疏离和清冷是两种状态 有很大的区别
Isolation and coldness are two states. There's a big difference.
疏离意思是疏远隔离 是一种冷漠 远离的意思 比如一对毁锋禅很好的无话不谈的好朋友 突然间不说话 彼此之间冷漠 远离 见面也是无话可说 没有任何的表情言语 明明人就在身边 但是距离又好像隔着千山万水
Dissociation means alienation, it means indifference, it means distance, like a couple of good friends who don't talk, they don't talk, they don't talk, they don't talk, they don't talk, they don't talk, they don't talk, they don't talk, they don't talk, they don't talk.
清冷是清凉很冷 形容天气很寒冷 风很纤尘冷冽 空气很寒冷也可以形容一个地方没有什么人烟气息 四周空空荡荡的 最多的形容人的气质 有的人虽然相貌不是很美丽 但是只要一眼见到 就会让人很深刻 淡然基姿的一笑 清悠而自然 不说话时候给人感觉很有距离感 不好打扰
It's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's empty, it's empty, it's most descriptive, it's not beautiful, but it's kind of profound, it's kind of smirky, it's not disturbing, it's not disturbing, it's nice to see you.
Interpretation: Isolation.
注音:shū lí
Make a sentence:
The hatred increases the alienation of one another, and the love increases the wrong bond. And who has sprung and leaped from his king, and felt willing to be hatched for less than a thread?
Perhaps the busy days are alienated from one another, but the friends who know them do not forget their lives; let not the wine of friendship fade, let not the hands of the thought of the distance pass by, time passes, and you remain my best friend.
Embrace is the most distant position, because you'll never see each other's faces.
Perhaps busy days leave one another apart, but friends who know their hearts will never forget them. Let not the wine of friendship fade, and let not the hands of thought be drawn from the distance. My friend, may you be healthy and happy.
If you choose peace, Float will alienate you.
I think I'm not mature enough to forgive treachery. Embrace is the most distant position, because you'll never see each other's faces. He's going to run for his happiness, and she's gone, and I'm going to show happiness to anyone.
Perhaps a busy day is longing away from one another, but a loving companion will never forget it; and let not the workers dehydrate the wine of friendship, and let not the serenity of the hands, the light pass away, and the stars pass away, and you remain my best companion.
The closest position the world has in a round is not hugging, hugging is the most distant because you never smile at each other's faces.
Perhaps busy days separate one another, but your friends will never forget them. Motionless texts will make time fade away from the wine of friendship, and you will not let the hands of your thoughts pass away from your distance, and you will remain my best friend.
It's like the law of nature. It's like a city that's going down in the sun, a bad season, a sign that's no longer popular, an abandoned rail track, its pillowy winding or rotting, four of its blooming cassava, a little buried until it disappears into sight.
Diffusion: It's a feeling of unfamiliarity, indifference, isolation and alienation.
Combination means collating and synthesizing; brighting up tree keys stands means building; estrangement means evacuation separation. Combining together is: sorting out, synthesizing channels for evacuation separation or matching paths.
This is the end of the introduction of what is meant by alienation and smirk, in the hope that it will help all of you; of course, if you want to know more about it, please pay more attention to us.
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Update: 01/05/2023
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