比特币6月25日今日行情 比特币大跌最新消息今天

资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:32 评论:0



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Investors, analysts, and cryptographers are looking for the reasons behind this and trying to predict the future of this trend. This paper will bring you the latest developments in Bitcoin today and the relevant information behind the fall to help you better understand the dynamics of the market.



According to the latest trend data, the current price of Bitcoin is $61,272.70, and its current price falls in 24 hours: -2.56 per cent, about a dollar price drop: -$1,609.79, and the current 24-hour maximum price is $63,010.10, and the 24-hour minimum price is $58,749.78.



Bitcoin slipped from a high of $64,602 on 23 June, implying an increase in the market’s empty power, and they are trying to shape the price into a new resistance area. This dynamic not only reflects a shift in market sentiment in the short term, but may also portend a deeper reversal of the trend.



At the same time, the relatively strong and weak index (RSI) has entered the overselling area, further confirming the strength of the empty and the likely downward trend in the market. Against this technological background, we can reasonably assume that Bitcoin may continue its downward trend and test its underlying position.


The BTC/USDT currency is likely to reach the key support level of $60,000 for the next step. This price has proved to be solid on many occasions in history, and is therefore expected to attract a multiplicity of funds to intervene, thus triggering a rebound. However, any resulting rebound may encounter resistance in the face of the 20-day average (currently around $65,687) and prices may fall again if they do not make an effective breakthrough.


If the price of bitcoin is again blocked and falling from the 20-day average, the market is likely to go further down to $56,552 or even lower. In such cases, the market rhythm will continue to be controlled by empty positions, and investors should be wary of possible further downside risks.


Of course, the market is always variable. A strong sign of concern is whether Bitcoins can break through and stabilize the close above the moving mean line. If this happens, it may signal a shift in market sentiment, with many hoping to regain ownership and push the BTC/USDT currency up to $70,000, or even $72,000.

1.Mt. Gox 和德国政府加大比特币抛售力度

1. Mt. Gox and the German government increase their sales of bitcoin

6月24日,随着已破产的加密货币交易所Mt. Gox宣布计划向2014年黑客事件的受害者返还超过14万个BTC,并从7月开始执行,比特币(BTC)价格继续经历调整。这一消息引发了市场的看跌情绪,投资者对比特币的未来走势持谨慎态度。

On June 24, with the planned return of more than 140,000 BTCs to the victims of the hacking in 2014, announced by Mt. Gox, the bankrupt currency exchange, which began in July, the prices of Bitcoin (BTC) continued to be adjusted. The news triggered market perceptions, and investors were cautious about the future of Bitcoin.

据了解,Mt. Gox约有12.7万名债权人,他们因黑客攻击而损失了价值超过94亿美元的比特币。这些债权人已经等待了十多年,才有望收回他们的资金。然而,由于比特币的价格自2014年以来已经飙升了超过8000%,因此,一旦这些债权人收到返还的BTC,他们可能会选择在当前高位套现,这无疑会给市场带来巨大的抛售压力。

It is understood that Mt. Gox has about 127,000 creditors who have lost over $9.4 billion in bitcoins as a result of hacking attacks. These creditors have waited for more than a decade to recover their funds. However, since the price of Bitcoins has soared by over 8,000% since 2014, these creditors may have chosen to sell at the current height once they have received the returned BTC, which will undoubtedly put enormous pressure on the market.

彭博社的高级ETF分析师Eric Balchunas对此表示担忧,他认为这一返还计划可能会对市场造成显著影响,甚至可能抵消大量的ETF流入。他在社交媒体平台上写道:“这就像是超过一半的ETF流入量一下子被抵消了,情况不容乐观。”

Eric Balchunas, a senior ETF analyst at Bloomberg, expressed concern that the return plan could have a significant impact on the market and could even offset a large influx of ETFs. He wrote on social media platforms: "It's like more than half of the ETF inflows have been reversed, and the situation is not encouraging."


同时,知名交易员Daan Crypto Trades也持类似观点,认为Mt. Gox的偿还计划将对BTC价格产生深远影响。此外,根据Arkham Intelligence的情报,德国政府的一个钱包在6月19日转移了近6500个BTC,这可能进一步加剧市场的抛售压力。自2024年2月以来,该钱包已持有近5万个BTC,按当前市场价格计算,价值超过30亿美元。

At the same time, the well-known trader, Daan Crypto Trades, shares the view that Mt. Gox’s repayment plan will have far-reaching implications for BTC prices. Moreover, according to Arkham Intelligence, a German government purse transferred nearly 6,500 BTCs on 19 June, which could further exacerbate market sales pressure. Since February 2024, the wallet has held nearly 50,000 BTCs, valued at more than $3 billion at current market prices.

综上所述,Mt. Gox的BTC返还计划以及德国政府的大规模转移,都可能对BTC市场产生重大影响。投资者应密切关注市场动态,以便做出明智的投资决策。

In summary, Mt. Gox’s BTC return plan, as well as large-scale transfers by the German government, could have a significant impact on the BTC market. Investors should pay close attention to market dynamics in order to make informed investment decisions.

2.现货比特币 ETF 资金流出持续第二周

2. Current Bitcoin ETF funds flow for the second week


In the early signs of a fall in the prices of Bitcoin (BTC) on 24 June, the United States Current Bitcoin Exchange Trading Fund (ETF) has faced several consecutive withdrawals. It is remarkable that these investment instruments have accumulated nearly $1.12 billion in outflows over the past two weeks.



According to CoinShares, it was further revealed that in the short few days of 17 to 21 June, an investment product of up to $630 million in Bitcoin had been withdrawn, a figure that clearly reflected “a profound restructuring of the market”.


These ETF outflows coincide with the upward trend of the United States dollar vis-à-vis a basket of major foreign currencies, a phenomenon that mirrors the rising willingness of investors to avoid risk.


The United States dollar index (DXY), an indicator of the strength of the dollar against major global currencies, climbed from a low of 103.35 on 7 June to a high of 105.5 on 21 June, a cumulative increase of 2.07 per cent.



At the same time, macroeconomic data released by the United States and the Federal Reserve were mixed, leading to a sharp downward adjustment of market expectations for interest reductions in 2024 from four times.

芝加哥商品交易所集团(CME Group)的FedWatch工具最新数据表明,市场预期美联储将在9月而非更早时间开始降息。这一时间点对于加密货币和其他风险资产而言,具有举足轻重的意义。

The latest data from the CME Group's Fedwatch tool show that the market expects the Fed to start cutting interest rates in September rather than earlier. This point in time is important for encrypted currency and other risky assets.


In anticipation of a higher interest rate environment, the attractiveness of holding risky assets, such as encrypted currencies, has been reduced, and this market sentiment has put considerable downward pressure on Bitcoin prices in the near future.


More than $119 million in bitcoin has been liquidated


According to recent Coinglass data, in the last 24 hours, the Bitcoin derivatives market has undergone large-scale liquidations, amounting to $1,128.9 million, with multiple warehouse clearances amounting to $119.1 million. Throughout the crypto-currency market, total liquidations have risen to $250 million, of which multiple liquidations have accounted for $173 million. This data clearly reflects a broader liquidation of multiple warehouses compared to empty ones, which undoubtedly exacerbates Bitcoin’s weakness in today’s market today.


Often, when the price of traded assets falls sharply, multiple liquidations follow. This is because traders who are optimistic about the assets and have established multiple warehouses face losses because of market movements.


In addition, on 13 June, according to data provided by block chain data and intelligence platform CryptoQuant, there was a marked increase in Bitcoin reserves on the exchange. This trend indicates that market sales pressure is on the rise.



As the number of bitcoins stored in well-known exchanges’ wallets continues to increase, investors appear to be taking advantage of the current price levels to settle. This phenomenon provides a reasonable explanation for the current price decline in bitcoins.


According to news in the morning of 25 June, the Bitcoin exchange rate against the United States dollar has continued to decline in recent days, at a close to $60,000. Over the last 24 hours, Bitcoin prices have fallen by more than $5,000, by more than 7 per cent, or even $59,000, for the first time since May 3. In the past week alone, Bitcoin has fallen by almost 11 per cent cumulatively.

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This volatility has once again highlighted the high risk and leverage of virtual currency manipulation, which has caused many speculators to suffer serious losses. According to Coinglass, a total of 9,0573 Internet-wide encrypted currencies have exploded in the last 24 hours, amounting to $375 million, equivalent to approximately 2.73 billion yuan.

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Bitcoin’s recent selling pressure is partly due to a sharp decline in revenue from encrypted mining companies. According to Into TheBlock data, miners hold the lowest number of bitcoins in 14 years, and sold quickly this month worth more than $2 billion.


At the same time, both the difficulty of Bitcoin and the Hashi rate have declined as a result of the reduction in miner activity, and mining revenues have reportedly been drastically reduced from an average of $107 million per day, after halving the incentives.

此外,据CoinShares数据显示,加密投资产品连续第二周出现资金流出,全球交易量也创下新低。研究主管James Butterfill表示,过去两周已有12亿美元的加密货币ETF资金流出,这与联邦公开市场委员会会议后的市场情绪有关。他认为,美联储对降息次数的悲观态度正在影响加密货币市场。

Moreover, according to CoinShares, funds flow from encrypted investment products for the second week in a row, and global transactions are at a new low. James Butterhill, research manager, said that $1.2 billion of encrypted currency ETF funds had flowed over the past two weeks, which was linked to market sentiment following the meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee. He argued that the Fed’s pessimistic attitude to the number of interest cuts was affecting the cryptographic currency market.


For example, on 24 May of this year, Bitcoin prices suddenly plunged and successively broke several important points, causing huge losses to investors. This reminds the market once again that the risk of virtual currency cannot be ignored.





据6月25日消息,加密货币分析师Markus Thielen在最新报告中提出警示,从技术图表来看,比特币可能正在构筑“双顶形态”。这种技术形态往往预示着价格可能大幅下滑,跌幅可能等同于峰值与颈线间的差距,令市场参与者倍感忧虑。





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