全球区块链8.8:币安疑似KYC信息泄露 被黑客勒索300个比特币

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:34 评论:0
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Industrial Development

01 Brave浏览器将在Reddit上推出支付服务

<01strong> Brave Browser will launch payment services on Reddit

据ambcrypto报道,根据BAT项目在Reddit上发布的一篇帖子,Brave浏览器的BAT支付服务将在Reddit上推出。此前8月1日,Brave浏览器制造商Brave Software宣布,桌面浏览器的最新版本支持使用BAT在twitter上进行打赏。在内容共享平台Reddit上推出这一功能只是时间问题。为了使用Reddit上的小费服务,用户需要使用Brave浏览器注册,并链接他们的Reddit帐户。

According to an ad published on Reddit by the BAT project, the BAT payment service of the Brave Browser will be launched on Reddit. Earlier on August 1, Brave Software, the manufacturer of the Brave Browser, announced that the latest version of the desktop browser supported the use of BAT for twitter. The introduction of this feature on the content sharing platform Reddit was only a matter of time. To use the tip service on Reddit, users needed to register using the Brav Browser and link to their Reddit account.

02 渣打银行完成区块链平台Voltron的国际信用证交易

02 International Letters of Credit Transactions at Voltron Platform for Block Chain Completion at Steward Bank

据coindesk报道,渣打银行宣布成功完成首个以石油行业为重点的区块链平台Voltron的国际信用证(LC)交易。该银行表示已经为PTT集团、PTT国际贸易私人有限公司和IRPC Public Company Limited进行了试点交易,交易涉及从泰国运往新加坡的石油产品。

According to Coindesk, the Chartered Bank announced the successful completion of its first international letter of credit (LC) deal with Voltron, a block-chain platform focused on the oil industry. The Bank indicated that it had already conducted a pilot transaction for PTT Group, PTT International Trading Pty Ltd. and IRCC Public Company Limited for petroleum products from Thailand to Singapore.

03 度小满金融区块链负责人:应该把Libra看成是区块链行业的第三个里程碑

03 financial block chain leader: Libra should be seen as the third milestone in the block chain industry


On August 1, in a round-table discussion at the Economic Forum — “China Economic Report” Libra: The Future of Digital Currency or Pandora's Box?” Li Fung, the head of the Slight Financial Block Chain, argued that when he first learned about Libra, he wondered why Facebook was crushing on the Block Chain? In connection with the personal experience of Zuckerberg, the CEO of the Internet was young and older, so he was more receptive to the Block Chain and the Digital Currency. It was assumed that he might want to use it to find a new point of growth for the company, or a new potential point of growth for the company. After all, it was for the company to look at Libra as the third milestone in the sector of the chain, not for the benefit of the industry as a whole, but for the benefit of the company, for the benefit of the entire sector, but for the benefit of the third milestone in the sector of the chain, not for the benefit of three years, but for the benefit of five years, for the benefit of the company.

04 法官裁定Coinbase在比特币现金诉讼中没有欺诈行为

04 found Coinbase not to have committed fraud in the Bitcoin cash proceedings


In a court order issued on 6 August, District Judge Vince Chabria of Northern California (San Francisco), United States of America, dismissed the dealer’s allegation that Coinbase stopped trading two minutes after the transaction and did not engage in fraud. Note: When BCH was launched, Coinbase added BCH to its platform only four months later, but this led to a sharp increase in its prices, which led to a decision to close the deal, making it impossible for users to sell at a higher price. After the disaster, Coinbase was widely accused of insider trading, and the executives were accused of manipulating the market by buying BCH, according to a previously known plan.

05 恒生电子联合蚂蚁区块链推出数字资产流转解决方案

05 strong . . >. . >. . >.


According to 36 kryptons, in recent days, Yunyong, a subsidiary of the permanent electronic flag, has launched a digital asset flow solution. Officially, the programme is designed for cultural industries, the IP industry, large trading sites, and diversified business groups, among others, and can be used for multiple scenes and financial flows under the umbrella.

06 币安关于“KYC事件”声明:曾被不明人士勒索300个比特币,案件仍在调查

06 < strong > statement on the “KYC incident”: 300 bitcoins were extorted from unknown persons and the case is still under investigation


As soon as we were informed, we set up a security team to investigate the case, which is still under investigation. The unknown person, because he did not receive the ransom immediately, began to disseminate the information to the public and the media. After a preliminary examination of the images transmitted online, we discovered that all the pictures were dated February 2018. During that time, because of the huge workload, the company had been contracted out of the KYC audit for a week to a third-party service company. We are now checking all the information with the third-party service company. We believe that the data and the previous KYC fishing incident reported in the media were the same group, and the Blackie claimed that he was in possession of KYC information from several exchanges. When asked to prove the source of the data, the unknown person who extorted 300 bits from Binance refused to provide the relevant evidence and provided information directly to the media under the false identity of the “white hackers.” We have contacted the relevant law enforcement department, and we will work closely to track the person.

07 研究:目前可能是监管ICO市场的正确时机

07 study: This may be the right time to regulate the ICO market


According to Oxford University Law School, there are two complementary approaches to the efforts of ICO market agents to mitigate their problems. 1. Increased transparency and overall protection of the IT system through the development of technological solutions for the design of smart contracts. 2. Efforts to develop self-regulation and standards to address most of the problems of lack of transparency and proper accountability in the ICO process. Given that many of the economic problems in the ICO market are manifestations of information asymmetry, access to markets such as exchanges and rating agencies is likely to be the right time to regulate the ICO market.

08 亚马逊正寻求将其部分广告业务与区块链整合

08 < strong > Amazon is seeking to integrate some of its advertising operations with block chains

据Coindesk消息,总部位于西雅图的电子商务巨头亚马逊最近发布的招聘启事显示,该公司正在招募一名高级软件工程师加入其“专注于区块链分类账的广告金融技术团队”。该职位描述称,这个位于科罗拉多州博尔德(Boulder)的新团队将专注于计费和对账系统,以提供跨国财务数据的透明度。该团队补充称:“这是一个机会,可以利用区块链技术为亚马逊的广告业务定义一个新领域的技术架构方向。” 在被问及更多细节时,亚马逊的一位发言人表示,该团队“目前没有任何可以分享的东西”。目前还不清楚亚马逊打算用哪种区块链来做广告。此前,亚马逊云业务亚马逊网络服务(AWS)的区块链团队构建了一个专有的区块链,称为量子分类帐数据库(QLDB), AWS的托管区块链服务与以太坊和Hyperledger Fabric连接。

According to Coindisk, a recent job announcement by Amazon, an e-commerce giant based in Seattle, indicates that the company is recruiting a senior software engineer to join its “advertisement finance team, which focuses on block-chain ledgers.” The job description states that the new team in Boulder, Colorado, will focus on billing and reconciliation systems to provide transparency in cross-border financial data. The team added: “This is an opportunity to use block chain technology to define a new area of Amazon advertising.” When asked for more details, a speaker from Amazon stated that the team “does not have anything to share at the moment.” It is not clear what sector chain the Amazon intends to use to advertise.

09 加密公司Kik称美国SEC针对该公司的诉讼歪曲事实

"09 encryption company Kik claims that the U.S. SEC lawsuit against the company has distorted the facts / strong >


According to Coindesk, Kik, the parent company Kin of the block chain project, based in Toronto, Canada, claimed that SEEC had deliberately cited the statements of its executives in a break-in chapter, accusing the start-up company of having violated the securities law by selling its tokens in 2017. In a new submission, Kik also stated that it had been studying encrypted currency since 2012 and had not used it as a turning point at the last minute, as the SEC had said. Kik claimed that Canadian regulators had never made a final decision as to whether Bitcoin was a security, contrary to what the United States regulators had said.

10 韩国金融监管机构计划直接监管加密货币交易所

10 Korean financial regulators plan to directly regulate the encrypted currency exchange

据Businesskorea报道,韩国金融服务委员会(FSC)下属的金融情报部门(FIU)披露了一项直接监管加密货币交易所并将其纳入监管体系的计划。目前,FIU通过对银行的行政指导间接控制加密货币交易所。一位FIU官员8月6日表示,政府将通过引入金融行动特别工作组(FATF)建议的“加密货币交易许可制度”,提高加密货币交易的透明度。FIU行政和规划主管Lee Tae-hoon在国会议员办公室举行的一场公开听证会上表示:“如果反映FATF加密货币国际标准的《关于报告和使用某些金融交易信息的法案》(Act on Reporting and Use of Certain Financial Transaction Information)修正案在国会获得通过,就有可能防止通过加密货币洗钱。”

According to Businesskorea, the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the Korea Financial Services Commission (FSC) disclosed a plan to directly regulate and integrate an encrypted currency exchange into its regulatory system. Currently, FIU indirectly controls an encrypted currency exchange through administrative guidance to banks. A FIU official stated on 6 August that the Government would improve the transparency of encrypted currency transactions by introducing the “encrypted money transaction licensing system” recommended by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Lee Tae-hoon, Executive and Planning Manager of the FIU, stated at a public hearing in the Congress Office that “it would be possible to prevent the use of encrypted currency money laundering if the amendment to the Act on Reporting and Use of Information on Certain Financial Transactions, which reflects the FATF International Standard on Encrypted Currency, were passed in Congress.”


Level One Market

01 LBank获众多机构战略投资

<01strong> > Lbank received numerous corporate strategic investments

Quest Capital、创世资本、共识实验室、涡轮资本、NPC社区、了得资本等机构宣布战略投资LBank,参与LBank平台币LBK,并承诺100%锁仓。双方将借此展开多维度的合作,为交易所用户提供更安全,更透明和更优质的交易体验。

Quest Capital, Genesis Capital, Consensus Laboratory, Turbo Capital, NPC Community, Capital, etc., announces strategic investment in LBank, participates in LBK, and commits to locking up 100% of the LBK. This will allow for multi-dimensional cooperation to provide exchange users with safer, more transparent and better-quality trading experiences.

02 Roger Ver投资区块链社区参与平台并担任顾问

02 Roger Ver Investment Block Chain Community Participation Platform and Adviser

区块链社区参与平台OmniSparx.io宣布获得Roger Ver的投资。作为投资的一部分,Ver将成为OmniSparx的顾问,Bitcoin.com将利用OmniSparx平台发展其社区并深化社区合作。

As part of the investment, Ver will be the adviser to OmniSparx, and Bitcoin.com will use the OmniSparx platform to develop its communities and deepen community cooperation.

03 BOSS交易所获得极豆资本战略投资

03 Boss Exchange gets strategic investment in pulse capital


In recent days, the Digital Currency Trading Platform “Boss Exchange” has received strategic investment in polar beans capital. It is known that the Boss Exchange, which was established in January 2018 in the United Kingdom, currently has more than a million registered users and launched the “Boss Landing Plan” at the beginning of this month, and that its platform’s currency has now increased by more than six times.

04 区块链项目Harmony参与收购数字收藏公司Quidd

04 block chain project Harmony was involved in the acquisition of digital collectors Quidd


Animoca, a block chain start-up company, in collaboration with Harmony, the block chain network, acquired Quidd, a digital collection start-up company designed to create a new ecosystem for encrypted collections.

05 蜘蛛矿池获得新一轮投资 并开展BTC矿池服务

05 spider ponds get a new round of investments and start BTC pond services

蜘蛛矿池宣布完成新一轮来自Candy Capital的投资并上线BTC矿池。蜘蛛矿池由几位火币前员工创立,此前获得过火币、Node Capital、ChainUP Capital投资。蜘蛛矿池致力于做综合的节点服务商,目前开展的业务包含ETH、 BTC矿池,EOS、 IOST出块节点等。

Spiders ponds have announced the completion of a new round of investments from Candy Capital and go to the BTC pool. Spiders ponds have been created by a number of former employees of the currency and have previously been invested in the tender, Node Capital, ChainUP Capital. Spiders ponds are dedicated to integrated node services and are currently operating in ETH, BTC, EOS, IOS, IOS, etc.

06 BEX并购BTB数字资产金融衍生品板块

06 BEX Mergers BTB Digital Assets Financial Derivatives

据BTB官方消息,BEX于2019年8月7日正式并购BTB的数字资产衍生品板块,BTB.io合约业务正式成为独立的衍生品交易平台BEX.io BEX总部位于新加坡,专注于数字货币衍生品业务,旨在打造安全、高效、快捷的全球数字资产衍生品交易平台。BEX通过此次并购跨越,获得BTB.io合约版块的经营权、管理权以及其他知识产权,进一步巩固其在行业衍生品领域的地位,迈向专业化发展阶段。原BTB.io合约板块的用户及合作伙伴权益不会因为此次并购而发生变化。为此,BEX推出合约百团大战与合约手续费减半活动。

According to BTB official sources, on 7 August 2019, BEX formally acquired the BTB Digital Asset Derivative Block, and the BTB.io Contract operation formally became a stand-alone derivative trading platform, BEX.io BEX, based in Singapore, focusing on digital money derivatives with the aim of creating a secure, efficient, and fast global digital asset derivatives trading platform. By doing so, BEX acquired business rights, management rights and other intellectual property rights in the BTB.

07 加密衍生品平台FTX获得800万美元种子轮融资

07 FTX secures $8 million in seed rotation financing

据cointelegraph报道,加密货币衍生品交易所FTX获得800万美元种子轮融资,主要投资者包括专注区块链的风险投资基金Proof of capital和区块链公司Consensus Lab等。

According to Cointelegraph, FTX, an encrypted money derivatives exchange, received $8 million in seed rotation financing, with major investors including Proof of risk investment funds focused on block chains and Confensus Lab, among others.


Secondary Market

01 BTC上纵下跳最高重返12100美元上方

<01strong> > > BTC jumps up and down to $12,100 above


On 7 August, at about 16 p.m., the BTC began to rise continuously, up to $12,144.49, and then fell sharply around 23 p.m., down to $11,500, and is now collapsing around $12,000. The total value of the global digital currency market is over $31 billion.

02 FastTrack6期项目FTT开盘上涨192.9%



The FastTrack 6 project, FTT, was launched at 22:00 p.m. on 7 August and simultaneously opened USDT, BTC and HT trading pairs. As at 2208 Singapore time on 7 August, FTT opening prices had increased significantly by 192.9 per cent compared to opening prices. FastTrack is a fast-track currency access to the Firebill Global Station, directed primarily at high-quality projects where market prices have been established in other mainstream exchanges, and all of the votes obtained HT has been destroyed.

03 LedgerX:媒体误报推出BTC期货 目前只有比特币现货和期权交易

03 LedgerX: Media misdirected release of BTC futures only currently has Bitcoin spot and option transactions

据cointelegraph报道,近日,有报道称,受美国监管的加密衍生品和清算平台LedgerX抢在Bakkt和ErisX之前推出了首个实物结算的比特币期货合约。LedgerX负责人表示,披露这一消息的媒体CoinDesk误解了发布的范围,我们推出的Omni平台只有期权和掉期,还没有比特币期货。LedgerX首席运营官Juthica Chou表示,“我们一直与CFTC保持着密切联系。我们现在有三个许可证,一个允许我们列出期权和掉期的SEF,一个允许我们列出期权,掉期和期货的DCM(指定合约市场),以及一个允许我们清算期权和掉期的DCO许可证。我们正在等待DCO修正案,当我们获得DCO修正案时,LedgerX将增加期货。

According to Cointelegraph, it has recently been reported that LedgerX, an encrypted derivative and clearing platform regulated by the United States, seized the first physically settled bitcoin futures contract before Bakkt and ErisX. The head of LedgerX said that CoinDesk, the media that disclosed the information, misunderstood the scope of the release, that our Omni platform had only options and swaps, and that no bitco futures were available. LetgerX's CEO, Juthica Chou, said, “We have been in close contact with the CFC. We now have three licences, one SEF that allows us to list options and swaps, one DCM (designated contract market) that allows us to list options, and one DCO licence that allows us to clear options and swaps. We are waiting for the DCO amendment, and when we get the DCO amendment, LedgerX will increase the futures.

04 Ultrain超脑链正式开启主网映射

04 Ultrain super-cerebral chain officially opens the main web map


Ultrain provides three mapping programs for community members to choose and operate on their own. Specific operational guidelines and attention on mapping can be viewed by opening the Ultrain official web link. All UGAS users are required to complete their registration of the Ultrain wallet account by 30 August, and Ultrain will automatically post the UGAS principal online currency to the corresponding account at a later stage. For users of the trading warehouse UGAS, UGAS has the following five cooperative exchanges: the Coal Global Station, Coin Korea, Currency DEX, MXC, QB. UGAS will be automatically converted from the cooperative exchange, and UGAS will not affect UGAS transactions in the cooperative exchange for the entire period, and the relevant charges will need to be reported separately by each exchange.

05 币安研究院:贸易争端方显比特币“数字黄金”本色

05 < strong > : Trade Disputer “digital gold” original


On 6 August, the Institute issued a report stating that two important macro-risk events had taken place in the past few days, namely, the Trumpga tax of 2 August, and the “Breaking Seven” of the offshore renminbi on 5 August. Bitcoin, along with US Treasury bonds, gold, yen, and Swiss franc, had clearly increased at the onset of these two risk events, which seemed to reflect the market’s expectations of Bitcoin as “digital gold.” Moreover, the 90-day rollover of the MCI’s emerging market index, which lasted seven days and 24 hours, had been shown at a time when traditional markets were closed.




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