一条假新闻让4万人血本无归!币圈深夜大乌龙 比特币再现“疯狂过山车”

资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:64 评论:0
  一则虚假新闻,让沉寂许久的币圈再次沸腾。There is a false news that will boi...



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There is a false news that will boil once again the long-silent circle of coins.


On the evening of 16 October, the well-known media in the area of


Although the information was not confirmed, the price of Bitcoin rose sharply, from $28,000 below to over $30,000 in less than half an hour, the first time in three months that it had broken the 30,000 mark, with an increase of more than 10 per cent a single day.


However, the news was quickly denied.


  截至记者发稿,Cointelelgraph已删除此前“iShares Bitcoin Trust”获SEC批准的消息。该消息仅存在了30分钟,便让比特币的价格经历了过山车,在这一涨一跌背后,投资者损失惨重。

By the time of the press release, Cointelgraph had deleted the news that “iShares Bitcoin Trust” had been approved by the SEC. After only 30 minutes, the price of Bitcoin had passed the mountain car, and investors had lost a lot of money behind this up and down.


According to Coingellass data, within an hour of Cointelgraph’s release, over 40,000 people were hit by a blast on the net, amounting to about $105 million, of which $6,649.01 million was destroyed in BTC, $17,436 million in ETH, $320.47 million in more than one blast, and $73,142 million in more than one single blast. One hour, the market was crying, leaving only one piece of chicken hair.


According to the data tracked by Lokonchain, a bitcoin whale purchased 20.5 WBTCs at a cost of $600,000 after the news exploded and sold them at a price of $563 million.


“The price hasn't changed, but the warehouse is gone.” An investor told a Washington Times journalist.


In response, the Beijing Computer Society /a> id="bkquate_90.BK1061" the Secretary-General of the Commission stated to the journalist of the Warsaw Times that it was clear that the ulong was a sensitive “testing” and “shuffling” of the persistently low cryptography market, and that the SEC's abandonment of the above-mentioned greyscale 分析师Eric Balchunas表示,专注于财经突发新闻的新闻公司——Benzinga终端也曾出现了比特币现货ETF获得批准这一新闻。而Benzinga终端上的信息显示,本消息的来源为路透社。

But according to Bloomberg ETF


To date, however, neither Bloomberg, Benzinga, nor Reuters have explained the incident further. At present, the market still does not know where the source of this information comes from, and whether there are people who manipulate the market.


In response to this incident, the official account number of the USSEC states: “Beware what you read on the Internet, the best source of information about SEC is SEC”.

  事后,贝莱德首席执行官Larry Fink在接受福克斯商业频道采访时表示,现货ETF 获得批准的虚假消息引发的比特币价格上涨,其实是加密兴趣“报复性反弹”的一个例子。



Fink says, "This rebound goes far beyond the rumours themselves. I think today's rebound is about the pursuit of quality, which now revolves around all the issues surrounding Israel's war, global terrorism. I think more people are looking for quality, whether it's state debt, gold or encrypted currency, depending on how you see it. I believe that encrypted money will play an important role in it."


The market is still waiting for


The director of Uweb, the China Communications Industry Association /span> co-chairs of the ETF's Panel stated to the Washington Times journalist that the current ETF's offer investors these assets through direct possession of lower-level assets, such as special currency.


“Conversely, futures ETFs do not involve the physical storage of digital assets, which may pose additional risks to investors associated with preservation and security. And, from a market mentality perspective, investors tend to prefer tools that directly reflect price movements at the bottom because they are easier to understand and access.

  2022年6月,灰度(Grayscale)起诉SEC,指控其拒绝该公司转换流行的灰度比特币信托(GBTC)的ETF申请。10月13日是SEC对华盛顿巡回上诉法院关于灰度案件裁决提出上诉的最后一天,显然,SEC并未选择上诉,该案的裁决可能迫使监管机构审查灰度的现货比特币 ETF申请。此后,比特币价格出现了积极的走势。

In June 2022, Grayscale sued SEC for refusing the company’s popular ETF application for conversion to the Greybitcoin Trust (GBTC). On October 13, the last day of the EC’s appeal against the Washington Circuit Court of Appeal’s decision in the Greyscale case, it became clear that SEC had not chosen to appeal, and that the decision in the case might force the regulatory body to review the Greyscale spot bitcoin ETF application.

  对此,XBTO Global首席执行官Philippe Bekhazi表示,SEC不上诉是加密货币行业的关键时刻。他表示,鉴于SEC面临来自法院和美国众议院金融服务委员会的压力,这一批准只是何时而不是是否获得批准的问题。

In response, Chief Executive Officer Philippe Bekhazi of XBTO Global stated that the SEC's failure to appeal was a critical moment in the crypto-currency industry. He stated that, given the pressure that the SEC faced from the courts and the Financial Services Committee of the United States House of Representatives, the approval was only a matter of when and not whether it was approved.


“If approved, this will create new possibilities for many sovereign funds, pension funds, IRAs and 401k, as well as other institutions that may not have access to digital asset investment opportunities.” Bekhazi, for example.


“The 45-day period for seeking a retrial under the federal appeal rules of procedure is now over, and the court will now issue its final authorization within seven calendar days. After SEC approval, the Greyscale team is still ready to convert the GBTC to ETF, and we look forward to sharing more information as soon as possible.”

  SEC曾在9月份表示,正在启动额外程序,以确定贝莱德、景顺(Invesco)、Valkyrie 和富达(Fidelity)等知名资产管理公司提议的现货比特币ETF是否应该获得批准或否决,审核时间将至少再延长一个月。

SEC indicated in September that additional procedures were being initiated to determine whether Belede, ,


Previously, SEEC had repeatedly refused to apply for the Bitcoin spot ETF. In response, Janin stated that, according to various SEC documents, the reason for refusing the Bitcoin spot ETF was that it did not meet exchange standards designed to prevent fraud and manipulation and to protect investors and the public interest.


“In other words, its main challenge is for regulators to be wary of possible manipulation, money-laundering and terrorist financing in the cryptomarket, and the risk of theft in the storage and trading of bitcoin, combined with the fact that their markets are still young relative to traditional financial markets, making regulators more cautious in approving financial products directly related to them.” In Janin's words.


“In its position on investor protection, regulators have been cautious about spot ETF.” In Wangjun's view, now after the Responsible Development of Digital Assets Act in different countries and regions, in particular in the United States, the transparency requirements of regulators for , (文章来源:华夏时报)




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