For encrypted money, some love it, while others scorn it. Those who like it do not have to say that Tesla’s president, Mr. Mask, is a fan of encrypted money.
First of all, it is certain that the encoded currency has no real value.
Because it is not a trading medium, it is inherent in the perception that money, as a general equivalent, needs to be kept stable, with stable anchors, such as gold and oil; but the anchors of encrypted currency are algorithms, and while there are certain scenarios that already support encrypted monetary payments, because of their very high level of uncertainty, it is difficult to act as a conventional trading medium and merely a tool for snooping.
Encrypted currency has its "value" but does not yet have the "currency" value attribute.
The “value” of an encrypted currency is limited in number and its price references are derived from the supply-demand relationship, but the supply-demand relationship is not the only indicator, and more so from external factors.
The price of encrypted money rises when the market is scarce and the number of people who want it increases; anyway, when more people start to lose confidence through external factors, such as the recent Federal Reserve interest hikes, their prices fall uncontrollably.
These external factors influence investors’ mindsets, and these changes in mindsets can lead to expensive and high-risk encrypted currencies, which often rise and fall. So the price of encrypted currencies rise and fall, based solely on investors’ perceptions of risk.
In the craziest place, the price of an encoded currency is $68,000, 26 million more than when it was issued, and it is now stable at $20,000. You know, nothing in the world of real value will fall so high.
And because of the open source of crypto-currency technology, the low distribution threshold, and the example of Bitcoin before, there was a proliferation of crypto-couples, which began to build currency. Some of the crypto-currency issuances were open-ended, while others were fraudulently disguised as crypto-currency, making the crypto-currency a “celebrator of vegetables.” And various subterranean economies, using the anonymity and real-time nature of the encrypted currency, diverted digital currency for illegal operations, such as money-laundering.
As Buffett once said, “Contrary to the farm, the apartment, Bitcoin does not produce value, and its price will depend only on how much the next buyer is willing to pay. The encrypt currency may now seem magically attractive because of the hype, but it itself is not productive. It's like a gambling game, and it's likely that the final value will go to zero.”
Last reminder:
The encrypted currency
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