It dates back to 2008. That year, the subprime crisis broke out and the financial crisis engulfed the world.
Today, when we review the financial crisis, the arbitrary and irresponsible monetary policy of the United States is considered to be one of the major contributors to the crisis.
And, like other cryptographers, he wants to create an unsupervised & & ldquao; center & rdquao; and he wants to create a & ldquao; currency & & rdquao;
As early as 1980, the Dutch gas station brought electronic cash, and then a number of electronic currencies, such as B-Money, E-Gold, and Hashcash, emerged. But most of them failed because of technical problems like double payment.
Twenty-eight years later, more than a month after Lehman Brothers went bankrupt as a result of the economic crisis, Nakamoto was born with Bitcoin and came with an experiment to build a new era.
In a 13-page white paper, Binteng describes Bitcoin— — an electronic cash system that is fully achieved through point-to-point technology, which enables online payments to be initiated and paid directly by one party to the other, without the need to pass through any financial institution.
After that, Bitcoin spreads from the polar world to the real world, far from and close to people. Bitcoin is supported, opposed, welcomed and excluded.
In any case, bitcoin has been gone for 10 years. In the last 10 years, has bitcoin been achieved?
1. 没有“后门”的账本
1. No & ldquao; back door & rdquao; account book
我们(we)在此提出一种解决方案,使现金系统在点对点的环境下运行,并防止双重支付问题。该网络通过随机散列(hashing)对全部交易加上时间戳(timestamps)。 |
In order to address the problem of double payment arising from the transaction, as described in the White Paper, China has proposed a point-to-point approach to prevent double payment.
However, to use point-to-point transactions to solve the double flower problem, a bookkeeping method must be used and, in order to obtain a large & & ldquo; player & & rdquo; and the agreement that a random hash based on a time stamp has been introduced in Bitcoin, allowing it to form a sequence that is relevant in context and context.
That is, each block contains information about the previous block, which is why it is called &ldquao; chain & rdquao;
China believed that the security of each transaction would be enhanced by bookkeeping and making the accounts non-managerable, a model that was widely pursued and captured by Bitcoin at the time of its birth.
However, after 10 years of development in Bitcoin, it was found that the facts were not as good as they thought.
According to this sentence of the original summary & ldquao; the transaction record will not be changed &rdquao unless the full workload certificate is re-completed; as a result of the use of complex Pow workload certificate calculations, changes to the transaction record will be achieved objectively & &ldquao, which will be very time-consuming and requiring a great deal of calculation; and the purpose of &rdquao;
Indeed, by using complex Pow proof, this makes the change of transaction records very time-consuming and very demanding for arithmetic. But, in turn, it creates a condition for Bitcoin’s transactions that each transaction cannot be regretted, and that each account cannot be tampered with.
2011 & & ldquo; door & rdquo; events, the hacking of bitcoin in 2012, & & ldquao; Silk Road & rdquo; and dark-net trading, all exploit this flaw. It is precisely because the books cannot be tampered with, which makes it difficult to recover losses through technical rollbacks or to terminate illegal transactions. People can only watch the loss of bitcoin.
2. From CPU to GPU
我们提出了一种采用工作量证明机制的点对点网络来记录交易的公开信息,只要诚实的节点能够控制绝大多数的CPU计算能力,就能使得攻击者事实上难以改变交易记录。 |
Bitcoin uses the Pow (proof-of-work) workload certification mechanism. In principle, Pow is essentially a CPU vote. In the early days of Bitcoin, miners used CPUs to dig.
It is worth noting, however, that the number of computers in the network has been changing, so it is very difficult to count CPUs through the POW mechanism. This is something that Nakamoto did not foresee in the White Paper.
In addition, the CPU has the advantage of collusive instructions that it will not dig the next block without digging out the mine in the previous block. This pattern greatly delays the efficiency of mining.
People turn their eyes to the GPU, which is running in parallel.
Speaking of GPU, you may find it strange, but this thing plays an important role in our daily lives, and that is a visible card.
The GPU is a graphic processor with a visible card & ldquo; heart & & rdquo;. People who focus on 3C products may feel that card prices have continued to rise since 2014, even to a priceless level. Much of the reason for this is because bitcoin digs mines.
It was found that mining with GPU was much more efficient than with CPU, so there was a build-up of cards to dig up encrypted currency such as bitcoin. A more professional ACIS miner emerged.
The logic of mining has been changing, but Bitcoin has been using the most primitive CPU-based workload proof mechanism for 10 years. That is one of the points that currency-circle players have been arguing about: has Bitcoin been out of date?
It is worth noting that China’s White Paper was written in 2008, when GPU’s arithmetic had not increased in an explosive manner, so there was nothing wrong with China’s offer to use the Pow mechanism at that time. He failed to deal with what happened in the future, perhaps by failing to do so.
3. 安全和溯源
3. Safe and retrospective
我们(we)将提出一种通过点对点分布式的时间戳服务器来生成依照时间前后排列并加以记录的电子交易证明,从而解决双重支付问题。只要诚实的节点所控制的计算能力的总和,大于有合作关系的(cooperating)攻击者的计算能力的总和,该系统就是安全的。 |
In the nearly 10 years of development of Bitcoin, & ldquao; the Cyprus crisis & rdquao; an important node.
On March 25, 2013, the Government of Cyprus announced a tax on accounts with deposits of more than 100,000 euros in Cyprus. Faced with “ tax haven & & rdquo; and a sudden tax collection policy, those account holders purchased bitcoins in large quantities, pushing the price of bitcoins from $80 to $260.
Distributed books, Internet-wide broadcasting of transactions, anonymous transactions. These are the characteristics of bitcoins, what they want to do in the Chinese White Paper, and people believe that bitcoins will bring absolute security to their assets.
Computer operating mechanisms are ultimately questions of arithmetic, and bitcoin is no exception. At the beginning of the design, Ben-Book should have made clear the immutable nature of the accounts, which, as explained above, is actually a side effect. And the most direct reflection of this side effect is the ability to calculate.
First, the Bitcoin system replaces the credit of a centralized broker and does not guarantee the credit of both parties to the transaction. Therefore, if one of the parties to the transaction has a credit problem, the transaction cannot be cancelled in accordance with the immutable nature of the account. Once you confirm the transaction, even if the other party is a fraudster, the damage is inevitable.
Second, the undisguised nature of accounts is not immutable in nature, but rather difficult. Assuming an ideal state, if a user has 51% of the value of the net, he can do anything he wants with a bitcoin. The only difference is whether 51% is good or evil.
In other words, any transaction in the existing bitcoin world can be rolled back through super arithmetic.
Besides this, Bitcoin has always been proud of its anonymity, which is not in essence absolute, and in the White Paper it says that transactions are to be broadcast all over the Internet, which, while guaranteeing the security of the transaction, means that the anonymity of the transaction is only relative to the world outside the chain of blocks, which is well known within the chain of blocks. To get information about a transaction, one user needs to be attacked at will to find it.
The appearance of Bitcoin did raise the security of transactions to a new height, but Bitcoin was not absolutely safe.
4. 难以实现的去中心化
4. Unmanageable decentralisation
本文提出了一种完全通过点对点技术实现的电子现金系统,它使得在线支付能够直接由一方发起并支付给另外一方,中间不需要通过任何的金融机构。 |
Decentralization is the most prominent feature of the Bitcoin and block chains. It can be described as the spiritual pursuit of the entire world of encrypted currency and block chains.
Bitcoin has only been weakly centralised.
First, the centralization of bitcoin is a paradox, because the whole of decentralized rule-making and trading patterns are based on neutron intelligence. Other encrypted currencies in the encrypt currency market are currently operating in a very similar logic to bitcoin, and their methods of dealing are not moving out of this framework. Those who promote decentralization do the centralization are doing it. This is perhaps ironic.
Second, decentralized bitcoin transactions are based on a centralized exchange. In China’s white paper, it is clear that brokering is not promoted.
Finally, the mining network is geographically centralized. Three quarters of the Bitcoin mines are located in China and are concentrated in the hands of a small number of miners. The Bitcoin mining network is remarkably geographically centralized, threatening the label & ldquo; decentralizing & rdquo; and the Bitcoin network.
5. 与现实妥协的“暗网黄金”
5. Compromise & ldquao; Darknet gold & rdquao;
In the above, we refer to the Bitcoin White Paper as the development of bitcoin over the past decade, summarizing what bitcoin failed to achieve in the course of its development. But when Bitcoin landed, there was also a bias in its development trajectory.
First, it has been controversial since the dawn of the world, and it cannot even be regarded by governments and monetary authorities as & & & & & & & & & & ;. At present, bitcoin is not universally available in the world, even where it has been outlawed. Its dominant position is merely self-serving in the chain.
Secondly, it is increasingly evident that its own deficiencies are being exposed to high energy consumption, long trading times and difficult trading scenes.
最后,后起之秀众多,竞争激烈。目前,超过 1600 种的加密货币在流通。无论是比特币,还是那些不受监督的实体发行的数千种加密货币,均摒弃以往的金融概念。借助全新的支付链道,才能保证其金融系统正常运转。而相较于比特币,区块链技术似乎略受青睐。
Finally, there is a lot of later competition. More than 1,600 encrypted currencies are currently in circulation. Thousands of encrypted currencies, be they bitcoins or unsupervised entities, have abandoned previous financial concepts.
Perhaps the status of Bitcoin will be further challenged after this year's currency stabilization boom.
With the warming of Bitcoin, the invisible block chain technology has become a hotspot technology and subject. Bitcoin’s block chain technology does not amount to block chain technology, which users can use instead of using bitcoin chains. After Bitcoin, a number of bitcoins, such as one-coat derivatives, evolved with the wind of Bitcoin, disrupt the normal financial system.
除此之外,75% 的比特币交易是矿工之间的资金转移和投机者交易的结果。同时,其依然是犯罪分子的首选货币,也是黑客洗钱的“最佳”途径。由于炒家的介入,加密货币的价格涨跌起伏更加极端,套现、割韭菜。加密世界遍布雷池,投机者愈加难以获利。
In addition, 75% of the Bitcoin trade is the result of money transfers between miners and speculators. At the same time, it remains the criminal’s preferred currency and the hacker’s money laundering & ldquo; the best & rdquo; the way.
美国区块链安全公司 CipherTrace 7 月份发布的报告显示,数字货币已成全球犯罪分子洗钱的主要工具之一,在今年已查处的洗钱案中,约 12 亿美元是通过数字货币进行的,而最常用的就是比特币。比特币所支持的绝大部分交易本质上是违法的。
A report released in July by the United States block chain security firm ChipherTrace shows that digital currency has become one of the main instruments of money-laundering by criminals around the world. In the money-laundering cases investigated this year, about $1.2 billion was made through digital currency, the most commonly used being Bitcoin. The vast majority of transactions supported by Bitcoin are essentially illegal.
Although the above-mentioned issues do not affect the status of Bitcoin, it is assumed that they do not meet the expectations of China’s medium-class Bitcoin.
His vision did not materialize.
Bitcoin, and even the entire crypto-currency market, is stuck in a small circle, struggling to survive. It looks like it's a long way to get the whole decentralized wave to the rest of the world.
If Bitcoin is compared to a human being, then the White Paper was published at a time when it was shaped in the womb. On January 3, 2009, Bitcoin fell to the ground and began its ordinary and rugged life. At the end of 2010, it disappeared, as if a father had let go of his child.
Bitcoin began to face the world on its own.
This growth process, which is difficult and glorious, may lead to the rhetoric of the year or become a tool in the hands of some.
Has everything bitcoin wanted to do in 10 years? Some, some, some, some, even contrary to the original setup.
But years are still long with bitcoin, and bitcoin is not easy for 10 years, and it is more than 10 years.
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