title: single-theme (score 1:)
8 、元宇宙是通过数字技术构建起来的与现实世界平行的虚拟世界,表现为虚拟演唱会,在线会议等场景应用,具有广阔的市场空间。如果提前布局对元宇宙市场的规范管理,首先需要解决的问题是:
8- The meta-cosm is a virtual world parallel to the real world, built by digital technology, in the form of virtual concerts, online conferences, and other scenarios with a wide market space. If the regulation of the meta-cosm market is pre-arranged, the first problem to be solved is:
A. Development of management tools adapted to the characteristics of meta-cosm technologies
B. Understanding the built-in mechanisms and development patterns of the meta-cosm market
C. Establishment of a management team of eco-cosmos professionals
D. Developing institutional norms to meet the development needs of the meta-cosmos market
Answer: D
Analysis: First step, this question examines technology.
The second step, if the regulation of the meta-cosmos market is pre-arranged, is to address, first of all, the need for national and government sector-level research to develop laws, regulations and specific measures and approaches to meet the development needs of the meta-cosmos market, so that the meta-cosm market, which is constructed through digital technology, can protect the legitimate rights and interests of operators and consumers in a more orderly and stable manner.
So choose option D.
Principals: Item A: Research and development of management tools adapted to meta-cosm technology characteristics, generally the benefits and results sought by enterprises, and this approach is not the first to be addressed by regulating the meta-cosm market.
Item B: Understanding the built-in mechanisms and development patterns of the meta-cosm market, involving operators, consumers, beneficiaries, learning and understanding, is not the first issue to be addressed by regulation of the meta-cosmos market.
Item C: A management team composed of meta-cosm professionals can better manage and solve many of the problems arising from meta-cosm technology, as well as the ways in which the meta-cosmos can serve humanity with better quality. But it is not the first issue to be addressed by regulation in the meta-cosmos market.
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These are part of the test paper on the "A" test in Jiangsu province. More estimates on the "A" test in Jiangsu province, "A" in Jiangsu province, "A" in Jiangsu province, and "A" in the "A" test in Jiangsu province. For further information, please refer to 2022 in Jiangsu province (category A) The "A" test paper in Jiangsu province or the latest 安徽人事考试网。
These are the virtual world parallel to the real world, built by digital technology. For more information, see .
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