
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:64 评论:0
因为Meta是全球最出名的元宇宙公司,所以有人用Meta代指元宇宙。Because Meta is the world's most famous meta-cosmo...



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Because Meta is the world's most famous meta-cosmos company, it's used to refer to the meta-cosmos.

2021年10月29日,互联网巨头Facebook正式更名为Meta,宣布全面进军元宇宙,创始人扎克伯格描绘了一个沉浸式的互联网,让人置身于社交、工作、运动、学习、游戏的虚拟世界。扎克伯格相信元宇宙是移动互联网的接替者,建造数字世界之间运转的元宇宙 *** 。

On October 29, 2021, Internet giant Facebook officially changed its name to Meta, announcing a full-scale march into the metrospace, and the founder, Zuckerberg, painted a immersed Internet that puts people in a virtual world of socialization, work, movement, learning, games. Zuckerberg believes that the metrocosmos is the successor to the mobile Internet, building a metrocosmos that operates between digital worlds***.


As Facebook changed its name to Meta, the hotness of the once-explosive meta-cosmos concept has now temporarily faded, even Meta’s own share price has been falling off a cliff since the beginning of the year, and it is questionable whether it could be part of a group of US-owned technology units like Apple Microsoft. Yet Zuckerberg is still trying to map the meta-cosm.


& ldquo; the meta-cosmos & rdquao; the term is derived from the science fiction novel Avalanche, published in 1992, which depicts such a scene & ldquao; with headphones and goggles on and access terminals, it is possible to enter virtual space that is simulated by computers and parallel to the real world. & rdquo; the virtual space is called & ldquao; metaverse&rdquao; i.e. the metaspace.

2021年,一个新奇的概念名词在 *** 上迅速蹿红,引发科技界和投资界的广泛关注。这个概念名词,就是“元宇宙”。

In 2021, a novel concept term was rapidly reverberated ***, drawing widespread attention from the scientific and investment communities. The concept term is & ldquao; the meta-cosmos & rdquao;

元宇宙(Metaverse)概念起源于科幻小说,或指向互联网的“终极形态”。Metaverse 一词来源于1992年作家 Neal Stephenson 的科幻小说《雪崩》,描述了一个人们 以虚拟形象在三维空间中与各种软件进行交互的世界。

The Metaverse concept originated in science fiction, or in &ldquao; ultimate form & & rdquao; & metaverse. The term came from 1992 author Neal Stephenson's science fiction, Avalanche, describing a world where people interact with software in a virtual image in a three-dimensional space.

尼尔·斯蒂芬森描述了一个平行于现实世界的 *** 世界,并将其命名为“元界”。所有现实世界中的人,在元界中都有一个“ *** 分身”。

Neil & Middot; Stephenson describes a world parallel to the real world *** and calls it & & & & & & & & & & ;. All people in the real world have a & & & & & & ; *** part & & & & ;

这个“元界”,英文原著中叫“Metaverse”。它由Meta和Verse两个词根组成,Meta表示“超越”、“元”, verse表示“宇宙universe”。

This & & & & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; in English, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ;

书中所说的“ *** 分身”,英文单词叫做Avatar。大家有没有很眼熟?

The book says & ldquao; *** bipolar & rdquao; English word called Avatar. Does anyone look familiar?


Yes, Avatar is & & ldquo; Avanda & & rdquo; in 2009, the famous American director James & Middot; the classic film in Cameron was named after it.


Avatar's original meaning is & ldquo; incarnate & rdquao; Hindus and Buddhists. Today, the virtual identity of players in computer games or chat rooms is also called Avatar.


And it's believed that you'll soon come to terms with the fact that the universe is not a real world, but a virtual one. In fact, the universe is, more accurately, a virtual world of the future.


Turning to the virtual world, it is believed that you will soon think of another classic film, that is Steven & Middot, the great director of the United States in 2018; & mdash; & mdash, directed by Spielberg; and The Number One Player.

电影《头号玩家》就描绘了我们向往的元宇宙的样子,它有完整运行的经济体系,跨越实体和数字世界,数据、数字物品、内容以及 IP 都可以在元宇宙通行,大家既在这个世界享用已有的设施,也可以自己参与创作,进而丰富繁荣整个宇宙。

The film Player One depicts the meta-cosmos to which we aspire, with a fully functioning economic system that cuts across the physical and digital world, data, digital objects, content and IPs that can travel through the meta-cosmos, where you can both enjoy existing facilities and participate in their creation, and thus enrich and flourish the universe as a whole.


The current meta-cosm concept of games, in particular chain travel, is far behind hand and end, due to technical and practitioners'limitations, and the creation of image rendering, play content and play methods, and the fact that chaining is stored in a distributed way on the chain also makes the game less responsive and less experienced.

其实很多游戏,特别是 RPG 游戏,创造了一个虚拟世界,里面有自己的社交场景,升级模式,自己世界观,自己的经济系统 ,有的游戏可以在上面创造自己喜欢的虚拟形象,捏脸,换衣服,打架,升级,购买装备, 社交,甚至可以在里面结婚,生子,饲养宠物,结拜兄弟组队一起冒险。其实除了没有开放共建的生态系统,他们也算是一个自己打造的虚拟世界。所以不少人认为游戏公司可能最适合率先打造元宇宙的世界,成为元宇宙的入口。

In fact, many games, especially the RPG game, create a virtual world in which they have their own social scenes, their own upgrading patterns, their own worldviews, their own economic systems, their own virtual images, their faces, their clothes, their fights, their upgrades, their equipment, their socialization, even marriage, their children, their pets, and their brother-in-law are risking together. In addition to having an open ecosystem, they are a virtual world of their own.

所理解的元宇宙 2.0 或者 3.0 版本,不仅仅只是游戏,也是一个去中心化的链上开源生态系统,应用场景也不仅仅是娱乐,而是可以在平台上社交、学习、工作、购物、看剧,看展览、运动、甚至投资理财等等同时进行的平行数字世界。为了实现这样一个元宇宙,需要多方力量共同搭建,没有任何一个巨头或者是个人能独立完成这项工作。因此我们认为游戏和 VR 只是元宇宙的入口,但除游戏和 VR 外,还有许多投资机会。关于元宇宙的的分类方式很多,接下来我尝试性的按投资人寻找项目的逻辑来分类阐述一下我认为元宇宙的投资机会在哪些方面,会因分类不同略有重复。

The meta-cosm 2.0 or version 3.0 is understood not only as a game, but also as an open-source ecosystem in a decentralised chain, with applications not just as entertainment, but as parallel digital worlds that can be carried out simultaneously on platforms, study, work, shopping, play, exhibition, sports, or even investment finance. In order to achieve such a meta-cosm, there is a need for multiple forces to build together, and no giant or individual can do it alone. So we think that games and VRs are only the portal to the meta-cosm, but there are many investment opportunities besides the game and VRs. There are many ways to classify meta-cosm, and then I try to categorize by the logic of the projects that investors look for.

粗略来说,元宇宙包括了这么几个方面的技术——芯片技术、 *** 通信技术、虚拟现实技术(VR/AR/MR/XR)、游戏技术(游戏引擎、游戏代码、多媒体资源)、AI人工智能技术、区块链技术。

Broadly speaking, the meta-cosmos includes technology & mdash; — chip technology, *** communications technology, virtual reality technology (VR/AR/MR/XR), game technology (game engine, game code, multimedia resources), AI artificial intelligence technology, block chain technology.


The meta-cosmos is a digital universe, a parallel world. So, the meta-cosmos is based on digital technology, which is inextricably linked to IT, CT.


In order to support the operation of the vast meta-cosmos, it is necessary, first and foremost, to have a very strong arithmetic and arithmetic.


Arithmetic is based on chips. Arithmetic. Software, and more long-term brain build-up and eco-management. People can build the meta-cosm with more talent and more resources.


Virtual reality technology, game technology, AI artificial intelligence are all in the IT category. The meta-cosm is also a hotspot from the perspective of CT communication.


Didn't you say & ldquo; everywhere & & rdquao; or what? Without communication, without a 5G/6G/all-light network with a low delay, users can't access the meta-cosm, they can't do it on a single machine, so what's the point?

指沉浸式的虚拟世界,英文Metaverse。这个虚拟世界由VR(虚拟现实)、AR(增强现实)等3D技术和互联网组成。用户可以在元宇宙中感受不一样的人生,或是体验与真实世界完全不同的世界。与现有 *** 游戏不同的是,元宇宙能给玩家带来更真实的感受,让玩家可以仿佛置身于虚拟世界当中,甚至可以做到无法区分真实与虚拟世界。元宇宙也被吹捧成了互联网的终极形态。

This virtual world is made up of 3D technologies such as VR (virtual reality), AR (enhanced reality) and the Internet. Users can feel different lives in metacosystems, or experience worlds that are completely different from the real world. *** Unlike the existing game, the metacosystems can give players a more real feeling that they can be in virtual worlds, even unable to distinguish between real and virtual worlds.

电影《黑客帝国》和《头号玩家》就是元宇宙概念。 元宇宙一词最早出自美国科幻小说《雪崩》。小说中描绘了一个与现实世界平行的虚拟世界,元界(Metaverse)。

The movie "The Hacker Empire" and "The Number One Player" are the concepts of the meta-cosmos. The term is the first to emerge from the American science fiction novel "Avalanche."

元宇宙(Metaverse),是人类运用数字技术构建的,由现实世界映射或超越现实世界,可与现实世界交互的虚拟世界 ,具备新型社会体系的数字生活空间。

Metaverse, a virtual world where humans use digital technology to map or transcend the real world, interact with the real world, and have digital living space for a new social system.


The term meta-cosm was born in 1992 in the science fiction novel Avalanche, which paints a vast virtual real world where people control digitally and compete with each other to improve their position. To this day, it still describes a world that is far ahead of the future.


From a business perspective, the meta-cosmos is still in its early stages of industrial development, and there is still a large gap between the underlying technology and the application landscape, and the mature shape of the future, but it also means that the industries associated with the meta-cosm have a huge space to expand. So, the digital technology giants with multiple advantages want to hold the market.

从 *** 来看,元宇宙不仅是重要的新兴产业,也是需要重视的社会治理领域。元宇宙资深研究专家马修·鲍尔提出:“元宇宙是一个和移动互联网同等级别的概念。”以移动互联网去类比元宇宙,就可以更好地理解 *** 部门对其关注的内在逻辑。 *** 希望通过参与元宇宙的形成和发展过程,以便前瞻性考虑和解决其发展所带来的相关问题。

*** The meta-cosm is not only an important emerging industry, but also an area of social governance that needs attention. Matthew & Middot, Senior Research Specialist in the meta-cosm, Paul proposes: & ldquo; the meta-cosm is a concept of the same level as mobile Internet. & & rdquo; the intrinsic logic of the sector’s concern with the monetic universe can be better understood *** by participating in the formation and development of the meta-cosm in order to consider and address the relevant issues arising from its development in a forward-looking manner. ***


What does this mean by metacosystems? The origin of the term metacosystems, more information about the metacosystems, please pay attention to other relevant script house articles!

Tag:元宇宙   是什么  



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