Even moms dancing in squares have heard of Bitcoin.
On social networking sites, many stories about bitcoin can be seen almost every day: who buys it six months ago, now sings with the sermons; who clears his warehouse two months ago, now, every night, "sleeping with tears."
按照行业网站 CoinMarketCap 的数据,截止到北京时间周五早十点,比特币的价格已经达到了 17948 美元,折合人民币约为 11.9 万元。
According to the industry website CoinMarketCap, by 10 a.m. Beijing time, the price of Bitcoin had reached $17,948, or about 119,000 yuan.
在比特币疯长了两天之后,推特上一位名为 Travis Weaver 的用户,在昨晚 10 点 21 分发了一条「转发抽奖」的推文,声称自己在 2011 年比特币单价仅有 2.87 美元的时候,买入 1500 个,如今盆满钵满。为了「回馈社会」,他会在转发中抽取 5 位用户,每人送一个比特币。
Two days after Bitcoin's madness, a Twitter user named Travis Weaver distributed a tweet at 10:21 last night claiming that he had bought 1,500 bitcoins at a unit price of only $2.87 in 2011 and was now full of pots. To give back to society, he would take five users, each with a bitcoin.
虽然推主并没有给出自己拥有 1500 个比特币的实锤,或者让任何第三方对抽奖过程进行公证,这条推特还是在整整 12 个小时内被转发了超过 10 万次,这在转发量没有国内那么疯狂的推特上,已经算得上是一条现象级的推文了。
Although the promoter did not give himself a hammer of 1,500 bitcoins, or let any third party notarize the drawing process, the tweet was transmitted more than 100,000 times within the full 12 hours, which is already a phenomenon-level tweet on Twitter, which is not as crazy as the amount of transmission in the country.
外媒 The Verge 表示,他们曾在推文发布之后向推主寻求其拥有 1500 个比特币的证据,但推主并没有予以回应。
The outsider The Verge stated that they had sought evidence of 1,500 bitcoins from the promoters after the tweets had been published, but that the pushers had not responded.
目前这条推文依然在推特上持续疯转,截止到发稿,转发数量已经超过了 13 万。
The tweets are still on Twitter, and by the time of their release, the number of tweets exceeded 130,000.
Now the question is, if there's a host in the country to send bitcoin and there's no third-party notarization, would you do that?
Headline source: Visual China
Responsibility Editor: Double-barrel shotgun
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