To sum up this year's block incentive by half, in the order of the half-time period:
一、BEAM 减半时间2020年1月4日,市值约2700万美元,减半后区块奖励:50BEAM 简评:这是一个匿名币项目,创始团队频出丑闻。
On 4 January 2020, the BEAM was halved, with a market value of approximately $27 million and a post-half block incentive: 50 BEAM Summary: This is an anonymous currency project with frequent scandals on the founding team.
二、ETC 减半时间2020年3月5日,市值约5.1亿美元,减半后区块奖励:3.2ETC 简评:以太经典逐渐和以太坊兼容,未来在DeFi领域可能会有一定价值。
ii. ETC halved on 5 March 2020 with a market value of about $510 million and a post-half block incentive: 3.2ETC Summary: The Ether Classic is gradually compatible with Ether and may be of some value in the future in the area of DeFi.
三、BCH 减半时间2020年4月,市值37亿美元,,减半后区块奖励:减半后区块奖励:6.25BCH 简评:“太子”的价值不如比特币
By April 2020, BCH had a market value of $3.7 billion and a post-half block incentive: after halving the block incentive: 6.25 BCH Summary: "The Prince" is less valuable than Bitcoin
四、BSV 减半时间2020年4月,市值17亿美元,减半后区块奖励 :6.26BSV 简评:同上
iv. BSV halving April 2020 with a market value of $1.7 billion and a post-half block incentive: 6.26 BSV Summary: Idem
五、BTC 减半时间2020年5月13日,市值1300亿美元,减半后区块奖励:6.25BTC 简评:请看肖恩之前的各种文章。
V. BTC, on May 13, 2020, with a market value of US$ 130 billion and a post-half block incentive: 6.25 BTC Summary: See various articles before Sean.
六、DASH 减半时间2020年5月,市值3.8亿美元,减半后区块奖励:3.34DASH 简评:匿名支付币的头部项目,在拉美等地区的日常支付中有所使用,今年被日本知名交易所CoinCheck下架。
VI. DASH, with a market value of $380 million in May 2020 and a post-half block incentive: 3.34 DASH Summary: An anonymous front line for currency payments, used in daily payments in regions such as Latin America, was set up this year by CoinCheck, a prominent Japanese exchange.
七、XZC 减半时间2020年9月,市值2700万美元,减半后区块奖励:6.25XZC 简评:匿名币的新兴币种,官方宣布还在最后测试阶段。
vii. XZC halved in September 2020 with a market value of US$ 27 million and a post-half block incentive: 6.25 XZC Summary: the new currency of anonymous currency, which was officially announced at the final test stage.
八、ZEC 减半时间2020年10月,市值约2.3亿,减半后区块奖励:6.25ZEC 简评:匿名币的主流币种,今年被日本知名交易所CoinCheck、Okex的韩国分部Okex Korea、Coinbase UK下架。
VIII. In October 2020, the market value of ZEC was halved to approximately 230 million, and the value of the block incentive was halved: 6.25 ZEC Summary: the mainstream currency of anonymous currency, which this year was taken down by CoinCheck, the Korean branch of Okex, Okex Korea, Coinbase UK, a prominent Japanese exchange.
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