2. 手機安裝 MinerGate Mobile Miner
2. Mobile phone installation & nbsp; MinerGate Mobile Miner
Android | iOS 沒有,但可用瀏覽器去挖,請打開safari,點選行動連結
& nbsp; Android iOS not available, but available at Browser, please turn on safari and click on action link
3. 開啟MinerGate Mobile Miner,登入即可開始當個礦工
Open MinerGate Mobile Miner
The account "p" is the account you just registered to.
按下Play 符號即可開始挖礦,挖礦有三種速度,分別是占用處理器的程度
"P" press the Play symbol to start mining. Digging has three velocitys, depending on the level of the processor.
想要算力高,就選高,但非常吃效能,我目前使用的是Galaxy S8,算力差不多在40-36之間
If you want to be good, choose high, but very effective. I'm using Galaxy S8, which is almost between 40 and 36 years old.
門羅幣 MONERO (XMR)是其中一種數位貨幣別,也可以更換其他種類
Monroe Monero (XMR) is one of the kinds of digital currency that can be changed.
若要選擇最夯的比特幣 ( BITCOIN ) 需要付費,但可從挖到的礦幣中扣除
"p" would have to pay for the best bitcoin, but it could be deducted from the mine.
The bottom line is GH/s. The G is 1000 and the cell phone is less than 50.
If you're going to dig bitcoins with Minergate, you're going to have to buy Minergate's arithmetic.
There's a functional panel on the left side of
with a lot of functions, such as dashboards, chat rooms.
"P" currency transfer rates, calculators, and cloud mining.
可能你覺得0.0000003的成績沒什麼,但目前比特幣的匯率是 1比特幣=26萬台幣
Maybe you don't think it's a good score of 0.00003, but the current rate for bitcoins is 1bit=260,000.
線上查匯率: https://zthttp://www.360doc.com/content/18/0225/14/BTC_TWD.html
streng' online check rates:
At the same time, we can see the current increase in the Ether and Bitcoins.
經常都是翻倍在衝的,所以投資貨幣賺得更快 (但也可能賠的更多)
"P" often doubles, so the investment money goes faster.
♪ The clouds are starting to grow ♪ ♪ the clouds are starting to grow ♪ ♪ the clouds are starting to grow ♪ ♪ the clouds are starting to grow ♪ ♪ the clouds are starting to grow ♪ ♪ the clouds are starting to grow ♪ ♪ the clouds are starting to grow ♪
When someone uses your connection, it'll be your bottom line, and you'll get more kickbacks, up to 75%.
You can use mine, too. Thank you.
> 我自己用的是Galaxy S8,當開啟MinerGate APP 之後,整個手機的執行效能會暴跌
I used Galaxy S8 myself, and when the MinerGate APP was opened, the performance of the entire phone fell
效能會完全被MinerGate 吃光光,因此請用你閒置的手機去用,才不會誤事
will be completely eaten by MinerGate, so please use your idle phone so you don't misunderstand
同時請使用WiFi ,避免增生無謂流量
At the same time, please use WiFi to avoid creating unwanted flows
♪ I personally don't encourage mining ♪
# Battery, hand chances are bad and environmentally unsound #
You don't have to dig for your own money.
另外節錄網友 林小狗的內容如下
Separate excerpt
What are the advantages of Minergate?
- 方便
- 安裝檔案就可以挖礦,懶得研究還可以按下自動,Minergate會幫你選好
- 手機可以在充電的時候順便挖挖礦
為什麼幣別顯示未確認? / Minergate 挖到的礦如何確認?
Why don't the coins show no confirmation? / How can the mine be confirmed?
- Minergate每種幣別有各自的確認數值,要達到一定的數字才會變成確認
BCN 一般是20個確認一次,100才能領一次
Why does Minergate have a separate confirmation value for each currency that reaches a certain number before it turns into confirmation for BCN, which is usually 20 confirmations, 100 confirmations for XMR once, 0.005 confirmations for /li >/l >p >p > strong >?
Because this platform often breaks down, what's the cost of Minergate in a few days?
- Minergate的手續費請看官網,分PPS與PPLNS結算
- PPS: 你的挖礦所得全歸自己
- PPLNS: 礦池(想像成Minergate)裡面的礦工挖到多少,礦工一起分,據說長期來是這個比較划算
Please see the network for the fees of Minergate, split between PPS and PPLNS
> PPS: All your mine proceeds are yours PPLNS: how many miners have been dug in the mine ponds, together with miners, which is said to be the preferred price /l>
- 請參照Minergate自己提供的計算器,幾乎都是XMR最推薦,最推薦上面會有一顆星
- 但也有專挖Bytecoin(BCN)的流派,可以自行嘗試
如何看 minegate 挖到的金額? minergate unconfirmed balance
What do you think of the amount of money that was dug in by the minigate?
- 如下圖,0.10866的那格就是總共有的數位貨幣數量(XMR),0.0028那格就是挖到礦,但還不能給你的數量
is a figure of 0.10866, which is the total amount of digital currency (XMR), and 0.0028, which is the amount of mining, but which cannot yet be given to you /ul
★★ 想在第一時間解決疑難雜症,加入社團一起討論吧(點我加入),讓高手們過招,並回答你的疑問 ★★
streng', , join the group to discuss , get the best men over the table and answer your questions
extended read /span >
目前錄影最棒的手機 – LG V30+
~LG V30+/strang /span >