比特币是财产吗? 上周,比特币得到了中国法院的合法认可,据此得出的结论是,这种加密货币现在应该被视为数字财产。杭州互联网法院18日对一起涉...

资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:61 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 链向财经,(https://xueqiu.com/5084657424/130167587) 上周,比特币得到了中国法院的合法认可,据此得出的结论是,这种加密货币现在应该被视为数字财产。 Last week, Bi...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 链向财经,(https://xueqiu.com/5084657424/130167587)


Last week, Bitcoin was legally accepted by the Chinese courts, which led to the conclusion that this encrypted currency should now be considered digital property.


On 18th, the Hangzhou Internet Court issued a judgment in a dispute concerning the tort of “bitcoin” Internet property, finding Bitcoin’s virtual property status. However, the plaintiff’s claim for tort liability was dismissed because the basis for the plaintiff’s claim to the defendant was insufficient. This was the first time that a Chinese court accepted Bitcoin’s virtual property identity.


The decision of the Hangzhou Network Court was taken with enthusiasm from some community members, and China has been exercising strict jurisdiction over the digital currency, an unprecedented event that suggests that China may soon ease the pressure on Bitcoin. However, some experts are less confident about calling it regulatory unfrozen.


Relationship between China and encrypted currency


China is a key participant in encryption, accounting for a significant share of Bitcoin mining and trading. Another study shows that, according to a study in late 2018, about 60% of BTC's total Hashi power came from China, while the previously unregulated domestic cryptographic currency exchange provided a channel for 60% of the world's stable USDT transactions.

尽管数据如此之高,但由于监管方面的压制,中国的加密货币业受到了明显的限制。2017年9月,国内有关部门禁止地方交易所和首次公开发行货币(ICO)运营。由于此次打击行动,中国人可以持有加密货币,但不能通过交易平台合法地将它们兑换成法定货币。然而,Kenetic Capital联合创始人Jehan Chu表示,该禁令存在一个小小的监管漏洞:该禁令并未直接禁止人们相互交换加密货币。

Despite this high level of data, China’s encryption money industry is clearly constrained by regulatory repression. In September 2017, the domestic authorities banned local exchanges and the first public distribution of currency (

Jehan Chu当时说:“虽然交易比特币的交易所和公司在中国被禁止个人拥有比特币,但比特币交易并未被判违法。这为个人拥有留下了空间,而中国的机构贸易已经转移到海外,但没有受到影响。”

Jehan Chu said at the time: “Although the exchanges and companies trading in bitcoin are prohibited from owning bitcoin in China, bitcoin transactions are not criminalized. This leaves room for personal possession, and Chinese institutional trade has been transferred abroad, but it has not been affected.”

Ecovis R&G咨询有限公司的高级法律经理Ashley Tian当时证实,P2P交易并未断绝。“请注意,购买、出售或持有加密货币本身并不违反相关法律,”Ashley Tian强调,当地居民必须使用外汇购买数字货币,但也要通知当地监管机构他们的投资和纳税。

Ashley Tian, Senior Legal Manager, Ecovis R&G Consulting Ltd., confirmed that the P2P transaction had not been cut off. “Please note that the purchase, sale or possession of encrypted currency is not in itself a violation of the law.” Ashley Tian stressed that local residents must use foreign currency to purchase digital currency, but also inform local regulators of their investments and taxes.


At the same time, there are domestic reports that the 2017 ban could be extended to other areas related to encrypted currency, namely mining and marketing. Thus, earlier this year, there were reports that a local government agency was considering banning encrypted currency mining in China, while some remote areas in Beijing were reported to have prohibited all activities related to encrypted currency in all commercial establishments.


It is worth noting that, although encrypted currency has been subject to strict regulatory scrutiny in the country, the basic technology of Bitcoin is a national priority and the block chain has been recognized as a technological breakthrough, while the city of Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province, in eastern China, hosts the Block Chain Industrial Park, a State-funded block chain development centre.


Hangzhou award: rising or neutral?


On 18 July, the Hangzhou Internet Court was overseeing a dispute between an now closed exchange and its user, Wu.


According to the plaintiff, in May 2017, he tried to access his own funds, but found that the FXBTC website was closed as early as 2014. Wu was unable to contact the platform's manager and was therefore unable to retrieve the bitcoin he held.


Subsequently, Wu filed a lawsuit against FXBTC, which allegedly did not give any notice before closing the platform. He also sued Goo for allowing “encrypted money and other prohibited items” to be marketed in his market — although China banned Bitcoin from trading in late 2017. Wu demanded that FXBTC and Goo pay compensation of about RMB 76,300.


Despite the lack of evidence, the Court dismissed the plaintiff's allegations against FXBTC and treasure-hunting, but it admitted that Bitcoin was a commodity because it was valuable and scarce and could be used to transfer value. However, the Hangzhou Internet Court noted that digital currencies such as Bitcoin “do not have the legitimacy of official currency”.


It is worth noting that the People's Bank of China has confirmed this decision since then. “It is true that Bitcoin is virtual property, but it is not a legal currency.” An official of the Central Bank said in an article published in the local English-language newspaper, The Global Times.

Primitive Ventures的创始合伙人Dovey Wan在Twitter上向讲英语的加密货币学社区透露了这一消息。他认为,此案标志着中国加密货币监管的一个里程碑。

The founder partner of Premitive Ventures, Dovey Wan, leaked this information on Twitter to the English-speaking encoded money community. In his view, the case marked a milestone in China's encrypt currency regulation.


He wrote in an e-mail conversation with Cointelegraph: “This decision came from the Hangzhou Internet Court, not from the three-line city court, and it was one of three specialized Internet/network courts in China. For the first time, it actually set a narrative precedent for the follow-up case of Bitcoin.”


He added that, if the prevailing view of the People's Bank of China, Bitcoin, was negative, the court would not be able to take that decision, which might be seen as a change in attitude in recognition of encrypted currency. Similarly, Zhu Jianwen argued that the court's ruling “set a precedent for the development and relaxation of China's future encrypt currency law” — at least in society, if not legally.


However, some experts, such as the co-founder of Aelf's distributed cloud computing network, Chen Take-lin, disagreed with this ruling and marked any significant change.


According to Chen, “I personally do not think that this is a major change in China’s Bitcoin policy. This is a regional police case, and I don’t see much in China’s traditional media, except for encryption money. Of course, in future cases, this case may be used as a precedent to defend Bitcoin as a virtual property, but I think that Chinese legislation does not legalize “bitcoin mining” or “bitcoin trading” at all.


In a similar dispute, the defendant failed to return BTC, BCH, and BCD, which he had contracted to hold. The news was equally well received by the media, which focused on encrypted currency, but the decree ultimately did not change China’s regulatory situation. At that time, the arbitrator found that the contractual obligations under the dispute did not fall within the relevant provisions outlined in the 2017 injunction.


He stated: “There is no law or regulation expressly prohibiting parties from holding private transactions in bitcoin or bitcoin, but rather alerting the public to investment risks.” The contract in this case imposed an obligation to return bitcoin between two natural persons and was not part of the financing activity


Accordingly, the judge considered the contract to be legally binding and added that “bitcoin is property in nature, can be owned and controlled by the parties and can provide economic value and benefits.”


Similarly, the United States Revenue Service (IRS) treats encrypted currency as property, which means that those who sell encrypted currency for profit pay a capital gain tax.


Will China's view of encrypted currency change because of the Libra?


Regardless of Hangzhou’s case, China’s regulatory landscape is likely to change soon because


“If the Libra is widely used for payment, especially across borders, can it function as a currency and thus have a significant impact on monetary policy, financial stability and the international monetary system?”


Wang Xin then stressed that the central bank had decided to create its own digital currency, especially because once the Libra was issued, the role that the dollar might play was unclear: “If the digital currency was closely linked to the dollar, a situation could be created where sovereign currency coexisted with a dollar-centred digital currency. But in essence, there was only one boss, the United States dollar and the United States. If so, there would be a series of economic, financial, and even international political consequences.”


For this reason, the Central Bank has also obtained the approval of the State Council of the Supreme Administrative Government of China, which has begun to cooperate with other market participants and institutions on the central bank’s digital currency. Indeed, Chen Hualin believes that Libra is “a confirmation that other countries will develop encryptable currencies on a global scale” for China, and is therefore more influential than Hangzhou’s ruling.

其他专家也认为,目前的监管形势对本地加密货币持有者来说远非完美。Kenetic Capital的Jehan Chu表示:“这一裁决是一个积极的信号,但在中国普通民众能够在境内交易所感到安全交易之前,市场不会因为这样的消息而波动。”

Other experts agree that the current regulatory situation is far from perfect for local crypto-currency holders. Jehan Chu of Kenneth Capital states: “This ruling is a positive signal, but the market will not fluctuate until the Chinese general public can feel safe trading on their domestic exchange.”


Nevertheless, recent decisions have shown that the Chinese authorities may not make hard and pessimistic comments about encrypted currencies in the light of the scales and the overall mainstream application of cryptographic currency technology.




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