
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:54 评论:0
12.8号 虚拟币圈 新闻速递12.8, Virtual Currency Circle, News Express. 1.12月7日消息,加密借贷公司Nexo宣布与机构加密托管人富达数字资产(Fidelity Digital...



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12.8号 虚拟币圈 新闻速递

12.8, Virtual Currency Circle, News Express.

1.12月7日消息,加密借贷公司Nexo宣布与机构加密托管人富达数字资产(Fidelity Digital Assets)进行一项新的合作,以推出一系列产品,旨在为机构投资者提供更多的加密业务。

1. On 7 December, an encrypted lending company, Nexio, announced a new collaboration with the agency's encryption trustee, Fidelity Digital Assets, to launch a range of products aimed at providing institutional investors with more encryption operations.

2.专注于加密货币的酒店预订平台Travala表示,在民意调查后,现已接受Shiba Inu(SHIB)作为一种支付方式。这意味着SHIB现在可用于预订全球超过220万家酒店和住宿。

The hotel reservation platform Travala, which focuses on encrypted currency, states that, following a poll, Shiba Inu (SHIB) has been accepted as a payment modality. This means that SHIB can now book more than 2.2 million hotels and accommodations worldwide.


3. According to official sources, Coinbase announced the launch of an open source password library, Kryptology, designed to help developers to innovate using state-of-the-art encryption techniques.

4.据美国中央情报局 (CIA) 局长Bill Burns透露,他们已经建立了几个加密项目,此消息传出后再次引发加密社区热议,因为此前有阴谋论称CIA参与创造了比特币。

4. According to the Director of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Bill Burns, several encryption projects have been set up, and this information has been circulated to rekindle the encrypt community debate, following a conspiracy theory that the CIA was involved in the creation of Bitcoin.

5.根据The Block Research的数据,11月以太坊挖矿收入连续第七个月超过比特币。上个月,比特币矿工的收入为16.9亿美元,环比下降2%。相反,以太坊矿工的收入为19.9亿美元,与10月份相比增长了11.8%,11月份的总体收入是比特币矿工收入的1.18倍。

5. According to data from The Block Research, in November, the revenue from the pit mine exceeded that of Bitcoin for the seventh month in a row. Last month, Bitcoin miners earned $1.69 billion, a 2 per cent decline in the ring. On the contrary, the income of the pit miners was $1.99 billion, an 11.8 per cent increase compared to October, and the total income in November was 1.18 times that of the Bitcoin miners.

6.全球最大的NFT市场OpenSea已任命Brian Roberts为其首位首席财务官。Roberts此前担任拼车应用Lyft的首席财务官,他拥有丰富的经验。虽然Roberts向彭博社承认,他对加密行业的经验并不丰富,但他很快就分享了为该平台筹集更多资金的意图。Roberts还表示,OpenSea首次公开募股IPO可能很快就会发生。这仅仅意味着,该公司可能会首次在证券交易所向公众出售其股权。

6. The world’s largest NFT market, Open Sea, has appointed Brian Roberts as its first chief finance officer. Roberts was formerly the chief finance officer of the car-sharing application Lyft, who had extensive experience. Although Roberts admitted to Bloomberg that he had not had much experience in the encryption industry, he quickly shared his intention to raise more funds for the platform. Roberts also indicated that OpenSea’s first public collection of IPOs could happen soon. This simply means that for the first time, the company might sell its shares to the public on a stock exchange.

7.12月7日,据Crypto Quant分析师Venture Founder透露,第三大BTC巨鲸在一天内购入2,700多枚BTC,过去两周内累计购入超5,600枚BTC。据数据显示,BTC自12月4日从58,000美元暴跌至42,000美元的低点时,该巨鲸没有进行任何购买行为。但在12月7日早些时候,BTC收回50,000美元支撑位后,该巨鲸以平均50,621美元的价格购买了2,702枚BTC,本次购买投入接近1.4亿美元。

7. On 7 December, Crypto Quant analyst Venture Founder revealed that the third-largest BTC whale had purchased more than 2,700 BTCs in one day and accumulated more than 5,600 BTCs in the last two weeks. According to data, the BTC had not made any purchases since its collapse from $58,000 to a low of $42,000 on 4 December. However, earlier on 7 December, BTC had purchased 2,702 BTCs at an average price of $50,621, with the purchase input approaching $140 million.


根据 9 月 29 日的新闻稿,币安矿池已正式为矿工推出以太坊工作证明(ETHW)矿池。随着合并后以太坊挖矿的结束,EthereumPoW 硬分叉以太坊以引入 ETHW 代币,以继续在以太坊工作量证明链上挖矿。

According to a press release dated September 29, the Arsenal has officially launched the Etherm Work Certificate (ETHW) for miners. With the merger, EtheriumPow hard splits into Ether to introduce ETHW tokens to continue mining on the chain of Etherm Work Certificates.


The merger will leave the workload behind to demonstrate that mining can improve efficiency and make energy resources more rational. This is also an important reform achieved by virtual investment.




The merger was completed on 15 September 2022 with Etheria 2.0, but it did not work well, as follows: after Etheria's successful merger of 9.15, EtheriumPooW (ETHW), a break-off team advocating the retention of the EtherPow mining mechanism, was also on the same page, with no expectation that it would be detrimental, that the ChainID Ulong incident would cause users to cry " lack of access to the network ", and that it would be in a state of disarray, and that the ETHW, which was already on the downside trend, would be further frustrated.


Is Ether now ready to meet London's hard fork?


As Ether is preparing to activate its eleventh backward escalation, also known as the “hard fork”, on Wednesday, 4 August, some developers are concerned that the upgrade may be subject to additional testing prior to deployment.

在7月23日星期五举行的每两周一次的以太坊核心开发者会议之后不久,以太坊基金会的提姆·贝科在所有的核心开发者Discord 聊天室中写道,“有几个人已经联系或发推文说他们不一定对不延迟[硬分叉]感到满意……我[在会议上]询问了这个问题,似乎没有人有强烈的意见,但有些人提到这可能不是正确的方法。”

Shortly after the biweekly conference of the Ethers Core Developers, held on Friday, 23 July, Tim Beko of the Taibe Foundation wrote in all the core developers Discord chat rooms that “a few people have contacted or sent tweets that they are not necessarily satisfied with the non-delaying [hard splits]... I [at the meeting] asked the question and there seems to be no strong opinion, but some have mentioned that this may not be the correct approach”.


In response to Beko's comments, Alexei Ahunov, a client developer of Taiwan software, expressed his agreement that, in the light of recent events, there was no more discussion at the biweekly meetings that might delay the hard fork known as “London”.

“我想我知道为什么,”阿胡诺夫写道。“推迟 [伦敦] 是一个敏感话题,没有人愿意承受压力,这是可以理解的。”

"I think I know why," Ahunov wrote, "Delay [London] is a sensitive topic, and no one wants to be under pressure, which is understandable."


Others in the chat room begged the Etherm developers to seriously consider postponing further testing in London in a few weeks.


Concerns about the risk of escalation in London – including controversial code changes affecting the Etheraya cost market, known as the Etheria Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1559 – have grown since an error was found in the Ethay software client.


As a background, Geth is the most popular software used to connect to Ethernodes.org. According to Ethernodes.org, an estimated 86% of all computers that are synchronized to the Ethemi network (also known as nodes) run Geth client software.


On Wednesday, 21 July, a month ago, the London hard-distributed Ether test network, Ropsten, was launched to dig into a block an invalid transaction at the point of operation of Geth, while the nodes of the few clients Besu and Open Etheria rejected it.

几个小时内,Geth团队发布了一个补丁程序,并鼓励所有用户将他们的软件更新到最新版本号Terra Nova1.10.6。

Within a few hours, the Geth team released a patch program and encouraged all users to update their software to the latest version, Terra Nova1.10.6.


While no developer believed that the gap should delay the activation of the main network in London during the telephone conference on Friday, some developers did discuss the appropriate course of action if such gaps were to be found in the Etherm rather than in the testing network.


"What would we do if something like this happened on the main web site, especially where most of the clients, Geth, were producing blocks? Obviously, it would take hours to repair, and Becko said during the meeting.


Martin Horst Svend of the Ether End Foundation stressed that these loopholes were not unprecedented on Ropsten and that although they were “probably cumbersome”, there were two ways to solve them.


First, if the user’s node follows the wrong version of the block chain, the user will need to “rewind” the chain internally to the block before the chain splits and synchronize it to the new one using the patched Geth software. Secondly, if the user’s node has not been synchronized to one version of the block node, but attempts are being made to connect to the network to collect data on the most recent transaction or to execute the transaction, the user may eventually connect to the wrong version of the chain. In order to avoid this situation, the user will need to “get on the white list” some of the nodes of the correct chain followed by the taupe and separate them from the other nodes that are stuck in the wrong chain.


Both the rewinding and the white list can be done through Geth. Miners on Ropsten can use these tactics to resolve the chain breakup that occurred last Wednesday, although a miner at the Friday meeting pointed out that instructions to repair the chain breakup had not been effectively communicated before the events of Wednesday, thus creating confusion among many miners about how to properly restart the node.

用户“AlexSSD7”在Discord 聊天室中写道,作为以太坊矿池的代表,他们“担心”Geth中的错误,并指出,“一分钟的[网络]停机时间让我们付出了很多代价。一小时的停机时间对我们来说是2万美元。”

The user Alex SSD7 wrote in Discord chat room that, as representatives of the Ethermis pits, they were “concerning” about the errors in Geth and pointed out that “one minute of [net] downtime has cost us a lot. The one-hour downtime is $20,000 for us.”


Unforeseen errors in client software do damage exchanges and businesses operating on the main network, which is why developers stress the need for a robust monitoring system that can quickly alert node operators to split the chain and encourage them to suspend operations until further investigation.


“This seems to be a very easy outcome, providing a value tone for the ecosystem. If you're not sure how to start, ask in Discord,” Becco said at the Friday meeting.


These solutions would certainly be helpful if mistakes similar to those that occurred on Wednesday were to be repeated after the deployment of London on the main web site, but they are not necessarily the same solutions used to solve larger-scale problems, such as the miraculous printing of 100 million ETHs by hackers.


In the event of such a catastrophic event, Danny Ryan of the Taiwan Foundation stated at the Friday meeting that it was difficult to know in advance how the developers would proceed.


“I think there are many options for the multiple types of errors and multiple types of characteristics that will arise.” Ryan says.


The greater the impact of a network gap, the more intrusive a solution to the gap is — and the greater the damage to the reputation of the Taiqing as a chain of safety blocks.


As the recent hard fork in the ETA development road map becomes increasingly ambitious, identifying potential solutions to worst-case scenarios and damage control schemes with network rights holders may soon become a top priority for developers.

Fountain联合创始人马修·香森说:“传统市场的DeFi:当安全代币出现时。” 。 亮点 : Fountain是以太坊上的一个去中心化交易所,使用户能够买卖安全代币。香森强调了区块链技术提供的流动性和可访问性,每天24小时可访问并允许即时结算。证券通证化还有其他一些好处,包括进一步提高可访问性的资产透明度和分拆。然而,建立一个完全去中心化的证券交易所有很多挑战。入职客户和新证券都需要遵守国际法规,包括了解客户法律和托管许可证。

Fountain's co-founder, Matthew Chanson, said: “DeFi: When secure tokens appear in traditional markets.” Fountain had other benefits, including greater transparency and fragmentation of accessible assets. However, there were many challenges in establishing a fully decentralized stock exchange. Entry and new securities required compliance with international regulations, including knowledge of customer laws and custody licences.

“信贷授权的力量”,Aave创始人斯坦尼·库莱霍夫的演讲。亮点: Aave是一个建立在以太坊基础上的去中心化借贷协议。该协议背后的团队已经开发出一种可以提供零抵押贷款的产品。库莱霍夫认为,这是在将DeFi流动性引入实体经济和推动Aave借贷需求方面向前迈出的一步。

“The Power of Credit Authorization,” a speech by Aave’s founder, Stani Culehoff. Highlight: Aave is a decentralized loan agreement based on Ether. The team behind the agreement has developed a product that can provide zero mortgages.

以太坊创造者维塔利克·巴特林所说的“DeFi之外的事情”。亮点: 除金融服务外,社交媒体和公共产品融资是以太坊尚未开展的两项活动。巴特林认为,网络的代币经济和抵抗审查是这些活动能够从建立在去中心化区块链之上获益的两个原因。

In addition to financial services, the financing of social media and public goods is two activities that have not yet been carried out in the neighbourhood. According to Batrin, the network’s token economy and censorship of resistance are two reasons why these activities can benefit from being built on the chain of decentralized blocks.

“Uniswap,DeFi消费金融的未来”,Uniswap增长负责人Ashleigh Schap的谈话。亮点: Uniswap实验室正试图与Talos、Paxos和Fireblocks等区块链基础设施公司建立合作关系,将DeFi解决方案连接到PayPal和E*Trade等知名金融 科技 公司的后端。

“The Future of Uniswap, DeFi Consumption Finance”, interview with Ashleigh Schap, Uniswap Growth Manager. Highlight: Uniswap Lab is trying to establish a partnership with block infrastructure companies such as Talos, Paxos and Fireblocks to connect the DeFi solution to the back end of well-known financial technology companies such as PayPal and E*Trade.

Circle协议开发者朱利安·布特卢普谈到“为什么DEX正在吞噬世界”。亮点: 在最好的情况下,[去中心化金融]允许世界公民平等地使用所有货币、股票和金融平台。随着领域的发展,去中心化将成为一种趋势。监管者将监督传统金融界使用的协议,用户仍将有权进入DeFi如今的“狂野西部”试验场。

Julian Boutlupp, the developer of the Circle Accord, spoke of “Why DEX is devouring the world.” Bright spot: In the best case, [ decentralized finance allowed equal access to all monetary, stock, and financial platforms for the world’s citizens . As the field evolves, decentralization will become a trend. Regulators will monitor the protocols used by the traditional financial community, and users will still have the right to enter the “War West” test site of DeFi today.

#比特币[超话]# #数字货币#


ETH 2.0 的影响:以太坊网络用户会很高兴,因为 ETH 将改变其费用结构,用户将为交易支付更少的费用。这意味着当前的矿工将减少每笔交易的新包含费用,而不是以太坊的拍卖式费用市场,但预计由于 PoS 的能源效率提高和数量的增加,他们的每笔交易成本将下降。由于成本较低,用户和验证者都受益,因此交易量会更高。

ETH 2.0 Impact: Ethernet users will be pleased, because ETH will change its cost structure, and users will pay less for the transaction. This means that the miners will currently reduce the new inclusion cost of each transaction, rather than the auction cost market, but their transaction costs are expected to decrease as a result of greater energy efficiency and volume of PoS. Because of lower costs, users and certifications benefit more.

ETH 2.0 降低的成本和更高的速度将使更多类型的 Defi 交易成为可能,并为新的和不同类型的安全令牌、NFT 和其他分布式金融应用程序提供机会,这些应用程序在 ETH 1.0 中没有经济意义。

ETH 2.0 Lower costs and higher speed will make more types of Defi transactions possible and provide opportunities for new and different types of security badges, NFTs and other distributed financial applications that have no economic significance in ETH 1.0.

ETH 2.0 还将允许使用零知识汇总和乐观汇总的更复杂和更便宜的智能合约。通过汇总,所有交易数据都以比使用常规基于区块链的交易更便宜的方式捆绑并在以太坊上可用。汇总所需的计算负载是在链下完成的,进一步提高了吞吐量和交易成本效率。

ETH 2.0 will also allow the use of more complex and cheaper smart contracts with zero-knowledge and optimistic aggregations. By aggregation, all transaction data are tied in a cheaper way than conventional block-based transactions and are available in the Taiku. The calculated load required for aggregation is done under the chain, further increasing the efficiency of throughput and transaction costs.

分片将使网络民主化,最终使普通用户能够在个人设备上操作以太坊。越来越多的网络参与者将进一步分散区块链。ETH 的发行量也会减少;ETH 联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 曾表示,在 ETH 2.0 下,新代币的发行量应在每年 10 万至 200 万之间,低于目前的每年 470 万,这可能会增加硬币需求。

It will democratize the network and eventually enable ordinary users to operate on their personal devices. More and more participants in the network will further diversify the block chain. The distribution of ETH will also decrease; the ETH co-founder of ETH, Vitalik Buterin, has stated that under ETH 2.0, the distribution of the new currency should be between 100,000 and 2 million per year, down from the current level of 4.7 million per year, which could increase the demand for coins.



ETH 2.0 升级将使这个有益的全球去中心化智能合约系统能够以其速度、安全性和可靠性的愿景向前发展,减少其碳足迹,并为投资者提供公平的竞争环境,通过赌注他们对 ETH 的未来拥有民主发言权以太坊。以太坊 2.0 是对已经最广泛用于智能合约的区块链网络的必要升级。随着加密货币、智能合约 Dapp 和 NFT 的接受度不断增长,以太坊 2.0 网络的可扩展性无疑将吸引更多用户,使其成为首选服务。

ETH 2.0 Upgrade will enable this beneficial global decentralised smart contract system to move forward with its vision of speed, security and reliability, reduce its carbon footprint and provide investors with a level playing field in which they will have a democratic say in the future of ETH by betting on it. Etheraya 2.0 is a necessary upgrade to the network of block chains that have been used most widely for smart contracts. As the acceptance of encrypted money, smart contracts Dapp and NFT grows, the expansion of the network will undoubtedly attract more users and make it a preferred service.


The above-mentioned article is a detailed answer to and by the timing of the latest news events in Etheria, in the hope that it will help everyone; and if you want to learn more about financial information, remember to keep an eye on us.

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