
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:32 评论:0
比特币周一继续下跌至 60,000 美元。根据 Coin Metrics 的数据,这一旗舰加密货币的价格最新下跌逾 4%,至 61,211.00 美元。此前,该价格跌至 60,666.30 美元,为一个多月以来的最低水平。过去一周,该价格...



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比特币周一继续下跌至 60,000 美元。根据 Coin Metrics 的数据,这一旗舰加密货币的价格最新下跌逾 4%,至 61,211.00 美元。此前,该价格跌至 60,666.30 美元,为一个多月以来的最低水平。过去一周,该价格已下跌逾 8%。

bitcoin continues to fall to $60,000 on Monday. According to Coin Metrics, the price of this flag ship's encrypted currency has recently fallen by more than 4% to $61,211.00. Prior to that, the price fell to $60,666.30, the lowest level in many months.

CoinShares 数据显示,数字资产投资产品连续第二周出现资金流出。上周,加密投资产品的全球交易量创下自 1 月份美国比特币 ETF 推出以来的最低水平。

CoinShares data show that there was a second consecutive week of financial outflows from digital asset investment products. Last week, the global volume of encrypted investment products was at its lowest level since the launch of the US ETF in January.

这家专注于加密货币的资产管理公司的研究主管詹姆斯·巴特菲尔 (James Butterfill) 向 CNBC 表示:“过去两周,加密货币 ETF 的资金流出量已达 12 亿美元,这一切都始于 FOMC 会议之后。我们认为,对降息次数的持续悲观情绪正在影响加密货币的市场人气。”

This research director, James Butterfield, who specializes in the management of encrypted money, said to CNBC: "In the last two weeks, the amount of funds flowing out of the encrypted currency ETF has reached $1.2 billion, all of which began after the FOMC meeting. We believe that continued pessimism about the number of interest reductions is affecting the market of the encrypted currency."



The Fed has indicated that it needs to see further evidence of falling inflation before it becomes more moderate, so any macro-data that emphasizes the continued decline in inflation may support prices, but instead the date of inflation will put pressure on prices.

Coincover 战略主管埃莉诺·盖伍德 (Eleanor Gaywood) 表示,个人消费支出指数是美联储最看重的通胀指标,将于本周五公布,在此之前市场往往会出现紧张情绪。她表示,9 月份降息的迹象可能会缓解投资者的紧张情绪,并稳定比特币的价格。

Coincover, the strategic manager, Eleanor Gaywood, said that the personal consumption expenditure index was the Fed's most important indicator of inflation, which would be announced this Friday, and that the market was often tense until then. She said that signs of interest reduction in September might ease investor tensions and stabilize the price of bit.

此外,比特币多头清算数量激增,迫使交易员以市场价格出售资产以偿还债务。据 CoinGlass 称,在过去 24 小时内,中心化交易所的比特币多头清算总额达到 9783 万美元。

In addition, the number of bits in liquidation surged, forcing traders to sell their assets at market prices to pay their debts. According to CoinGlass, in the last 24 hours, the amount of Bitcoin in the centralized exchange was more than $9,783 million.

加密货币随比特币大幅下跌。以太币下跌了 4%,而与智能合约平台Solana挂钩的代币下跌 3%,支付代币XRP下跌 1%,而 meme token狗狗币下跌近5%。

The encrypt currency has fallen significantly with Bitcoin. 4% in taka, while the smart contract platform Solana's tokens have fallen by 3%, paying XRP, while meme token puppies have fallen by almost 5%.

在股票方面,Coinbase下跌近 4%,而MicroStrategy跌幅超过 5%。矿业股全线走低。

In terms of equities, Coinbase has fallen by almost 4 per cent, while MicroStrategy has fallen by more than 5 per cent.

上周,CryptoQuant 预测,由于缺乏看涨势头,比特币跌破关键支撑位 65,800 美元后,可能会回落至 60,000 美元。该公司的链上数据显示,自 5 月底比特币触及 70,000 美元以来,交易员一直在减持,目前尚未开始再次购买。

Last week, CryptoQuant predicted that Bitcoin might fall back to $60,000 when it fell into a critical support position of $65,800 because of lack of momentum. Data on the company’s chain show that traders have been on hold since Bitcoin touched $70,000 at the end of May and have not yet started buying again.

本月,比特币下跌近 10%。6 月初,比特币一度触及 71,000 美元的水平,但此后一直稳步下跌。自 3 月中旬创下 73,797.68 美元的历史高点以来,比特币价格基本徘徊在 60,000 至 70,000 美元之间的窄幅区间内。

Bitcoin fell by almost 10% this month. At the beginning of June, Bitcoin touched the level of $71,000, but has steadily declined since then. bitcoin prices largely hovered between 60,000 and 70,000 United States dollars since mid-March.

投资者和分析师仍预计加密货币今年将再创纪录。Bitwise Asset Management 分析师 Ryan Rasmussen 称价格走势看涨且波动。

Investors and analysts still expect the encoded currency to reach a record level this year. Ryan Rasmussen, an analyst for Bitwise Asset Management, claims that prices are rising and volatile.

他表示:“加密货币背后有改变市场的顺风,但这并没有反映在每周波动的价格走势中。”他指出,比特币今年迄今已上涨 43%,以太币 ETF 取得进展,而且加密货币的政治潮流也朝着有利于它的方向转变,从长期投资角度来看,比特币的吸引力从未像现在这么大。”

He said, “The smooth winds behind encrypted money change markets, but this is not reflected in the price movement that fluctuates every week.” He pointed out that Bitcoin has so far risen by 43 per cent this year, that ETFs have made progress and that the political trend in encrypted money has shifted in its favour, and that the attraction of Bitcoin has never been greater in terms of long-term investment.”




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