香港理工大學(理大)在 Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)首次公布的 2023 年度可持續發展大學排名中取得優異成績,整體排名在全球超過 1300 所大學中位列第 82 位,並在本地大學中排名第二。
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HIT) was ranked 82nd out of more than 1,300 universities worldwide and the second highest among local universities in 2023, when it was first announced by Quacquareelli Symonds (QS).
QS 根據院校在「環境影響」及「社會影響」兩大範疇上的表現評分,每個範疇各自涵蓋不同評分指標。在「社會影響」範疇中,理大於「平等」指標上得分優異,為亞洲排名第二的大學;而在「環境影響」範疇中,理大在「可持續教育」一項上表現出色,全球排名第 64 位,在「可持續研究」上更是亞洲第四。
QS, based on the school’s performance in the “environmental impact” and “social impact” paradigms, each contains a different rating indicator. In the “social impact” paradigm, the score is higher than in the “equality” marker, which ranks as the second highest university in Asia; and in the “environmental impact” paradigm, which is the fourth highest in Asia, the “sustainable education” ranking is 64th in the global ranking and the “sustainable research” ranking.
理大副校長(研究及創新)趙汝恒教授表示:「我們欣悉理大獲 QS 首次公布的可持續發展大學排名認可。理大一直致力推廣可持續發展,開展有關碳中和技術的研究工作,並以校園作為實驗平台,試行研究成果。理大亦會透過卓越的研究工作,全力支持香港特區政府在 2050 年前減低碳排放和實現碳中和的目標。」
"We appreciate the recognition of the University of Sustainable Development, announced by QS for the first time. The government has been working to promote sustainable development, to develop research on carbon neutrality and technology, and to use the campus as a pilot platform to test the results. With excellent research, the government of Hong Kong will fully support the goal of reducing low-carbon emissions and carbon sequestration by 2050."
The Vice-Chancellor (Strange Development and Design) of the Storng University also said, "There has always been no effort to build a sustainable environment for students and teaching staff, and regularly reviews the policies of the school community in the relevant fields. As sustainable development becomes increasingly important, we will continue our efforts to have a positive impact on the environment and to create a highly sustainable future for all stakeholders."
QS 可持續發展大學排名評估全球超過 1300 所高等院校,如何在研究、教學和社區參與等方面採取行動,應對世界當前有關環境、社會和管治策略的挑戰,其中 700 所院校上榜,包括六所本地大學。
QS can continue to develop university rankings to assess how more than 1,300 institutions of higher learning around the world can act in research, teaching and community participation, and respond to the world’s pre-existing environmental, social and governance challenges, including 700 institutions, including six local universities.
It has been active in responding to the continuing development challenges facing society, with the newly established Centre for Research on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy providing strategic advice on promoting carbon neutrality and urban development, and the Institute of Higher Studies advancing cross-cutting research related to sustainable development.
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