Despite the volatility of the digital currency market, in 2023 many investors were keen to add value to their wealth through bitcoin mining. In order to help newcomers get into business quickly, the currency network has launched a three-step course to teach you how to install bitcoin mining software and ponds to help you embark on a mining trip!
挖矿前奏:万事俱备,只欠东风1. 前期装备:购置显卡、注册比特币钱包、下载挖矿软件,这些都是挖矿的必备武器。显卡的性能直接影响挖矿效率,钱包则是存放挖得比特币的“金库”,而挖矿软件则是驱动矿机运转的关键。
Prior-period equipment: the acquisition of visible cards, the registration of Bitcoin wallets and the downloading of mining software are essential weapons for mining.
2. 矿池抉择:在众多矿池中挑选一家信誉良好、抽成合理的作为你的挖矿联盟。注册账号并完成个性化设置,与全球矿工共襄盛举,提升挖矿成功率。
2. Pool options: select a well-reputed and reasonable mining union from a large number of ponds.
3. 挖矿启动:下载并安装比特币挖矿机软件,根据指引进行初始配置,一键启动,矿机即刻投入工作。同时,别忘了在交易所注册账号,用于存储挖得的比特币,便于后续买卖操作。
3. Mining start-up: download and install the Bitcoin excavator software, make the initial configuration in accordance with the guidelines, start with the key, and the miner is immediately operational. At the same time, do not forget to register the account number on the exchange for storing the dug-up bitcoin to facilitate follow-up operations.
4. 跨境转移:挖得比特币后,通过交易所将其从海外平台安全转移到国内网站,确保资产在国内市场的流通性。挖矿所得既可以即时挂单出售,亦可静待升值,灵活掌握投资节奏。
4. Cross-border transfers: After digging out bitcoins, secure transfers of assets from overseas platforms to domestic websites through exchanges to ensure the circulation of assets in the domestic market.
软件配置:矿机的灵魂,挖矿的动力1. 软件下载:连接好矿机硬件后,选择一款适合自己的挖矿软件下载至控制矿机的电脑。对于技术小白,推荐使用如EasyMiner这类带图形界面的Windows版软件,操作直观便捷,兼容多种操作系统。
1. Software download: After connecting to the hardware of the miner, select a computer suitable for downloading its own mining software to the mine control machine. For technical whites, it is recommended that the Windows version with a graphical interface, such as EasyMiner, be operated in a straightforward manner and compatible with a variety of operating systems.
2. 矿池加盟:矿池犹如矿工的集体战舰,汇聚众力提升挖矿速度,对抗大型矿场。免费加入矿池,只需接受其从挖矿收益中抽取约1%-2%的管理费。加入矿池意味着更快见利,避免单打独斗的漫长等待。
2. The ponds are like a collective warship of miners, bringing together people to raise the pace of mining against large mines. Joining the ponds free of charge is subject only to a management fee of about 1 to 2% of the proceeds of mining.
3. 矿机接入:选定矿池并设置好矿工账户后,进入ASIC矿机配置界面,输入矿池IP、矿工名及密码。保存设置后,矿工即刻投身矿池,开始贡献算力。通过矿池账户实时监控矿工状态,初期可能需等待一小时左右才能看到哈希率数据。
3. Miner access: After selecting and setting up the miners'accounts, enter the ASIC configuration interface and enter the pit IP, miner's name, and password. Once stored, the miners immediately enter the pond and start contributing to the calculation. Real-time monitoring of the miners'status through the pond accounts may take about one hour to see the Hashi rate data at an early stage.
4. 提币入库:挖矿所得比特币定期转入安全的钱包中妥善保管。矿池通常提供自动或手动提币功能,部分矿池设有最低提币限额(如0.001 BTC),低于该值可能产生小额手续费。
4. Deposit of coins: Bitcoins from mining are regularly transferred to secure wallets.
挖矿门槛:技术、硬件与团队精神1. 钱包先行:比特币挖矿的第一步,就是获取一个安全可靠的比特币钱包,作为日后存放挖矿成果的“保险箱”。钱包可选择本地存储保证隐私,或云端存储便于随时访问。
Wallet: The first step in mining bitcoin is to obtain a safe and reliable bitcoin wallet as a “safe box” for later deposits of mining results.
2. 硬件升级:挖矿竞争激烈,一台高性能的ASIC矿机是制胜关键。预算范围从数千元至数万元不等,价格与运算速度成正比。投资矿机,就是投资未来的挖矿收益。
2. Hardware upgrades: Mining is highly competitive, and a high-performance ASIC miner is the key to success. The budget range varies from tens of thousands to tens of thousands, and the price is proportional to the rate of operation.
3. 共享力量:面对日益复杂的挖矿难题,个体矿工往往难以独立攻克。加入“矿池”或比特币协会,借力群体智慧,分摊成本,共享收益,实现共赢。
Strength-sharing: In the face of increasingly complex mining challenges, artisanal miners tend to struggle independently. Joining a “pool” or a Bitcoin association, using community wisdom, sharing costs, sharing benefits and achieving win-wins.
4. 软件安装:下载专业的比特币挖矿程序,为你的矿机注入灵魂,使其具备挖矿能力。安装完毕,矿机即可正式开启挖矿之旅。
4. Software installation: Download a specialized bitcoin mining program to inject the soul into your miner and equip it with the capacity to excavate.
In recent times, bitcoin prices have jumped dramatically, and miners have been the first victims. The price of mining machines has fallen “on the cliff,” and some have fallen to the point of selling.
However, the high energy consumption in the “mining” industry has given rise to environmental controversy, particularly as a result of the surge in Bitcoin prices, which has led to a sharp increase in electricity consumption. As the world’s largest bitcoin-based “mines” in Sichuan and Inner Mongolia are heavily concentrated, they face severe energy pressures.
For example, in 2021, a branded NB-1062-bitcoin mine cost 34,000 and an average monthly electricity cost of approximately $630. On this basis, the total cost of digging out a bitcoin is as high as 97,000, including 34,000 miners and 63,000 electricity.
It takes about 556 days to excavate a full bitcoin, using a common home computer. If you want to shorten the mining cycle and improve the efficiency of mining, you can only upgrade hardware equipment or join a pond to speed up the output of bitcoin with group strength.
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