How do you express these common concepts in English?
I'm sorry, everybody, come and comfort me! Hug me, tease me, shoot me, tell me it's okay.
我們都會有需要安慰的時候,但過度密集釋出「我好悲慘」的訊息,實在不會給人太好的印象。流行語中,如此尋求慰藉的行為被稱為「討拍」(pity seeking,尋求憐憫)。討拍的人自然就是 pity seeker 了。類似的概念有尋求關注 (attention seeking)。討拍的人常常展現的就是自憐 (self-pity)。你也可以說討拍的人在「開討拍大會」(is throwing a pity party)。大家適可而止 (真心奉勸)!
We're all going to need comfort, but it's not going to be a good impression that we're getting too much of a message about "I'm so sad." In popular terms, seeking so much comfort is called "pity seeing" (pity seeing, looking for mercy). The person who does it is pity seeingker. Similar concepts are looking for attention. The person who tries to do it is often showing compassion (self-pity). You can also say that the person who does it is throwing a party.
Your posts are pity-seeking and that turns girls off.
你PO文常常在討拍,妹子看了實在很消火。Your P.O. is always talking, and the girl's looking at it is really cool.
Pity-seeking behavior goes hand in hand with self-pity, which presents a huge obstacle to happiness since you can’t feel good if you’re choosing to feel bad for yourself.
It is self-pity and self-pity that prevents you from being happy because you can't feel happy when you choose to feel bad about yourself.
取暖的意思是覺得外面的世界天寒地凍,快被酷寒的世道凍傷了,需要社群網站上朋友們的溫暖!一般冷天取暖的英文是 get some warmth。至於和討拍很類似的網路取暖,英文是 sympathy seeking,也就是尋求同情的意思。
Warming means thinking that the world outside is freezing, that it's freezing, that it's freezing, that it's freezing, that it needs warmth from its friends on social networks. It's usually cold in English to get some warmth. As for warming on the Internet, it's kind of a sympathy looking for compassion.
Most of us feel annoyed by sympathy-seeking because it feels like manipulative attention-seeking.
我們大多討厭取暖行為,因為感覺是在刻意操作以引起關注。Most of us feel engaged by sympathy-seating because it feels like artificial attitude-seating.
It's called painting a sense of existence, even though there's nothing to do but jump out of the box for attention to make sure that the public remembers themselves.
久沒消息的藝人突然出現在媒體上,講些無關緊要的話題;一陣子沒新聞的政治人物爆出驚世言論;名人公然放話要賭裸奔或跳海……都是很好的刷存在感例子,刷刷刷,證明自己的存在。英文講「大眾的認可」會用 validation 這字,動詞是 validate ?點這邊聽發音?,刷存在感可以說 validate your existence (認證自己的存在) 或 prove your existence (證明自己的存在)。
Uninformed artists suddenly appear in the media, speaking with little meaning; politicians who haven't been news for a while have spoken out of the world; celebrities who openly have to gamble naked or jump across the sea... are good examples of the sense of existence, brushing and proving their existence. The word "public approval" is used in English to use the word validation, the word validate?
Validate your own existence.
Your sense of existence brushes itself.
Validation 和 approval (認同) 這兩個字在社群網路時代可說相當熱門。有些人對臉書的「讚」渴求到走火入魔的程度 (addicted to Facebook likes),彷彿別人按讚就是對你存在的肯定,讓自己能感覺活著。一不小心,很容易成癮,如此的病症,稱為刷存在感成癮 (validation addiction)。
Validation and approval (approval) are very popular in social networking times. Some people yearn for Facebook as much as they want it (addicted to Facebook likes), as if it was an affirmation of your existence that they could feel alive.
It’s really hard for someone like me who has an attention and validation addiction to be with someone that just doesn’t talk or show any signs of interest.
It's really hard for me to be with someone who doesn't talk or who doesn't show any interest, for someone who wants to be focused and addicted.
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