
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:62 评论:0
今日午后,USDT突然遭受重挫,跌幅最高触及7.5%,价格跌破0.88美元大关。与此同时,比特币等主流虚拟货币受到大量资金追捧,呈现显著上涨态势。This afternoon, USDT sudde...



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This afternoon, USDT suddenly suffered a severe setback, reaching a peak of 7.5%, and fell at a price of 0.88 dollars. At the same time, mainstream virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, received significant financial support and showed a marked upward trend.




Bitcoin’s short-term performance jumped to over $7,500 in a short period of time, reaching an increase of nearly 15 per cent in the last 24 hours. Digital currencies in the top 50 in the market value range increased by an average of nearly 10 per cent over the same period.



Earlier, BTC/USDT transactions briefly increased as a result of the increase in the USDT. The rise in the BTC prices caused by the collapse of the USDT triggered a multiplicity of interpretations, which were seen as negative feedback from the market on the stabilization of the currency and its review system, while others saw it as a premeditated riot that could end up benefiting from small exchanges that promote other stable currencies, or small exchanges that deliberately do so to attract users, thereby forcing larger exchanges to accept more stable currency varieties.


CoinMarketCap data show that other stable currencies have risen at a time of decline, such as the TUSD offer of $7.97, a 24-hour increase of 12.65 per cent, and the PAX offer of $7.48, an increase of almost 7 per cent. On the Bibox platform, the GUSD/USDT transaction has increased by 10.49 per cent over the past 24 hours, and the current offer is $7.83.


Previously, Bianews had been involved in a steady currency issue in PricewaterhouseCoopers, but was it really stable? The idea that a stable currency was not necessarily stable, and the dominant USDT was now collapsing, was it a conspiracy, a crisis of trust, or the path to stability itself?



As a stable currency with an exchange rate of 1:1, issued by the encryption firm Tether, the USDT can be considered a dollar equivalent only if investors have confidence in it, and it can theoretically be converted to the United States dollar at a 1:1. However, Tether has not yet published an authoritative third-party audit report to confirm that there is sufficient United States dollar reserve support behind it.

早在2015年2月,比特币期货交易量最大的平台bitfinex开始支持USDT交易。然而今年年初,一份匿名报告显示,2017年3月29日至2018年1月4日期间,Tether共计发行了91批次USDT,而在这期间的48.7% BTC价格大涨均出现在USDT发行后的短短两小时内,而这段时间仅占到比特币全部交易时段的不到3%。

As early as February 2015, Bitfinex, the platform with the largest volume of futures transactions in Bitcoin, began to support USDT transactions. However, at the beginning of the year, an anonymous report showed that during the period 29 March 2017 to 4 January 2018, Tether had issued a total of 91 batches of USDT, while the 48.7 per cent BTC price increase during that period was only two hours after the release of USDT, which was less than 3 per cent of all transactions in Bitcoin.


These scandals, in which Tether is suspected of abuse of authority to inflate the USDT, manipulate the BTC market price and do not hold an equivalent dollar reserve, and lack the subject and content of an audit that meets formal auditing standards, have raised widespread questions. Moreover, it is noted that there are co-managing teams and complex connections at the top of the Tether and Bitfinex exchanges.

近期的这一波震荡可能与近期频发的负面消息有关。10月3日,彭博社消息称,USDT托管银行Noble Bank陷入资不抵债困境,包括Tether与bitfinex在内的多个重要客户流失,并正积极寻求新的买主。在此之前,Noble Bank曾在今年1月份与bitfinex达成了一项初步的债务重组协议。

On October 3, Bloomberg reported that the USDT hosting bank, Noble Bank, was in a debt overhang, with several important clients, including Tether and Bitfinex, losing and actively seeking new buyers. Prior to that, Noble Bank had reached an initial debt restructuring agreement with Bitfinex in January of this year.

Noble Bank风波及相关一系列文章引发公众对bitfinex偿债能力的质疑。紧接着在10月11日,bitfinex宣布暂时停止美元存取业务,新一轮质疑之声再起。

On October 11, Bitfinex announced a temporary suspension of the dollar access business, and a new round of questioning resumed.


Nevertheless, there have been some positive news in the near future. Analysts have revealed that bitfinex has entered into a cooperation agreement with HSBC and has made public his encrypted currency wallet, including 140,000 BTCs worth about $1 billion, $400 million ETHs and $200 million EOS.


As an important financial carrier within the currency circle, the USDT may not collapse once and for all, but the investor's confidence in holding the USDT depends on the level of trust in Tether, which is eroded by its opaque operations and successive warning signals.



Can other stabilizing currencies be a better solution in the face of the USDT problem? The current market’s stabilizing currency is mainly in the following ways:


Use of centralized asset encumbrances


The USDT operates in such a way as to safeguard value by ensuring a rate of exchange, with the aim of eliminating the risk of price volatility. However, this approach raises the issue of the centrality of issuing companies, which leads to low transparency and a lack of effective regulation, leading to a crisis of trust.


There are other stable currencies in the market that attempt to increase transparency by increasing regulation, for example by separating teams from funds through hosting, and implementing measures such as KYC and AML reviews to maintain compliance. But doing so would undoubtedly lead to a compromise on freedom, with additional costs.


On this basis, a new approach has emerged in the market, whereby centralized asset mortgages are replaced by debt mortgages, since debt, as a financial product that does not require trusteeship and maintains relatively stable prices, can simultaneously reduce the risk of trust and volatility.


Use of encrypted asset encumbrances


In this way, for every stable currency issued of a certain value, other encrypted currency that is deposited at a higher value is used as collateral, which is purchased by the user in addition to the collateral that is redeemed at the time of conversion.


As encrypted assets have decentralized properties, this eliminates the risk of trust but introduces a risk of volatility.


Arithmetic banks


Use smart contracts to simulate the regulatory functions of central banks in the past, reduce the issuance of currency in cases of oversupply and increase the issuance of currency in cases of undersupply, thereby regulating the price of the currency.


However, this approach is based on the assumption that stable currency demand will continue to grow in the future. When stable currency demand shrinks or a crisis of trust erupts, algorithm banks will not be able to recover, so that, while it eliminates the risk of trust, it will not be able to avoid the risk of volatility.


On the basis of the foregoing, there is still no perfect way to achieve this in the area of currency stabilization, and the related exploration is continuing.



In response to the fall of the USDT, industry professionals have expressed their opinions. “All stable coins tied to French coins cannot guarantee absolute security. Every time problems are exposed, they have the effect of similar crashes, so that stability is not stable. Bitcoin is the real stable currency.”


Digital currency analysts have analysed that USDT’s credit risk is by no means less than price risk in other currencies. He noted that while USDT has dollar assets behind it, it is not yet possible to identify a specific proportional relationship, so it is unlikely that total collapse will occur.


Moreover, Shaw mentioned that the exchange between the stable currency and the French currency did not establish smooth mechanisms, and that investors tended to convert them into bitcoin, taser, and not the United States dollar, in the event of a credit crisis, which led to a significant increase in the price of bitcoin and other digital currencies. According to some data, in half an hour, the bulk of futures on the OKEx trading platform had already been paid 406.2 million USDDTs and not 174.9 million USDDTs.


In response, the founder of OKCoin, Star Seo, has said that many of the concerns about USDT have been of concern to him for some time. OK has been following developments closely and preparing to access other stable currencies. If there is a problem with USDT, OK will quickly switch to other stable currencies.




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