
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:47 评论:0
1、比特币诞生的原因 2、比特币是怎么产生的 3、传说中比特币的创始人是谁 4、比特币是什么?请通俗的解释一下?讲一下它的历史? 比特币是一种P2P形式的虚拟的加密的数字货币,它并不依靠特定的货币机构发行。比特币于...



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Bitcoin is a virtual encrypted digital currency in the form of a P2P, which does not depend on specific monetary institutions. Bitcoin was officially launched on 3 January 2009 and was first introduced by Nakamoto on 1 November 2008. It is generated by a number of complex calculations based on specific algorithms.


In memory of the birth of Bitcoin at the time of the financial crisis in 2008, the headline of the day's Times, “The Times03/Jan/2009, Chancelloronbrinkofesecondbailoutbanks”, was carved into the first block.


Bitcoin is not a real currency, but a digital currency generated by Internet technology. The concept of Bitcoin was originally proposed by China Harbour on 1 November 2008 and was officially launched on 3 January 2009. Bitcoin is characterized by: decentralization; globalization; and anonymity.


A point-to-point electronic cash system, setting out his new vision of electronic currency – bitcoin – is on the rise. In 2009, China’s central brain designed a digital currency – bitcoin – and the winding bitcoin market – and its founder’s identity as “medium bellows” has been a mystery. The rumours about the “father of bitcoin” involved a move from the United States National Security Agency to a financial expert, and placed a mysterious ring on bitcoin.


This is the contradiction between the existing monetary system and the Internet, which Bitcoin was designed to resolve, making money a web-wide stream of data. The more immediate part of Bitcoin is to reduce the transaction costs of Internet trade, especially small transactions, making previously unprofitable transactions profitable and making transactions that could not be concluded for payment reasons.

1、比特币的生成过程涉及在比特币网络中搜索特定算法。 每隔一定时间,比特币网络会自动产生一个独一无二的随机算法。 网络中的参与者,即“矿工”,通过高性能计算设备寻找这些算法。 第一个找到算法的矿工将创建一个新区块,并获得相应的比特币奖励。

The process of generating Bitcoin involves searching for a particular algorithm in the Bitcoin network. Every once in a while, the Bitcoin network automatically produces a unique random algorithm.


2 Bitcoin is not a real currency, but a digital currency generated by Internet technology. The concept of Bitcoin was originally proposed by China Harbour on 1 November 2008 and was officially launched on 3 January 2009. Bitcoin is characterized by: decentralization; globalization; and anonymity.


Three, bitcoin is based on specific algorithms, generated by a lot of calculations. The essence of this is a confluence of complex algorithms, and the process of diagnosing bitcoin is a continuous search for the equation. Bitcoin is done using computers, and downloading a special bitcoin tool allows the bitcoin to be decomposed.


4. In memory of the birth of Bitcoin, as a result of the financial crisis of 08, the headline of the day's Times, “The Times03/Jan/2009, Chancelloronbrinkofsecondbailoutbanks”, was carved into the first block.


5. Bitcoin is a virtual encrypted digital currency in the form of P2P. It is generated through a certain number of algorithms, simply by using your computer to solve a difficult equation, and then you get bitcoin when the equation is solved. This behaviour is commonly called “mining”, and in order to succeed in “mining”, you need to use your computer to contribute some measure.


6- Bitcoin was dug up using computers and downloading specialized bitcoin computing tools based on a particular algorithm, generated by a large number of calculations, the essence of which was a trickle created by a complex array of algorithms, and the process of digging bitcoin was a constant search for the trickle-down of this equation group through a large volume of calculations.

中本聪发明了比特币。2008年11月1日,一个自称中本聪的人在P2P foundation网站上发布了比特币白皮书《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》,陈述了他对电子货币的新设想——比特币就此面世。

On November 1, 2008, a person claiming to be a human being in the middle was published on the P2P foundation's White Paper Bitcoin: An Electronic Cash System for Point-to-Point, setting out his new vision of electronic currency — that is, bitcoin.

日前,特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在网上发布了一篇有关中本聪的帖子,再次点燃了人们对这位神秘比特币开发者真实身份的猜测。

One day, Elon Musk, Tesla, published a post on the Internet about the true identity of this mysterious bitcoin developer.

比特币发明人是居住在美国加州的中本聪,许多媒体封堵到了中本聪的家中,但是他否认和比特币有任何关系。2011年4月26日,比特币创始人中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)向其他开发人员发送了最后一封电子邮件,他在邮件中明确表示,他已经“转移到其他项目”,同时交出了他用来发送全网警报的加密密钥。

Bitcoin inventor is a medium-breath who lives in California, and many media have blocked his home, but he denies having anything to do with Bitcoin. On April 26, 2011, the founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, sent the last e-mail to other developers, in which he made it clear that he had “diversioned to other projects” and handed over the encryption key that he used to send an all-web alert.


The founder of the project is Bentcoin-Qt, born in July 1949, a self-proclaimed Japanese-American who is the creator of the Bitcoin agreement and its associated software, but whose true identity is unknown. The first bitcoin software was released in 2009 and the Bitcoin financial system was officially launched. In 2010, the project faded and handed over to other members of the Bitcoin community.

比特币的概念创始人是中本聪。人物介绍:中本聪是比特币的开发者兼创始者,是一位1949年出生的日裔美国人。他爱好收集火车模型,职业生涯中有多处保密,曾为大型企业还有美工军方执行保密的工作。2008年中本聪在互联网上一个讨论信息加密的邮件组中发表了一篇文章, 勾画了比特币系统的基本框架。

The founder of the Bitcoin concept was Bent, Bint, a developer and founder of Bitcoin, and a Japanese-American born in 1949. He was interested in collecting train models, maintaining several secrets in his career, and performing confidential work for large companies and the engineering and military. In mid-2008, Bengt published an article on an Internet mailing group discussing information encryption, outlining the basic framework of the Bitcoin system.


Central Ben-Hearing, a self-proclaimed Japanese American, is often translated into Chinese philosophy by the Japanese media, who is the creator of the Bitcoin-Qt agreement and its associated software. In 2008, China Ben-Hear published an article called Bitcoin: A Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System.


Bitcoin is a digital currency in the form of a P2P. The concept of Bitcoin was originally proposed by Nakamoto in 2009 to design the open source software to be released along with the P2P network on which it is based.


Bitcoin is an electronic encrypted currency that uses decentralized, globalized, non-third-party institutions or individuals, and is based on block chains as a payment technology. Bitcoin was created on 3 January 2009 by a consensus-based, peer-to-peer network, based on a consensus-based open source software, which is the founder of the encrypted currency and block chain, and is currently the one with the highest visibility and market value.


Bitcoin was originally a virtual Internet currency, similar to that of Queens, but it was already available for real-life purchases. Bitcoin came from 2008 – a lucky time, because it coincided with the financial crisis, and traditional currency credibility was damaged. It was designed by Chinabone, a pen name, and probably a group of other designers.

比特币(Bitcoin)是一种基于去中心化,采用点对点网络与共识主动性,开放源代码,以区块链作为底层技术的虚拟加密货币,由中本聪在2008年提出,2009年诞生。 比特币没有一个集中的发行方,由网络节点的计算生成,可以在任意一台接入互联网的电脑上买卖,并且具有极强的稀缺性。

Bitcoin is a virtual encryption currency based on decentralisation, using point-to-point networks and consensus initiatives, open source codes, using block chains as bottom-level technologies, proposed by China-Benz in 2008 and born in 2009. Bitcoin does not have a centralized distributor, generated by network node calculations, that can be bought and sold on any computer with Internet access, and is extremely scarce.




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