
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:49 评论:0
(重定向自Payment instrument) 支付工具(Payment Instrument) Payment Instrument 1 什麼是支付工具[1] 2...



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(重定向自Payment instrument)

支付工具(Payment Instrument)

Payment Instrument


The payment tool means the liquidation of funds and , which can record and authorize the transfer of of one of the loads in the process .


(i) From historical analysis of the development of payment instruments


1. After the value of the transaction medium appears, : values limitations in the coverage, the bond of the debt line = 8%"BF"blibs = "Bf2ibt"" >.


2. The currency becomes a socially accepted mode of payment. The reason is the speciality of the currency payment: the universality of the measure of value; the social nature of the scale used; ; the legality of the method of payment.


3. The use of other items equal to the currency as a payment tool allows the method of payment to evolve and become multiple. The multiplicity of payment methods results from the multiplicity of forms of currency equivalents and the multiplicity of ways of recognizing them in different forms.


(ii) Payment from functional analysis of payments


Payment as originated in a basic process of buying and selling. Payment was made through several processes: first, the existence of a sale transaction; second, the formation of a debt bond relationship for the transfer of goods; then, the settlement of payments; and, lastly, the completion of the transaction.


In transactions where banks appear, the process of payment may involve multiple relationships with multiple creditors. The multiple parties may have multiple relationships with . The multiple parties will settle this relationship with the banks through payment, which will result in a debt relationship between the traders and the producers who pay the producers, so that the payments to the banks will be reversed and settled if pays the producers.


less efficient use of funds in accounting process time spent on the journey, reducing the efficiency of the use of the funds, and making the settlement of multiple debt relationships a relationship between the trading parties in bank accounts.


In the credit society in which banks participate, >/a , its relationship with the interbank debt obligation is simplified as a loan and loan account.


Loans to increase the value of the borrower's deposit account and also generate an equivalent amount of debt to the bank, which is to be paid through the application of the equivalent amount of the withholding deposit account .


3. Debts and liabilities arising from the transfer of may also be paid by means of cross-checking with bank accounts.


4. The presence of banks in the credit society led them to assume the role of accounting for debt rights and debt relations in the trading economy, which was achieved by drawing lines on account accounts that reduced current amounts usage and utilization of funds in the accounting process were increased by and increased the efficiency of .


(iii) Existence of conditions for payment in liquidation


The modalities for payment and settlement of debts include: in the form of cash payment instruments generally accepted by society; account transfer modalities; in the form of cash payments; specific perimeters and terms can be used as mutually recognized means of payment;


2. Social acceptability. Social acceptance is a social recognition and payment compliance and workability standard that measures whether or not payments are paid. When there is social identity, new payment instruments can be created, and the use and success of new payment instruments requires opening up . Such recognition takes place at the same time as the opening of the market.


3. The ease with which the means are used. The ease with which payments are made is that they are developed and socially accepted. The ease with which the functions are used is that they become socially acceptable new instruments for the payment of loans. It also includes the simplicity with which they are used over time, but at the same time requires strong support from the system environment, such as Silver Union.


4. Safety of use of payments. Requires that the channel through which the payments are made be reliable, that the carrier using the means of payment be reliable and that the identity of the parties to the transaction be reliable.


Reliability. For reasons of inconvenience in cash belts, insecurity in cash custody, , and for which there are hidden problems in the use of the program and currency > move > ), which is based on the creditability of .


The legal system . The legal system is the basic social context of the new payment methods and tools generated by , which is a foundational work. The legal system guarantees are > > > and ahref


In 1473, the first bank in the world was born in Venice, Italy, as a milestone in the process of changing the structure of the payment system. The payment tool went through the following stages with the development of .


(i) Real-estate payment phase

  從實物交換到貨幣交換的轉變是支付技術發生的第一次重要變革,此後一切商品的價值都集中地、統一地表現在一種貴金屬商品如黃金白銀上。貴金屬黃金或白銀充當了一般等價物——貨幣,並具有支付工具的職能,這是實物貨幣(commodity money)階段。馬克思指出:“金銀天然不是貨幣,但貨幣天然是金銀。”以金銀作為貨幣,幾乎是所有國家共同的歷史。之所以如此,是因為它們具有以下特點:(1)幣值穩定,便於攜帶;(2)價值大,易於分割;(3)不受場景、季節的影響,易於貯藏;(4)具有同意的價值衡量標準。

"At least gold or 商品經濟信用制度的發展聯繫在一起。紙幣(paper-note)的出現是支付技術發生的第二次重大變革。紙幣是在信用沒有充分發展的條件下,由國家印製、強行發行並代替金屬貨幣使用的價值符號。從由貴金屬做後盾的紙幣發展到與貴金屬無關的紙幣,意味著貨幣形式發展到了一個新的階段,即信用貨幣階段。

The payment tool is the product of history and 電子支付系統整逐漸取代傳統支付系統,支付工具和支付手段也在發生變革。一種以電子數據形式存儲在電腦中並能通過電腦網路而使用的資金被人們形象地稱為“電子貨幣”。電子錢包網路貨幣的出現,不僅從支付方式上進行了變革,而且從貨幣本質上對現代金融理論以及中央銀行貨幣政策提出了挑戰。

At present, the payment system is undergoing a transformation whereby replaces the traditional payment system with


Although the presence of electronic payment media has not fundamentally changed the quality of , new and more convenient payment tools (how). The wholesale payment of 國際清算銀行在1999年發佈了一份對比利時、德國、義大利、荷蘭、瑞士、瑞典、日本、澳大利亞、美國、英國、法國、加拿大這12個國家1990---1997年間零售支付方式變化的比較研究報告,對主要零售支付變化的動態及其原因進行了分析。

International Bank for Liquidation published in 1999 an analysis of the reasons for the transformation of the country's retail sales of .


requires a full push of the law, , , , , http.int/E.int/E.int/E.int/E.0%E.0%E.int/E.int/b/b/E.0%E.


(i) Speed up the free swap under the People's Dollar capital and widen the scope of the People's Dollar to external accounting


>, which will provide a new and more extensive development space for my country's payment tools.


(ii) Improvement of laws and regulations relating to electronic payments to provide a sound legal environment for the development of innovations


the Law , the admission and withdrawal of strict third-party payment institutions and the supervision of payment instruments through improved legal regulations, and the strengthening of a substantial amount of en route and 人民銀行應充分發揮央行支付清算的中介作用,大力發展大額支付系統小額支付系統、支票影像業務系統等業務系統功能,為創新支付工具提供交易平臺,提高支付工具的使用範圍。

People's Bank ,


(iv) Work to establish a secure trade platform on the Internet to improve security levels and technical standards


The first is the creation by the People's Bank, Public Security and others of a “Network Payment Transactions Security Area” with a focus on , information distribution, etc., to improve system security; the second is the establishment of an international standard for SET General Safety, which allows for the verification of each ring of the transaction, which is the standard for safety techniques of the international epidemic; and the third is the establishment of a standard for online payment consistent with China's situation, which reduces the risk of .


(v) Promote financial awareness of payment instruments and raise awareness of consumption groups


One is to increase public awareness of modern payment tools by increasing awareness of payment tools through , printing of promotional leaflets, etc., by gradually changing public interest in the use of traditional payment tools and increasing public awareness of modern payment tools; and the second is to re-advocating the user with the safe use of electronic payment tools by reducing the use of to increase public awareness of the use of electronic payment tools .

  1. 1.0 1.1 黃立文.我國支付工具發展的瓶頸因素分析[J].中國外資,2014(4)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 李良.支付工具的產生和發展淺析[J].經濟研究導刊,2013(17)



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