20,000 polygons and a market value of one third of Bitcoin.


Outreach materials:


1. Since the birth of the BCH (bitcoin cash), it has been controversial. Some say it is a seed of “collaborativeness and impossibility,” and some see it as a product of “conspiracy and manipulation.


2. The first two halves of BCH followed Bitcoin, a distinction between November 2012 and July 2016, while the third reduction in previous years was calculated to take place around 8 April.

3、从 2013 年下半年末尾,比特币网络出现了拥堵的状况,为数不少的用户反映自己的交易被延后了良久才得以实施。经观发发觉,这是由于事前比特币的区块容量曾经无法及时处置网络相关音讯所招致的。

3. From the end of the second half of 2013, the Bitcoin network experienced congestion, with a large number of users indicating that their transactions had been delayed for a long time before being implemented. It was observed that this was due to the fact that Bitcoin’s block capacity had not been able to handle network-related messages in a timely manner.

4、2016年,比特币开拓团队末尾谋划“扩容”计划。也正是这次扩容计划直接招致了比特币硬分叉。2017年8月1日12:37PM,矿工在区块高度 478558 实施硬分叉,6小时后,ViaBTC矿池胜利挖出了第一个比特现金的区块 (nr 478559) ,不久之后,ViaBTC矿池又挖出第二个比特币现金区块(nr 478560)。比特现金删除了隔离见证,勤劳于经过链上扩容的方式处置比特币系统中区块拥堵和手续费高等效果,随后依照比特币 1:1 的比例向比特币持有者分发BCH。至此,继续了三年的比特币扩容之争暂告一段落。惋惜的是后浪尚未能推前浪,便被时间拍死在沙滩上,过去两年,比特币分叉币们犹如烟火般阅历过耐久的绚烂,逐一走向消亡。大约是先发效应,比特现金一直稳稳地守住了其“太子”的位置,成为目前独一能跟比特币社区统一的分叉币。比特现金出世以来,争议不时,BCH社区跟BTC社区更是经常隔空休战。

In 2016, the Bitcoin Development Group ended with a “enhanced” plan. It was also this build-up plan that directly caused Bitcoin hard splits. 12:37 PM on 1 August 2017, the miners executed a hard split at the height of the block 478558, and then distributed BCH to Bitcoin holders six hours later, according to a ratio of 1:1. The three-year BiaBT pit expansion struggle continued, and soon after that, a second bitcoin cash block (nr 478560) was dug out at the PiaBT pit. Bit cash was removed from the sandbank at a time when it was not able to move ahead. Bitcoin was able to deal with blockages and high fees in the bitcoat system, and then distributed BCH to Bitcoin on a scale of 1:1 to Bitcoin.



Bitcoin, Ether, Ripcoin,? Bitcoin,? EOS6, Leitcoin, stellar coins, Idacoin, Tidalco, IOTA.


First, Bitcoin was launched on 1 November 2008 by the Japanese minority, and was officially born on 3 January 2009. Bitcoin is a virtual encrypted digital currency in the P2P situation, with point-to-point transmission meaning a decentralised payment system. Since it is a virtual currency, it must not be issued by a particular institution, but by a certain amount of calculations. Because it is small, it is scarce, and today it is permanently limited to around 21 million.


II. Ether: Ether is an open-source, contract-only public block chain platform that handles point-to-point contracts through its special encrypt currency and a decentralised virtual machine. It was proposed in 2013 by Programmer Vitalik Buterin, inspired by Bitcoin, and developed in 2014 and is now the second-highest encrypted currency after Bitcoin.


Three: Riboco: Riboco is the basic currency of the Ribo network, which flows to the entire Ribo network at about $100 billion, and the volume of transactions will decrease as they increase. Last year, Ripoco had exceeded the virtual currency in which Ether became the second-largest market in the world in a short period of time.


IV.? Bit cash: A new encrypted digital asset launched by ViaBTC, a mine pond under the flag of the mine-mining giant Bitcoin, based on the Bitcoin ABC program, can be considered to be a bitcoin BTC split or competition currency! Its purpose is to ease Bitcoin’s cyber congestion problems!


v. EOS: A block chain operating system designed as a commercial distributed application, similar to the Windows operating system, can support multiple applications operating simultaneously, aiming to achieve new expansions in distributed applications! But it is not like Bitcoin or in a currency like Taiku, but is based on a token issued on the EOS software project and has no fees, so it has a wider audience!


VI.? Letcoin: It is also a virtual currency inspired by bitcoin, which is created and transferred on the basis of an open source encryption agreement and is not administered by any central authority with the aim of improving bitcoin, which is issued four times more than bitcoin!


VII. Star money: is a basic currency in circulation in the network of stars, which was developed on the basis of the Ribo network, although the network of stars and the Ribo network are classified as distribution in China and are not allowed to be distributed!


VIII. Aidaco: A virtual currency born in 2015, with a total value of 4.5 billion, represents a future currency that can be secured more quickly by direct transfers through encryption technology.


Tedar: a virtual currency introduced by Tether that pegs an encrypted currency to a legal currency in the United States dollar, a virtual currency held in foreign exchange reserve accounts and supported by a legal currency! 1 tadar is equal to 1 United States dollar!


X, 10.? IOTA: A new type of digital encryption currency that focuses on dealing with machine-to-machine transactions that are more efficient, secure, real-time microtransactions and do not incur any transaction costs!




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