
资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:66 评论:0
CETH币是什么币种?CETH币有什么用?   cETH(CETH币)是复合代币,cTokens是与复合协议交互的主要方式;当用户铸造、赎回、借入、偿还借入、清算借入或转移cToken时,她将使用c...



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The cETH (CETH) is a composite currency, and cTokens is the main way to interact with the composite agreement; when a user forges, redeems, borrows, repays, clears or transfers cToken, she uses the cToken contract. Compoun is an algorithm for developers, autonomous interest rate agreements, which are used to unlock the world of open financial applications.

  什么是CreaEther (CETH)?

What's CreaEther (CETH)?

  当用户将密码学借给 Composite 协议时,他们可以根据他们希望将资金借给的货币/代币选择几个贷款池之一。 最大的池基于以太贷款。 当您将资金存入 Ether 时,您会收到一定数量的 cETH(基于 Ether 的池代币)。

The largest pool is based on an Ether loan. When you deposit the funds with Ether, you receive a certain amount of cETH (Ether-based pool currency).

  虽然你最初的投资还是在Ether上,但它是由ceTH担保的,你赚取ceTH的利息。 您的 CETH 资金可以自由交易,但建议不要使用代币进行主动交易,因为它代表您对协议的押注。

Although your initial investment is still on Ether, it is guaranteed by ceTH, and you earn ceth interest. Your CETH funds are free to be traded, but it is recommended that no active transactions be carried out in tokens because it represents your bet on the agreement.

  当您的资金以协议方式持有并赚取利息时,您的原始以太币资金无法交易或转移。 当您决定赎回投资并退出协议时,您拥有的 ceTH 将转换为 Ether,您的资金将以原始货币——Ether 币返还给您。

When your funds are held by agreement and interest is earned, you cannot trade in or transfer the funds in the original tautese currency. When you decide to redeem the investment and withdraw from the agreement, your own cetax will be converted to Ether, and your funds will be returned to you in the original currency & mdash; & mdash; Ether.

  cETH 并未按照智能合约规则与 ETH 挂钩,但自 2020 年中期推出代币以来,cETH/ETH 汇率一直保持非常稳定,约为 1 / 0,02 cETH / ETH。

CETH is not linked to ETH in accordance with the rules of an intelligent contract, but the ETH/ETH exchange rate has remained very stable since its introduction in mid-2020, at about 1 / 0,02 ETH/ ETH.

  cETH 基于 ERC20 代币标准。 ERC20 代币是区块链中默认的可替代代币。

The cETH is based on the ERC20 token standard. ERC20 token is the default alternative in the block chain.

  cETH 不是组合中唯一的 cToken。 贷款和贷款可以在多个池中进行。 目前,仅次于以太坊的第二大矿池基于 DAI,即 Maker 协议的稳定币。 当您将 DAI 密码学借给该池时,您将获得 cDAI 代币并积累对该 cToken 的兴趣。 同样,以其他货币借款为您提供具有 cCurrencyOfThePool 命名约定的代币,例如 cLNK、cUSDT 等。

CETH is not the only cToken in the combination. Loans and loans can be made in multiple pools. At present, the second largest mine pool after Tai is based on the DAI, or Maker agreement, is a stable currency. When you borrow DAI passwords to the pool, you will obtain cDAI tokens and accumulate interest in the cToken. Similarly, borrowing in other currencies provides you with a currency with the agreed name of cCurrentiof ThePool, such as cLNK, cUSDT, etc.


What's the use of the CITH?

  cETH是你在Compound 抵押ETH 后, Compound 合约给你的‘借条’。在compound 合约里,可以用cETH换回ETH。前提是 1. 钱包里有足够的手续费(ETH)去操作智能合约。2. 没有在compound合约里抵押借贷。 如果你抵押了,必须还清欠款才能提出。

CETH is your &lsquao; lending & & rsquo; after Compound mortgage ETH. In the compound contract, the & & & & & & & & ; can be exchanged for ETH. The condition is that there are sufficient fees in the wallet (ETH) to operate the smart contract. 2. There is no mortgage in the & & & & & & & & & & ;

  关于 cETH (CETH)

About ceth (CETH)


The complex agreement (COMP) is one of the leading decentralized finance (DeFi) projects, focusing on lending agreements. The platform allows users to borrow their encrypted assets to earn interest.


One of these cTokens is cETH, which is used to use pool-based loan-based tokens in talismans. The total supply of cETH is nearly 900,000, with a price of $21.63 per inn at the time of writing.

  CreaEther (CETH) 运行原理

CreaEther (CETH) operating principle

  COMP 是 Compound 中主要的平台级代币。 它被用作治理代币,也就是说,它允许代币持有者对有关平台运营及其未来方向的重要问题进行投票。COMP 还用作营销工具,以鼓励更积极地参与平台。

The COMP is the main platform-level token in Compound. It is used as a proxy for governance, that is, it allows currency holders to vote on important questions about the platform’s operation and its future direction.

  例如,向 Compound 借款的用户会获得一定数量的 COMP 奖励。另一方面,cETH 充当代表您在贷款池中持有的投资的代币。 您的利息也会累积到 cETH。

For example, users who borrow from Comboud receive a certain amount of COMP incentives. On the other hand, cETH acts as a token for the investment you hold in the loan pool. Your interest will also accrue to cETH.

  虽然 COMP 与大多数加密货币一样,具有明确定义的最大供应量和相对稳定的流通供应量,均为 10 万个代币,但 cETH 的供应量会根据 Ether Composite 池中的借贷活动动态变化。 随着资金从该池中借入和提取,cETH 代币被创建和销毁。

Although COMP, like most encrypted currencies, has a clearly defined maximum supply and a relatively stable flow supply of 100,000 tokens, the supply of cETH will vary according to the dynamics of the lending activity in the rest Composite pool. As the funds are borrowed and extracted from the pool, the cETH is created and destroyed.

  CreaEther (CETH)加密钱包

"CreaEther (CETH) Encrypted Wallet


In addition to the ease of dealing with CETH in the Gate.io exchange, CETH could be placed in an encrypted wallet.

  你可以在如何购买cETH 方面做对一切,但在存储方面做出错误的决定。这就是为什么您在选择钱包时应该小心的原因。

You can do everything about how to buy ceth, but make the wrong decision about storage. That's why you should be careful when selecting wallets.


In order to help you select the right options according to your needs, the following cETH wallets are recommended:

  Trust Wallet - cETH 最佳钱包

Trust Wallet-cETH Best Wallet

  Trust 拥有钱包中安全存储 cETH 所需的所有基本元素。信任是高度安全的,这也是它成为众多官方钱包的原因之一。

Trust owns all the basic elements needed for the safe storage of cETH in the wallet. Trust is highly secure, which is one of the reasons why it becomes an official purse.

  无论您是经验丰富的投资者还是刚刚开始使用加密货币,Trust 都有一个简单的用户界面,让您可以轻松地在 Defi 市场中导航。

Whether you are an experienced investor or you are just beginning to use an encrypted currency, Trust has a simple user interface that allows you to easily navigate in the Defi market.

  MyEtherWallet - 最方便的 cETH 钱包

MyEtherWallet - Best CETH Wallet

  cETH 是一个以太坊 Compound Finance 项目,使 MyEtherWallet 成为存储代币的绝佳选择。该钱包与 iOS 和 Android 设备兼容。即使您是加密货币领域的新手,由于其用户友好性,您使用钱包存储 cETH 也可能没有问题。

CETH is an Ethergroup Finance project that makes MyEther Wallet an excellent choice to store tokens. The wallet is compatible with iOS and Android devices. Even if you are a new hand in encryption money, you may be able to use the wallet to store cETH because of its user-friendliness.

  Ledger Wallet - 最佳安全性 cETH 钱包

Ledger Wallet - Best Security CETH Wallet

  Ledger 是一个硬件钱包,您也可以将其连接到 MyEtherWallet 以增加便利性。这样,您可以在线和离线访问您的 cETH 代币。但是,硬件钱包的排名领先于其他钱包,因为加密货币黑客无法轻易访问您的私钥。

Ledger is a hardware wallet that you can connect to MyEtherWallet for convenience. In this way, you can access your CETH token online and offline. However, hardware wallets are ranked ahead of other wallets because encrypted money hackers do not have easy access to your private keys.

  使用 Ledger 钱包,您还可以访问令人印象深刻的备份选项,并且可以在设备丢失、被盗或损坏时轻松检索您的 cETH 私钥。

Using the Ledger wallet, you can also access impressive backup options and easily retrieve your cETH private keys when the device is lost, stolen or damaged.
& nbsp;

  免责声明: 本文来源网络,不代表本站观点不作为任何投资建议。

Disclaimer: This source network does not represent the station's view and does not constitute any recommendation for investment.




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