The Web 3.0 version of the EuroOKX Exchange is an application designed specifically for digital currency transactions, which provides a wealth of transactional functions and high levels of security aimed at providing easy and secure digital asset trading experiences for users. The Web 3.0 version of the EuroOKX Exchange provides secure and easy digital asset trading services to users worldwide through professional profiling, practical functionality and stringent security measures.
spot transactions: supporting the purchase, sale and holding of 16 mainstream encrypted currencies
Contractual transactions: provision of contractual services such as Bitcoin, Etheria etc. to meet the needs of different investors
Transparency of assets: use of the Merkel Tree Certificate to make asset reserves transparent and enhance user trust
Compliance: Strict compliance with Hong Kong's provisions on virtual asset service providers to ensure legal compliance of all transactions
● 我们为 200 多个国家/地区的数百万加密交易者提供多样化的资产类别。我们提供数百种加密货币的现货和衍生品交易服务,包括比特币 (BTC)、以太坊 (ETH)、莱特币 (LTC)、瑞波币 XRP、波场 (TRX)、比特币现金 (BCH)、EOS 和 OKB。
• We provide diversified asset classes for millions of encrypted traders in more than 200 countries/areas. We provide spot and derivative trading services for hundreds of encrypted currencies, including Bitcoin (BTC), Etheria (ETH), LTC (LTC), Ripco XRP, Bandar (TRX), Bitcoin cash (BCH), EOS and OKB.
● 我们提供安全可靠的数字资产管理服务,目前支持400多个加密货币交易对进行现货和合约交易。
• We provide secure and reliable figures asset management and currently support over 400 encrypted currency transactions for spot and contract transactions.
● 我们业界首创的统一账户系统允许不同类型账户之间的保证金共享,以及多币种自动借贷功能,让高级和专业交易者最大限度地利用他们的资金。通过我们的实时结算功能随时提取资金。
• Our industry’s first unified system of accounts allows for bond-sharing between different types of accounts, as well as a multi-currency automatic lending function that allows senior and professional traders to maximize their use of their funds. Funds are drawn at any time through our real-time clearing function.
● 使用我们新的资产分析功能,查看您的投资组合在每日、每月或自选期间的损益 (PnL) 表现趋势。我们还提供财务、数据分析、矿池挖掘和钱包工具,让您可以管理您的资产和投资组合。
• Use our new asset analysis function to view the trends in the performance of your portfolio (PnL) on a daily, monthly or self-selection basis. We also provide financial, data analysis, pond digging and wallet tools that allow you to manage your portfolio.
● 独有的半离线多重签名技术和冷热钱包,全方位的安全观,确保您的资产安全。您可以放心、安全、快速、轻松地存入和提取资金。
A unique half of multiple signature technologies and cold wallets offline to ensure the safety of your assets from all angles of security. You can safely, safely, quickly and easily deposit and withdraw funds.
● 不是交易员?将您的加密货币与 Earn 一起使用,这是我们易于使用的通往 DeFi 世界的门户,以及其他通过您的加密货币赚取被动收入的方式。持有您的加密货币并赚取高达 30% 的 APY。
• Not a trader? Use your encrypted currency with Earn, which is our easy-to-use portal to the DeFi world and other ways to earn passive income through your encrypted currency. Hold your encrypted currency and earn
钱包是打开 Web3 世界的钥匙,「好用」就成为了用户衡量这把钥匙的核心标准。能够被称为「好用」的钱包,是如何将「用户体验」做到极致?如何满足不同用户在产品使用中的不同需求?
Wallet is the key to opening the Web3 world, and "good use" becomes the central criterion for users to measure the key. A wallet that can be called "good use" is how to make "user experience" extreme? How to meet the different needs of different users in the use of the product?
万变不离其宗,一个好用的钱包,应具备的特点无非是操作简便、功能全面和安全性高。在钱包这条拥挤的赛道,各家都在产品体验上不断推陈出新,最近看到 Bitget Wallet 的升级迭代就值得特别关注。
In this crowded track of wallets, families are constantly changing their product experiences, and the recent upgrading of Bitget Wallet deserves special attention.
在今年 Bitget 交易所收购 BitKeep 钱包后,近期 BitKeep 发布了 8.0 版本,全面升级为Bitget Wallet,推出全新的视觉风格,在保持原有特色的基础上,对产品交互进一步优化打磨,重点增强了流畅性和易用性。
Following the acquisition of BitKeep wallets by the Bitget Exchange this year, BitKeep recently released version 8.0, which was fully upgraded to Bitget Wallet, introducing a brand-new visual style and further optimizing the interaction of products on the basis of maintaining their original characteristics, with an emphasis on increased fluidity and ease of use.
进入 Bitget Wallet:BitKeep 的 8.0 时代
Entering the 8.0 era of Bitget Wallet: BitKeep
一句话总结 Bitget Wallet 的用户体验:界面简洁易用适合新手,功能全面且数据丰富受老用户欢迎。
One sentence summarizes the experience of Bitget Wallet users: the interface is simple and easy to use, is comprehensive and data-rich and is popular with older users.
本次 8.0 版本最大的改动,是追求「简约」的界面设计。产品简约的本质在于通过追求整体感,用最少、最精准的信息传达,最大限度地减轻用户的认知负担。简言之:不费脑。
The biggest change in this version 8.0 is the search for an interface. The essence of a simple product is to minimize the user’s cognitive burden by pursuing a sense of integrity and communicating with the least and most accurate information.
1. 钱包管理,简约视觉焕然一新
Bitget Wallet 可以说是目前支持公链最广的去中心化钱包,涵盖 90 多条公链、20 多万种代币,且可添加自定义网络和测试网代币,灵活性好。
Bitget Wallet can be described as the most extensive decentralized wallet currently supporting the public chain, covering more than 90 public chains, more than 200,000 currencies, and allowing for the addition of a custom network and testing of mesh.
Create Wallet
Bitget Wallet 针对钱包创建、导入、备份等环节进行了优化,钱包类型展示更条理,除了 12 & 24 位助记词钱包,还支持观察钱包模式、以及硬件钱包导入,MPC 钱包也在研发中。
Bitget Wallet optimizes the wallet creation, import, backup etc., displays a more structured wallet type, supports observation of wallet patterns and hardware wallet import, in addition to 12 & 24-bit word-and-word wallets, and MPC wallets are also being developed.
一个小细节:如果导入钱包有 ENS 域名,在设置钱包名称时,系统可以自动提取域名作为钱包名称,方便用户管理和识别。
A small detail: If the imported wallet has an ENS domain name, the system can automatically extract the domain name as a wallet name when setting the wallet name to facilitate user management and identification.
Wallet Management
进入钱包首页后,顶部增加了 EVM 地址展示,用户无需再进入币种主页复制地址。对于未备份助记词的钱包,会进行强弱安全提醒,用户可以在设置中查看钱包安全等级,该安全评估体系也在持续升级和改进。
Upon entering the header of the wallet, the EVM address is displayed at the top, and the user does not need to access the currency homepage to copy the address. For wallets without backup, a strong security alert is provided that users can view the wallet security level in the settings and the security assessment system is continuously upgraded and improved.
上文提到的「自定义网络」,在添加主网时,除了主流热门公链,钱包还内置了 ChainList,一键勾选即可添加各种 EVM 兼容链;还可以手动输入,系统会根据后台数据库自动匹配检查。
The " custom-defined network " referred to above, in addition to the mainstream popular public chain, the wallet is built in the ChainList to add various EVM-compatible chains by ticking; it can also be entered manually, and the system automatically matches the back-office database.
此外,钱包首页还新增了面向海外用户的 Token 购买入口。
In addition, a new Token purchase entrance for overseas users was added to the wallet's front page.
在「我的」界面,可以进行系统设置和钱包个性化设置。支持自定义钱包名称和头像、涨跌幅周期,检查最新版本,新增 DApp 授权检测、审计报告查看等安全功能,等等。
At " My " interface, you can make system settings and wallet personalization settings. Support custom wallet names and heads, up-and-down cycles, check the latest version, add DApp-authorized tests, audit reports, security features, etc.
Currency management
Access to the currency home page allows the top bar to switch the main chain flexibly to view data held by the user in the same currency in different chains. The token search has also been optimized to make the search more accurate and efficient. At the same time, currency transaction information is classified by type, including transfers, receipts, authorizations; the transaction
钱包管理与币种管理 APP 截图展示
Wallet and currency management APP screenshow
新产品:ETH PoS 质押
New product: ETH PoS pledge
8.0 新版也迎来了 ETH PoS 质押产品,比市面上的同类产品降了很多参与门槛。产品接入的是 Lido 协议,ETH 起存无门槛要求,如果手上没有 ETH,可以在钱包内用任意代币直接兑换 stETH 后参与质押,甚至还可以跨链兑换。
8.0 The new version of the ETH PoS pledge also brings down a lot of participation thresholds from the same products on the market.
收益为 ETH 币本位,每日发放,年化大概在 3.5% - 8.5%。而且官方还会不定期举行质押奖励活动,收益率会更高。Bitget Wallet 做的收益展示十分贴心,可以查看实时收益率,以及昨日和历史收益记录,对于用户掌握收益情况、管理投资来说非常方便。
Gains are in the ETH currency, which is distributed daily, at about 3.5% - 8.5% per year. And the rate of return will be even higher if the pledge incentives are not regularly held. Bitget Wallet has a very thoughtful earnings show, which allows him to see the real-time rate of return, as well as yesterday and yesterday earnings records, which are very easy for users to capture returns and manage investments.
2. 多链 Swap,无 Gas 交易体验更流畅
2. Swap, without Gas trading experience
Swap 功能可以称得上是 Bitget Wallet 的王牌,作为一个强大的 DEX 聚合器,在行业中支持公链最多、提供多种交易模式、链上流动性好、交易价格全网最低、行情数据全面。
Swap functions can be described as Bitget Wallet's ace, a powerful DEX polymer that supports the greatest number of public chains in the industry, provides a variety of trading modes, is well mobile on the chain, has the lowest prices on the Internet, and is comprehensive in terms of performance data.
*Bitget Swap 核心代码协议已开源并通过审计。
* Bitget Swap core code agreement opened up and audited.
Multiple trading patterns
Bitget Swap 支持市价闪兑、限价委托、杠杆合约全品类交易模式,满足不同交易需求。新版行情页增设 Bitget 合约榜单;对于支持杠杆合约交易的代币,在其主页也会有标签显示。
Bitget Swap supports market-price flashing, price-limiting, and leverage contract-wide trading patterns to meet different transaction needs. Add a Bitget contract list on the new page; and labels will also be available on its home page for currency that supports leverage contract transactions.
List of behaviors
Bitget Swap 整合了上百家 DEX 的链上数据与流动性,支持查看资金池情况、交易分析等。用户可以在手机 App 直接查看 K 线图,体验类似 DEX Tool。
Bitget Swap integrates data and liquidity on hundreds of DEX chains to support the viewing of the pool, transaction analysis, etc.
新版本增加榜单展示栏,在币种首页也会显示上榜情况,以及针对不同类别进行标签分类,比如 Meme、AI 等,点击标签可以查看该类 Token、各类热门分类的汇总。
The new version adds a list display bar, which also shows up on the first page of the currency, as well as labels for different categories, such as Meme, AI, etc., which can be viewed by clicking on the tabs to aggregate the Token, various popular categories.
多种交易模式与行情榜单 APP 截图展示
Multiple transaction patterns and list of cases APP screenshow
Multi-chain transactions
Bitget Swap 具备优秀的链上交易体验,支持二十多条链上资产交易,跨链兑换高效低成本。
Bitget Swap has excellent chain-to-chain experience, supports more than 20 chain-to-chain asset transactions, and cross-chain conversion is cost-effective and low-cost.
The new version replaces the exchange confirmation page with a full-screen display; and when trading tokens are selected, a collection feature is added, which can be collected in the list, in the new currency to be seen at the time of the transaction, and in the mainstream currency to facilitate the quick selection of transactions.
Bitget Swap 有个首创的功能是「借 Gas」兑换服务,用户不需要持有主链 Gas 币也可完成交易,新版本更清晰地向用户展示了这个功能。同时,对于不支持「借 Gas」的交易对,当 Gas 费不足时,在兑换确认页面会提供多种获取 Gas 费的方法。此外,官方推出的 GasU 补贴,通过和项目方联合发行的各种交互活动向用户空投,可在 Swap 交易中自动抵扣不同公链的 Gas 费。
Bitget Swap has one of the first features of a " loan Gas" exchange service, which users can do without having a main chain of Gas coins, and the new version shows users more clearly. At the same time, for transactions that do not support " loan Gas ", Gas will provide multiple ways to access Gas fees when the exchange confirmation page is insufficient. In addition, the officially introduced GasU subsidy, which is available to users through various interactive activities co-issued with the project party, automatically offsets Gas fees for different public chains in the Swap transaction.
3. NFT 市场,重点优化购买功能
3. NFT market, with a focus on optimizing purchasing functions
Bitget Wallet NFT 市场核心代码协议已开源。本次升级中,针对购买流程进行了优化,包括支持实时刷新 NFT 地板价,购买入口设置靠前易找到,简化交易步骤。同时在「我的 NFT」页面进行信息梳理,仅保留高频使用功能,提升购买效率。
Bitget Walter NFT market core code protocols are open. This upgrade has been optimized for the purchase process, including support for real-time updating of NFT floor prices, easy-to-reach purchase entry settings, and simplified transaction steps. At the same time, the information is combed on my NFT page, retaining only high-frequency functionality and increasing purchasing efficiency.
4. DApp 浏览器,应用导航更强大
4. DApp Browser, applying stronger navigation
本次升级全面提升 DApp 浏览器的导航功能。调整页面分类逻辑,以链为主导,功能为辅;优化搜索结果展示,可通过关键字搜索同一类型应用;新增「链上飙升」榜单,自动推荐实时热门 DApp。
This upgrade enhances the navigation function of the DApp browser fully. Adjusts the page classification logic to be chain-driven and supported by functionality; optimizes the search results presentation by searching for the same type of application with keywords; and adds a new " chain-up " list, which automatically recommends real-time popular DApp.
The classification is practical and clearly labelled, and multiple optimization helps users to fast-track the applications needed to locate .
Bitget Wallet 用产品向我们展示,要做好浏览器,绝不仅是数据收录大而全,还要能为用户做极佳的数据分类、排列展示,以及通过提升 URL 识别准确率,帮助用户避免误入错误/欺诈的 DApp。
Bitget Wallet shows us with products that a viewer is not only big and full of data, but also excellent data classification and presentation for users, as well as identifying accuracy rates by upgrading URL to help users avoid errors/frauds.
NFT 市场与 DApp 浏览器截图展示
NFT Market and Dapp Browser Screenshot
除了上述提到的基本功能,Bitget Wallet 也在持续推出福利活动,包括币红包、邀请赚币 Invite2Get、交易活动 Trade2Get 等。
In addition to the basic functions mentioned above, Bitget Wallet has also continued to launch welfare activities, including money parcels, invitees to earn money in Invite2Get, trading activities in Trade2Get, etc.
比如,通过分享币红包到微信、Telegram、Twitter 等社交平台,可以与朋友分享代币;收红包前可先确认奖励,再下载 App 领取。
For example, by sharing currency packages to social platforms such as micro-mails , Telegram, Twitter, etc., it is possible to share tokens with friends; prizes can be recognized before receiving a red package and App can be downloaded.
近期推出的邀请赚币活动专区,已联合 Solana、Mantle 等头部项目发放空投,可以邀请好友完成任务,共享各个生态项目的空投奖励。
The recent launch of an invitation-for-money area has brought together leading projects such as Solana and Mantle to distribute airdrops to invite friends to complete their tasks and share airdrop incentives for various ecological projects.
Interested friends can experience it on the "My" section.
写在最后,Bitget Wallet 如何脱颖而出
In the end, how Bitget Wallet came out.
秉持以用户为中心的理念,Bitget Wallet 一直以功能创新和产品调整满足用户需求为导向,确保用户获得最佳体验。开发团队表示,不能让用户为复杂的前端交互买单,这是基础设施需要解决的问题。面对习惯 Web2 操作的用户,产品不能违背用户习惯,强求其适应当前繁琐的 Web3 产品。「你必须要从用户体验开始,然后再倒推用什么技术,而不是反过来。」开发者需要时刻思考,如何将技术价值无缝带给用户,而不被察觉。
In keeping with the user-centred concept, Bitget Wallet has been guided by functional innovation and product adaptation to meet user needs to ensure that users have the best experience. The development team has indicated that it is not possible to allow users to cross-pay for complex front-ends, which is an infrastructure problem. In the case of users who are used to web2 operations, products cannot be used against their habits to adapt to the current cumbersome web3 products. "You have to start with user experiences and then push back the technology, not the other way around." Developers need to think at all times about how to bring technology value seamlessly to users without being detected.
Where's Oli?
OIE was established in 2017 as a trading platform registered in Malta, providing a digital asset trading platform in Bitcoin and various digital currencies.
How do you buy bitcoin on Eurobond?
Users can buy bitcoin through Euro-Euile’s French-currency gateway partners. Euro-Euile’s French-currency gateway partners support 30 forms of French currency and payment, including credit card payments for bitcoin purchases.
欧易是世界领先的一站式数字货币交易平台,提供数百种现货和衍生品的数字货币交易对。 请参阅欧易新手学院的教程,了解如何在欧易开始购买比特币以及其他数字货币。
Euros is the world’s leading one-stop digital money trading platform, providing digital money transactions for hundreds of items of spot and derivatives. See the course of the ELEX Newcomer Institute for learning how to start buying bitcoins and other digital currencies at Eurola.
用户还可以在欧易的比特币交易平台上赢取奖励。 查看欧易新手学院了解如何赚取免费比特币的详细信息
Users can also win prizes on the Euro-Euey Bitcoin trading platform.
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