According to Le Monde, the German Government recognized the legal and tax status of Bitcoin and became the first country in the world to officially recognize the legal status of Bitcoin.
The German Government classifies Bitcoin as a “currency unit” and “private capital”, meaning that commercial interests associated with bitcoin will be taxed, but that the use of bitcoin by individuals will remain exempt.
德国财政部是在回应该国议会金融委员会成员弗兰克·舍弗勒(Frank Schaeffler)的询问时认可比特币身份的。
The German Ministry of Finance recognized Bitcoin in response to an inquiry from Frank Schaeffler, a member of its parliamentary finance committee.
“The federal government recognized Bitcoin for the first time as a `private fund'.” Shefler says.
今年7月,Bitcoin Deutschland成为首家与银行建立直接合作的欧洲比特币交易平台,该公司与德国Web 2.0银行Fidor的合作受到德国金融监管局的监管。
In July this year, Bitcoin Deutschland became the first European Bitcoin trading platform to establish direct cooperation with banks, whose cooperation with the German bank Web 2.0 Fidor is regulated by the German Financial Supervisory Authority.
As a result of growing dissatisfaction with the traditional banking system, Bitcoin has become a popular global mode of payment since its introduction in 2009. At the same time, its viability has been called into question by the fact that Bitcoin is not supported by any government or central bank.
8月初,美国德克萨斯州联邦法官裁决比特币为合法货币。该案的缘由是30岁的商人特兰顿·沙沃思(Trendon Shavers)被控通过价值约450万美元的在线对冲基金运作“庞氏骗局”。但沙沃思称,比特币并非真实货币,因此不受美国政府的监管。但法院驳回了他的主张。
In early August, United States federal judges in Texas ruled that Bitcoin was a legitimate currency. The case arose from a 30-year-old businessman, Trendon Shavers, accused of operating a “Ponzi scheme” through an online hedge fund worth approximately $4.5 million.
This decision brings bitcoin closer to being recognized as a real currency. However, it also makes this virtual currency potentially subject to government regulation, contrary to Bitcoin’s original purpose, a relatively anonymous P2P payment system.
According to Bitcoin’s supporters, this virtual currency helps to protect users from theft and credit card fraud. Critics argue that the lack of regulation and privacy protection makes it easier for such money to attract criminals.
一家名叫比特币基金会(Bitcoin Foundation)的监督团体将这种虚拟货币的总量限制为2100万个。根据目前的币值,1比特币可以兑换110美元。(樵夫)
A monitoring group called Bitcoin Foundation limits the total amount of this virtual currency to 21 million.
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