以太坊联合创始人Joseph Lubin:EOS过于中心化,只有以太坊可以作为全球结算层

资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:48 评论:0
来源:巴比特资讯Source: Babbit Information.据Trustnodes 4月6日报道,ConsenSys的创始人,同时也是以太坊联合创始人的Joseph Lubin在Deconomy大会上发表了一次掷地有声的演讲。On...



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Source: Babbit Information.

据Trustnodes 4月6日报道,ConsenSys的创始人,同时也是以太坊联合创始人的Joseph Lubin在Deconomy大会上发表了一次掷地有声的演讲。

On 6 April, Trustnodes reported that Joseph Lubin, the founder of ConsenSys and a co-founder of Taikus, had given a loud and loud speech at the Deconomy Congress.

在演讲中,Joseph Lubin阐述了以太坊作为全球结算层的愿景,而在这一过程中以太坊将干掉现有的封闭平台(walled garden,又名围墙花园或封闭生态系统,它是一个软件系统,在这个系统中,载体或服务提供商将控制应用程序、内容和媒体,并限制对未经批准的应用程序或内容的方便访问。这种类型的平台与开放平台形成了鲜明对比,在开放平台上,用户通常可以无限制地访问应用程序和内容)。

In his presentation, Joseph Lubin articulated his vision of the Tai Lok as a global clearing layer, in which the Tai Lok will kill the existing closed platform (walled garden, also known as wall garden or closed ecosystem, which is a software system in which carriers or service providers will control applications, content and the media and limit easy access to unauthorized applications or content. This type of platform contrasts sharply with open platforms, where users usually have unrestricted access to applications and content).



& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;                               & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; (pict: trustnodes)


Here are some of the presentations. & nbsp;


People’s reliance on any centralized trust would allow some intermediaries to derive a great deal of value from the transaction. But the trust revolution would change all that already exists.


The trust features of the block chain are derived from the degree to which it is decentralised. Even if as many as half of the nodes are malicious nodes, some block chain networks cannot be misguided or deceived.


Centralized closed platforms are not conducive to ordinary users


& nbsp; Settlement is the act of completing a transaction or transaction. In a stock or stock transaction, the settlement between the clients of the brokerage company can take place at the level of the brokerage company, while other types of settlement may need to take place at the base level.


All over the world, these layers are known as centralization. In Korea, it's a Korean securities repository.


In fact, there is no single global financial system. The financial system is now a fragmented closed system: brokerage firms serving different jurisdictions, central savings agencies in various countries, and banks.

在金融行业之外的各种平台也都有类似的结算机制。Ebay、PayPal、万事达和亚马逊就可以被视为能进行某些交易的结算平台。Google Play和苹果的App Store也可以被当做是结算平台。当然,还有旅游网站等等。

There are similar settlement mechanisms in various platforms outside the financial sector. Ebay, PayPal, MasterCard, and Amazon can be seen as clearing platforms for some transactions. Google Play and Apple App Store can also be considered as clearing platforms.


The main concerns of these platforms are not how to increase the benefits to consumers, but rather how to maximize their value from users. These platforms tend to protect the pricing rights of their products, limit user freedom of use, and select priority options for their consideration.


It can be said that the traditional economy is equivalent to the creation of the deepest and widest moat, which protects competitive enterprises.


Service providers such as software and game developers, doctors, musicians, teachers and eugenic drivers also face attacks from these platforms in their different industries.

几十年来,软件开发者不得不应对各种平台,如AOL、CompuServe、Windows、Mac,以及现在的封闭式平台网络:iOS、各种安卓系统、Facebook、App Store和Google Play。

For decades, software developers have had to deal with various platforms, such as AOL, CompuServe, Windows, Mac, and now closed platform networks: iOS, Andre Systems, Facebook, App Store and Google Play.


In the field of play, the platform on which the game depends for its survival, i.e. their settlement layer, has always been private, making the play studio very vulnerable.

从平台开始崛起并占据主导的主机战争(console wars),到Facebook通过改变平台的经济和数据访问方式而将游戏开发者挤出市场,再到如今扮演着同样强大中介角色的应用商店,我们看到了中心化所带来的一系列问题。

From the platform’s emergence and dominance of the host war (console wars), to Facebook’s exclusion of game developers from the market by changing the platform’s economic and data access patterns, to the application shop, which now plays an equally powerful intermediary role, we see a series of problems posed by centralization.

纵观历史,要想让用户能获得更多的好处,必须要付出一定的代价。目前在一些区块链平台上,开发者只需要支付几美分就可以在几秒钟内随意部署或使用软件。这可以说是在炎热的夏天刮来了一阵清风。以太坊可以让开发工作室带来他们自己的可扩展解决方案,如Loom或Axie Infinity可以将其锚定到以太坊区块链上:这是一个完全去中心化的平台,用户就是它的所有者。

Over the course of history, there is a price to pay if users are to gain more. On some block-chain platforms, developers can deploy or use software at will for a few cents in a few seconds.

IBM Fabric、Corda并不是全球结算层的最佳选择

IBM Fabric, Corda is not the best option for a global clearing.


& nbsp; Assuming that we consider freedom, choice and trust to be a good thing, what is the best option for a global clearing house over which we can build our industries and collective efforts?

也许是IBM Fabric?不,在我看来,除了相对较小的私有和受许可系统网络之外,IBM Fabric是不可能有任何发展的。Fabric可以发布通证,但仅用于有限的情况。Fabric的技术促进了平台的锁定。

Maybe IBM Fabric? No, it seems to me that IBM Fabric is unlikely to develop in any way other than a relatively small network of private and licensed systems. Fabric can issue a pass, but only in limited cases. Fabric’s technology facilitates the lock-in of the platform.


R3 Corda is a block chain inspired software that is primarily used in the banking industry. It gives more trust to point-to-point than to share trust. Corda can issue a pass, but it is limited to a limited number of cases, and Corda, as a technology, also promotes the platform’s locking function.


EOS isn't that central. It's got a lot of problems.


& nbsp; what about EOS? As has always been argued, a platform controlled by 21 large, encrypted money households is not so centralized. If these supernodes so wish, they can collude and examine the block chain. Moreover, government and other resource-rich participants can bribe or force them to use them against their will, ultimately affecting the interests and security of the platform’s users.


Perhaps some would say that if these supernodes perform poorly, they will be voted out, which is the main reason for the system’s centralization. Unfortunately, for no one, they have a good way of finding out whether these supernodes are colluded, corrupted, or forced to take some inappropriate action.


If EOS were to be used as a platform in the field of games, I am sure that high-value games will not choose EOS, because it is too easy to steal it on this platform.


Polkadot's team is strong, but it's a highly controlled block chain.

 Polkadot系统是由Parity(Parity 以太坊客户端的开发者)构建的。Parity是一支非常强大的队伍。

The & nbsp; Polkadot system is built by Parity (Paracy  developer of Taiwan clients). Parity is a very powerful team.

Polkadot将通过一个主链(中继链,Relay Chain)和多个平行链(parachains)来实现其可扩展性。同时,Polkadot计划在2019年第三季度推出其中继链机制。

Polkadot will achieve its scalability through one main chain (relay chain) and several parallel chains (parachains). At the same time, Polkadot plans to launch the secondary chain mechanism in the third quarter of 2019.


Polkadot believes that by turning the bridge (bridge), the district will be connected to Polkadot’s relay chain, so that data or information from above will be transmitted to other parallel chains. With the exception of the district, the existing block chain will be connected to Polkadot’s network via the bridge.


For any parallel chain to be connected to Polkadot, the decision must be taken by a vote of the holder of the DOT (Polkadot system pass). In addition, the holders of these DOTs may choose to suspend the parallel chain or remove the parallel chain from the system if it is deemed to be inconsistent with the wishes of the majority.


In fact, it is a licensed system, and placing the entire network of parallel chains on white lists and blacklists is the core principle of the governance system in the Polkadot chain.


We can imagine that a parallel chain would have the option of not allowing anyone to upload Dapp, but eventually DOT holders might object to it and ultimately make decisions. Providing such a policy might therefore be too dangerous for a parallel chain.


Polkadot is likely to be a licensed, highly controlled block chain platform.


Cosmos and Defense lacked flexibility, and Tails would be the best option on the global clearing floor


& nbsp; Cosmos also has a very powerful development team, but it does not really propose a basic layer of trust, and it seems more focused on enabling different stand-alone platforms to interact in parallel. And, in the coming years, there does not seem to be much interoperability between platforms, apart from allowing the pass to be freely transmitted across the network’s borders.


The Cosmos team believes that translator transfers will be the main, or the most important, interoperability case. I hope that Cosmos, as a second-tier solution, will be of good practical value by linking to the base of trust when necessary. Cosmos also wants to connect to the Etherm through a translator bridge.


Because Dfinity is now a closed system controlled by a small number of investors and transient holders who say they're open-source projects, it is difficult to say that, in my view, they are not interested in the project. As a basic level of global trust and agreement, it is more like a decentralized alternative to AWS.


Ultimately, Dhinity seems unlikely to be a fundamental layer of global confidence, because one of the fundamental design choices that it and Cosmos have made will prohibit it. Both Dhinity and Cosmos prefer safety or consistency, rather than availability and flexibility.


So, I admit that my views may be somewhat biased, but as a layer of trust, the Earth's global clearinghouse, there is only one viable option at present: the Etherm.




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