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The block chain is an important concept of Bitcoin, using a block-chained data structure to validate and store data; using distributed node consensus algorithms to generate and update data; using cryptography to secure data transmission and access; and using an intelligent contract consisting of automated script code to program and operate data in a completely new distributed base structure and calculation.


It is essentially a deintermediated database and, as a bottom technology for bitcoin, it also has new applications for distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms, etc.


Through this application model, block chain technology can achieve the following three functions: first, to enhance the credibility and credibility of data by ensuring that data on the chain are inflexible and non-false; secondly, to make transactions retroactive, with retroactive regulation and accountability tracking; and thirdly, to make smart contracts self-executing on the basis of contracts, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing operating costs.



The key to answering this question is what the chain of blocks is.


Many people don't understand what a block chain is because it comes up and dies; what a block chain is? & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & & Quo; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & ; & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & & ; ; & & ; & & ; & & & ; & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; ; & & & ; ; etc. ; etc ; etc.


Let's say I'm asking you & ldquao; what's a cell phone? & rdquao;


Don't look down, think about it. Define & ldquao; mobile & rdquao;


The answer you give must not be & ldquo; it can be used in a wider range of portable telephone terminals & & rdquo (from encyclopedia). I can't even read that definition.


You will say, "The cell phone is used to make phone calls, send e-mails, shivering, and watch the circle of friends."


By the same token, let's not dwell on the technical principles of the block chain, but ask & ldquo; what is the block chain for? & rdquao;




You said you could just write the books on your own. Why do you have to write the chains?


Because you keep your own books and others don't believe. Who are you? Why do you keep your books and others believe?


For example, you wrote down $10,000 in your computer and $10,000 in your computer and $1 million in my computer. What should I do?


This was the case before: finding a notary, you both keep your books with the notary, and there is a dispute with the notary's books. That's what banks do. You keep your money with him, you make transfers, you borrow loans.


This is how the When you keep the same data on your computer, Zhang San keeps the same data on your computer, and when you remember it, you both check each other and accept it, even if it's official. No third party or so-called &ldquao; authority & & rdquao; & & & & ldquao; certification body & & rdquao; participation is required in the middle.


You are also called &ldquao; distributed &rdquao; or &ldquao; decentralised & rdquao; because everyone is accounted for and the accuracy of the books is determined by the algorithm rather than by an authority.


This is the block chain. The core is finished. The block chain is as simple as that.


Of course, block chains can be applied in a variety of ways, including digital finance, material networking, digital assets, and so on. For example, in the field of games they are used together to record the ownership, prop properties, and so on.


Bitcoin is the largest application of block chains in the fields of digital finance and digital money.


Say, ‘Ah, is it that simple?’ Yes, it is that simple.


The rest is about how technology works, and you don't need to understand. Just like you need to know that 4G is faster than 3G, you don't need to know what 4G is. You just get dizzy.


Now it's not just you and Zhang San, but Lee and his sons and grandchildren. Millions and millions of people need to be accounted for together.


How? Like the previous one, every transfer, everyone's computer records it, and then checks each other to make sure that millions of computers are accounted for exactly the same, which is officially recorded.


That's the bitcoin, that's the core, that's it. Millions of computers take one account together, this book is the same, and how much money is on the account for everyone.


The rest is the question of how technology works. It doesn't need to be specific. You just know, the Bitcoin network has been running for 10 years, so there's no big problem.


You'd say, like you said, that bitcoin was just a bill. Why is it so valuable?


Because the financial world was just a huge book of accounts.


Think about it. Your savings, your shares, your funds are just a bunch of numbers in someone else's books.


The difference is, the pen in the account is in whose hand.


A little further, the real reason why China and the United States are in the financial spiral of the block chain and the arms race is to take down the pen that accounts for the world. This is what we explained later.


You keep the money in the bank, this pen is in the bank's hand.


You can think about it. If there's something wrong with the bank's system, the balance in your account turns zero, how do you prove that there were 386,000 in your account?


Or what would you do if, one day, all the bank accounts were framed and frozen? If it was your money, it wouldn't have been frozen if it had not been deposited in the bank. And now it's not yours. Isn't that odd?


Of course, this is not going to happen in a country where the rule of law is strong and science and technology is advanced. But what about some poor and backward countries whose local currency is not worth anything at any time?


How can the


If this account is recorded on a well-functioning block chain, then when the bank says that it can't trace your deposit record, you can tell him that it's okay, that there's a record in my computer, not just in my computer, but in millions of computers, it's exactly the same as my computer.


Similarly, in a functional block chain, banks cannot freeze your accounts. Because your assets are no longer just a string of characters in its computer, but are widely recognized in tens of millions of computers.


At the same time, the chain of blocks is extremely tenacious. Bitcoin, which is still alive for so many years and has become more expensive because it is strictly forbidden by many countries, has hundreds of thousands of computers in the world that record the same bitcoin account, located in dozens of countries’ school rooms, common homes, deep mountain forests, and deep fields.


Here's the answer to the question about what a block chain is. Here's what I think about the future of Central America in the financial sector of the block chain. It's much better than the block chain itself!


I am here to speak of the virtues of so many block chains, not to sing a compliment to Bitcoin. Indeed, Bitcoin is a very successful experiment in combining economics with computer technology, and its success has made the world’s smartest man see the potential of block chains to destabilize the current world monetary system and economic landscape. For example, Facebook’s Zuckerberg. We need to understand the deep intentions of yesterday’s news, and we need to raise our eyes to at least the same height as Zuckerberg.


When we refer to the risk of money-laundering in the chain of blocks, which is difficult to regulate and difficult to control, we tend to think unwittingly that the State will put pressure on them because it is not conducive to the economic order of the State.


But what if we don't always think of how to defend ourselves against what it might do to us, but rather grind it into a blade that can be used to spread the land and spread the summer civilization? If, I'm just saying, what if we don't use block-chain finance in our own economic system, but in the world economy as a whole?


As noted earlier, there are three distinct advantages to block chain finance and banks that are very :


One, one key to open an account without any formalities such as identification.


2. Open and transparent distribution can be controlled without fear of significant devaluations of currency prices


3. Counter censorship, counter-freezing


These three features may have a negative impact on the domestic economic system, but if used to enter the economic system of other countries, they are three sharp edges.


Let's be bold and imagine what we can get from the conveniently useful payment treasures/micro-movements plus the indestructible block chain finance/bitcoin:


There is no need to set up any banking point, and no need to reach an agreement with any country, to allow people from all corners of the world to settle through just one cell phone, using the renminbi or digital currency controlled by China. And, worst of all, other countries can’t ban it.


We can get a new world universal currency and a new APP product:

  • 手机一键免费开立账户
  • 无国界转账
  • 用户体验极佳
  • 安全性极高
  • 抗审查、抗冻结
  • 抗通胀、汇率稳定
  • 大国背书


Far from saying that this could at least immediately significantly improve the way of life of the billions of people around the world who do not have bank accounts. They would have access to their own universal free accounts at one key, and the currency would not have to worry about sudden devaluations or the freezing of accounts.


There is no doubt that this new universal currency of the world will be the new shape of the future currency and the ultimate prize of this digital world monetary war. Who will be the new world financial ruler?


The renminbi has been internationalized for many years, but it still competes in stocks in the old world, requiring one nation to take over the city. Wouldn’t it be more interesting if we could become the rule-makers of the new world currency, undermining the world’s currency from the bottom up?


Just two days ago, the U.S. Congress questioned Facebook's digital money, Libra, for six hours. During that time, Zuckerberg said, "&ldquao; I don't know if I can do it, but payment treasures and micro-letters are working hard on block chains, and if we don't, China will." And & rdquao;


The horns of the Digital World Monetary War have been blown. Are you ready, warriors?


Looking at your responses and other answers to the block chain, I would like to discuss a question:


Do you really have to centralize the block chain? How much?


Let me start by saying that the de-centralization of the block chain is a good idea, and it is far from being so central in its practical application.


In the vast majority of cases, more than 51 per cent of the computing power is monopolized by a person, or by a centralized organization or individual of a number.



In terms of the well-known bitcoin, almost all people are saying that bitcoin is decentralized, with tens of thousands of mine machines scattered around the world, virtually eliminating the possibility of complicity.


But is that true? The next picture is the bitcoin pond arithmetic of 2018 that I've been looking for online.


The concept of arithmetic distribution and the concept of a pond is not open to me. There are good answers in both degrees and in terms of knowledge. But it is clear from this picture that even the decentralized digital currency, bitcoin, which is blown out of the sky, is not the ideal place for all to be equal and completely decentralized, but for a few very powerful big ponds and big miners to monopolize the calculus.


And many of them are pioneers in the block chain industry, making a real contribution to the development of the block chain. But I just want to make clear the fact that the block chain is not highly dispersed and completely de-centralized.


Why can't it be completely centralized as a logical consequence of Bitcoin?


Because bitcoin digs can make money, and economies of scale can increase the efficiency of this money.


Bitcoin couldn't sell the money at the earliest, so it's fragmented and everybody's playing. But as bitcoin gets more and more valuable, more and more people start counting.


Bitcoin digs the machine's arithmetic, and a good machine can dig $100 with 100 degrees of electricity, and a bad machine can dig $100 with 1,000 degrees of electricity. And a good machine needs capital to invest in research and development.


Similarly, the cost of electricity generated by mining is typically 60 cents a day, while large mining sites with a scale effect can do between 20 and 40 cents.


In such cases, it is inevitable that the strong will be strong, the weak will be phased out and the counting will be increasingly concentrated.


Then you might ask, "This is what Bitcoin is, what about the other block chain projects?"


Unfortunately, it's all about that.


And every once in a while, new people come out and say they've solved the problem, but once they start making money, they can't escape the simple, powerful economic law of scale.


That's what the block chain is. What's the general explanation about the block chain? More information about the popular explanation of the block chain.




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