
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:80 评论:0
展开全部 随着区块链技术的创新,一个新的平台诞生了,它就是以太坊。以太坊不像比特币那样只是一种加密货币,它还存在其它特征,使其成为了一个巨大的分布式计算机。With the innovation of block chain...



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With the innovation of block chain technology, a new platform was created, and it's Ether. It's not just an encrypted currency like Bitcoin, but it has other features that make it a huge distributed computer.


So, what's in Tai Lo?


Specifically, Etheeum is a programming, visualizing, and more user-friendly block chain that allows anyone to write smart contracts and issue tokens. As in Bitcoin, it is centralized, recorded by the Internet, and the books are transparent and untraceable.


Unlike Bitcoin, Ether is a programmable block chain that provides a complete script language for Turing, so that developers can programme directly in advanced languages, such as C, into compilation languages, significantly reducing the difficulty of developing block chain applications.

为了更易理解,打个比方,以太坊就像是区块链里的Android,它是一个开发平台,让我们可以像基于Android Framework一样基于区块链技术写应用。它上面提供各种模块让用户来搭建应用,如果将搭建应用比作造房子,那么以太坊就提供了墙面、屋顶、地板等模块,用户只需像搭积木一样把房子搭起来,因此在以太坊上建立应用的成本和速度都大大改善。

To be more understandable, Ether is like Android in the block chain, which is a development platform that allows us to write applications based on block-chain technology, like Android Framewerk. It provides various modules that allow users to build applications, and if building applications are compared to building houses, the Ether provides modules such as walls, roofs, floors, etc., and users just put houses together like building blocks, so the cost and speed of building applications in ethermies are greatly improved.


In fact, in the absence of Ether, the block chain should be written as follows: copy a bitcoin code and then change the bottom code such as encryption algorithms, consensus mechanisms, network protocols, etc. (a lot of bountiful coins are like this, and a new coin comes out).


How does Etherwood work?


As in the case of other block chains, it requires thousands of people to run a software on their own computers to give impetus to the network. Each node (computer) in the network runs a software called the Etheraya Virtual Machine (EVM). If it is conceived as an operating system, it understands and implements the software produced in a particular programming language, and software/applications executed by the ether Virtual Machine are called “smart contracts”.


However, operating on this computer is not free of charge and requires payment of the network’s own encrypted currency, known as Ether. It is roughly the same as Bitcoin, except for the fact that it can pay for an intelligent contract in Ether.

回到以太坊的发展史,以太坊的概念首次在2013至2014年间由程序员Vitalik Buterin受比特币启发后提出,大意为“下一代加密货币与去中心化应用平台”,在2014年通过ICO众筹开始得以发展。

Returning to the development history of Etheria, the concept of Etheria was first proposed by programmer Vitalik Buterin, inspired by Bitcoin between 2013 and 2014, to the effect that the next generation of encrypted money and decentralized applications began to develop in 2014 through ICO crowd-mobilization.


As of February 2018, it was the second-highest encoded currency in market value, after Bitcoin.


For many programme engineers and investors, the day of 30 July 2015 was a big day, and after 18 months of gestation, the Tetsu block chain platform was finally officially launched, at around 11:45 a.m. in the office in Brooklyn, when the first creation block was created with the Tetsu block chain, and then a lot of fanatical miners wanted to win the first block, i.e., the Tetsu exclusive electronic currency, in the possession of the Tai currency.

根据该公司网站资料的说明,以太坊是一个去中心化的应用平台,以智能合约为例,设计师可以完全排除死机被监控,被诈骗或者是被第三方横加干预的可能,跟比特币一样,以太坊利用以太币吸引参加者,建立验证交易平台的网络架构,维持网络架构的运作,并且以共识决定哪些是真正发生过存在的事件,但是以太坊和比特币也有所不同,以太坊提供一些功能强大的工具,让投入开发的人创造出去,具有去中心化的软件服务,使用范围可以从线上 游戏 横跨到股票交易。

According to the company's website information, Tai Pa is a decentralised application platform where, in the case of smart contracts, designers can completely rule out the possibility of being monitored, defrauded or interfered with by a third party, as in Bitcoin, using TT$ to attract participants, setting up a network structure to validate the trading platform, maintaining the operation of the network structure, and deciding by consensus which events actually occurred, but in the case of Tai Pa and Bitco, there is also a difference in providing some powerful tools that can be created by those who invest in development, with decentralized software services that can be used online games that cut across stock exchanges.


In 2013, as in the case of 19-year-old Russian Canadians, Vitaly Botlin, who argued with the central developer of Bitcoin that the block-chain network architecture required a stronger manuscript language to develop other applications, his ideas were not adopted, but they led to a consensus on his idea of developing a sector-chain network architecture consistent with his own vision, a company that could be said to be his first step in introducing applications in the district chain in Etherno, and an interesting contrast would be found if we turned time back for a few years.

有位大师托瓦兹推出Linux作业系统的举动,正如布特林推出以太坊一样如出一辙。共识系统公司的联合创始人约瑟夫鲁宾谈到区块链以太坊的兴起时表示,我愈发觉得走上街头去贴海报诉求是很浪费时间的一件事,倒不如一起合作,在这个失衡的 社会 的经济体制带来要比较实际得改变。

A great master, Tovaz, launched the Linux operating system, just as he did in Butrin. Joseph Rubin, the co-founder of the Consensus System, talked about the rise of the district chain, said that I felt more and more that it was a waste of time to go to the streets to put up posters, rather than to work together, to bring about a more real change in the economic system of this unbalanced society.

跟许多创业者一样,鲁宾提出的愿望也很有企图心,他不只想要创立一家了不起的公司,也想借机克服这个世界上难解的问题。这个公司的应用程序会对十多个其他领域的产业带来震撼力十足的效果,他们的计划包括分布式的三重记账会计体系,针对原本广受好评,但是后来却因为集中管控儿而遭受争议的reddit论坛推出分布式的新版本,自动执行的文件格式进行管理,系统现在叫智能合约,涵盖商务 体育 和 娱乐 领域的预测市场、公开竞标的能源市场、足以和苹果电脑分庭抗礼的一整套可以供大规模协作集体创造,实现无管理阶层公司之共同管理机制的商务工具。

Like many entrepreneurs, Rubin’s aspirations are ambitious, and he wants not only to create a great company, but also to take advantage of the world’s troublesome problems. The company’s applications will have a powerful impact on industries in more than a dozen other fields, including a distributed triple accounting system, which has been well received, but which has since been contested by the Reddit Forum for its central control, which has introduced a new distributional version, auto-executed document format management, and now a smart contract, covering predictive markets in business, sports and entertainment, an open competitive energy market, and a set of business tools that can be created by large-scale collaborative collectives to achieve a common management mechanism for unmanageable companies.

以太坊Ethereum由V神(Vitalik Buterin)在2014年创办,它是一个区块链底层系统,类似于互联网的操作系统,基于它开发的DAPP(去中心化应用)类似于基于互联网操作系统开发的软件APP。

Ethereum, founded in 2014 by V-God (Vitalik Buterin), is a block chain bottom system similar to the Internet operating system and based on its DAPP (decentralized application) similar to the software APP based on the Internet operating system.


It has emerged mainly to make up for Bitcoins, which can only achieve point-to-point e-cash trading systems, but block chain technology cannot be applied in other settings. For each scenario, building a bottom base system is too time-consuming and energy-consuming to develop. To this end, Etheria has built a bottom system for developers, and developers only need to develop their own DAP applications on its basis.


Moreover, it is one of the best public chains in the block chain. However, its pace of dealing is too slow for many developers, who are constantly trying to change it.


The essence of Ether is a programable visualization and simple chain of blocks that allows anyone to write smart contracts and issue tokens (and this is one of the reasons why so many of the air currency types on the market are being distributed). Like Bitcoin, the Ether is decentralized, the whole network records all of Ether's information, and transparency is unalterable.


So you want to ask, what's the difference between Ethio and Bitcoin? In general, you can understand Ether as a chain of blocks that can be programmed, and it provides a complete script language on which subsequent developers can direct programming in languages such as c, which then translates into a compilation language, thus reducing the difficulty of developing the application of the block chain. As in Andre, api and interfaces are ready, the user can develop the logic. From the very beginning of Etherkorn's life to the present, hundreds of applications have been produced, and the Russian government has even worked with the Ethio Foundation.


I hope my answer will help you!


At the basic level, Ether is a software platform based on block chain technology. The platform allows for the construction and deployment of decentralized applications. What's Ether in Ether? People interested in Etherium often ask, "What is Ether?"


It is very important to know how it works, because it is based on the function of the talisman. As with all machines using some kind of fuel, so is the chain of blocks. Using the ethernet, it is a unique code that can be used to pay for applications or programs. Just as tiger machines need coins (or now prepaid cards) to run coins, customers have to use ether as a payment in order to run the operations they require in the tatho.


Everyone else's answers are really too much trouble.


It's too complicated.




In short, this is the conclusion:

以太坊等于 BTC+智能合约+合同自由+通缩资产+使用价值

Etheria equals BTC+Intelligent Contract+Contract Freedom+Condensed Assets+Use Value


It's not hard to understand.


The official definition is more treacherous:


Open-source public block chain platforms with smart contracts.


In the simple words of Taiwan, this is the conclusion:

以太坊等于 BTC+智能合约+合同自由+通缩资产+使用价值

Etheria equals BTC+Intelligent Contract+Contract Freedom+Condensed Assets+Use Value


Let me get this straight.

首先先来看下面这个视频:也就是以太坊创始人V神的视频 特别好的解释

First of all, look at this video: the video of the founder of the Etheraya V God, which is a very good explanation.


In the simple words of Taiwan, this is the conclusion:

以太坊等于 BTC+智能合约+合同自由+通缩资产+使用价值

Etheria equals BTC+Intelligent Contract+Contract Freedom+Condensed Assets+Use Value


The official definition is more treacherous:


Ether is a programable, visual block chain platform. It operates with a variety of functions, calculates the various types of data, etc.


Ether is a qualitative leap in block chain technology! Like http is a bottom-of-the-Internet support technology, and Ether is an ecological dapp based on a tather smart contract.



Ether is the foundation of the new era of the Internet:


built-in currency and payments.


Users have personal data sovereignty and are not subject to various applications to listen to or steal data.


Everyone has the right to use the open financial system.


It is based on a neutral and open-source infrastructure and is not controlled by any organization or individual.


以太坊主网于 2015 年上线,是世界领先的可编程区块链。

The Ether House Network, which came online in 2015, is the world's leading programmable block chain.

和其它区块链一样,以太坊也拥有原生加密货币,叫作 Ether (ETH)。 ETH 是一种数字货币, 和比特币有许多相同的功能。 它是一种纯数字货币,可以即时发送给世界上任何地方的任何人。 ETH 的供应不受任何政府或组织控制,它是去中心化且具稀缺性的。 全世界的人们都在使用 ETH 进行支付,或将其作为价值存储和抵押品。

It is a pure digital currency that can be sent instantaneously to anyone anywhere in the world. The supply of ETH is not controlled by any government or organization, it is decentralized and scarce.

但与其它区块链不同的是,以太坊可以做更多的工作。 以太坊是可编程的,开发者可以用它来构建不同于以往的应用程序。

But unlike other block chains, the Etherms can do more. The Etherms are programmed, and developers can use them to construct applications that are different from the past.


这些去中心化的应用程序(或称“dapps”)基于加密货币与区块链技术, 因而值得信任,也就是说 dapps 一旦被“上传”到以太坊,它们将始终按照编好的程序运行。 这些应用程序可以控制数字资产,以便创造新的金融应用; 同时还是去中心化的,这意味着没有任何单一实体或个人可以控制它们。

These decentralised applications (or dapps) are based on crypto-currency and block chain technology and are therefore trusted, which means that when they are “uploaded” to Etheria, they always run according to programmed procedures. These applications can control digital assets in order to create new financial applications; they are also decentralized, which means that no single entity or individual can control them.


At present, thousands of developers around the world are constructing applications and innovating new ones in the Tai Po, many of which are now available:

1.加密货币钱包:让你可以使用 ETH 或其他数字资产进行低成本的即时支付

1. Encrypted currency wallet: allows low-cost instant payments using ETH or other digital assets


2. Financial applications: allowing you to borrow and invest in digital assets


Going to the central market: allowing you to trade in digital assets and even “forecasts” of events in the real world

4. 游戏 :你可以拥有 游戏 内的资产,甚至可以由此获得现实收益以及更多。

4. Game: You can own the assets in the game and even get real benefits and more.


以太坊社区是世界上最大最活跃的区块链社区。它包括核心协议开发者、加密经济研究员、密码朋克、挖矿组织、ETH 持有者、应用开发者、普通用户、无政府主义者、财富 500 强公司。

The Etheraya community is the largest and most active block chain community in the world. It includes core agreement developers, encryption economic researchers, code punks, mining organizations, ETH holders, application developers, ordinary users, anarchists, wealth 500 strong companies.

没有公司或中心化的组织能够控制以太坊。 一直以来,以太坊由多元化的全球性社区贡献者来协同进行维护和改善,社区成员耕耘于以太坊的方方面面,从核心协议到应用程序。

There are no companies or centralised organizations that can control the Etherm. In the past, the Etherm has been maintained and improved by a diverse global community of contributors, with community members plowing across the Etherm, from the core protocol to the application.


It's the enemy of Ether. It's him!




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