区块链早餐11.28:比特币破7600美元 Upbit交易所被盗34.2万ETH 区块链大事早知道,美好的一天从信仰开始!行业动态01 法官保留SEC动议,以打击Telegram有关模糊性的辩护美国联

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:123 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 全球区块链早餐,(https://xueqiu.com/1442271944/136466853)区块链大事早知道,美好的一天从信仰开始!˂a href="https://xueqiu.com/S/BK0587?f...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 全球区块链早餐,(https://xueqiu.com/1442271944/136466853)


the whole thing is known. Good day begins with faith!


Industry developments

01 法官保留SEC动议,以打击Telegram有关模糊性的辩护

美国联邦法官保留了美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的动议,以否决Telegram有关“避免含糊不清/缺乏通知”的辩护。此前根据日期为11月25日的一封信,SEC罢免了Telegram提出的辩护。11月26日,法官P. Kevin Castel法官下令将该动议保留14天,直到诉讼程序的发现期结束为止。据此前报道,SEC于10月初宣称,根据美国证券法,Telegram进行的17亿美元GRAM代币销售是非法的。11月12日,Telegram向纽约南区美国地方法院提起诉讼,要求法院驳回SEC针对其的诉讼。Telegram表示,法律没有充分定义“投资合同”的定义。

On 26 November, Judge P. Kevin Castel ordered that the motion be reserved for 14 days until the time of discovery of the proceedings. On that basis, it was reported that early in October, the SEC had declared that the $1.7 billion GRAM token sale by Telegram was illegal under the United States Securities Act. On 12 November, Telegram filed an action with the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York requesting the Court to dismiss the case against him. Telegram stated that the law did not adequately define the definition of “investment contract”.

02 汇丰银行计划将200亿美元资产转移至区块链托管平台

汇丰银行(HSBC)计划在明年3月前将价值200亿美元的资产转移到一个新区块链托管平台,这是迄今为止全球银行对区块链技术进行的最大规模的部署之一。汇丰银行表示,该平台被称为" Digital Vault “,将让投资者实时访问在私人市场购买的证券的记录,并寻求利用渴求收益的投资者对此类投资日益高涨的兴趣。该平台将数字化私人配售的纸质记录,并使用区块链减少投资者检查或查询持股的时间。据悉,汇丰银行目前管理着价值高达500亿美元的资产。目前尚不清楚该项目将如何转变。汇丰银行也无法量化该平台可为银行或其客户节省的金额。

03 国家外汇局“跨境金融区块链服务平台应用”项目正式获得批复


On 27 November, at the Financial Science and Technology Policy Interpretation Conference on the Pilot Work on the Application of Financial Science and Technology , organized by the Ministry of Business Administration of the People's Bank of China, the National Foreign Exchange Agency's "Application of the Cross-border Financial Blocks Service Platform" project was officially approved. This project was declared by the People's Bank of China, the Development Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Informatization, the Ministry of Human Resources Social Security, and the six Ministries of Health of China, on 14 December 2018.

04 彭文生:央行数字货币或将选择不付息模式 先替代现金而非微信和支付宝


, “Is central bank digital money a substitute for micro-payments and to pay treasures /a?” The article notes that the central bank’s digital currency is a real issue, and I think it is vital that, if not, the central bank’s digital currency is only a substitute for cash payments and

05 万向区块链首席经济学家针对DC/EP的设计作出五点推测

据新浪财经报道,近日,万向区块链首席经济学家邹传伟出席主题为“数字货币的机遇和挑战”的会议时,对DC/EP的设计作出五点推测,具体如下:一是账户松耦合=Token范式。DC/EP属于Token范式,而非账户范式。二是DC/EP使用基于UTXO模式的中心化账本。这个中心化账本体现为数字货币发行登记系统,由中央银行维护,是中心化的,不需要运行共识算法,这样就不会受制于区块链的性能瓶颈。三是DC/EP钱包。用户需要使用DC/EP钱包,钱包的核心是一对公钥和私钥。公钥也是地址,地址里面存放人民币的数字凭证。这个数字凭证基于100%人民币准备金发行。四是DC/EP交易。用户通过钱包私钥,可以发起地址间转账交易,交易由中央银行直接记录在中心化账本中。五是DC/EP推行策略:先批发(to B),后零售(to C或用于一般目标);先境内使用,再用于跨境支付。

It has been reported that in recent days, the centralization book, maintained by the central bank as a digital money distribution registry system, was maintained by the central bank and not required to run consensus algorithms, and thus was not subject to the performance bottlenecks of the chain. The third is the DC/EP wallet. Users need to use the DC/EP wallet, which is centred on a public key and a private key. The key is also a digital voucher for the People's Currency in the address. This number is based on 100% of the People's Currency Reserve. Four are DC/EP transactions. Users can initiate address-to-advertise transactions via the private key of the wallet, which are recorded directly by the central bank in the central account.

06 报告:稳定币可以减轻美元霸权的风险

根据世界经济论坛(WEF)发表的一篇评论文章,稳定币有可能缓解美元主导全球外汇储备的系统性威胁。该论点是由Fusion Foundation的John Liu和Lapa Capital的Peter Lyons在11月26日发表在WEF议程上的一篇文章中提出的。Liu和Lyons文章的一个关键重点是,为了实现使全球流动性来源多样化和帮助平衡贸易流动的承诺,稳定发展必须将区块链互操作性放在议程的首位。他们指出,如果做不到这一点,一个单一的稳定资产——无论是私人发行的——还是央行发行的——本身就有可能成为系统性主导,并只是用数字模拟来复制美元的法定霸权。

According to a review by the World Economic Forum (WEF), stabilizing the currency is likely to mitigate the systemic threat that the dollar dominates global foreign exchange reserves. This argument was made by

07 BM:在设计REX时,没想到REX会有这么大的需求量

EOS创始人BM 在《重新构想 EOS 资源分配》一文中提到,根本没有预想到 REX 会有如此体量的需求量。BM 表示,在设计 REX 时,算法的逻辑是,当可租用的 EOS 供应量趋近于 0 的时候,REX价格会接近无穷大。但最近,EOS 出现了一些状况,因为那些出租EOS 的人会随意取回 EOS,所以 REX 目前陷入了一个无法以任何价格租用 EOS 的境地。根据我们以前的预期,我们根本没想到 REX 会有如此体量的需求量。REX 是 EOS 官方设计的资源租赁交易所,用户在 REX 中出租或者借用EOS抵押为资源使用。但从 11 月 1 日 EIDOS 开始空投开始,EOS 中的 CPU 资源爆红,目前维持在 10 EOS/ms,普通用户很难进行多次转账。BM 在《重新构想 EOS 资源分配》中,提出建议,希望能稳定 CPU 价格,降低 CPU 租赁成本,让 EOS 网络对用户更加友好实用。

BM, the founder of EOS, mentioned in “Reconcepting EOS Resource Allocation” that there was no expectation that EX would have such a physical need at any price. BM said that the logic of the algorithm when designing EX was that when rentable EOS supplies were close to zero, the price of REX would be close to zero. Recently, however, EOS was in a situation, because those renting EOS would be able to take back EOS at will, so that REX would now be in a situation where it would not be possible to rent EOS at any price. Based on our previous expectations, we had no idea that REX would have such a physical need.

08 姚前:基于DLT的新一代金融市场基础设施潜力无限

中国证券登记结算有限责任公司总经理、央行数字货币研究所前所长姚前于《中国金融》2019年第23期刊文称:基于分布式账本技术(DLT)的新一代金融市场基础设施(Financial Market Infrastructures,FMI)可以使金融服务变得更加开放、更有活力、更有韧性,同时也使金融监管更加精准。在数字化技术的手段下,基于DLT的FMI不仅可行而且可控,监管也可以做到更加精准。因此,它是规范的。DLT账本不易伪造,难以篡改,且可追溯,容易审计,所以它又是透明的。同时它打开了传统分布式系统的围墙,使金融服务变得更加自由开放,更有活力,而且它还基于可信技术,容错性强,更有韧性。综上所述,基于DLT的新型FMI是符合“规范、透明、开放、有活力、有韧性”五大标准的金融市场基础设施,潜力无限,前景可期。

The General Manager of the China Securities Register and former Director of the Central Bank Digital Monetary Research Institute, Yao, in Chinese Finance 2019, stated in his article No. 23 that a new generation of financial market infrastructure based on distributed book technology (DLT) can make financial services more open, dynamic, resilient, and also more sophisticated. Under digital technology, DLT-based FMI is not only feasible, but also manageable, but also more precise. It is therefore regulated. DLT accounts are not easily counterfeit, untraceable, and subject to auditability.

09 Filecoin 将启动GPU方案,CPU配置硬件无法参与新方案需及时调整

IPFS发布消息称,Filecoin将启动 GPU 方案,目前已确认使用一个或多个 FPU 方案,下个开发版本将会启动。

IPFS released a message that Filecoin would start the GPU program, that one or more FPU programs had been confirmed and that the next development version would be launched.

10 人民日报:区块链不能与虚拟货币画等号

人民日报11月27日刊文《区块链不能与虚拟货币画等号 "币圈"非法活动死灰复燃》。文章提到,区块链的出现虽与虚拟货币有着千丝万缕的关系,但区块链并不能与虚拟货币画等号,虚拟货币更不是区块链应用的全部。一些人故意混淆“币”“链”概念,与虚拟货币相关的炒作花样翻新、投机盛行,价格暴涨暴跌的背后风险快速聚集。即使是最具代表性的虚拟货币“比特币”,也不是哪国的法定流通货币,本质仍是一种投资风险极高的虚拟商品。看上去很美的风口,很可能又是陷阱罢了。任何创新都应以合法合规为前提。目前,区块链技术应用已延伸到数字金融、物联网、智能制造等领域。对企业而言,应加强基础研究,推动区块链和实体经济深度融合,利用区块链技术解决融资难、风控难等问题,让区块链成为服务实体、促进经济发展的新利器;对投资者而言,应尽快放弃“天上掉馅饼”的幻想,增强风险防范意识,谨防上当受骗,不给非法金融活动提供生存土壤。

The People's Daily Journal of November 27th, The Block Chain cannot be associated with virtual currency paintings & quot; currency circles & quot; and illegal activities are re-emerging. The article mentions that, although the block chain appears to be inextricably linked to virtual money, the block chain is not a virtual money painting, much less its application. Some people deliberately confuse the concept of the “currency” “chain” with the fictional renovation and speculation associated with virtual money, and the risks behind the price boom and collapse are rapidly gathering. Even the most representative virtual currency, the “bitcoin” is not the legal currency of the country in which it is in circulation, but it is still a virtual commodity with a high investment risk.

11 新京报:区块链求职者多 但与需求不匹配


In the face of a large demand in the market, many job-seekers enter the sector, but there are not many people who really meet the requirements, and the market supply is “falsely booming.” According to the 2019 report on supply, demand, and development of the sector chain, the number of firms and the number of recruits associated with the recruitment chain fell by 53.68 per cent and 51.71 per cent, respectively, in the third quarter of 2019, while the number of job-seekers remains 7.12 times higher than the demand. According to the data from the 2018 survey, the supply of the sector chain is only 7 per cent of the demand.

12 数字资产管理公司CoinShares获美国金融监管局颁发的加密经纪交易商执照


CoinShares, a digital asset management company, has been licensed by the United States Financial Supervisory Authority (FINRA) as an encrypted broker, which will enable the asset management company to provide United States investors with safe tokens or encrypted investment products.

13 统计:官媒一周内发表虚拟货币和区块链打假监管文章15篇


According to incomplete statistics, Xinhuanet and People's Network have published 28 articles from 25 October to the afternoon of 25 November on the theme of combating virtual currency, or exposing fraudulent block chains. Of these, 15 articles were published during the week (19 November to 25 November). The articles focused on three points. These included clarifying the relationship between block chains and virtual currency, explaining the difference between the two concepts; second, combating false “block chains” scams or exposures to virtual currency scams; and lastly, reminding the population that block chains must not become a prank, let alone a sign of deception, and need to be vigilant about such activities and rational investment.


Level One Market

01 TRXMarket被P网收购,升级为Poloni DEX

波场TRON生态最大去中心化交易所TRXMarket发布公告称,为了TRXMarket的长远发展,TRXMarket团队已于日前接受Poloniex的收购提议,正式加入Poloniex品牌,进行品牌升级,更名为Poloni DEX,成为Poloniex旗下去中心化交易所。Poloni DEX品牌升级期间所有功能均可正常使用,对用户不产生任何影响。Poloniex成立于2014年,是注册于塞舌尔的一家全球化领先数字资产交易平台,是全球历史最为悠久的数字资产交易所之一。为全球区块链生态提供数字资产保证金交易、数字资产借贷交易、数字资产币币交易等基础服务,自Poloniex创立以来,安全高效的服务便得到用户的认可,真实交易量长期位列全球TOP3,TrollBox系统让用户获得更有趣的交易体验。

For the long-term development of TRXMarket, the TRXMarket team has recently accepted Poloniex’s acquisition offer, formally joined the Poloniex brand, upgraded its brand name, and became Poloni DEX, a centralized exchange under the Poloniex flag. All functions during the Poloni DEX brand upgrade are functional and have no impact on users. Poloniex was established in 2014 as a global leading digital asset trading platform registered in Seychelles and is one of the oldest digital asset exchanges in the world.

02 EOS VC宣布投资区块链游戏开发商 Biscuit

11月27日,Block.one 发推宣布,EOS VC投资区块链游戏开发商 Biscuit。Biscuit 是《EOS Knights》的开发团队,一款运行在 EOS 主网上的 RPG 手游。

On November 27,

03 数字证券平台Securitize获 SBI 控股投资

据官方消息 ,日本金融服务集团SBI Holdings向数字证券平台Securitize进行了投资。目前,尽管目前并不清楚投资的确切金额,但Securitize创始人Carlos Domingo表示,数字末尾有六个0。据悉,该轮融资是Securitize的A轮融资的扩展,使总融资额超过3,000万美元。

According to official sources, the Japanese financial services group, SBI Holdings, has invested in the digital securities platform Securitize. Currently, while the exact amount of the investment is not currently known, Carlos Domingo, founder of Securitize, states that there are six zeros at the end of the figure.


Secondary market

01 Bakkt比特币期货日交易量再创新高


As of 14:26 US Eastern Time, Bakkt had already traded 4107 bitcoins of monthly futures contracts on 27 November, which has reached an all-time high.

02 BTC突破7600美元


Signal Global data show that BTC started on its way in the evening of November 27, with a breakthrough of US$ 7,600 this morning, up to US$ 7656.67. It's stable around US$ 7,500. Be more volatile.

03 江卓尔:upbit被盗反而引起币价上涨,表明下跌趋势很可能已经结束


Jiangchael published an article on Weibo, “The downside is likely to be over.” In the downward trend, it says, because snowballs move forward with great power, the impact of profit is enhanced, the benefits are diminished, and unless the profit against the sky is good, the trend is reversed. On the contrary, it is emptiness, whether real sources, or even a simple shot, that leads to a wave of decline. But, in the yang’s case, any trend will run out, and when it can be considered to be over (or even reversed)? When news turns back, the trend will be overtaken. Today’s pupbit exchange is typical, with 342,000 ETHs stolen, and a tip is counterproductive in the downward trend, giving a clear signal – that the trend may be overtaken and in a position to overturn.

04 CMC首席战略官:在Bitwise虚假交易量报告之前,CMC就已经发现问题并着手解决

CMC首席战略官Carylyne Chan在近期采访中被问及“如何处理诈骗举报”时回应称,CMC尽其所能不审查任何信息,并补充说,每一个请求实际上都得到了团队的验证,“诈骗是很困难的,因为我们并没有试图取悦任何一个项目或交易所,但我们知道我们绝对应该调查或在必要时发出警报。团队实际上已经与当地警察和当局进行了交谈,以帮助核实提交的一些信息。”Chan还谈到了Bitwise在4月份发布的报告,该报告称,95%的比特币交易量是虚假的,真实交易集中在10个交易所。她表示,CMC那时已经意识到了交易量膨胀的问题,甚至在报告出来之前就已经在研究解决方案。

CMC's Caryyne Chan, asked in a recent interview about how to handle fraud reports, responded that the CMC did everything in its power not to review any information, adding that each request was actually validated by the team, “Fraud is difficult because we are not trying to please any project or exchange, but we know that we should definitely investigate or, if necessary, warn. The team has actually talked to local police and authorities to help verify some of the information submitted.” Chan also referred to a report released by Bitwise in April that 95 per cent of the transactions were false and the real transactions were concentrated in 10 exchanges. She said that the CMC was aware of the problem of the volume of transactions at that time and had been studying solutions even before reporting.

05 慢雾分析:Upbit 可能遭遇了 APT 攻击

慢雾安全团队怀疑 Upbit 被盗 34.2 万 ETH 可能和之前一直在活动的 APT(高级持续性威胁)攻击有关,这种攻击的特点是长期潜伏,直到碰到可操作的大资金,一次性大笔盗走。因为年初 Upbit 就发现来自朝鲜的这类攻击行为。当然我们也不能排除内鬼可能性。此外,被盗的是 Upbit 的ETH 热钱包。冷钱包应该暂无风险。

The slow fog security team suspects that Upbit has been stolen and 34.2 million ETHs may be associated with APT attacks (high-level ongoing threats) that were previously active, characterized by long-term lurking, until large, actionable funds were encountered and large-scale thefts took place. Because Upbit discovered such attacks from North Korea at the beginning of the year. Of course, we can't rule out the possibility of moles. Moreover, the stolen ETH wallets of Upbit's hot wallets.

06 Upbit:只有一笔大额ETH转账是异常交易,其余是钱包整理


Upbit's official announcement states that on November 27th, at 1.06 p.m., Upbit transferred 342,000 ETHs (approximately 58 billion won) to unknown wallets with a thermal wallet. The unknown wallet address is 0xa09871aadf4994ca12f5c0b6056bbd 1d 343c029. When we find this, we start to act. Upbit responded as follows: 1. In order to secure your assets, 342,000 ETHs transferred to unknown wallets are expected to be compensated with standby assets. 2. All encrypted wallets are expected to be transferred to cold wallets. 3. It is expected that it will take at least two weeks until the withdrawal is restored.

07 日本金融厅批准LastRoots成为注册交易所


Japan’s Financial Services Agency announced on November 27 that it would approve the Oukeway subsidiary, LastRoots, as a virtual currency exchange. According to the Financial Services Agency, only Ryo is the virtual currency that can be processed, and the company has stated that it will continue to aim to expand the volume of transactions at the clearing house, while working to expand the Okeway “Thanks the Economy” platform.

08 火币全球站于新加坡时间11月27日进行临时系统维护


According to the official announcement of the Treasure Global Station, the Treasure Global Station was temporarily maintained on November 27, 11, Singapore time. During the maintenance period, updates were made, users placed orders, withdrawal orders, etc. transactional functions were affected. The range of maintenance included WEB, APP, PC Clients and M Stations. The Treasure Global Station completed system maintenance on November 27, 2019, at 13:00, Singapore time.

09 彭博社:技术信号表明比特币最近的下跌趋势可能即将结束

尽管11月份或成为今年比特币表现最糟糕的月份,但技术信号表明其最近的下跌趋势可能即将结束:1.比特币可能会在6,500美元左右寻找支撑位;2.比特币现在处于14天相对强度指数(目前位于25)的低位,这意味着比特币处于超卖状态(资产达到30或更低时,被视为超卖)。Arca首席投资官Jeff Dorman表示,市场显然处于萎缩状态,这要归功于一系列不利的事态发展,包括中国的压制。

Despite being the worst-performing month of Bitcoin in November or this year, technological signals suggest that its recent downward trend may be coming to an end: 1. Bitcoin may be looking for a support position at around $6,500; 2. Bitcoin is now at a low 14-day relative strength index (currently at 25), which means that bitcoin is in oversale (when assets reach 30 or lower, it is considered oversold). As Arca Chief Investment Officer Jeff




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  • 0.00006694个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...
  • 0.00003374个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00003374比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00003374比特币等于2.2826 1222美元/16.5261124728人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.00003374克洛克-0/22216.5261124728比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489807.72 CNY(1比特币=489807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00003374USDT=0.0002442776 CNY)。汇率更新于2024...
  • 0.00015693个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.000 15693比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.000 15693比特币等于10.6 1678529美元/76.86554996人民币。比特币(BTC)【比特币价格翻倍】美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000/克洛克-0/5693【数字货币矿机】10.6 167852976.8655254996比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489,807.72 CNY(1比特币= 489,807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00015693 U...
  • 区块链社区有哪些?区块链社区是什么?

  • ?在 App?Store 上的「Opencord: Web3 Social Platform」

    ?在 App?Store 上的「Opencord: Web3 Social Platform」
    Opencord is the Web 3.0 social platform built for DAOs. It is designed for the efficient connections of DAOs, the seamless connections of DApps, and the like-mindedness connections of DAO friends.We make it easy for you t...