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one of the most interesting discussions in the block chain industry today is where the actual application of the block chain is, and how far away from us.


  今天我们要探讨的 ,就是一个区块链应用非常有潜力的行业———房地产。

  2016年第二季度到 2018 年第一季度房地产(包括租赁)GDP总额 图片来源:美国经济分析局 July 20, 2018

Total real estate (including leasing) GDP in the second quarter of 2016 to the first quarter of 2018 Source: United States Bureau of Economic Analysis July 20, 2018


In addition to the direct economic share, property is often the most important component of household assets and its price stability is significant for each household.


In addition, real estate, as a labour-intensive industry, is closely linked to a country’s employment rate. The decline in the number of new housing constructions during times of recession is an important reason for the sharp rise in unemployment.


Block-chain technology, if it really wants to get out of the current “crowd-up” situation and achieve its vision of various subversive traditions, is naturally an important industry that is highly relevant to the national economy. But how to apply block-chain technology to the real-estate sector?

  世界四大会计师事务所之一的德勤,于 2018 年 7 月发布了一份报告,指出区块链技术具有巨大的潜力,可以通过消除现有的关键流程中的许多缺陷,改变商业房地产的核心运营。

Deloitte, one of the four leading accounting firms in the world, released a report in July 2018, noting the enormous potential of block chain technology to transform the core operation of commercial real estate by addressing many of the deficiencies in the key processes available.


The potential of the block chain at

  1:区块链是接近实时的,可以消除摩擦,降低风险; 2:区块链的加密技术使得交易主体无需建立信任关系; 3:公开的点对点分布式账本保证了透明公开; 4:区块链的不可逆性,杜绝了欺诈风险。

1: The block chain is close to real time to remove friction and reduce risk; 2: The cryptography of the block chain makes it unnecessary for the subject of the transaction to build a relationship of trust; 3: The open point-to-point distribution book guarantees transparency and openness; 4: The irreversible nature of the block chain eliminates the risk of fraud.


Real estate has a long industrial chain, including real estate development, decoration, property management, real estate brokering and trading, housing rental, real estate assessment, real estate mapping, and the downstream construction and building materials market, which is required to be implemented by government departments. Based on the above sector chain characteristics, we can judge that block chain technology can be applied to processes such as data and asset analysis management, and ownership recognition and transfer. These processes are critical in property management, local production economy and transactions, housing rentals, and transfer of property rights.


What benefits can there be if the block chain is actually applied in these areas? In the next analysis, we will have a detailed analysis and a case-by-case interpretation of the above.


First, reduce the cost of buying houses and make it possible to hold part of the property rights


Real estate is a very heavy asset, but very low liquidity. With ownership of a house, you may be able to afford millions of dollars. But if you need a cash flow for a short period of time, you can't make it through the sale of part of the property.


However, following the emergence of the block chain, a number of projects have emerged in the hope that the technology will be used to reduce the cost of home purchases and make it possible to hold or sell part of the property rights.

  比如硅谷密探此前曾采访过来自香港的 IHT,一个通过做拆分不动产的智能合约技术和分布式记账技术,来达到陌生人“共享买房”的项目。

For example, the Silicon Valley Intel had previously interviewed IHT from Hong Kong, a project to “share houses” for strangers by means of smart contract techniques and distributed bookkeeping techniques to split real estate.

  这里面的过程是:IHT 以智能合约和分布式记账技术连接资产端和金融机构端,这样大额资产就能够通过 IHT 智能合约被拆分成多个,然后再分配给多家金融机构。投资者因此可以通过金融机构投资经 IHT 智能合约拆分的小额不动产。

The process is that IHT connects asset and financial institutions with smart contracts and distributed bookkeeping technology, so that large assets can be split up through IHT smart contracts and then distributed to multiple financial institutions. Investors can therefore invest in small real estate that is split through IHT smart contracts.


  使用区块链技术的好处是:区块链的 “不可更改” 等技术特性保证了整个交易的安全与公平:IHT 作为连接两端的中心,在资产经过智能合约拆分并绑定后,任何个人或机构 —— 包括 IHT 本身 —— 都不能进行更改。所有资产的权限和收益放在区块链上,一些原来不透明的东西变得透明了,包括产权、资产回报率等。

The advantage of using block chain technology is that the technical characteristics of the block chain, such as “irreversible” ensure the security and fairness of the entire transaction: IHT, as the hub for connecting the two ends, cannot be changed by any person or institution, including IHT itself, after the assets have been split and tied by a smart contract. The rights and benefits of all assets are placed on the block chain, and something that was previously opaque becomes transparent, including property rights, asset returns, etc.


In this way, real estate investments have become small, movable and a more liquid financial asset, and the transaction process is easy and transparent.

  这种做法从技术层面是可行的。目前 IHT 的资产,就已经广泛分布在香港、日本、澳大利亚等地;但其想要全球更大范围地落地,则取决于各国政策环境,以及“部分房屋产权”和收益权的相关法规是否允许和支持。

This approach is technically feasible. The assets of IHT are now widely distributed in Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, etc., but its desire for greater global access depends on the policy environment in each country, as well as on whether “part-of-house property rights” and related regulations on earnings rights are allowed and supported.

  英国政府就于 2016 年推出了“共享产权”计划,帮助首次购房者进行“阶梯式买房”:先买下房产的 25% 到 75% 所有权即可入住,但是要为剩余不属于自己的房产部分支付租金。未来买得起的话,可以再购买全部产权。

In 2016, the British government launched a “shared property rights” scheme to assist first-time home buyers in “stairs”: 25% to 75% of ownership of property can be acquired, but rent is paid for the remaining part of the property that does not belong to them. If you can afford it in the future, you can buy all of the property.

  政府仍在持续完善这个计划,比如考虑把每年购买的最低产权比例从 10% 降到 1%,方便购房者灵活计划。如果用智能合约来执行这个“共享产权”模型就会很方便:比如租金数额根据所有权比例每年自动调整,并记录在分布式账本上供查询;剩余未购入的产权估值,也可以随着市场行情变动而随之变化。

The government is continuing to refine the scheme, considering, for example, that the minimum annual share of property will be reduced from 10% to 1%, and that it will be easier for home buyers to plan flexibly.


Second, improve the search process for buyers and sellers of real estate.


How to find suitable sources of housing and buyers/sellers, and how to determine an appropriate price based on recent sales around the perimeter? To get answers to these questions requires a great deal of information search and processing.

  这个过程非常的繁琐冗杂。一个房地产经纪人,每天都面临着和收集房源信息、寻找数据渠道以及确认数据正确性方面的挑战。房源信息来自每一个个体卖家或者开发商,但是真正收集和掌握海量数据的,是各种房地产经纪/交易平台。这些平台依靠获取的数据把控房地产搜索市场,并且还会向卖家收取高额的”挂牌费”(listing fee)。

A real estate agent faces daily challenges in collecting home-source information, finding data channels, and confirming data accuracy. The home-source information comes from every individual seller or developer, but the real collection and mastering of

  比如美国著名的房地产经纪平台 Redfin,会向卖家收取至少房屋售价的 1% 作为 listing fee,以获得更好的网站展示位置,其它平台的信息露出,潜在买家信息和正确的价格估算等。当然,卖家可以获得经纪人服务,但我们看到,Redfin 收费的底气主要来自于其集中的数据库。

For example, the famous real estate broker platform in the United States, Redfin, will charge sellers at least 1% of the price of a house as a listing feed to get a better location for the site, other platforms’ information, potential buyers’ information, and correct price estimates. Of course, sellers can get broker services, but we see that the bottom line for Redfin’s fees comes mainly from its centralized database.



Both at home and abroad, a large amount of housing information is submitted by individuals and eventually flows to and is monopolized by them, from which high incomes are derived.


However, some companies are aware that a distributed account of the block chain can create an open data platform and ensure that the data are transparent and open so that the data will no longer be controlled by giants, thus reducing the search costs for both buyers and sellers of real estate.

  比如美国纽约公司 Imbrex,在 2017 年宣布推出基于以太坊的 MLS(Multiple Listing System,房源共享系统)平台,打造一个开放的、可自由访问的全球房地产平台和数据市场。该平台将允许所有房地产从业人员,基于区块链账本交换和分享数据。企业、经纪人、代理商,房东等可以向全球受众推销他们的房产,而不以牺牲自己对数据的所有权为代价。Imbrex 的数据库是去中心化存储的,为所有信息提供者所共有,而非属于某个集中式组织。

In 2017, for example, the United States New York company Imbrex announced the launch of the MultiListing System (MS) platform, based on the Etherm, to create an open and freely accessible global real estate platform and data market. The platform will allow all real estate practitioners to exchange and share data based on block-link books. Businesses, brokers, landlords, etc. can market their properties to global audiences at the expense of their own ownership of the data. The Imbrex database is centrally stored, shared by all information providers, rather than belonging to a centralized organization.


  Imbrex 对房源信息提供者仅收取极少的 listing fee(不到一美元),此外,用户向平台添加或验证信息时,还能获得通证奖励。买家可以自由地在全球范围内收集房源信息。Imbrex 发行了平台通证 REX Token,并计划未来 REX Token 将作为平台上基于智能合约的产权交易的基础。

Imbrex collects only a small amount of listing feed (less than $1) from home source information providers. In addition, users can get a pass when adding or validating information to the platform. Buyers can freely collect home source information on a global scale. Imbrex has issued a platform pass, REX Token, and plans to use the future REX Token as the basis for intellectual contract-based property deals on the platform.

  但是 Imbrex,以及其它类似公司将面临的主要困难在于:房地产是一个不容易发生改变的行业,并且房地产从业者和区块链爱好者的交集目前还很少,要让前者使用区块链,需要花费很多时间精力去普及和推广该技术。而 MLS 平台又必须是全面而更新及时的,将所有实时信息囊括在内,如果用户在此平台只能看一部分信息,或者发现信息更新不及时,那他们很可能离去。所以,REX 如何尽快推广其平台,令其达到很高的普及度?这会是个艰巨的挑战。

The main difficulty that Imbrex and other similar companies will face, however, is that real estate is an industry that is not susceptible to change, and that the mix of real estate operators and block-chain fans is still very small, and that it will take a lot of time for the former to use the block chain to popularize and disseminate the technology. And the MLS platform must be comprehensive and up-to-date, incorporating all real-time information, and it is likely that the users will leave if only one piece of information is available on the platform, or if the information is not updated in a timely manner.


Third, block chains allow for transparent real estate transactions and smart management


The process involves a number of stakeholders, for example, second-hand house transactions, where land registries, buyers and sellers, their respective lawyers and mortgage providers, mortgage investigators and real estate agents are generally needed, both domestic and foreign. Any lack of trust or delay on either side can make the process more time-consuming and complex.


But if smart contracts can be introduced, which parties are required to do each step in the contract, and when it is done, then the process can be reduced by unnecessary delay and made more transparent. “smart contracts” that can be implemented automatically ensure that all monetary transfers, trusteeships, or property transfer requirements have been met. Moreover, block chains increase the level of mutual trust among stakeholders, as with distributed book records, parties no longer have to rely on a single source of facts (usually intermediaries or lawyers), which greatly reduces the cost of communication.


The management and rental flow during the lease period, in turn, require regular follow-up and review, and the involvement of audit institutions and banks, in the case of business management as such.


If a block chain is introduced, the traditional lease contract can be transformed into a smart lease contract. Using a smart lease contract on a block chain platform can make the lease terms and transactions more transparent.

  我们以英国伦敦的区块链项目 Midasium 作为举例。该项目提出:为住宅和商业地产创建一个全球性生态系统,来实时追踪所有交易和注册功能。该生态系统将创建世界上第一个“房地产虚拟信贷局”,为房地产和相关金融服务,提供与时俱进的智能合约制定标准。“信贷局”的基础,将建立在全球性的分布式房地产账本上,称为 Midasium 区块链。

We take the example of Midasium, a block chain project in London, United Kingdom. The project proposes to create a global ecosystem for residential and commercial property to track all transactions and registrations in real time. The ecosystem will create the world's first “virtual real estate credit bureau” that will set standards for real estate and related financial services, providing an up-to-date intellectual contract.


  这个区块链的目的,是使用称为 Midasium Contracts 的智能合约系统,执行并永久保留所有房地产交易和注册的历史。包括抵押协议、销售合同和租赁协议在内的房地产常见合同,都可以使用 Midasium Contracts。

The purpose of the block chain is to use the smart contract system known as Midasium Contractors to execute and permanently preserve all real estate transactions and registrations.

  那么,用户为什么愿意使用这种“新式合同”呢?Midasium 称,有区块链加持的智能合约,与传统合约相比具备以下优点:能自动执行,有近乎瞬间完成的结算时间;分布式账本记录信息可信度极高,能减少法律,会计和交易成本;大大减少欺诈,腐败和信用风险。

Why, then, would users prefer to use this “new type of contract? Midasium claims that smart contracts with block chains have the following advantages compared to traditional contracts: automatic enforcement, with near instantaneous settlement times; highly credible distributional book records, which reduce legal, accounting and transaction costs; and significantly reduced fraud, corruption and credit risk.

  针对“减少风险”这条,Midasiun 区块链能在获得许可后,可以跟踪和审计财产的完整财务历史记录,且链上的记录不可篡改。因此,房产的各项指标,比如还贷款的违约率和空置率等都容易计算得出,从而更好更综合地计算整体交易风险。

In response to the “risk reduction” clause, the Midasiun block chain allows for the tracking and auditing of complete financial history records of property, which cannot be tampered with. Thus, property indicators, such as default and empty loan repayment rates, can be easily calculated, allowing for a better and more integrated calculation of overall transaction risk.


Fourth, to improve the efficiency of property rights and capital management


Because the commercial real estate industry consists of various asset classes and types of companies, the identification, transfer, and management of property rights and capital are often complex processes. The chain of blocks can: store information through the inclusion of information in an encrypted distributed book; allow people to make transfers of property through smart contracts; and enable smart contracts to be reliably traded without the involvement of third-party notaries, thereby improving the efficiency of property and capital management and reducing and eliminating redundant processes and human consumption.


However, the validity of block chains and smart contracts requires legal and policy permission, without which there is no legal efficiency. The good news is that some local governments and municipalities are already testing the practical application of block chains.

  美国 Vermont 州于 2018 年开展了一个试点计划。房地产初创公司 Propy 与 South Burlington 市政府办公室合作,将记录房地产产权转移的文档转移到区块链上。比如房主将个人房产转移到公司名下,使用区块链技术,能完全在线且迅速地完成交易。

Proppy, in collaboration with South Burlington’s municipal office, transferred files recording property transfers to the block chain. For example, the owner transferred his personal property to the company’s name, using block chain technology, to complete the transaction completely online and quickly.


  此外,美国伊利诺伊州的 Cook 县,进行了一项“区块链如何简化登记流程”的研究。一位参与者告诉媒体,“我们的主要收获就是,区块链可以改变政府研发和采用技术的整个方式。对于房地产领域,区块链有能力移除那些交易中不必要的、多余的人事。它能修复目前这个过时的管理系统。”

In addition, Cook County, Illinois, United States, conducted a study on how the block chain can simplify the registration process. One participant told the media that “our main gain is that the block chain can change the whole way the government develops and uses technology. For real estate, the block chain has the ability to remove unnecessary and redundant personnel from those transactions. It can repair this outdated management system.”


These local pilot projects have worked well. At a more macro level, block chains have also become an effective way to cross real estate investments. Through a mesmerized system design, real estate will: become a more liquid investment and provide lower access thresholds for foreign investors; block chains will store information in decentralized databases, providing all investors with the same access to databases; and, finally, they will reduce the high additional costs associated with traditional cross-border investments.


RSM has commented that, with respect to real estate investments, block chains are most useful for small and medium-sized companies. They generally take longer to raise funds, but the mercantilist system allows these companies to raise funds faster and more efficiently and, once efficiency has been scaled up, small and medium-sized companies will have a stronger voice in the real estate market and rewrite the market landscape.


All four areas provide enormous practical and imaginative space for the application of block chain technology to the real estate sector. The distributional, non-frozen and encrypted nature of block chain technology, as well as trust mechanisms for smart contracts, provide an effective solution to current problems in the real estate sector.


How to Apply Block Chains in China's Real Estate Industry


According to the White Paper on the Development of China’s Block Chain Industry, 2018, by the end of March 2018, there were 456 companies operating mainly in the block chain. Block chain applications were diversified, but a smaller proportion of them focused on real estate.

  目前曾受到媒体关注的“区块链 + 房地产”项目,多由传统房地产公司或政府推动。其中最著名的案例是:雄安于 2018 年初上线区块链租房应用平台,成为国内首例把区块链技术运用到租房领域。在这一政府主导的区块链统一平台上,挂牌房源信息,房东房客的身份信息,房屋租赁合同信息将得到多方验证,不得篡改。

One of the most well-known examples of this project, the Block Chain + Real Estate project, which has received media attention, is promoted mostly by traditional real estate companies or the government. The case of Yu An is the first case in the country to apply block chain technology to the rental sector at the beginning of 2018.

  此外,2018 年 月,易居中国宣布成立“房链”,希望用“区块链思维”来促进技术创新,以满足房地产领域场景应用;雄安已建成区块链租房应用平台并上线。 2018 年 6 月,全国综合型房地产交易平台房掌柜,与IBM签订区块链项目合作协议,并成立了房云链资产数字化联盟。

In addition, in June 2018, the National Integrated Real Estate Trading Platform opened its doors, signed a partnership agreement with IBM on a block chain project, and established a housing cloud chain asset digitization alliance.


It appears that most of the block chains currently applied to real estate projects are still at the conceptual validation and testing stage, or are pre-positioned in the block chain industry.


  在中国,房地产是和政策紧密相关并严格受到政策监管的行业。区块链若想深耕这一行业,需要获得政策支持,并和政府紧密合作。值得期待的是,政府部门已经在着手建立区块链国家标准。2018 年 6 月,工信部李琰副处长公开表示:我国已开始着手建立区块链国家标准,计划从顶层设计推动区块链标准体系的建设。

In China, real estate is an industry that is closely linked to policy and strictly subject to policy regulation. The sector needs policy support and close cooperation with the government if the sector is to be ploughed deep. It is to be hoped that government departments are already working on the establishment of a block chain national standard. In June 2018, Deputy Director Li Xing of the Ministry of Trade and Communications stated publicly that we have begun to set up a block chain national standard and plan to move forward with the construction of a block chain standard system from the top.


The challenge of applying block chain technology to real estate


As a new technology, the challenge of using block chains in the real estate sector is certainly enormous. This stems mainly from three factors: the characteristics of the real estate industry itself, the search for applications and compliance issues.

  房地产行业的自身特质,这里主要指的是应用新技术的需求较小,且速度缓慢。《福布斯》在分析房地产科技投资趋势时指出:第一,无论是做住宅还是商业房地产,老牌企业一直以来难以招聘到顶尖的技术人才,并且也没有在这方面做出过多努力。房地产行业的任何一个部门,都很少有技术驱动型的领导者。第二,房地产作为占 GDP 比重极大的行业,这个领域的技术应用一直以来缺少变化,无论是技术专家还是投资人,往往在房地产界缺乏经验或关系,房地产从业者通常不(需要)精通技术。

Forbes, when analysing trends in investment in real estate technology, notes that, first, it has been difficult for old-fashioned firms to recruit the best skilled people, whether in residential or commercial real estate, and that there has been little effort to do so. There are few technology-driven leaders in any sector of the real estate industry. Second, real estate, a sector that accounts for a significant share of GDP, has suffered from a lack of change in the application of technology in this area, whether it is an expert or an investor, and often lacks experience or relationships in the real estate sector, where real estate practitioners are often not (needless) proficient in technology.


This feature suggests that the real estate industry itself may not have sufficient incentives to actively apply block chain technology. The latter will result in process simplification and lower costs, which may be insignificant compared to the huge asset volume of the real estate itself.


The second factor, "How to find applications," is also the first factor. Block chain technology looks so beautiful that it is useless without the cooperation of traditional real estate practitioners, without users and projects.


Currently, there are few major players in the real estate industry in China who are involved in block chains. The only “exception” is the Wanda Network Science and Technology Group, under the banner of the Wanda Group, which is conducting research on block chain projects, but not directly related to Wanda's real estate business.

  而国外主打“区块链+房地产”的项目,基本都是诞生于 2015 年 到 2017 年的创业公司,根基尚浅,还无法打入“主流”房地产行业。

And the major foreign project, the block chain + real estate, was largely born in 2015 to 2017, with its roots in the “mainstream” real estate industry.


The third element, “compliance,” has been repeatedly mentioned and highlighted earlier. Indeed, the use of existing Internet technologies, such as partial property rights, is possible, and the centralization of institutions is more efficient, but the existing laws do not allow it.


These three factors are closely linked, the conservative nature of the real estate sector, which leads to a lack of application of block chain projects, and the absence of legal policy, which deepens the first two factors. But the good thing is that these three factors are not inexplicable problems, but can be gradually improved over time.


Similar to the use of block chains in other industries, the use of block chains in real estate is still a very early phase of attempts and mapping. But, as stated in the White Paper on the China Block Chain Industry, 2018:

  区块链领域成为创新创业的新热土,技术融合将拓展应用新空间; 区块链未来将在实体经济中广泛落地,成为数字中国建设的重要支撑; 区块链将带动金融“脱虚向实”服务实体经济。

The block chain area becomes a new hot ground for innovation and entrepreneurship, and technological convergence will expand the application of new spaces; The block chain will in the future become widespread in the real economy and will be an important support for the construction of digital China; The block chain will drive the financial “off-the-shelf” service real economy.


These three trends apply equally to the real estate sector.



  德勤报告, https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/us/Documents/financial-services/us-fsi-rec-blockchain-in-commercial-real-estate.pdf

Deloitte Report, https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/us/Documents/final-services/us-fsi-rec-blockchain-in-commercial-real-testate.pdf

  2017年四季度和全年国内生产总值(GDP)初步核算结果, http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/zxfb/201801/t20180119_1575351.html

Preliminary gross domestic product (GDP) accounting results for the fourth quarter and year of 2017, http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/zxfb/201801/t20180119_1575351.html

  美国经济分析局 BEA Industry Facts, https://apps.bea.gov/industry/factsheet/factsheet.cfm

United States Bureau of Economic Analysis BEA Industries Activities, https://apps.bea.gov/industry/factsheet/factsheet.cfm

  《2018年中国区块链产业发展白皮书》, http://www.miit.gov.cn/n1146290/n1146402/n1146445/c6180238/part/6180297.pdf

White Paper on Development of the Block Chain Industry in China 2018, http://www.miit.gov.cn/n1146290/n1146402/n1146445/c6180238/part/6180297.pdf





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