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如果使用得当,模因是一种省力的营销策略。一种幽默而有效的媒介,可以与观众建立联系并推动有机参与。模因用途广泛。无论他们的社会多样性如何,都有相关的模因。即使是像 Netflix、麦当劳和 Chipotle 这样的最大品牌,也已经跳上了模因营销的潮流,并从这些举措中看到了一致且良好的结果。

If properly used, molds are a resourceful marketing strategy. A humorous and effective medium can connect with the audience and promote organic participation. molds are widely used. Whatever their social diversity, they have relevant molds. Even the largest brands like Netflix, McDonald's and Chipotle have jumped into marketing trends and have seen consistent and good results from these initiatives.

加密货币市场有模因硬币来感谢其市值的很大一部分。从早期的比特币模因到完全建立在模因市场上的项目。对整个 meme 市场进行估值是乏味的,但几个与 meme 相关的加密货币项目价值数十亿美元。这些项目通常被称为 Meme 硬币,并且自从最初的 meme 硬币 -狗狗币开始相关并在加密空间中传播以来,已经以天文数字的速度增长。

Encrypted Currency Markets are modeled by coins to thank for a significant portion of their market value. From the early bitcoins model to projects based entirely on the meme market. The valuation of the entire meme market is boring, but several encrypted money items associated with meme are worth billions of dollars. These items are commonly referred to as meme coins and have grown at an astronomical rate since the initial meme coins - dogs began to be connected and disseminated in encrypted spaces.

您可能听说过受 Elon Musk 的圣诞推文启发的 Dogecoin、Shiba Inu甚至 Santa Floki。Meme 硬币听起来和看起来很有趣,但它们在 2021 年的牛市中拥有最大的投资回报率(在各个高峰时)。由于狗狗币的成功,模因币迅速激增。在取得如此广泛的成功之前,已经存在几个类似于狗狗币的项目并且服务于相同的目的 – 乐趣和社区参与。


Meme 币的进入门槛很低;在技术方面和投资方面。

Meme currency entry threshold is low; on technology and investment.

在技术方面,创建一个新的 meme 硬币需要几行代码以及对区块链和智能合约技术的平均理解。对于投资者和加密货币爱好者来说,meme 币的价值通常为每个代币几美分,因此看起来“便宜”。此外,围绕 meme 币建立的充满活力且不那么书呆子的社区使得掌握(非常简单的)想法并成为社区的一部分变得非常容易。

Meme coin 摒弃了“无聊”的区块链术语,专注于建立他们最大的设施——幽默。大众化方向;“加密货币很有趣,但 meme 币更有趣”是有道理的。

Meme coin abandons the term of the #A3A3A3' and focuses on building their biggest facility -- humor. Popular orientation; "Cyption money is interesting, but meme currency is more interesting" makes sense.


狗狗币是已知最早的适当模因硬币。Adobe 的前软件工程师 Jackson Palmer 设想了狗狗币的想法。其诙谐的方向。Palmer 与前 IBM 软件工程师 Billy Markus 合作开发了独特的区块链技术来支持 Dogecoin 加密货币。被称为“原始模因硬币”的狗狗币创建于 2013 年。

dog coins are the first properly known coins. Adobe's former software engineer, Jackson Palmer, envisages the idea of doggie coins. Its symmetry. Palmer worked with former IBM software engineer, Billy Markus, to develop unique block chain technology to support Dogecoin encryption currency. The puppies called "The original molds are coins" were created in 2013.


Jackson and Billy have made dog money very interesting and friendly. Technology, mining systems, and token economics are developed to simplify participation. Instead of advanced mining requirements, it was known that other encrypted currencies could be mined with a small amount of computing power.


由于简化的技术和廉价的采矿要求,狗狗币迅速普及。通过加密空间传播,狗狗币社区迅速成为一个突出和慷慨的社区;资助许多主流慈善活动,特别是资助牙买加奥运代表队参加 2014 年俄罗斯冬季奥运会。

As a result of simplified technology and cheap mining requirements, the dog-coat community quickly became a prominent and generous community through encryption.

狗狗币的逐渐增长引起了主流名人的注意,这些名人迅速成为社区的一部分和狗狗币的传播者。狗狗币令人瞠目结舌的增长及其 2021 年牛市的壮举被广泛归因于特斯拉和 SpaceX 的创始人埃隆·马斯克。



The success of #A3A3' dog coins has generated a lot of interest in meme coins and their subsequent proliferation.

Meme 币已成为加密领域的一股力量,上市的 100 多种 meme 币控制着超过 170 亿美元的总市值。狗狗币以超过 90 亿美元的市值位居榜首(在撰写本文时)。紧随其后的是 2021 年涨幅最高的流行表情包硬币—— 柴犬。

Meme: #A3A3" >Meme currency has become a force in encryption, with more than 100 meme coins on the market controlling the total market value of more than $17 billion.

模因硬币市场是一个广泛的市场,但也有一些非常值得注意的。除了 Dogecoin 和 Shiba Inu,在过去几年中,许多其他 meme 硬币的相关性也在增长,我们来看看其中的一些。



狗狗币(DOGE)可以说是最受欢迎的 meme 硬币。模因硬币市场的先驱人物。它得到了 Elon Musk 的不断钦佩,他将其经济和技术推向了比特币和任何其他加密货币的经济和技术。

dog coins (DOGE) can be said to be the most popular meme coins. Motivated by the pioneers of the coin market. It gained the constant admiration of Elon Musk, who pushed his economy and technology towards Bitcoin and any other encrypted currency.

由于广泛升值和 2021 年牛市,狗狗币在 2021 年 5 月的总市值超过 800 亿美元。流通中的狗狗币超过 1300 亿美元,总市值超过 90 亿美元。

Due to widespread appreciation and the 2021 cattle market, the total market value of dog money in May 2021 was more than $80 billion. Dogbills in circulation exceeded $130 billion and the total market value exceeded $9 billion.

Ryoshi 在 2020 年创建了 Shiba Inu (SHIB),作为与狗狗币的直接竞争。2020 年 7 月,Shiba Inu 的 50% 供应被发送到以太坊区块链创始人 Vitalik Buterin 的钱包,这似乎是一种营销噱头。但创始人将分配给他的 Shiba Inu 供应的 10% 捐赠给了印度 COVID-crypto 救济基金,并将其余部分烧掉。

Ryoshi created Shiba Inu (SHIB) in 2020 as a direct competition with dog coins. In July 2020, 50% of Shiba Inu supply was sent to Vitalik Buterin, founder of the Ether district chain, which seems to be a marketing figure. But the founder donated 10% of Shiba Inu supply to the COVID-crypto Relief Fund of India and burned the rest.

虽然 Ryoshi 仍然像中本聪一样默默无闻,但 Shiba Inu 自创立以来就人气爆棚。Shiba Inu 代币持有者可能比 Shiba Inu 狗主人更多。这是考虑到柴犬是最受欢迎的犬种之一,尤其是在日本。

Although Ryoshi remains as silent as Nakamoto, Shiba Inu has been in a shamble since its creation. Shiba Inu may hold more coins than Shiba Inu's masters. This is considering that firewood dogs are one of the most popular dogs, especially in Japan.

Shiba Inu 代币的增长也引发了对 Shiba Inu 狗的需求增加。在美国和其他国家的救援中心和宠物店,排队领养这只著名宠物的顾客数量激增。

Shiba Inu is also causing an increase in demand for Shiba Inu dogs. The number of customers waiting to adopt this famous pet in rescue centers and pet shops in the United States and other countries has increased dramatically.

Shiba Inu 在 2021 年 10 月达到了 360 亿美元的市值峰值。在广泛的批评中,它迅速在顶级加密货币交易平台上上市,并成为狗狗币的真正挑战者。就像狗狗币一样,它标榜一个充满活力和慷慨的社区。

Shiba Inu peaked at $36 billion in October 2021. In a wide range of criticism, it quickly appeared on top of an encrypted currency trading platform and became a real challenger of dog money. Like a dog coin, it marked a vibrant and generous community.

Baby Doge Coin (BABYDOGE)标榜通货紧缩的代币系统和持有者的被动收入。它在币安智能链 (BSC) 上运行,并从每笔涉及 BABYDOGE 代币的转让交易的销售中收取 5% 的税款奖励持有者。

Baby Doge Coin (BABYDOGE) labels passive income of the currency system and the holder. It operates on the currency security smart chain (BSC) and collects 5% tax incentives from the holders of each transfer transaction involving BABYDOGE.

归因于它的 Elon Musk推文引发了价格暴涨。从那时起,它建立了自己的声誉,并攀升至第三大模因硬币。

Baby Doge Coin 也通过 BabyDoge NFT过渡到NFT领域。该项目的团队已经分享了移动支付的开发计划。Baby Doge 卡移动应用程序将允许使用 BABYDOGE 进行无缝交易。通过社区的慈善计划,BabyDoge 向动物生活改善计划捐款

Baby Doge Coin also made the transition to NFT through BabyDoge NFT. Teams on this project have shared plans for the development of mobile payments. Baby Doge card mobile applications will allow seamless transactions using BABYDOGE. Through community charity programs, Baby Doge contributes to animal life improvement programs


Eronmask is a great figure in the rise of coins. He's not alone.

狗也发挥了重要作用。Dogelon mars (ELON) 的名字来源于 meme 硬币社区中最大的角色扮演者。Dogelon Mars 一开始就像所有其他 meme 硬币一样,从漫画和诙谐艺术中推动其价值,从那时起,它通过拥抱 NFT 和慈善等其他概念来扩大其效用,并希望在生命最终移至火星时成为行星际货币。

Dogelon mars 社区将她的部分资金用于帮助加密货币诈骗的受害者通过捐款从损失中恢复过来。以太坊区块链上有超过 540 万亿个 ELON 代币在流通。与 Shiba Inu 一样,Dogelon Mars 的 50% 供应也赠送给了以太坊区块链创始人 Vitalik Buterin。

Dogelon mars community used part of her funds to help victims of encoded currency fraud recover from their losses through donations. Over 540 trillion ELON tokens were in circulation in the chain of the Taiku district. Like Shiba Inu, 50% of the supply of Dogelon Mars was given to Vitalik Buterin, founder of the Ethio block chain.

受 Elon’s Dog – Shiba 的启发,Floki Inu (FLOKI)与任何其他模因硬币非常相似。一个适合模因文化的慈善社区。Floki Inu 还在扩展以整合 DeFi 和 NFT 等其他概念,作为为 Floki(其生态系统的代币)推动更多实用性计划的一部分。它还在建立一个加密教育和游戏平台。超过 9 万亿 FLOKI 代币在以太坊区块链上流通。

inspired by Elon's Dog - Shiba, Floki Inu (FLOKI) is very similar to any other mosaic coin. A charitable community suitable for molding culture. Floki Inu is also expanding other concepts such as integration of DeFi and NFT as part of the promotion of more practical projects for Floki (a proxy for its ecosystem). It is also creating a platform for encryption education and games. More than 9 trillion FLOKI intergenerationals are circulating in the chain of Etherm.

SafeMoon Inu (SMI) 将被动收入系统集成到其智能合约中。它奖励持有人每笔代币销售/转让交易产生的“销售税”的 2%。SafeMoon 开发人员还在开发区块链游戏平台和 NFT 集成。一万亿 SMI 代币正在供应中,总供应量已经在流通。

SafeMoon Inu (SMI) integrates passive income systems into their smart contracts. It rewards the holder with 2% of the “sale tax” generated by each currency sale/transfer transaction. SafeMoon developers are also developing block chain games and NFT integrations.

模因概念硬币不仅越来越受欢迎,而且在代币数量方面也在增长。超过 80% 的现有 meme 硬币是在过去两年中创造的。大多数 Meme 硬币都是作为现有硬币的修改副本出现的,通常由社区的一小部分组成。超过 70 种模因硬币以狗为主题,反映了狗狗币的不同演变。

Meme 币是有光泽的,它们以在很短的时间内获得快速收益并达到令人难以置信的市值和受欢迎程度而闻名;这些快速泵是由于以下几个原因。

Meme coins are glamorous and are known for their rapid returns in a very short period of time and for their incredible market value and popularity; these rapid pumps are due to the following reasons.




Although there is no clear information on the project, well-planned scams by a group of people may create incentives and attract potential investors to invest in the project. These projects sometimes involve famous cryptographic currency influencers and mainstream celebrities to create the scams.

如果做得好,炒作营销可能会超越实用性并将项目推向有形的价格水平,而不管它提供的适当实用性如何。尽管是有机的,但这种增长是建立在“未经证实的信念”和臃肿的效用之上的。Meme 硬币采用了这种策略,并且比许多其他加密货币项目更好地利用它。成功的先令行权会将代币的价格发送到“月球”。

If done well, the marketing campaign may go beyond practicality and push the project to a tangible price level, regardless of the appropriate practicality it provides. Although organic, this growth is based on the utility of "unproven faith" and swollen. Meme coins use this strategy and make better use of it than many other encrypted money projects. Successful schillings send the price of the token to the Moon.


The constant price volatility witnessed in the area of encrypted currency is driven by ambitious investors into a new “explosive” project, hoping to gain some benefits or at least not miss the potential success of the project.

对于 meme 币,炒作营销之后的价格增长会因 FOMO 和更多的炒作营销而增强。只要这种趋势持续下去,价格就会继续上涨。许多 meme 硬币在采用合理的效用之前主要依靠 meme 文化和方式获得了数十万追随者。

展望未来,许多 meme 代币可能难以超越它们所贴上的“暴涨暴跌”的名声。他们在本质上持有一件事,“共产主义”。有趣,公平地说;群体营销会造成巨大的炒作,并可能对相关项目造成巨大的购买压力。但仅凭这一点并不能长期维持价值。

Looking forward, many meme tokens may not be able to rise above the reputation of their labels. They hold in essence one thing, “communistism.” Interestingly, fair enough, group marketing can cause a huge build-up and may impose a huge purchasing pressure on the project. But this alone cannot sustain value for the long term.


狗狗币作为一种灵活和去中心化的支付方式正在主流零售平台上获得采用。特斯拉创始人埃隆马斯克分享了他的公司为他们的商品平台开发狗狗币支付的计划。美国电影院 – AMC 也接受狗狗币付款。狗狗币开发人员也在努力打造更环保的采矿系统,以提供更环保的采矿技术,同时避免碳足迹问题。

Doggie coins are being introduced on mainstream retail platforms as a flexible and decentralised way of payment. The founder of Tesla shares his company’s plans to develop doggie coins for their commodity platforms.

模因硬币项目正在超越模因边界并利用其他有利可图的概念。NFT、GameFi 和Metaverse,这些相互关联的概念正在被 meme 硬币项目所利用,这种趋势在未来可能会变得更加流行。


, how these will affect price growth is unpredictable. However, meme coins are evolving and have introduced many changes in concepts over the past few years and will change more in the future.




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