
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:49 评论:0



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  区块链自媒体“生死考”:游走“灰色地带” 监管加码

Block chain from the media "Life and Death Tests": swimming the "grey zone"





After the block chain flares, the block chain comes from the media.


However, on August 22, there were still public numbers dealing with the content of the block chain, such as Babbit information, currency circles, etc. New Kyoto journalists understand that some of the sealed blocks have been turned from the media to the APP or micro-letter program, continuing to publish information, and also indicating that they will reposition themselves.


Interviews with journalists from the New Kyoto newspaper found that behind the seals, a number of blocks had “grey deals” from the media, including the packaging of the ICO project, the sharing of a piece of money for the “stand” of the currency project, the organization of community-based transactions, sub-investments, etc., suspected of being involved in the production of ICOs and coins for profit.


On August 22, after the permanent seal, regulations were added in the area of ICO and virtual currency. In Beijing, the Dynamite district stopped the virtual currency promotion, while Jiangsu’s financial office expanded the risk of mutual funds to include virtual currency, ICO, and so on.

  监管加码 炒作虚拟货币、ICO被整治

Superscription, virtual currency, ICO under control. >/strang >


On August 22, Newjing journalists were informed that the office of the leadership group on financial and social risk prevention and control in the Yang district of Beijing had issued a circular requesting businesses, hotels, hotels, writing rooms, etc. not to host any kind of virtual currency promotion.


On 22 August, the People’s Daily reported that the Ministry of Finance of Jiangsu had prepared a comprehensive survey of all types of financial risks in the province, and sent letters to 13 local municipalities indicating the risks, including specific risk points, urging them to be processed on a case-by-case basis.


On 4 September 2017, the Central Bank, the Internet Office, among others, issued a joint bulletin on the prevention of the risk of financing the issuance of tokens, calling for a stop to the issuance of tokens (ICOs) and the clean-up of the ICO platform and organizing the withdrawal of ICOs. In the case of money exchange platforms with irregularities, the closure of websites and the movement of APs, the removal of mobile APs in applied shops, and the cancellation of business licences, in accordance with the law.


On September 15, last year, the Beijing regulators announced the closure of virtual currency exchanges, such as Bitcoin, and demanded that a public announcement be issued by 2400 hours in the evening of 15 days to clarify the final date for the suspension of virtual currency transactions and immediately announce the suspension of new users’ registrations. After that, several platforms, such as Bitcoin China, Coin, and OKCoin, announced the closure of virtual currency transactions.


On 26 January of this year, the Association also issued an offshore ICO risk alert stating that some investors were moving to undertake related activities abroad.


Professionals have indicated to the journalists of the New Kyoto newspaper that attacks on violations may be carried out over a long period of time.


Block chain from the media "grey deal": wrapping up the coco project, the operating community, arranging the deal, sub-contracting


What's the "grey deal" behind the


First is the packaging of the Coco project, where practitioners say that the price of soft language in the head media of the block chain was between 50,000 and 100,000 during the cattle market. In addition, there are a lot of ways to make money from the media, for example, through community operations.


The block chain came from media practitioners, Li Zung (aliasing) told journalists that, as opposed to advertising, a block chain comes from behind the media and that the most valuable is the community, which is able to realize arbitrage through community operations.


According to Li Jing, some of the larger groups of funds have to pay for the group's arrival.


Last year, after China banned the ICO and closed the Bitcoin exchange in China, the country’s Bitcoin trade went underground, and the various media-based communities became important trading sites. As market traders, it also became a way to make money from the media.


In the case of the public currency ring Bond, for example, it provides “mainstream currency surrogate and recovery services” to marketed currency players in the group. According to its bulletin, the group has introduced a proxy and recovery operation for the three digital currencies of Bitcoin, Taihu and EOS, which is provided by the corporate number of the group, and does not support private transactions between members of the group.


Requisitions and recovery processes are priced on the basis of market conditions, both of which need to be traded with the group owners.


The other way to earn money is to create an intergenerational investment pool. The group leader will volunteer to recommend the ICO project, send an intergenerational link, and investors interested in the project will actively contact the group.


CHO Ming, an insider, told the press that “there are a lot of bores here, such as some of the surrogate investors, that they will deposit the currency as required, and if the coin opens up, it is likely that he will swallow the profits himself and then lie to other players that he has not given the currency back, and that if he falls, he will normally give the money to the other players, and he will earn the money without taking the risk.”


According to investors, in the face of the windfall, some small protagonists would, for a variety of reasons, refuse to issue a currency to investors, swallow high profits on their own, and eventually withdraw the currency and dismantle the micro-contributions.


Journalists have retrieved information in the currency communities that dozens of generations have dropped off the road, and those who have been defrauded will publish in the community the microsignals, the QQQ number, and the wallet address of the liars, reminding other investors not to be deceived again.


A con artist, Wang Qing (aliasing) informed journalists that he had previously been part of the group's investment group known as The Publics of the Interlocution Block Chain, and that for more than six months, members of the group had shared their experience in the field, followed the group's participation in the overseas ICO, and that it had been no exception to do so, and that this year the group had recommended an ICO project called “LIM”.


In the project statement provided, a maximum of 100% of the compensation is promised if the project fails. At the end of the project launch, the group leader dissolved the micro-message and cancelled the micro-message public, “The host of the group evaporates, we are looking for him now, and some friends feel sorry for themselves.” The lack of identification information on the group owner makes it difficult to recover the loss.


is behind the investor's “deep tie”


What are the profit models behind tens of millions of class- and billion-class chain media financing since this year?


“The first source of profit is reporting to the project,” which, according to the media, is the correct block chain, in May of this year the media received a bitcoin as an offer. “Secondly, it was community-building, self-financing for the project party, and then so-called private fund-raising. This cost is quite high, but it is a guide, cutting vegetables.”


According to the intermediary, “the larger the amount of money involved in this so-called private enterprise, the greater the media's appeal, the greater the number of members of the community behind it, the need for a community for the party involved in the project.”


“Some investors give money to their own media, which may not be used to make a profit. Investors need channels that can speak openly and have some social influence. They need channels that can serve them and facilitate the realization of their projects.” Li interprets the financing of the chain media in this way.


Li is a public relations company, CEO, who, for a lot of media outlets at times, believes that they often do “other things” under the banner of the block chain. “In fact, there are now two circles in the ecology: chains and coins. But many of the media that serve the technical information of the block chain are destined to go down the path of the ICO. That's the fundamental reason why, at the moment, the technology of the block chain is not profitable.”


Private Li explained that, unlike traditional advertising, the chain of blocks is from the media “through media coverage, analysis and stations, the amount of money that can be invested in the project side will have an in-depth binding mechanism in it”.


A former founder of the block chain said that the initial profit model of the block chain was soft, with a reading volume of about 2,000 soft, at a cost of about $8,000 to $16,000. In February and March this year, the block chain came from the peak of the media, with a fee of up to $70,000 for the software from the media. At that time, the block chain was a huge bubble from the media, and the money (investment) was found as long as it wanted to be from the media.


The block chain is also an important source of money from the media, from the money distribution station to the money distribution project. Since the media analyzes currency and projects in the form of drafts, there is little judgement in evaluating the currency that is just or about to be marketed, and in this case the media can get a percentage of the digital money from it. When the bubble is big, the block chain is not a dream.

  ■ 自媒体说

> from the media


has been blocked and transferred to APP, the micro-letter applet


During the shut-down, a lot of block chains woke up overnight from the media. Once the price of an ad could be demanded, now some people fear being sealed for half an hour to delete 200 articles.


A sealed official told the Newjing newspaper journalist that “the seal will be suspended and repositioned, but will not leave.” He said, “The seal will affect us more, and most of our users are from the Weibo public, and a complaint has been filed.”


Not all of the microfiche publics involved in the production of coins have been shut down, and some of the coins have been resubscribeed in the form of “back-up” in order to prevent the loss of subscriptions after the sealing has occurred.


In addition, the microfiche program is operating properly, and continues to transmit information on tokens and block chains without interruption. The information on the closed fire price of the microfiche also means that it does not interfere with the normal operation of other operations under the flag.


One of the unenclosed blocks was from the founder of the media, who said, “We're both commons and APs, and we're better at APs, so we're not worried.” For fear of the future being sealed, the man said, “Don't talk less about coins.”

  炒币者、传统行业媒体从业人员是该行业的主力。以“数字货币趋势狂人”公众号为例,公号创作者在2016年注册,据公号介绍,主做行情分析的公号作者,同时也是炒币玩家,理工科背景。公号称:“7年工作换了6家公司,每次跳槽都离自己喜欢的东西近一步,最后莫名其妙混进了币圈。”类似炒币者成为“意见领袖”的例子不在少数,包括“币姥爷”、“币圈少主”等多做币圈行情分析,公号个人色彩浓厚。(王全浩 顾志娟)

In 2016, for example, the author of the public "Digital Currency Trend" was registered as the author of the "Digital Currency Trend" and, according to the "Girls" article, the author of the "Girls" analysis was also a comptoir, with a scientific background. The "seven years of work have been replaced by six companies, each of which is close to what they like, and the last of which can be confused with the currency." Examples of a "opportunity leader" are not rare, including the "Girl Master" and the "Little Circle Master" and many currency circles, and the "Girl" person has a strong personality.

  ■ 投资者说

> >


The seal has little impact and there are still other sources of information available


From a user's point of view, the sealing had less impact on the user of the currency.


Wanghua, a late 80-year-old investor, said that the recent sharp fall in the digital currency market as a whole, the market's entry into the bear market, and the interest in market information had been greatly reduced, so that the sealing event, while creating emotional benefits, had little impact on the market, which had already suffered significantly.


Wanghua stated: “Although there is no way to browse information on micro-mail, there are APPs in block-link media like Quick Messages, such as Gold Books, Currency World, etc., that can browse information directly on APP.”


Mr. Zhang, who lives in the East Side of Beijing, said that, when he saw the news, he thought that he had bought small bitcoins with a tried mind that had not yet been sold, and that his heart was stunned, “though he thought that, after all, the amount was small and the risk was manageable, he was relatively relieved.” He also said, however, that “there are many unknown factors in it.

  ■ 专家说

> >.


Cut blocks chain from the media and should be treated differently


“I think this is a long overdue measure. Since last year, there have been parts of the block chain that have been tied to many interests because of operating mechanisms. This raises a number of questions. For example, some of them have a stake in the media and exchanges, investment agencies, projects or soft letters, but ordinary investors may not know about it.” YOON Zhentao, Deputy Director of the Financial Research and Research Unit of the SSS Institute of Law and Finance, said.


Yoon Jintao pointed out that when ICO was banned, there appeared to be no ICO-related institutions, but that this was an illusion, and many ICO-related investors were Chinese. “The regulatory instruments already in place are not obvious, and one of the important reasons is that investment channels or publicity on the subject have not been closed, and the market is still hot.”


YOON Jintao proposes to regulate advertising, advocacy and promotion around virtual money and related areas, as well as media and other information dissemination platforms. He also recommends that a regulatory policy on investment in virtual money markets be developed as soon as possible to strengthen disclosure, industry access and investor-appropriate regulation requirements.


The Vice-President of the Faculty of Law of the People's University of China and the Director of the Centre for Financial Science and Technology and Internet Security Research of the People's University of China, Yang Dong, considering that regulatory changes are urgently needed, argued that “the chain of blocks should be applied to supervision and the “linkage chain” should be achieved.” “We should take more account of the application landscape of the block chain in areas that are most needed, such as government regulation and financial wind control of the real economy.”

  中央民族大学法学院教授邓建鹏向新京报记者表示,部分媒体对炒币、传销、圈钱、误导投资者,存在一定的影响,对这些媒体依法律程序给予限制,是有意义的。但是,在查禁时,应区别对待,对没有上述相关违法违规的区块链自媒体,则应允许存在。(侯润芳 顾志娟 黄鑫雨)

Professor Deng Jianjung of the Faculty of Law of the Central National University said to the Newjing newspaper journalists that some of the media have some influence on the production of coins, distributions, circulation of money, and misleading investors, and that it is meaningful to restrict these media in accordance with the legal procedures. However, when banning them, they should be treated differently, and they should be allowed to exist if there is no chain of related violations.

  本版采写/新京报记者 王全浩 黄鑫雨 顾志娟 侯润芳

This edition is available/New Kyoto Reporter Wang Hao, Huang Yuan, Gu Zhijun, Hu Yunfang



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