
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:62 评论:0
一、概念I. Concepts区块链是一种按照时间顺序将数据区块以顺序相连的方式组合成的一 种链式数据结构,并以密码学方式保证的不可篡改和不可伪造的分布式账本。区块链是分布式数据存储、点对点传输、共识机制、加密算法等计算机...



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I. Concepts

区块链是一种按照时间顺序将数据区块以顺序相连的方式组合成的一 种链式数据结构,并以密码学方式保证的不可篡改和不可伪造的分布式账本。区块链是分布式数据存储、点对点传输、共识机制、加密算法等计算机技术的新型应用模式。

Block chains are new applications for distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms, etc.


The essence of the block chain is a distributed public account book, which can be verified by anyone, but which can be controlled by a single user that does not exist, and a letter from the participants in the block chain system, which can only be modified in accordance with strict rules and consensus.



区块链起源于比特币,2008年11月1日,一位自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人发表了《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》一文,阐述了基于P2P网络技术、加密技术、时间戳技术、区块链技术等的电子现金系统的构架理念,这标志着比特币的诞生。两个月后理论步入实践,2009年1月3日第一个序号为0的创世区块诞生,几天后2009年1月9日出现序号为1的区块,并与序号为0的创世区块相连接形成了链,标志着区块链的诞生。

The chain of blocks originated in Bitcoin, and on 1 November 2008, a person claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto published a text entitled Bitcoin: an electronic cash system for point-to-points, setting out the concept of an electronic cash system based on P2P network technology, encryption technology, time-stamp technology, block chain technology, etc., which marked the birth of Bitcoin. Two months later, the theory was put into practice, the creation block No. 0 of 3 January 2009 was born, the block No. 1 appeared a few days later, and the chain was linked to the creation block No. 0, marking the birth of the chain of blocks.


In recent years, the attitude of the world's bitcoin has risen or fallen, but the block chain technology, one of the bottom bitcoin technologies, has received increasing attention. During the process of Bitcoin formation, the block is a storage unit that records the full exchange of information at the nodes of the blocks over a period of time. Links are made between the blocks by random haste. The latter block contains the Hashi value of the previous block. As the exchange of information expands, a block is successive to a block, and the result is called a block chain.

在2016年,俄罗斯联邦中央证券所(NSD)宣布了一个基于区块链技术的试点项目。许多在音乐产业中具有监管权的机构开始利用区块链技术建立测试模型, 用来征收版税和世界范围内的版权管理。

In 2016, the Central Securities Institute of the Russian Federation (NSD) announced a pilot project based on block chain technology.


III. Evolution of the block chain


1. In the gestation period: 2009-2012, the economy was dominated by Bitcoin and its industrial ecology.


2. The budding period: 2012-2015, with Bitcoin entering public view, the emergence of new wallet payment and remittance companies, and the spread of the block chain economy to the financial sector. Technological innovations at the bottom of the block chain have continued, displacing block chain technology from the bitcoin system.


3. Development period: The exploration of industrial applications began in 2016, with the emergence of a large number of block-chain start-ups and unprecedented attention to the ICO chain in 2017.


IV. The block chain development model


First, block chain 1.0 - digital currency;


Second, block chains 2.0 - digital assets and smart contracts;


Third, block chain 3.0 - DAO, DAC (block chain self-organization, block chain self-connection) - > block chain community (science, medical, educational etc., block chain + artificial intelligence).


V. Categorization


The chain of blocks is currently divided into three categories.


1. Public Block Chain (PublicBlock Chains)


It means that any individual or group in the world can send a transaction and that the transaction can be validly confirmed by the block chain, and anyone can participate in the consensus process. The public block chain is the earliest and the most widely applied block chain, with the large bitcoins series of virtual digital currencies based on the public block chain, with the world having and only one corresponding block chain in that currency.


2. Joint (industry) block chain (Consortium Block Chains)


Within a group, multiple pre-selected nodes are designated as bookkeepers, and each block is generated by all pre-selected nodes jointly (pre-selected nodes are involved in the consensus process) and other access nodes can be involved in the transaction, although limited queries can be made by any other person through the API, which is open in the section chain (in essence or as a trustee, is merely a distributed account, how many of the pre-selected nodes are, and how the bookkeepers of each block are determined to be the main risk point in the chain of the block).


3. Private Block Chain (private Block Chains)


This is not so different from other distributed storage schemes. The current (Dec2015) conservative giants (traditional finance) are trying to experiment with private block chains, while public chain applications, such as bitcoin, are industrialized and private chain applications are still being explored.


VI. Features of the block chain


First, decentralization: block chain technology is not dependent on additional third-party management or hardware facilities, there is no central control, and information self-validation, transmission and management is achieved at all nodes through distributed accounting and storage, in addition to the self-contained block chain itself;


Second, openness: the technical basis of the block chain is open, the data in the block chain are open to all except for private information of the parties to the transaction, and anyone can access the block chain data and develop relevant applications through open interfaces, thus providing a high degree of transparency of information throughout the system;


Third, independence: based on consensus norms and agreements, the whole block chain system is not dependent on other third parties, and all nodes are capable of automatically and safely validating and exchanging data within the system without intervention by anyone;


Fourth, security: without control of 51 per cent of all data nodes, no arbitrary manipulation of network data can be exercised, which makes the block chain itself relatively secure and avoids subjective data changes;


Fifthly, anonymity: Except as required by legal norms, the identity information of each block node does not technically need to be disclosed or authenticated, and the transmission of the information may be anonymous.



第一、数据层: 封装了底层数据区块以及相关的数据加密和时间戳等基础数据和基本算法;

First, layers of data: Basic data and algorithms such as bottom data blocks and related data encryption and time stampes are sealed;

第二、网络层: 则包括分布式组网机制、数据传播机制和数据验证机制等;

(b) The second level of the network, which includes distributed network mechanisms, data dissemination mechanisms and data validation mechanisms;

第三、共识层: 主要封装网络节点的各类共识算法;

(c) The consensus layer: various consensus algorithms for the main encapsulation of network nodes;


(iv) Incentive layer: Integrating economic factors into the technical system of block chains, including, inter alia, distribution and distribution mechanisms of economic incentives;


(v) The contract layer: the main envelopes of scripts, algorithms and smart contracts are the basis for the programmable properties of the block chain;


Sixth: The application scenes and cases of block chains are covered.


VIII. Core technology for block chains


1. Distributed books


A distributed book is a database that is shared, copied, and synchronized among members of the decentralised network. The distributed book records transactions between participants in the network, with a time stamp and a unique encrypted signature for each record in the distributed book, making the account book a credible and constant history of all transaction records in the network.


2. Asymmetric encryption

存储在区块链上的交易信息是公开的,但是账户身份信息是高度加密的,只有在数据拥有者授权的情况下才能访问到,从而保证了数据的安全和个人的隐私 。

The transaction information stored on the block chain is publicly available, but the account identity information is highly encrypted and accessible only with the authorization of the data owner, thereby ensuring data security and personal privacy.


3. Consensus mechanism

共识机制就是所有记账节点之间怎么达成共识,去认定一个记录的有效性,这既是认定的手段,也是防止篡改的手段。区块链的共识机制具备“少数服从多数”以及“人人平等”的特点, “人人平等”是当节点满足条件时,所有节点都有权优先提出共识结果、直接被其他节点认同后并最后有可能成为最终共识结果。

The consensus mechanism is how to reach consensus among all points of account to determine the validity of a record, both as a means of identification and as a means of preventing tampering. The consensus mechanism of the block chain is characterized by “subordination to the majority” and “equality for all” and, when the node meets the conditions, all nodes have the right to give priority to the consensus outcome, to be endorsed directly by the other nodes and, ultimately, to be the final consensus outcome.


4. Smart contracts


Smart contracts are based on these credible and indeterminable data and allow for automated implementation of predefined rules and provisions.


5. Site for block chain application


First, payments and cash transactions: create a more direct flow of payments and cash transactions through their own decentralized advantages, which can be paid internally or across national borders, without the need for intermediaries, at almost instantaneous rates;


(ii) Banking: banks are a secure repository and a clearing house for values, and block chains can be equally effective as a digital, secure and tamper-proof general ledger;


Third, games: skills features such as block chain skills centralizing, smart contracts, asset sales, etc., can be a good solution to the current gaps in the privacy of professional game data and user data, promote the preservation of virtual digital money and silver in the game, and fulfil the fair value of users and the development channels of the game;


Fourth: Block chains can be a public ledger for large amounts of equipment, which, without a central control system to verify, will be able to transmit anonymously between them and manage software updates, errors or energy management;


(v) Supply chain finance: goods in the supply chain, from seller to buyer, are accompanied by money-payment activities, and in the context of high credit costs and business cash flow needs, financial services companies provide commodity transfer and payment guarantees. The characteristics of supply chain traceability, authentication, and timely liquidation will address many of the pains of existing trade finance networks;


Sixthly, copyright protection: In a block chain technology environment, each copyright transaction produces an irreversible transaction record, which means that it includes an idea, a story, a script or a role. Once it is recorded on a block chain, the asset will be tracked, even if the ownership is exchanged, transferred, sold, etc., so as to solve the copyright problem.


VII. Automotive industry: prospective customers choose the vehicles they want to rent and enter the public ledger of the block chain; then, sit in the driver's seat, the client enters into lease agreements and insurance policies, while the block chain is a synchronized update of information;


Eighth: Logistics chains: Commodities need to go through multiple links from producer to consumer, often with problems in the middle. The open and transparentness of blocks allows open access to anyone, the probability of counterfeiting data being discovered increases significantly, and the goods are traceable from producer to consumer, forming complete chains; and & nbsp;


Ninth. Cross-border payments: Cross-border payments involve multiple currencies, exchange rate problems, cumbersome processes, long settlement cycles, etc.


(b) Access to block chain technology to ensure the reliability of data through public-private key technology, to secure data through encryption technology and access to centres to achieve the goal of data irreproachable and, finally, to achieve point-to-point settlement through P2P technology;


(x) Physical assets: physical assets are often difficult to disentangle, difficult to circulate, the flow of physical assets is difficult to monitor, there is a risk of laundering money, etc., and all asset transactions are recorded publicly, transparently, permanently stored, retroactively and in full compliance with regulatory requirements after block-chain technology has digitized assets;


XI. Medical care: electronic medical data processing, drug traceability, medical insurance are the hotspots of the block chain plus the medical industry. The block chain contains decentralised medical information and patient data management, and the agencies share data;


XII. Socialization: allowing users to control data themselves and prevent the disclosure of personal information;


XIII. Cloud computing: promoting the process of building public trust infrastructure;


The combination of block chains and clouds can be achieved in two ways, one on the cloud, and the other on the cloud. In the future, cloud efficiency firms increasingly integrate block chain technology into the ecological environment of cloud accounting by supplying the BaaS function, helping to reduce the amount of money that the enterprise uses to settle the block chain and lowering the initial threshold for starting a business;


XIV. Shared economy: building user trust for the platform. Block chains can also enable more products to be “shared” and significantly reduce the value of contract creation and performance through the use of intelligent contract skills that enable them to operate under satisfactory conditions;

第十五、慈善: 对于慈善捐助,区块链可以让人们准确跟踪其捐款流向,捐款何时到账,最终捐款到了谁的手里,可以解决慈善捐赠过程中长期存在的透明度不高和问责不清等问题;

XV. Charities: For charitable donations, the block chain allows people to track accurately the flow of their contributions, when they arrive, and who ultimately they reach, and addresses the persistent lack of transparency and accountability in the process of charitable donations;


XVI. The storage of documents in a secure, high-performance and inexpensive manner, spreading the data over many nodes, and when you prepare to search for the use of this document, the documents are declassified and quickly reassemble seamlessly;


XVII. Big data: in the industrial field, ranging from customer demand to sales, orders, plans, R & D, design, processes, manufacturing, procurement, supply, inventory, shipment and delivery, after-sale services, wiring, scrapping or recycling, etc., which are distributed at many nodes, which are declassified and quickly reassemble when you need to search for and use this document;


XVIII. Gift cards and membership projects: Retailers who help provide gift cards and membership projects with little or no intermediary to deal with sales transactions and the issuance of gift cards, making their systems cheaper and safer;


XIX. Sport: the ability of democratization fans to obtain future financial shares of current sports stars can centralize the process of investing in athletes and become a focus for sports management bodies and companies, a concept that uses the chain of blocks to invest in athletes and reap benefits has not been attempted on a large scale;


XX. Government: Open and transparent information such as government information, project tenders, etc., ensures transparency and non-changeability of information, contributes significantly to the implementation of transparent government management, creates a consensus of trust among untrusted competitors, arranges subsequent smart contracts through block chains, ensures progress in the construction of projects and, to some extent, prevents the growth of corruption.


IX. The Chinese Government's chain layout of blocks


On 20 January 2016, the People's Bank of China seminar on digital currency announced a phased outcome to the digital currency study, which affirmed the value of digital currency in reducing the distribution of traditional currency, among other things, and stated that the central bank was exploring the issuance of digital currency.

2019.10.25中共中央政治局10月24日下午就区块链技术发展现状和趋势进行第十八次集体学习,浙江大学教授、中国工程院院士陈纯就这个问题作了讲解,并谈了意见和建议。中共中央总书记习近平在主持学习时强调, 区块链技术的集成应用在新的技术革新和产业变革中起着重要作用, 习近平总书记用五个“要”为区块链技术如何给社会发展带来实质变化指明方向:

2019.10.25 On the afternoon of 24 October, the Central Political Bureau of the Communist Party conducted its eighteenth collective study on the current state of and trends in block chain technology. Chen Jun, a professor at Zhejiang University and a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, gave a presentation on the issue and made comments and recommendations. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, in conducting the study, stressed that integrated application of block chain technology plays an important role in new technological innovation and industrial change, and Xi Jinping's General Secretary used five “to” to chart the way in which block chain technology can make a real difference in social development:


First, to strengthen basic research, to upgrade original innovation capabilities and to try to put our country at the forefront of theory in the emerging area of the chain of blocks, to occupy the high point of innovation and to gain new advantages in industry;


Secondly, it is important to promote concerted efforts to speed up core technological breakthroughs and provide safe and manageable technological support for the application of block chains.


Thirdly, industrial development needs to be accelerated, market advantages should be harnessed and innovation chains, application chains and value chains should be further developed;


Fourthly, building the ecology of the block chain industry to accelerate the deep integration of block chains and cutting-edge information technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of goods, and to promote integrated innovation and integrated applications;


Fifthly, there is a need to strengthen the human capacity-building system, create a high-level training platform in many forms, and develop a cadre of leaders and high-level innovation teams.

2019年12 月中国人民银行"预计"在深圳和苏州测试自己的 CBDC。这一计划旨在评估数字货币的能力,了解其在医疗保健和运输等现实用例中的表现如何。所有这些行为的结果似乎表明,中国发行自主 CBDC 的计划正在取得进展,但同时国家也打击了数字货币活动。因此,中国希望从区块链技术和数字资产中受益,但同时要避免诸如投机和非法活动之类的关联问题。

In December 2019, the People’s Bank of China & quot; projected & quot; testing its own CBDC in Shenzhen and Suzhou. The aim of this plan is to assess the ability of the digital currency to understand its performance in practical cases such as health care and transport. The results of all these actions seem to indicate that China’s plans to issue an autonomous CBDC are making progress, but the state is also fighting digital money activity.

央行数字货币即将落地深圳和苏州, 央行已经在苏州设立子公司长三角金融科技有限公司,法人为目前央行数字货币研究所副所长狄刚,该公司由央行数字货币研究所联合苏州市有关单位所共同设立,承接法定数字货币基础设施的建设和稳定运行,承担法定数字货币关键技术攻关和试点场景支持、配套研发与测试;聚焦区块链、密码学等金融科技前沿方向。

In Shenzhen and Suzhou, the Central Bank has established a subsidiary, Long Triangular Financial Technology Ltd., in Suzhou, a legal person, Dickang, the current Deputy Director of the Central Bank's Digital Monetary Institute, which was established by the Central Bank's Digital Monetary Institute, in conjunction with the relevant units of Suzhou City, to take over the construction and stable operation of the statutory digital monetary infrastructure and to assume the statutory digital key technology cut-off and pilot scene support, accompanying research and development and testing; and to focus on the sector chain, cryptography and other financial science and technology frontier directions.


The year 2019 is undoubtedly a landmark year in the development of central bank DC/EP. Starting in the third quarter, authoritative news of the legal digital currency’s appeal has been leaking.


X. Document relating to the recently launched block chain by the Government of China




First, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has set up a block chain laboratory;


Second, Qinghua University (Computer Department) - Joint Research Centre on Block Chain Technology, Alsan Finance Science and Technology Ltd., Beijing;


Third, the Shanghai Block Chain Institute was established, and Yao Xiao Ji, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was established;


(iv) The Centre for Digital Economy and Block Chain Studies of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;


Fifthly, the North China Center for New Finance and Investment in Entrepreneurship (NSIFE) sector chain laboratory;


Sixth: The People's University of China's Grand Data Block Chain and Regulatory Science and Technology Laboratory;


Seventh. Establishment of the Block Chain Institute by the Network Security Centre of the University of Electronics and Technology;


Eighth. University of Finance and Economics, South-West China Block Chain Research Centre;


IX. Sector chain workshops at the Institute of Internet Finance of Zhejiang University;


x. Zhejiang University Computer College Block Chain Research Centre;


XI. Centre for the Study of Block Chains, Golden Bay College, Nanjing University;


Twelfth. Joint Innovation Centre for Block Chain Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Technology, University of Ghadan;


XIII. Joint Technology Innovation Centre for Block Chains in Shanghai;


xiv. An artificial intelligence and block-link intelligence laboratory at the University of Homegae;


XV. The Southern University of Science and Technology (UST) (Southern University of Science/Technology) (UST) (Southern University of Science and Technology) (Sinji Region) (Sinji Region);


XVI. Shenzhen University Centre for Block Chain Technology Studies;


XVII. Wuhan University's cryptology and block chain technical laboratory;


XVIII. Laboratory for technological and legal innovation in the chain of blocks of Xi'an;


XIX. Centre for the Study of the Application and Evaluation of the Block Chain of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of XVIAN;


XX. Centre for Financial Research on the Aikang Block Chain, Hunan University;


XXI. The Northeast Block Chain Research Centre, Financial Innovation Research Unit, Beijing University;


XXII. Working Group on Block Chain Studies of the Internet Finance Association of China;


XXIII. The China Block Chain Research Centre of the South-West University of Finance and Economics;


XXIV. China Village Block Chain Institute;


XXV. China Gold Block Chain Institute;


Twenty-sixth. Kyoto Financial Zone Chain Laboratory.



1.基于区块链的IoT的安全模型   2018.04.09

1. IOT security model based on block chains & nbsp; & nbsp; 2018.04.09

区块链的特征架构模型与核心技术介绍 考拉 2019.10.30 

Feature structure models and core technical presentations for block chains

2.架构模型与核心技术   2019.10.30

2. Architecture models and core techniques & nbsp; & nbsp; 2019.10.30

3.央行数字货币即将落地深圳和苏州 深挖央行提速背后的雄心与战略

The central bank's digital currency is about to land in Shenzhen and Suzhou, digging deep into the ambition and strategy behind the central bank's acceleration.


Bitcoin Mine 2019.12.11

4.中央政治局区块链技术发展现状和趋势    新华社北京2019.10.25

4. Status and trends in the technological development of the block chain of the Central Political Bureau & nbsp; & nbsp; Xinhua Society Beijing 2019.10.25

5.区块链大规模写进中国政府决策文件背后  互链脉搏  2020.01.15

5. Block chains written on a large scale behind Chinese government decision-making documents & nbsp; interlinking pulse & nbsp; 2020.01.15

6. 部分图片文献来自互联网

6. Some of the photographic literature came from the Internet




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