
资讯 2024-06-23 阅读:83 评论:0
华夏时报(公众号:chinatimes)记者 赵奕 胡金华 上海报道Reporter Jo Hu Jinhua, Shanghai.近日,由OpenAI创始人Sam Altman联合创立的Web3加密项目WorldCoin(世界币)正式上...



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华夏时报(公众号:chinatimes)记者 赵奕 胡金华 上海报道

Reporter Jo Hu Jinhua, Shanghai.

近日,由OpenAI创始人Sam Altman联合创立的Web3加密项目WorldCoin(世界币)正式上线。据悉,Worldcoin团队设计了一种名为World ID的生物特征的身份验证系统,该系统使用眼球扫描仪Orb,通过扫描用户的虹膜来验证身份。

Recently, the Web3 encryption project WorldCoin (Worldcoin), created jointly by OpenAI founder Sam Altman, was officially online. The Worldcoin team is known to have designed a biometric identification system called World ID, which uses an eye scanner orb to authenticate the identity by scanning the user’s iris.


The Worldcoin proxy WLD attracted a large number of investors from the top line, with prices rising from $1.7 to $3.3, an increase of nearly 100 per cent at a time. According to the third-party data provider Coinmarketcap, WLD received $237, an increase of 17.46 per cent within 24 hours, as of the date of issuance. In terms of market value, the market value of WLD has reached $400 million, while, in terms of fully diluted valuation, the project is valued at approximately $28 billion, which is close to the valuation of OpenAI after completion of the new round of financing.


“Market enthusiasm does not ensure a project’s long-term success. With more investors and users trying to access the tokens, the entire encryption market may benefit from this wave, but the long-term impact is yet to be seen.” Chen Jin-hui, a senior partner of the Kyushu law firm, said to the Washington Times journalist.


公开资料显示,WorldCoin背后的公司是总部位于美国旧金山的Tools for Humanity。据悉,从测试阶段开始,WorldCoin项目已经拥有超200万用户,随着其正式启动,该项目正在将业务扩展到20个国家或地区的35个城市。

According to public sources, the company behind WorldCoin is Tools for Humanity, based in San Francisco, United States. From the test phase, the WorldCoin project is known to have more than 2 million users and, with its official launch, the project is expanding its operations to 35 cities in 20 countries or areas.

根据官方信息,Worldcoin研究发现,目前全世界仍有44亿人口缺乏合法身份,这些人无法通过数字身份验证,这使得他们难以获得金融服务。因此,Worldcoin 希望为全世界的人类提供一款更易获得的数字身份。

According to official information, Worldcoin studies have found that there are still 4.4 billion people in the world who lack legal identity and are unable to authenticate their digital identity, making it difficult for them to access financial services. Worldcoin therefore wants to provide a more accessible digital identity for humanity around the world.

Worldcoin项目由多个子项目组成,其核心产品是World ID,该公司将其描述为“数字护照”,旨在借此区分人类与人工智能。该项目向世界各地的人们提供名为“WLD”的免费代币,用以交换他们使用名为“Orb”的设备扫描自己的虹膜。虹膜扫描确保每个人只能拥有一个Worldcoin ID。

The Worldcoin project consists of several sub-projects, the core product of which is World ID, which is described as a “digital passport” designed to distinguish between humans and artificial intelligence. The project provides people around the world with free tokens called “WLD” in exchange for scanning their iris using equipment called “Orb.” Iris scans ensure that each person has only one Worldcoin ID.

项目发起人Sam Altman表示:“由于AI的发展,对提供人格证明的系统的需求,以及对财富再分配,和全球治理系统新实验的需求正在增长。”

The project sponsor, Sam Altman, stated: “As a result of AI's development, there is a growing demand for systems that provide proof of personality, for redistribution of wealth, and for new experiments in global governance systems.”

“我们希望,在法律规则不太明确的地方,例如美国,能够积极采取措施,让更多的人从中受益……WorldCoin是一次全球范围内的尝试,这一过程将充满挑战,结果也不确定。但是,寻找新的方式来广泛分享即将到来的技术繁荣,是我们这个时代的一项关键挑战。”Altman与该项目CEO Alex Blania在一份联合声明中表示。

“We hope that, where the rules of law are less clear, such as in the United States, measures can be actively taken to benefit more people...WorldCoin is a global attempt that will be challenging and uncertain. But finding new ways to widely share the upcoming technological boom is a key challenge of our time.” Altman and CEO Alex Blanca, in a joint statement, said.

该项目曾备受加密资本的青睐。2021年10月,Worldcoin完成了由a16z牵头的2500万美元A轮融资,估值10亿美元,包括DCG、Coinbase Ventures等明星资本均有参与。2022年,Worldcoin又获得了来自a16z等机构投资的B轮融资,估值高达30亿美元。今年5月,Worldcoin宣布完成由Blockchain Capital领投的1.15亿美元C轮融资。

In October 2021, Worldcoin completed a $25 million A round of financing led by a16z, valued at $1 billion, with the participation of stars such as DCG, Coinbase Ventures. In 2022, Worldcoin received another B round of financing from institutions such as a16z, valued at $3 billion. In May this year, Worldcoin announced the completion of a $115 million C round of financing from Blockchain Capital.

值得注意的是,在Worldcoin项目的众多投资人中,已经宣布破产的加密交易所FTX的创始人Sam Bankman Fried和破产的知名加密基金三箭资本也赫然在列。

It is noteworthy that Sam Bankman Fried, the founder of the declared bankrupt cryptographic exchange FTX, and Sam Bankman Fried, the well-known three-arrowed cryptographic fund capital of the Worldcoin project, are among the many investors.

根据该项目白皮书显示,WLD总供应上限为100亿枚,其中75%分配给Worldcoin社区;9.8%分配给初始开发团队;13.5%分配给Tools for Humanity投资者;剩余1.7%将作为Tools for Humanity的储备。

According to the project's White Paper, the total supply ceiling for WLD is 10 billion, 75 per cent of which is allocated to the Worldcoin community; 9.8 per cent to the initial development team; 13.5 per cent to the Tools for Humanity investor; and the remaining 1.7 per cent will be used as a reserve for Tools for Humanity.

根据规划,初始流通供应量为1.43亿枚WLD,其中,4300万枚WLD赠送给在项目Pre-Launch阶段使用Orb验证的用户,1亿枚分配给在美国境外运营的五家做市商。但根据Worldcoin 官方给出的数据显示,目前流通的WLD数量仅为1.07亿枚。这意味着,目前做市商持有的代币数量占目前流通量的93.3%,是社区持有的14倍多。这种代币分发初始阶段的中心化程度,远超其他加密项目。

According to the plan, the initial flow supply was 143 million WLDs, of which 43 million WLDs were given to users certified using Orb during the Pre-Launch phase and 100 million were distributed to five market vendors operating outside the United States. According to Worldcoin official data, however, the current circulation of WLDs is only 107 million. This means that 93.3 per cent of current circulation is held by marketers and more than 14 times that held by the community.

BlockTower创始人Air Paul对此表示,当前WLD的情况是常见的加密货币市场操纵模型。他表示,一些“参与者”可能并不真正理解他们正在参与的游戏,即使没有任何明确的协调或共谋,市场操纵和刷量也可能会发生。这是因为,如果激励机制设计得当,参与者可能会自然而然地采取这些行为,以最大化他们的利益。

The founder of BlockTower, Air Paul, said that the current situation in WLD was a common model of crypto-market manipulation. He said that some of the “participants” might not really understand the game in which they were participating, and that market manipulation and brushing could occur without any explicit coordination or complicity. That was because, if incentives were properly designed, participants might naturally do so in order to maximize their benefits.


In response, Chen Jinhui, a senior partner in Kyoto law firm, told the Washington Times (public: Chinatimes) that market enthusiasm for the Worldcoin project reflected its strong potential and innovativeness. But the Worldcoin project continues to face technological, privacy and security risks, regulatory and market risks.


Privacy, data security, many questions to be answered


Although Worldcoin has been wearing ChatGPT Halo since it came online, it cannot hide many of its problems.

日前,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin给出了关于Worldcoin技术的警告,称其虹膜扫描硬件和生物识别数据收集做法引发了重大隐私问题。由于扫描结果存储在公司的数据库中,虹膜扫描可能会泄露更多信息。

Vitalik Buterin, the founder of the eBay, warned about Worldcoin technology, stating that its iris scanning hardware and biometric data collection practices raise significant privacy issues. Because the scanning results are stored in the company’s database, iris scanning may reveal more information.

而更紧迫的问题就是安全性,虹膜扫描,像其他生物识别数据一样,如果遭到泄露和盗用,就无法更改。Vitalik警告称,一旦黑客获得了某人的虹膜扫描数据,它将永远面临被滥用于身份识别和认证的风险。此外,还有一种可能是3D打印“假人”,让它们通过虹膜扫描并获得World ID。

And the more pressing issue is safety, iris scanning, like any other biometric data, cannot be changed if it is leaked and stolen. Vitalik warns that, once hackers have access to someone's iris scanning data, they will always be at risk of being misused for identification and authentication. In addition, there may be a 3D print "fake" that allows them to scan through the iris and obtain World ID.


As early as the end of 2021, Worldcoin announced that it would go online in 2022, with a planned coverage of 1 billion users in 2023. However, Worldcoin was only just over a million users between 2021 and 2022, and faced a vortex of privacy problems, fee promotion, and even a standstill.

此外,Worldcoin还面临着监管介入和数据处理的矛盾。根据欧盟GDPR条例,任何在欧盟境内运行或者涉及欧盟居民的数据,均受到欧盟的监管,未能充分保护数据会被予以罚款。显然,Worldcoin 的全球运行和欧盟的条例存在一定程度上的冲突,比如,其自称葡萄牙1%的人口已经成为其用户,而如何处理全球数据并未得到充分阐明,根据GDPR的规定,“未能充分保护数据可能会导致最高4%的全球收入或2000万欧元的罚款”。

In addition, Worldcoin faces regulatory interference and data-processing contradictions. According to the EU GDPR regulation, any data that operates in the EU or concerns EU residents is regulated by the EU, and the failure to adequately protect the data is fined.

而通过采集生物识别信息实现身份证明,也让Worldcoin游走在相关法律的边缘。尽管根据官方说法,Orb扫描的数据并不会被Worldcoin 储存和恶意利用,并且会逐步采用技术进行更高强度的安全防护。但实际上,在部分地区,为了能获得更多的代币空投,其运营承包商会采纳奖励措施来鼓励当地居民进行数据提交,甚至已经出现了数据买卖的情况,在东南亚部分地区,出现有不知情村民的虹膜被30美元或更低价收购,以帮助完成app注册的现象。

Although, according to official sources, Orb-scanized data will not be used in Worldcoin storage and maliciously, and technology will be gradually introduced to provide higher levels of security. In some areas, however, in order to gain access to more currency drops, its operating contractors will adopt incentives to encourage local residents to submit data, and even where there has been a trade in data. In parts of South-East Asia, unknowing villagers’ iris has been bought at $30 or less to help complete the application registration.


In response, the law firm's lawyers in Shanghai stated to the Washington Times that, although WorldCoin had made it clear on its website that the iris images collected by Orb would be removed immediately and promised that the verification process would not be traced to a person's identity unless explicitly requested by the registrar. Nevertheless, the possibility of the disclosure of biological information could not be taken lightly, and biological information was defined as sensitive personal information in our Personal Information Protection Act, and in the California Consumer Privacy Act, it had been made clear in an illustrative manner that iris information was one of biological information, and that if biological information was leaked or used illegally, it would be more likely than other general personal information to lead to an attack on the human dignity of a natural person or to an attack on the physical and property security.


Moreover, the WorldCoin project is subject to compliance challenges. Like all virtual currencies, WorldCoin’s decentralisation makes it more difficult for the country to regulate, and for some crimes, especially anti-money-laundering and anti-corruption, it is more hidden than French currency.


A senior researcher from the Tokuku think tank, Jiang Xian, also told the Washington Times that the safety of biometric technology needs to be safeguarded and that protecting users from disclosure of biological information is a major challenge. Secondly, the accuracy and reliability of the Iris recognition technology of WorldCoin will also need to be tested in practice. Moreover, the success of the project will depend on changes in global regulations, and there may be some legal risks.

责任编辑:徐芸茜 主编:公培佳




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