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Computer science has always been the preferred profession for many students, and in 2023, the rankings were published, so what are the highlights for all countries? Today, studying abroad is the ranking of 2023 Thames in computer science, and if you are interested in this topic, you are welcome to click on a study abroad network.


In today's world, learning computer science is a wise option, as employment opportunities increase every year as computer science and technology matures for highly skilled graduates.

  而最近的几年,“转码”也成为了许多文科毕业生和职场人的共同目标,成为了就业和留学市场上的一股风气。 而作为全世界最为广泛和热门的学科之一,在决定去哪里学习计算机科学时,你也会有很多大学可供选择。计算机科学学位的重点和专长因校而异。一些课程倾向于理论性,而另一些则更注重编程实践。

And in recent years, “recoding” has become a common goal for many arts graduates and practitioners, and has become a culture in the job and study market. And, as one of the most extensive and popular disciplines in the world, you will have a lot of universities to choose from when deciding where to go to computer science. The focus and expertise of a degree in computer science will vary from school to school. Some courses tend to be theoretical, while others focus more on programming practice.


The ranking of computer science disciplines uses the same five areas as that of the World University of Thames, and 13 indicators of excellence assess the teaching, research, research impact, innovation and international prospects of universities, but are adapted to the reality of the subject.


shall have the following weight in all its aspects:


Teaching (learning environment): 30 per cent


Research (number, income and reputation): 30 per cent


Quote (research impact): 27.5 per cent


International Vision (staff, students and research): 7.5 per cent


Industry income (knowledge transfer): 5 per cent


According to the World University of Higher Education in Thames in 2023, which ranks in computer science, there are 974 schools in the world.


More than 100 of the top universities were from the United States and 61 from the United Kingdom. Twenty-eight universities were ranked in Canada and Australia, respectively.


  2023年度计算机科学学科最佳大学 Top 5



and Beijing University





As the areas of artificial intelligence, data science, cloud computing and analysis evolve, the global demand for skilled computer scientists is expected to increase only.


Canadian cities such as Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Waterloo are now becoming major science and technology centres.


Canada is a popular study trip option, and it usually offers international students a cheaper study option than most English-speaking countries. The country also has a fairly simple application process and an opportunity to obtain permanent residence upon graduation.


5. McGill University


McGill University is the oldest university in Montreal and one of the only three English-speaking universities in Quebec.


The McGill University College of Computer Sciences offers a wide range of courses, including Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Engineering.


Students can test career paths through paid internships and can establish contacts with industry experts at the annual technical fairs in the sector.

  麦吉尔大学是智能机器中心的所在地,该中心围绕机器人技术、自动化、人工智能、计算机视觉、系统和控制理论以及语音识别进行研究。第一个互联网搜索引擎是由麦吉尔校友 Alan Emtage 于 1987 年在麦吉尔计算机科学学院创建的。

McGill University is home to the Center for Smart Machines, which conducts research around robotic technology, automation, artificial intelligence, computer visualization, systems and control theory, and speech recognition. The first Internet search engine was created by McGill alumni Alan Emtage at McGill Computer Science College in 1987.


4. University of British Columbia


The University of British Columbia has a bachelor’s degree in computer science that includes eight courses, all of which must be completed by all undergraduate students in computer science.


Students may also choose to pursue computer science.

  一年级和二年级的学生可以参加与计算机科学高年级学生相匹配的 CS 咖啡聊天。

Students in the first and second grades are allowed to participate in CS coffee chats that match senior students in computer science.


The courses available vary from year to year.


3. University of Waterloo

  滑铁卢大学的 David R. Cheriton 计算机科学学院是世界上最大的数学和计算中心之一的一部分。

The David R. Cheriton College of Computer Sciences at Waterloo University is part of one of the largest mathematics and computing centres in the world.


Students can study one of the five courses and graduate with a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a bachelor’s degree in mathematics in computer science.


Students cover computer algorithms and programming, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, networks, databases, quantum computing, graphics, scientific computing, security and software engineering.


Postgraduate courses include computer science, data science and quantum information.


2. University of Montreal


At the University of Montreal, an undergraduate computer science student may choose to pursue a full bachelor's degree in computer science, or a student may major in or supplement computer science.


The University also offers a range of postgraduate courses, including computer science, bioinformatics and machine studies.

  该部门的研究团队专注于计算机科学和运筹学的 15 个领域的研究,包括理论计算机科学、计算机图形学和视频游戏以及人工智能和机器学习。

The Department's research team focused on 15 areas of computer science and preparation, including theoretical computer science, computer graphics and video games, and artificial intelligence and machine learning.


Although the University of Montreal is a French-speaking university, many of its research departments are willing to create a bilingual environment for postgraduate students.


University of Toronto

  这多伦多大学的计算机科学专业在本科、研究生和博士阶段有 11 个学习领域可供选择。

At the University of Toronto, there are 11 fields of study available at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels.


At the University of Toronto, where computer science is studied, a variety of topics are covered, including artificial intelligence, computational linguistics and natural language processing, game design and interpersonal interaction.


Upon obtaining a broad base in the first year, undergraduates may choose to pursue courses in data sciences or computer science.


A master’s degree in computer science is also available. As part of the course, students need a research project.


Students also have the opportunity to interact with alumni through panel discussions, industry night and alumni orientation programmes.




Not only are the world's largest technology companies, such as Google, Microsoft and Apple, based in the United States, but it is also home to some of the world's best universities with degrees in computer science.


Many computer courses in the United States focus on developing the practical skills and practical experience needed for students to enter the technical profession. These universities are spread throughout the country, from California to New York, and include many specialized technical colleges.


5. Harvard University >/strang >

  追溯到 1636 年,哈佛大学是美国最古老的大学。它是常春藤联盟的成员,被认为是世界上最负盛名的机构之一。

Back in 1636, Harvard University was the oldest university in the United States. It was a member of the Ivy League and was considered one of the most famous institutions in the world.


Harvard course design is flexible. Students in computer science can combine their learning with other fields, including mathematics, physics, economics, psychology, and linguistics. The Harvard guide to computer science is one of the most popular courses at the school. Computer science focuses on the subject of learning sensor dust from passwords. Students also have the opportunity to meet influential think leaders in the field and use the latest tools and techniques, such as grid computing.


A number of clubs and associations are in the field of computer science and technology, including the Harvard undergraduate Robot Club and the Harvard Video Game Development Club.

  哈佛校友包括微软创始人比尔盖茨;马克·扎克伯格 (Mark Zuckerberg)。

Harvard alumni include Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft; Mark Zuckerberg.


4. University of California, Berkeley

  电气工程和计算机科学系加州大学伯克利分校成立于 1960 年代后期。

University of California, Berkeley, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, was established in the late 1960s.

  本科生可以主修计算机科学,获得文学学士学位;或通过注册电气工程和计算机科学专业,获得理学学士学位;或者通过完成获得最低 GPA 所需的课程并稍后申请专业。

Postgraduate students may major in computer science, obtain a bachelor's degree in literature; obtain a bachelor's degree in science through registration in electrical engineering and computer science; or complete the courses required to acquire the lowest level of GPA and apply for it at a later stage.


As engineers and computer scientists often work together in teams, all students participating in these courses are encouraged to attend the exchange courses.


Research-oriented or industry-oriented courses may be chosen by graduate students to prepare them for continuing research-related work or entering the job market.

  该系的教职员工和校友创立了近 900 家公司。以前的学生包括史蒂夫沃兹尼亚克,他与史蒂夫乔布斯共同创立了苹果公司。

The faculty's staff and alumni have created nearly 900 companies. Former students include Steve Wozniak, who, together with Steve Jobs, founded Apple.


3. Carnegie Melon University

  位于宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡,卡内基梅隆大学 是一所私立研究型大学,由苏格兰实业家安德鲁·卡内基于 1900 年创立。

University of Carnegie Melon & nbsp, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; a private research university founded by Scottish industrialist Andrew Cane in 1900.


The Faculty of Computer Sciences of Carnegie Melon University offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the fields of neuronumeracy, computational biology, language technology and machine studies.


In the spring, students will be able to present the results of their work at a university-wide “thinking conference” on undergraduate studies.


There are also a wide range of master's programmes, many of which are the first in the world, including masters in automation science and computer visuals.

  该大学在脑科学和无人驾驶汽车等领域进行研究。它也是第一个在 1982 年由 Scott Fahlman 教授在电子邮件中创建“微笑”的机构。

The University studied in the fields of brain science and unmanned cars. It was also the first to create a "smiling" institution in 1982 by Professor Scott Fahlman by e-mail.

  2.麻省理工学院(MIT)[ wWW.JAB88.COM]

2. MIT [wW.JAB88.COM]

  这 麻省理工学院(MIT) 是一所独立的男女同校私立研究型大学,位于马萨诸塞州剑桥市。

This & nbsp; MIT is an independent co-educational private research university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Students can study computer science or combine computer science with other disciplines for degrees.


The undergraduate computer science course includes mandatory modules such as programming, software construction and artificial intelligence, as well as optional courses in the areas of database systems, language engineering and microcalculation.


The University does not have a master's degree in computer science, but has a Ph.D. programme.


Technological advances recognized by MIT included the invention of radar and magnetic core storage, which made the development of digital computers possible.

  麻省理工学院计算机科学专业的毕业生继续创办了一些最具影响力的科技公司。其中包括以太网的共同发明人罗伯特·梅特卡夫;Dropbox 的联合创始人德鲁·休斯顿 (Drew Houston)。

Graduates from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in computer science continue to create some of the most influential technology companies. Among them are the co-inventor of Ethernet, Robert Metkaf; and the co-founder of Dropbox, Drew Houston.


1. Stanford University

  斯坦福大学计算机科学系成立于 1965 年,提供一系列学士、硕士和博士学位。

Founded in 1965, the Faculty of Computer Sciences of Stanford University offers a range of bachelors, masters and doctorates.


The undergraduate computer science course at Stanford University covers areas such as programming, artificial intelligence, biology, computer engineering and graphics. All students take the same six courses in the first year. In the second half of their degree, they can choose one area to focus on.


Students in computer science can choose courses in software theory, theoretical computer science, and computer and network security.

  鉴于该机构对创新的关注,斯坦福大学的毕业生以其创业精神而闻名也就不足为奇了。校友包括谷歌、Netflix、WhatsApp、Instagram 和 Palantir Technologies 的创始人。事实上,由斯坦福大学附属机构创立的公司年收入超过 2.7 万亿美元,相当于世界第 10 大经济体。

Given the agency’s interest in innovation, it is not surprising that Stanford graduates are well known for their entrepreneurship. Alumni include Google, Netflix, Whatsapp, Instagram, and Palantir Technologies.



  随着对毕业生开放的角色范围不断扩大,计算机科学学位对学生来说是一个不错的选择。从支持公司的 IT 基础设施到创建应用程序或在银行和金融服务部门工作,计算机科学专业的毕业生可以选择的途径范围很广。

As the range of roles open to graduates expands, computer science degrees are a good option for students. From supporting companies’ IT infrastructure to creating applications or working in the banking and financial services sector, there is a wide range of options available to graduates in computer science.


The United Kingdom has some of the world's most prominent universities, many of which are at the forefront of computer science research and are supported by dedicated and ongoing funding.


Universities in the United Kingdom offer a series of single, joint or multidisciplinary courses in computer science, information systems, software engineering, artificial intelligence and health informatics.


The following are the best degree universities in computer science in the United Kingdom.


5. London University College


UCL is located in the centre of London and is a constituent college of the University of London. It is a member of the well-known Russell Group and a global leader in the field of experimental computer science research.


Its degree programme covers the use of computer systems in the commercial, industrial, governmental and scientific fields and provides industry contacts for students throughout the course of the degree through close links between the University College of London and the leading finance and science companies in London.

  在本科阶段, UCL的计算机科学课程包括计算机科学学士学位、四年制计算机科学硕士学位和四年制数学计算硕士学位。

UCL computer science courses at this stage include a bachelor's degree in computer science, a four-year master's degree in computer science and a four-year master's degree in mathematics.

  许多学生经营的社团专注于技术、计算和工程。TechSoc 和数据科学学会每学期组织并提供一个包含讲座、编程马拉松、竞赛和社交活动的完整计划,供计算专业的学生参与。

TechSoc and the Institute of Data Sciences organize and provide a complete programme of lectures, programming marathons, competitions, and social events for the participation of students in the computing profession each semester.


4. University of Edinburgh


The University of Edinburgh Institute of Information (computer science) is the largest centre for informatics research in Europe. It offers a wide range of courses, from theoretical to more practical degrees, enabling every student to tailor their learning experiences to their own interests.


The University also follows the United States model, usually a four-year degree, and students can study two additional subjects in the first two years, as well as the subjects of their choice.


The University also has a master's programme in flagship informatics, in which students build basic knowledge in the field in the first three years and then continue to advance courses, projects and work experience in the fourth and fifth years.


3. Imperial Institute of Technology


The undergraduate and postgraduate computer science departments are located at the Imperial College of Technology in London and have designed courses based on the technical and transferable skills required by the student industry, with a particular focus on the ability to adapt to the changing and challenging computing industry.


They offer courses in artificial intelligence, international computing, management and finance, security and reliability, software engineering and virtual computing and robotic technology.


In the first year, students will start working in laboratories for basic mathematics, computer systems, databases and algorithms, and programming. As they enter the second year, students will start studying computer and communication systems, language processing and computing bases.


2. Cambridge University


In the second and third years, students can concentrate on the modules of their choice. They cover all aspects of modern computer science, as well as the basic theories and foundations of economics, law and commerce.

  学生将培养实用技能,例如使用 OCaml、Java、C/C++ 和 Prolog 等各种语言进行编程。

Students will develop practical skills, such as programming in various languages such as OCaml, Java, C/C++ and Prolog.


Specially constructed computer science and technology departments are equipped with state-of-the-art, state-of-the-art speaking halls, specialized functional rooms, book-rich libraries and even a café.


In the course, the student completes the group project, in which the small team delivers the product to an external client to ensure the relevant industry experience.

  该地区有 1,000 多家专业计算和先进技术公司以及商业实验室,因此有“硅沼泽”的绰号。凭借与科技公司的紧密联系,剑桥大学的计算机专业学生经常在暑假期间获得该领域的实习机会。

There are more than 1,000 specialized computing and advanced technology companies and commercial laboratories in the region, so they have the nickname “silicon swamp.” With close ties to technology companies, Cambridge University computer students often receive internships in this field during summer holidays.


University of Oxford .


Although computer science is a relatively modern discipline, Oxford University has one of the oldest departments in the country, formerly the Oxford University Computing Laboratory.


The University of Oxford computer science course covers a range of areas, including computing biology, quantum computing, computational linguistics, information systems, software validation and software engineering.


They will also acquire the skills to solve practical problems and process design; most of the subjects in the curriculum are linked to practical work in well-equipped laboratories.


The Master of Advanced Computer Science programme is only one of many postgraduate computer science-related courses at Oxford University.


Like other students, students in computer science — both undergraduate and graduate — will belong to a college at Oxford University, where they live, eat, socialize and study.




Computer science is one of the fastest-growing industries, with new jobs and professions emerging.

  澳大利亚的科技行业得到了包括国家宽带网络 (NBN) 在内的主要基础设施投资的支持。

Australia's science and technology industry is supported by major infrastructure investments, including the National Broadband Network (NBN).


Australia is a popular student destination known for its high quality education and wide range of career opportunities.

  泰晤士高等教育计算机科学排名中约有 28 所大学位于澳大利亚,其中 7 所澳大利亚大学跻身前 100 名。

Some 28 universities of higher education in the computer sciences rank of Thames are located in Australia, of which 7 are among the top 100 universities.


5. Sydney University of Technology

  计算机科学学院悉尼科技大学 提供一系列计算机科学本科课程,包括信息系统、计算科学和游戏开发。还有信息技术研究生课程,可以采用研究生文凭或硕士课程等形式进行。

University of Technology & nbsp, Faculty of Computer Sciences, Sydney; offers a range of undergraduate courses in computer science, including information systems, computing science and play development.


The University's research covers a wide range of areas of computer science and information technology, including artificial intelligence and quantum computing, data analysis, interpersonal interaction and intelligent information systems.

  学生设施包括计算机实验室和 UTS 科学超级实验室,200 多名学生可以同时进行不同学科的实验。

Student facilities include computer laboratories and the UTS Science Super Laboratory, where more than 200 students can experiment in different disciplines at the same time.


The Sydney University of Technology is part of the Australian Technology Network, a network of five prominent universities committed to working with industry and government to provide practical and professional courses.


4. Australian National University

  成立于2006年,澳大利亚国立大学 工程与计算机科学学院由系统工程系(1981)演变而来。如今,它为学生提供了参与研究并与该领域专家交流的机会。

Founded in 2006, the Australian National University & nbsp; the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences has evolved from the Department of Systems Engineering (1981). It now offers students the opportunity to participate in research and interact with experts in the field.


Its degree in engineering uses a “system approach” to study, enabling graduates to develop an integrated set of skills to design, analyse and manage complex systems.


The University offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in computer science.


The National University of Australia is closely linked to several large technology and finance companies such as Google, Boeing, KPMG and Microsoft.


University of Sydney .

  这悉尼大学 成立于1850年。

University of Sydney & nbsp; founded in 1850.


Most computer science courses are accredited by the Australian Computer Association at the University of Sydney.


The University's College of Computer Sciences offers courses in artificial intelligence, machine learning, algorithms, visualization, health informatics, people-centred technology, web platforms, security, information systems and service computing.

  该部门还通过其生物医学和健康信息学研究项目与医院建立联系,而其与行业的联系包括与微软、IBM 和思科等公司的合作。

The sector is also linked to hospitals through its biomedical and health informatics research projects, and its linkages with the industry include cooperation with companies such as Microsoft, IBM and Cisco.

  它还拥有一系列先进的专用设施,包括使用 Dell EMC 的 Artemis 3 超级计算机。

It also has a range of advanced specialized facilities, including the Artemis 3 supercomputer using Dell EMC.


2. Monash University

  莫纳什大学是一所位于澳大利亚维多利亚州墨尔本的公立研究型大学,拥有澳大利亚领先的 IT 教师。

Monash University is a public research university in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, with the leading IT teacher in Australia.

  该大学成立于 1958 年,是该州第二大大学。

Founded in 1958, the University is the second largest university in the state.


The undergraduates have the option of pursuing a single and double degree ranging from a bachelor's degree in applied data sciences to a bachelor's degree in engineering and computer science.


All students will learn technical skills, computational theory, and mathematics skills. Most importantly, a third of the courses will be optional, and students will have the opportunity to choose anything from additional data science modules and network security to mobile or game development and immersion media.


University of Melbourne .


The University of Melbourne is a public research university in Melbourne, Australia. It was founded in 1853 as the second oldest university in Australia.


The University of Melbourne College of Computers and Information Systems has been at the forefront of technological progress. It has played a role in deciphering Australia’s first computer and managing the first Internet connection.


For undergraduates, the University offers five IT specializations in the baccalaureate of science or in the baccalaureate of design.


Post-graduate research projects are led by internationally accredited teachers. The University is carrying out a large number of research projects that address industrial, commercial, governmental and social issues.


recommends reading:


2023 World University rankings are published: What are the rankings of countries?


2023 detailed analysis of the ranking of countries at the World University of Thames


2023 World University of Thames ranking and country performance (attached to 2023 World University of Thamestop100)


World University rankings 2023: Educational Sciences: Summary of Performances of Hot Country rankings!




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