見證蛻變,開啟新紀元! 2024香港Web3嘉年華圓滿落幕

资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:30 评论:0
4月9日下午,2024香港Web3嘉年華在萬向區塊鏈董事長、HashKey Group董事長兼CEO肖風的閉幕致辭中圓滿落下帷幕,為期四天的盛宴展現了Web3行業蓬勃發展的活力,也見證了無數個Web3發展的重要轉捩點。On the afte...



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4月9日下午,2024香港Web3嘉年華在萬向區塊鏈董事長、HashKey Group董事長兼CEO肖風的閉幕致辭中圓滿落下帷幕,為期四天的盛宴展現了Web3行業蓬勃發展的活力,也見證了無數個Web3發展的重要轉捩點。

On the afternoon of 9 April, 2024 Hong Kong's Web3 Carnival was closed in a closing speech by the President of the HushKey Group and CEO. The four-day feast featured the dynamic development of the Web3 industry and witnessed important turning points in the development of countless Web3 businesses.

2024香港Web3嘉年華由萬向區塊鏈實驗室、HashKey Group共同主辦,W3ME,是全球知名的Web3產業風向標。本屆嘉年華採取1+3+1的形式,在近9000平的會場內共設置1個主會場,3個分會場,1個Open Stage區域,連續四天輪番呈現乾貨滿滿的精彩演說、金句頻出的圓桌討論、激情澎湃的電競對決、青春洋溢的舞台表演…

The Hong Kong Web3 Carnival, co-sponsored by the HushKey Group, the HushKey Group, is a world-famous Web3 industry wind icon. In the form of 1+3+1, a main venue, 3 branch sites, 1 Open Page, four days in a row to present a full-blown lecture, round-table discussions from the Golden Line, a passionate video competition, a stage performance of a youthful ocean overflow...


The time of 1995 for the `strung' chain is approaching

4月6日,全國人大代表、全國工商聯副主席、萬向集團董事長兼CEO魯偉鼎在2024香港Web3嘉年華開幕式上發表歡迎致辭:「區塊鏈應用的1995 時刻正在來臨,未來幾年將是香港經濟發展發展的最佳時刻。」2024香港Web3嘉年華也就此拉開序幕。

On April 6, the President of the National People’s Congress, the Vice-President of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Chairman of the Mandarin Group and CEO Luo Wei King, presented a welcome speech at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Hong Kong Web3 Carnival: “The time of 1995 is coming for the use of the chain, and the next few years will be the best time for Hong Kong’s economic development.” The 2024 Hong Kong Web3 Carnival opened the ceremony.

見證蛻變,開啟新紀元! 2024香港Web3嘉年華圓滿落幕

"Pydocx-center"  Witness change, opening the New Age! 2024 Hong Kong Web3 carnival full end

眾多來自全球各地的重磅嘉賓分別在Web3嘉年華的5大會場用新銳洞見勾勒出Web3未來的模樣:未來的香港,或將迎來更多的行業參與者,推動香港Web3 行業發展,甚至在香港以代幣方式進行ETF交易;未來的加密資產,或將見證比特幣的一個又一個新高度;未來的Web3產業,或將吸引更多Web2用戶的入住,實現真正的Web3大規模採用…

A large number of high-weight guests from all over the world at the Web3 Carnival five-year conference have mapped out the future of Web3 with a new hole: the future Hong Kong, or more business participants, will move forward with the Web3 business in Hong Kong, or even with the ETF in Hong Kong; the future encrypted assets, or a new height to be seen in Bitcoin; the future Web3 industry, or will attract more Web2 users, and the real Web3 model will be used...

見證蛻變,開啟新紀元! 2024香港Web3嘉年華圓滿落幕

值得一提的是,由萬向區塊鏈實驗室、HashKey Capital聯合發起,亞馬遜雲科技提供獨家技術支持的Web3.0創新孵化平台Future3 Campus第三期孵化營?Future3 Camp3在分會場二的“ AI+Web3」主題論壇上正式宣布了9支入營團隊。正如萬向區塊鏈董事長、HashKey Group董事長兼CEO肖風所說:「區塊鏈是一個可以由陌生人大規模協作的網絡,或可用於解決香港大模型的人才需求,讓全世界的人才都能為香港的大模型做出自己的貢獻。」相信在不久的將來,一代又一代Web3+AI創新計畫將為香港,乃至全球帶來發展新動力。全世界的人才都能為香港的大模型做出自己的貢獻。 「相信在不久的將來,一代又一代Web3+AI創新計畫將為香港,乃至全球帶來發展新動力。

It is worth mentioning that nine teams were officially announced at the “AI+Web3” forum at the end of the session. As Haskey Capital, the director of the chain, and CEO of the CEO and CEO of the CEO, said, “The chain is a network that can be developed by a grand scheme of strangers, or that can be used to address the needs of Hong Kong’s larger model, so that people around the world can contribute to Hong Kong’s larger model.” It is believed that, in the near future, another generation of Web3+AI’s new project will bring new momentum to Hong Kong, and to Hong Kong, and to the rest of the world.

見證蛻變,開啟新紀元! 2024香港Web3嘉年華圓滿落幕


見證蛻變,開啟新紀元! 2024香港Web3嘉年華圓滿落幕


"Strange" is spring.

4月8日是2024香港Web3嘉年華最獨特的一天,整個會場是(依音序排列)ABGA、Aptos、Filecoin Foundation、GoPlus、Hashkey Exchange、SlowMist、TON Foundation等Side Event夥伴們呈現的繽紛Web3。是他們讓Web3嘉年華更加豐富多彩,也是他們,讓整個Web3產業有了更多的可能性。

April 8 was the most unique day of Hong Kong's Web3 Carnival in 2024, and the entire venue was ABGA, Aptos, Filecoin Foundation, GoPlus, Hashkey Exchange, SlowMist, Ton Foundation, and other Side Event partners. They made the Web3 carnival more rich and more likely.

見證蛻變,開啟新紀元! 2024香港Web3嘉年華圓滿落幕

"Pydocx-center" Accemental Change, Opening New Age! 2024 Hong Kong Web3 Carnival Falls



4月9日是2024香港Web3嘉年華的句點,也是通往Web3新紀元的時空隧道;是賓主盡歡後的依依惜別,也是心潮澎湃後付諸實幹的第一天。這天,有Animoca Brands & Chromia、DRK Labs、UOVABOX等Side Event夥伴們舉辦的主題活動,也有主辦單位與Co-organizer們帶來的精彩主題論壇。從比特幣生態,到Tokenization再到Restaking,區塊鏈從金融屬性出發,突破重重限制後,以更高的效能,重新聚焦金融領域,打造新一代金融科技。

April 9 was the day of the 2024 Hong Kong Web3 Carnival, a time and space tunnel leading to the Web3 New Age; it was the first day after the party’s celebration, and after a wave of enthusiasm. On this day, there was an event organized by the Side Event partners of Animoca Brands & Chromia, DRK Labs, UOVABOX and others, as well as an excellent forum for co-organizers.

見證蛻變,開啟新紀元! 2024香港Web3嘉年華圓滿落幕

"Pydocx-center" evidence change, opening the New Age!</p><p>這次嘉年華不僅是展示Web3最新成果的平台,更是連結全球、共築未來的橋樑。在這裡,我們跨越了地域和文化的界限,用共同的語言──數位語言,建立一座通往未來的橋樑。我們相信,這座橋樑將持續延伸,連結更多的思想和創新,推動Web3領域不斷向前發展。</p><p>This carnival is not only a platform to showcase the latest results of Web3 but also a bridge that connects the globe and builds the future. Here, we have crossed the boundaries of geography and culture, building a bridge to the future in a common language – several languages. We trust that the bridge will continue to expand, connecting more ideas and innovations, and moving the Web3 domain forward.</p><p>在此,我們衷心感謝每位參與者的熱情參與和大力支持,是你們的智慧和熱情讓這次嘉年華煥發出如此耀眼的光芒。讓我們相約明年,再聚香港,共赴這數位盛宴,共繪Web3的美好未來!</p><p>Here, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the participants for their warm participation and support, which your wisdom and enthusiasm have brought such a bright light to this carnival. Let's meet next year in Hong Kong, where we will come together to present the great future of Web3!</p><p><span class=特別鳴謝: 2 024 香港Web 3嘉年華贊助商

"Pydocx-center" special thanks: 2 024 Hong Kong Web 3 Carnival Donors

見證蛻變,開啟新紀元! 2024香港Web3嘉年華圓滿落幕

"Pydocx-center"  witnessed change, opening the New Age! 2024 Hong Kong Web3 Carnival Falls




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